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Text File | 1999-01-04 | 28.2 KB | 1,077 lines |
- 1 Displays status message
- 112 Calibrate the printer
- 114 Edit user preferences
- 115 Select a different paper stock
- 117 View designs as they appear on a page
- 118 View designs one at a time
- 120 View inside of two page design
- 121 View outside of two page design
- 122 Show/Hide Vertical and Horizontal Rulers
- 123 Zoom to fit into window
- 124 Current zoom percentage
- 125 Zoom In
- 126 Zoom Out
- 127 Set a custom zoom level
- 128 Toggle button bar
- 129 Toggle variation bar
- 130 Toggles View to Inside/Outside
- 131 Zoom to the actual size
- 133 Create a new design
- 134 Insert a new design
- 135 Delete the current design
- 136 Duplicate the current design
- 137 Toggle the vary all option
- 138 Show/Hide individual item(s)
- 140 Goto the first design
- 141 Goto the previous design
- 142 Goto the next design
- 143 Goto the last design
- 144 Goto the previous block
- 145 Goto the next block
- 146 Select a drawing tool
- 158 Display information on the current template
- 165 Current Design / Number of Designs
- 166 Toggle Variation(s) Bar
- 167 Toggle Stock Buttons
- 168 Toggle Layout Buttons
- 169 Toggle Accent Buttons
- 170 Toggle Font Buttons
- 171 Toggle Point Size Buttons
- 172 Toggle Color Buttons
- 173 Displays the current template
- 174 Displays the current side (when applicable)
- 175 Displays the current field
- 177 Vertical Alignment (Top/Center/Bottom/Flush)
- 205 Undo/Redo operation
- 216 Configure the current Speed Tools
- 217 Show/Hide the Speed Tools
- 218 Show/Hide the control strip
- 219 Show/Hide the status strip
- 221 Open a design or database
- 222 Create a new design or database
- 223 Setup the printer
- 224 Exit DesignExpress
- 225 Close the current window
- 226 Open Recent File #1
- 227 Open Recent File #2
- 228 Open Recent File #3
- 229 Open Recent File #4
- 230 Open Recent File #5
- 231 Cascade all document windows
- 232 Tile all document windows
- 233 Arrange icons for minimized document windows
- 234 Close all document windows
- 237 Open the help index
- 239 DesignExpress Commands
- 240 Keyboard Commands
- 241 Get help on using help
- 242 About DesignExpress!
- 244 Search help
- 252 Enable/Disable Popup Help
- 253 Enable/Disable Tips of the Day
- 307 Open a new design
- 308 Open a previously saved design
- 310 Save the current design
- 312 Save the current design under a new name
- 317 Print the current design
- 319 Setup the printer
- 320 Send the file using mail
- 323 Cut current text/object(s) to clipboard
- 324 Copy current text/object(s) to clipboard
- 325 Paste text/object(s) from clipboard
- 326 Paste object with options
- 327 Select all design objects / frame text
- 328 Search for a string
- 329 Search for and replace a string
- 330 Repeat the last search
- 332 Bring an object to the front
- 333 Send and object to the back
- 348 Zoom to actual size (100%)
- 351 Zoom to 200%
- 352 Zoom to 75%
- 353 Zoom to 50%
- 354 Zoom to a custom amount
- 355 The Zoom tool!
- 356 Show/Hide the horizontal ruler
- 362 Show/Hide the vertical ruler
- 371 Edit character attributes
- 374 Set Bold character attribute
- 375 Set Italic character attribute
- 376 Set Underline character attribute
- 377 Set Word Underline character attribute
- 378 Set Paragraph attributes
- 384 Set Bullet attributes
- 385 Set Border attributes
- 386 Set Line attributes
- 387 Set Shade attributes
- 394 Set Tabstop attributes
- 409 Use the text tool
- 410 Use the picture tool
- 411 Use the table tool
- 412 Edit the current object attributes
- 413 Break apart grouped object(s)
- 416 Use the line tool
- 417 Use the rectangle tool
- 418 Use the rounded rectangle tool
- 419 Use the ellipse tool
- 421 Use the font effect tool
- 422 Use the OLE object tool
- 423 Toggle snap to grid option
- 424 Toggle snap to guides option
- 425 Setup the grid
- 426 Edit the horizontal guides
- 427 Edit the vertical guides
- 429 Edit the OLE object
- 430 Edit the links to an OLE object
- 432 Insert a field into text
- 448 Insert a symbol into text
- 449 Insert a merge field into text
- 451 Insert a picture into text
- 483 Set the merge file
- 488 Spell check the designs
- 900 DesignExpress
- 901 Working...
