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- object frmQuick: TfrmQuick
- Left = 84
- Top = 104
- BorderIcons = [biSystemMenu]
- AutoScroll = False
- Caption = 'Quick Start Help'
- ClientHeight = 423
- ClientWidth = 622
- Font.Color = clWindowText
- Font.Height = -11
- Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
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- object Memo1: TMemo
- Left = 0
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- Lines.Strings = (
- ' Quick Start for '#39'Everything I Own!'
- ''
- 'Thank you for your interest in this program, it is appreciated.'
- 'We hope you find it useful.'
- ''
- 'The first screen you will see is called a '#39'browse screen'#39'. This'
- 'will show a table listing all the '#39'Items'#39' you'#39've added to the da' +
- 'tabase.'
- ''
- 'To begin adding '#39'Items'#39' to the list.....,'
- ''
- 'Use your mouse to click on the button in the lower left hand cor' +
- 'ner of the'
- 'screen (Add Item). The screen will change to the '#39'Input Screen'#39 +
- ', there will be'
- 'a line cursor blinking in the '#39'Name of Item'#39' field. Type in the' +
- ' name of the'
- 'item, then press the '#39'TAB'#39' key to move to the next field. You c' +
- 'an move through'
- 'the entire record entry process by just typing the information a' +
- 'nd pressing'
- 'the '#39'TAB'#39' key to move to the next field or page.'
- ''
- 'There are four fields that are a little different. The first on' +
- 'e you see is'
- 'the '#39'Brand Name'#39'. These fields have a '#39'Down Arrow'#39' beside them.' +
- ' They'#39're'
- 'called List Boxes. When you add your first record, there won'#39't ' +
- 'be any entries'
- 'in this list. So just type in the '#39'Brand Name'#39', '#39'Sony'#39', for ins' +
- 'tance. A'
- 'message box will appear, asking if you want to add '#39'Sony'#39' to you' +
- 'r list of Brand'
- 'Names, click '#39'yes'#39'. The next time you add a record, '#39'Sony'#39' wil' +
- 'l appear in your'
- 'list of choices when you click the Arrow for Brand Name.'
- ''
- 'When the list boxes become populated, you can also use the Up an' +
- 'd Down Arrows'
- 'on your keyboard to view your choices.'
- ''
- 'Note,....'
- 'The '#39'Condition'#39' field is already populated. Click the Arrow nex' +
- 't to the box,'
- 'or use the Arrow keys on your keyboard to make a selection.'
- ''
- 'There are two fields for Dates, Purchased Date and Warranty Date' +
- '. The way your'
- 'system is set-up determines the way to enter a date in this fiel' +
- 'd. However, in'
- 'almost all cases in the USA, you can enter them as '#39'01/01/1997'#39' ' +
- ', or 1/1/1997.'
- 'It is strongly suggested, you type in the full year, 1997. Get ' +
- 'into this habit.'
- 'When we get to the year 2000, and a user types '#39'1/1/00'#39', the sy' +
- 'stem thinks the'
- 'date is January 1, 1900.'
- ''
- 'The last is a Comments field. Type anything you like in this fi' +
- 'eld.'
- 'Distinguishing marks, who gave this to you, whatever you want an' +
- 'd as much as you'
- 'want.'
- ''
- 'When finished, hit the '#39'TAB'#39' key again, the '#39'OK'#39' button will be ' +
- 'highlighted.'
- 'The press '#39'ENTER'#39', or click the '#39'OK'#39' button with your mouse.'
- ''
- 'You'#39've entered your first record.'
- ''
- 'The '#39'Close'#39' or '#39'Exit'#39' buttons are always in the lower right corn' +
- 'er of the'
- 'screens. Click on them to exit the screen or program.'
- ''
- 'BlueCollar Software has tried to make this program as easy as po' +
- 'ssible for the'
- 'novice user, yet powerful enough for the experienced. Click dif' +
- 'ferent buttons'
- 'and menu items on the screens. If you mess something up, it'#39's o' +
- 'ur fault, not'
- 'yours. We try to make our programs '#39'bullet-proof'#39'. If you have' +
- ' a problem, let'
- 'us know.'
- ''
- 'We can be reached at:'
- ''
- #9'e-mail -- billstur@blucollsoft.com'
- #9'compuserve -- 72630,1714'
- #9'internet -- www.blucollsoft.com'
- ''
- #9'regular mail --'
- #9#9'BlueCollar Software'
- #9#9'149 Patrick Ave.'
- #9#9'Urbana, OH 43078'
- ''
- 'Thank you,'
- ''
- 'Bill Sturgell'
- 'BlueCollar Software'
- '')
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- end
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- Left = 531
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