- 902 Error
- 903 Customize Speed Tools
- 904 QuikOn
- 905 QuikWindow
- 906 QuikNoButtons
- 907 QuikButton
- 908 CtrlStrip
- 909 StatusStrip
- 910 TipsOfDayOn
- 911 TipsOfDayIdx
- 912 Dictionaries
- 913 Filters
- 914 Clipart
- 915 Fonts
- 916 Control Strip
- 917 CtlStripClass
- 918 StatusStripClass
- 919 SpeedToolsClass
- 920 Speed Tools
- 921 DesignExpress (Evaluation Copy)
- 922 Thank You!
- 923 Your registration key has been accepted.\nThank you for registering your software!
- 924 Error
- 925 Incorrect name and/or key.\nEnter your registration name and key exactly as they appear
- 926 Notice
- 927 Your evalution period has been extended.\nThis is a one-time extension, you will not be allowed to extend it again!
- 1062 Calibrate
- 1096 Replace
- 1097 Send to Front
- 1098 Send to Back
- 1099 Undo/Redo
- 1100 Select All
- 1101 Edit Stocks
- 1102 Show Item
- 1105 Set Merge File
- 1106 Spell Check
- 1107 About SmartDesign
- 1108 Preferences
- 1119 Insert Merge Field
- 1304 Design
- 1305 Design %d
- 1307 Vertical
- 1308 Horizontal
- 1309 DesignExpress Calibration Sheet
- 1310 Printing Calibration Sheet...
- 1311 Loading Calibration Data...
- 1312 Setting Calibration Data...
- 1313 Generating Variation(s)...
- 1314 Inside
- 1315 Outside
- 1316 %d of %d
- 1317 User Object
- 1318 Checking Designs for Overflow
- 1321 Landscape
- 1322 SmartDesign Object
- 1323 Personal Favorites
- 1324 Remove from &Favorites
- 1325 Add to &Favorites
- 1326 Templates
- 1327 (sorted by product)
- 1328 SmartDesign that template is based on is missing!\n%s
- 1329 Could not find substring\n%s
- 1330 Not Found
- 1331 Zoom (%d%%)
- 1332 &+ Zoom In (%d%%)Ctrl +
- 1333 &- Zoom Out (%d%%)Ctrl -
- 1334 Merge Fields
- 1335 There are no merge fields in the designs to be printed!
- 1336 StartupFile
- 1337 Colors
- 1338 Templates
- 1339 View
- 1340 Select
- 1341 UserStock
- 1342 Calibrate
- 1343 Database
- 1344 Dialogs
- 1345 FileType
- 1346 Blank
- 1347 User
- 1348 Stock
- 1349 Desktop
- 1350 BoardLight
- 1351 BoardMedium
- 1352 BoardDark
- 1353 Directory
- 1354 DefZoom
- 1355 Mode
- 1356 nItems
- 1357 Category
- 1358 PathSpec
- 1359 Page
- 1360 Search
- 1361 Position
- 1362 Description
- 1363 CData
- 1364 Font
- 1365 3DForms
- 1366 Delete
- 1367 Close
- 1368 UserPath
- 1369 DatabasePath
- 1370 Preferences
- 1371 DefaultDesignType
- 1372 LastDesignType
- 1373 ShowBackground
- 1374 ShowWrap
- 1375 StickyTools
- 1376 Font Name
- 1377 Point Size
- 1378 Bold
- 1379 Italic
- 1380 Underline
- 1381 Horizontal Alignment
- 1382 Vertical Alignment
- 1383 I-Beam tool
- 1384 Pointer tool
- 1385 Rotation tool
- 1386 Text Frame tool
- 1387 Picture tool
- 1388 Text Effect tool
- 1389 Line tool
- 1390 Rectangle tool
- 1391 Rounded Rectangle tool
- 1392 Ellipse tool
- 1393 Stock
- 1394 Layout
- 1395 Accent
- 1396 Font
- 1397 Size
- 1398 Hide/Show Bar
- 1399 Zoom In
- 1400 Zoom Out
- 1401 Zoom Fit
- 1402 New Design
- 1403 Delete Design
- 1404 Insert Design
- 1405 Duplicate Design
- 1406 First
- 1407 Previous
- 1408 Next
- 1409 Last
- 1410 Zoom Tool
- 1411 Design Counter
- 1412 Searching for substring...
- 1413 DesignDir
- 1414 LastPictureType
- 1415 Actual Size
- 1416 PrintCheckOverflow
- 1417 NoSelection
- 1421 There is insufficient memory to paint the background picture(s).\nTurning off show background pictures.
- 1422 UserDirectories
- 1423 PictureDir
- 1424 DatabaseDir
- 1425 AlwaysPreviewPicture
- 1426 ShowBitmapBackground
- 1427 2 sided design
- 1428 Toggle Rulers
- 1429 Toggle Inside/Outside
- 1430 Insert Merge Field
- 1431 Block %d,
- 1432 , Side %d
- 1433 , Record %d
- 1434 This old file format is no longer supported!
- 1452 Default Color
- 1453 Cancel Printing?
- 1454 Overflow Checking was cancelled,\nWould you like to continue and print the designs?
- 1455 PageRef
- 1456 (All Types)
- 1457 SmartDesign that file was created with (%s) could not be found!
- 1458 Show Item
- 1459 Show/Hide item(s)
- 1460 Setting Preferences...
- 1462 FILE:
- 1463 Open
- 1464 Save As
- 1465 Shareware
- 1466 Version
- 1467 Stock %d
- 1468 Layout %d
- 1469 Accent %d
- 1470 Font %d
- 1471 Pt Size %d
- 1472 Color %d
- 1473 of %d
- 1475 OLE object tool
- 1476 .dsn
- 1477 StartupButtonBar
- 1478 StartupVariationBar
- 1479 NewBackground
- 1480 PrintBackground
- 1481 Error
- 1482 File is open!\nCannot save to an open design!
- 1483 PrintCropmarks
- 1484 (%d/%d)
- 1485 Print2Reverse
- 1486 Print2Prompt
- 1487 Print2Last
- 1488 Print2Inside
- 1489 Print2Outside
- 1490 ClipPrint
- 1491 Custom Template Error
- 1492 Total height (# Parts times Page Height) must not exceed %s.
- 1493 Bleed in block %ld causes an overlap with another design.
- 1494 Designs in block %ld overlap each other.
- 1495 Bleed in block %ld overlaps design in block %ld.
- 1496 Design in block %ld overlaps design in block %ld.
- 1497 Designs in block %ld exceed the page bounds.
- 1498 Custom
- 1499 Description
- 1500 Building the %s index
- 1501 Design
- 1502 User
- 1503 Database
- 1504 Overall size (bleed+size) in block %ld is smaller than it was previously\nsome objects may go beyond the bounds of the label.
- 1505 The number of sides has been reduced!\nThis may result in the loss of data from the template/file.
- 1506 Block %d of %d
- 1507 __cu
- 1508 This was created with a user defined, and as such,\ndoes not have any attached SmartDesign.
- 1509 Template name may not contain '\' character
- 1510 Template name is required!
- 1511 StockName
- 1512 (none)
- 1513 Designs in block(s) differ substantially from original SmartDesigns!\nDo you want to continue?
- 1514 Custom...
- 1515 Modify...
- 1516 Description is too long!
- 1517 Name is too long!
- 1518 Warning
- 1519 Are you sure you want to delete the template?\n%s
- 1526 &Undo New DesignCtrl+Z
- 1527 &Redo New DesignCtrl+Z
- 1528 &Undo Insert DesignCtrl+Z
- 1529 &Redo Insert DesignCtrl+Z
- 1530 &Undo Delete DesignCtrl+Z
- 1531 &Redo Delete DesignCtrl+Z
- 1532 &Undo Duplicate DesignCtrl+Z
- 1533 &Redo Duplicate DesignCtrl+Z
- 1534 &Undo Show ItemsCtrl+Z
- 1535 &Redo Show ItemsCtrl+Z
- 1538 &Undo Vary AllCtrl+Z
- 1539 &Redo Vary AllCtrl+Z
- 1540 &Undo VariationCtrl+Z
- 1541 &Redo VariationCtrl+Z
- 2000 Cannot create file
- 2001 Write error, Disk Full?
- 2002 Out of memory
- 2003 Margins must be between %s and %s
- 2004 The distance between margins must be between %s and %s
- 2005 The bullet must be between 3 and 127 points
- 2006 The horizontal position must be between %s and %s
- 2007 The vertical position must be between -20 and +20 points
- 2008 on
- 2009 Now Printing: %s
- 2010 To %s on %s
- 2011 All
- 2012 Norm Wt
- 2013 Bold
- 2014 No Under
- 2015 Cont Under
- 2016 Word Under
- 2017 Single Under
- 2018 Dbl Under
- 2019 Norm Space
- 2020 Expanded
- 2021 Condensed
- 2022 Norm Pos
- 2023 Super
- 2024 Sub
- 2025 Upright
- 2026 Italic
- 2027 No Stike Out
- 2028 Srike Out
- 2029 Norm Caps
- 2030 All Caps
- 2031 Black
- 2032 Blue
- 2033 Cyan
- 2034 Green
- 2035 Magenta
- 2036 Red
- 2037 Yellow
- 2038 White
- 2039 Pgf Char
- 2040 Tabs
- 2041 Bullet
- 2042 Bdr/Shade
- 2043 Drop Cap
- 2045 Left
- 2046 Right
- 2047 Center
- 2048 Flush
- 2049 No Hyph
- 2050 Adj Hyph
- 2051 2 Sep Hyph
- 2052 3 Sep Hyph
- 2053 Style
- 2054 Points
- 2055 Replace
- 2056 Replace
- 2057 Start
- 2058 No string or format specified
- 2059 No more occurences
- 2060 Search
- 2061 Skip
- 2062 Find &Next
- 2063 Suggesting...
- 2064 No More Suggestions
- 2065 Searching...
- 2066 Spell Check
- 2067 Spell check complete
- 2068 Word is not in system or user dictionary,\nUse it anyway?
- 2069 Cannot add word to ignore list
- 2070 Cannot add word to change list
- 2071 No misspelled words
- 2072 Zoom factor must be between 30% and 400%
- 2073 File not found
- 2074 Invalid picture file
- 2075 Untitled
- 2077 Can't &Undo Ctrl+Z
- 2078 Replace &Next... F3
- 2079 Find &Next F3
- 2080 Goto &Header
- 2081 Goto &Footer
- 2082 &Header
- 2083 &Footer
- 2084 Do you wish to save changes to %s?
- 2085 Ln %d
- 2086 Pg %d of %d
- 2087 OVR
- 2088 INS
- 2089 The point size must be between 1 and 999
- 2090 Text will be lost
- 2091 Warning
- 2092 Cannot insert a table into a text frame
- 2093 Error reading file
- 2094 Document contains an invalid table
- 2095 Invalid Document
- 2096 Cannot open file
- 2097 Invalid Table Operation
- 2098 Save Current Style?
- 2099 DesignExpress
- 2100 Exit DesignExpress?
- 2101 &Undo Typing Ctrl+Z
- 2102 &Redo Typing Ctrl+Z
- 2103 &Undo Format Ctrl+Z
- 2104 &Redo Format Ctrl+Z
- 2105 &Undo Cut Ctrl+Z
- 2106 &Redo Cut Ctrl+Z
- 2107 &Undo Paste Ctrl+Z
- 2108 &Redo Paste Ctrl+Z
- 2109 &Undo Replace Ctrl+Z
- 2110 &Redo Replace Ctrl+Z
- 2111 &Undo Spell Check Ctrl+Z
- 2112 &Redo Spell Check Ctrl+Z
- 2113 &Undo Insert Page Break Ctrl+Z
- 2114 Re&do Insert Page Break Ctrl+Z
- 2115 &Undo Thesaurus Ctrl+Z
- 2116 Re&do Thesaurus Ctrl+Z
- 2117 Speed Tools
- 2118 None
- 2119 Invalid version
- 2120 Guide value must be between %s and %s
- 2121 Cannot create temporary file
- 2122 Error writing temporary file
- 2123 Cannot open picture file
- 2124 The picture file '%s'
- 2125 Picture File Name
- 2126 Sc %d
- 2127 Auto
- 2128 Page Height
- 2129 This is a printer font. The closest matching Windows font will be used on your screen.
- 2130 This is a TrueType font. The same font will be used on both your printer and your screen.
- 2131 Delete character style '%s'?
- 2132 &Done
- 2133 &Add
- 2134 &Change
- 2135 Delete paragraph style '%s'?
- 2136 Number of columns must be between %d and %d
- 2137 &Copy Ctrl+C
- 2138 Cu&t Ctrl+X
- 2139 &Copy Text Ctrl+C
- 2140 Cu&t Text Ctrl+X
- 2141 &Copy Cells Ctrl+C
- 2142 Cu&t Cells Ctrl+X
- 2143 &Copy Object Ctrl+C
- 2144 Cu&t Object Ctrl+X
- 2145 &Paste Ctrl+V
- 2146 &Paste Text Ctrl+V
- 2147 &Paste Cells Ctrl+V
- 2148 &Paste Object Ctrl+V
- 2149 &Paste Objects Ctrl+V
- 2150 &Copy Objects Ctrl+C
- 2151 Cu&t Objects Ctrl+X
- 2152 Invalid range of records entered.
- 2153 &Undo Delete Object Ctrl+Z
- 2154 Re&do Delete Object Ctrl+Z
- 2155 &Undo New Object Ctrl+Z
- 2156 Re&do New Object Ctrl+Z
- 2157 &Undo Move Objects Ctrl+Z
- 2158 Re&do Move Objects Ctrl+Z
- 2159 &Undo Edit Object Ctrl+Z
- 2160 Re&do Edit Object Ctrl+Z
- 2161 &Undo Resize Object Ctrl+Z
- 2162 Re&do Resize Object Ctrl+Z
- 2163 &Undo Cut Cells Ctrl+Z
- 2164 Re&do Cut Cells Ctrl+Z
- 2165 &Undo Paste Cells Ctrl+Z
- 2166 Re&do Paste Cells Ctrl+Z
- 2167 &Undo Delete Cells Ctrl+Z
- 2168 Re&do Delete Cells Ctrl+Z
- 2169 &Undo Edit Rows Ctrl+Z
- 2170 Re&do Edit Rows Ctrl+Z
- 2171 &Undo Edit Cells Ctrl+Z
- 2172 Re&do Edit Cells Ctrl+Z
- 2173 &Undo Insert Rows Ctrl+Z
- 2174 Re&do Insert Rows Ctrl+Z
- 2175 &Undo Insert Columns Ctrl+Z
- 2176 Re&do Insert Columns Ctrl+Z
- 2177 &Undo Insert Object Ctrl+Z
- 2178 Re&do Insert Object Ctrl+Z
- 2179 &Undo Insert Field Ctrl+Z
- 2180 Re&do Insert Field Ctrl+Z
- 2181 &Undo Order Objects Ctrl+Z
- 2182 Re&do Order Objects Ctrl+Z
- 2183 &Undo Edit Character Style Ctrl+Z
- 2184 Re&do Edit Character Style Ctrl+Z
- 2185 &Undo Edit Paragraph Style Ctrl+Z
- 2186 Re&do Edit Paragraph Style Ctrl+Z
- 2187 &Undo Edit Guides Ctrl+Z
- 2188 &Redo Edit Guides Ctrl+Z
- 2189 &Undo Move Guide Ctrl+Z
- 2190 Re&do Move Guide Ctrl+Z
- 2191 &Undo Add Guide Ctrl+Z
- 2192 Re&do Add Guide Ctrl+Z
- 2193 &Undo Section Break Ctrl+Z
- 2194 Re&do Section Break Ctrl+Z
- 2195 &Undo Column Break Ctrl+Z
- 2196 Re&do Column Break Ctrl+Z
- 2197 The total number of cells cannot exceed 2700
- 2198 Delete Style
- 2199 Left
- 2200 Right
- 2201 First
- 2202 Before
- 2203 After
- 2204 %d%% Leading
- 2205 The start page must be between %d and %d
- 2206 The first page number must be between %d and %d
- 2207 The space before must be between %s and %s
- 2208 The space after must be between %s and %s
- 2209 The leading must be between %d and %d
- 2210 The number of columns must be between %d and %d
- 2211 The number of rows must be between %d and %d
- 2212 The number of columns must be between %d and %d
- 2213 The margins must be between %s and %s
- 2214 The object exceeds the design bounds
- 2216 Invalid text margins
- 2217 The wrap margin must be between %s and %s
- 2218 Invalid picture margins
- 2219 No Col Brk
- 2220 Col Brk
- 2221 No Pg Brk
- 2222 Pg Brk
- 2223 The left indent must be between %s and %s
- 2224 The right indent must be between %s and %s
- 2225 The first indent must be between %s and %s
- 2226 Invalid indent settings
- 2227 Invalid first indent
- 2228 The maximum number of rows is 1000
- 2229 &Undo Edit Column Width Ctrl+Z
- 2230 Re&do Edit Column Width Ctrl+Z
- 2231 &Undo Format Table Ctrl+Z
- 2232 Re&do Format Table Ctrl+Z
- 2233 Invalid or missing merge file, use Set Merge File.
- 2234 Invalid merge file.
- 2235 &Undo Format Section Ctrl+Z
- 2236 Re&do Format Section Ctrl+Z
- 2237 The sum of the left and right crop values cannot exceed 99%
- 2238 The sum of the top and bottom crop values cannot exceed 99%
- 2239 There is not enough room to insert columns into this table
- 2240 Selected Page(s)
- 2241 No Sup/Sub
- 2242 Sub %d/%d
- 2243 Super %d/%d
- 2244 .BAK
- 2245 Generate &Backup Files (%s)
- 2246 Records range between %d and %d
- 2247 FIELD %d
- 2248 There is not enough room to insert the cells into this table
- 2249 There is insufficient memory to print the picture '%s'\nDo you wish to continue and drop pictures?
- 2250 There is insufficient memory to paint one or more pictures.\nTurning on placeholders.
- 2251 Changing remaining words
- 2252 Customize Speed Tools
- 2253 Unable to create directory
- 2254 The system is critically low on memory.\nPlease close some documents and/or windows before continuing.
- 2255 Formatting...
- 2256 Envelopes
- 2257 Error
- 2258 Saving...
- 2259 Loading...
- 2260 Working...
- 2261 Cutting...
- 2262 Copying...
- 2263 Pasting...
- 2264 &Page Break
- 2265 &Page
- 2266 &Paste Table Ctrl+V
- 2267 &Undo Page Setup Ctrl+Z
- 2268 &Redo Page Setup Ctrl+Z
- 2269 &Undo Insert Table Ctrl+Z
- 2270 &Redo Insert Table Ctrl+Z
- 2271 (no words found)
- 2272 &Undo Numbering Ctrl+Z
- 2273 Re&do Numbering Ctrl+Z
- 2274 &Undo Bullets Ctrl+Z
- 2275 Re&do Bullets Ctrl+Z
- 2276 Cannot create temp picture file
- 2277 Bad picture file
- 2278 Picture file not found
- 2279 Character Shadow
- 2280 Character Fill
- 2281 Background Shade
- 2282 Frame Shade
- 2283 The sum of the left and right frame margins\ncannot exceed the width of the frame
- 2284 The sum of the top and bottom frame margins\ncannot exceed the height of the frame
- 2285 The frame margins cannot be negative
- 2286 The table of contents may only be inserted into the body text
- 2287 Generating Index...
- 2288 The index may not be inserted into a table
- 2289 Foot¬e Mark
- 2290 Foot¬e...
- 2291 &Goto Footnote
- 2292 &Goto Footnote Reference
- 2293 This frame is already linked to another frame\nDo you wish to unlink it?
- 2294 This frame is not empty
- 2295 You cannot link a frame to itself
- 2296 Click and drag to move indents
- 2297 Click and drag into the design to create a guide
- 2298 Destination page is within source pages
- 2299 Heading %d
- 2300 Normal
- 2301 Switch to page view?
- 2302 &Group
- 2303 Un&group
- 2304 Delete '%s'?
- 2305 Delete File
- 2306 Ch %d
- 2307 R&estart on each chapter
- 2308 R&estart on each page
- 2309 The short cut key is used by the character style '%s'\nDo you wish to override?
- 2310 The short cut key is used by the paragraph style '%s'\nDo you wish to override?
- 2311 The short cut key is a standard accelerator\nDo you wish to override?
- 2312 &Undo Group Objects Ctrl+Z
- 2313 &Redo Group Objects Ctrl+Z
- 2314 &Undo Insert Chapter Break Ctrl+Z
- 2315 &Redo Insert Chapter Break Ctrl+Z
- 2316 &Undo Ungroup Objects Ctrl+Z
- 2317 &Redo Ungroup Objects Ctrl+Z
- 2318 &Undo Link Objects Ctrl+Z
- 2319 &Redo Link Objects Ctrl+Z
- 2320 &Undo Generate Index Ctrl+Z
- 2321 &Redo Generate Index Ctrl+Z
- 2322 &Undo Generate Table Of Contents Ctrl+Z
- 2323 &Redo Generate Table Of Contents Ctrl+Z
- 2324 &Undo Insert Index Entry Ctrl+Z
- 2325 &Redo Insert Index Entry Ctrl+Z
- 2326 &Undo Insert Footnote Ctrl+Z
- 2327 &Redo Insert Footnote Ctrl+Z
- 2338 &Undo Promote Outline Ctrl+Z
- 2339 &Redo Promote Outline Ctrl+Z
- 2340 &Undo Demote Outline Ctrl+Z
- 2341 &Redo Demote Outline Ctrl+Z
- 2342 &Undo Insert Bookmark Ctrl+Z
- 2343 &Redo Insert Bookmark Ctrl+Z
- 2344 No such bookmark
- 2345 &Undo Edit Chapter Ctrl+Z
- 2346 &Redo Edit Chapter Ctrl+Z
- 2347 Level %d
- 2348 No Next
- 2349 Next
- 2350 No Together
- 2351 Together
- 2352 No Widow
- 2353 Widow
- 2354 &Undo Edit Dropcap Ctrl+Z
- 2355 &Redo Edit Dropcap Ctrl+Z
- 2356 Only portrait frames may be linked
- 2357 {INDEX:'%0.*s'}
- 2358 Index 1
- 2359 Index Heading
- 2360 {Bookmark:'%s'}
- 2361 SmlCap %d
- 2362 No SmlCap
- 2363 Space %d
- 2364 Pitch %d
- 2365 Converting RTF file (%d%%)...
- 2366 There is insufficient memory to preview the picture '%s'
- 2367 AutoCmds
- 2368 DateTime
- 2369 autodate_long
- 2370 H:MM AM
- 2371 xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx xx, 1999
- 2372 UserInfo
- 2374 FROM
- 2375 TO
- 2376 FACE
- 2377 TYPE
- 2378 PTSIZE
- 2379 DEFTYPE
- 2380 DEFFACE
- 2381 DO_RETURN
- 2382 Times New Roman
- 2383 Standard [4 1/8 x 9 1/2 in.]
- 2385 WIDTH
- 2386 LENGTH
- 2387 LEFTMAR
- 2389 TOPMAR
- 2390 BOTMAR
- 2391 DEFTAB
- 2392 FileHistory
- 2393 nFiles
- 2394 File
- 2395 Type
- 2396 TableGrid
- 2397 FrameGrid
- 2398 PgfBreaks
- 2399 FldCodes
- 2400 HRuler
- 2401 VRuler
- 2402 Guides
- 2403 DocBackup
- 2404 NewWindow
- 2405 Display
- 2406 UserDefined
- 2407 WP
- 2409 NORMAL.WT2
- 2410 Tab position must be between %s and %s
- 2411 FONTMAP
- 2412 nmap
- 2413 map%d
- 2414 [Style]
- 2415 Bookmark names cannot start with a number
- 2416 Rotating: %d%c
- 2417 Click or drag to select object(s)
- 2418 Click and drag to add a table
- 2419 Click and drag to add a picture
- 2420 Click and drag to zoom in on area
- 2421 Click and drag to add a line
- 2422 Click and drag to add a rectangle
- 2423 Click and drag to add a rounded rectangle
- 2424 Click and drag to add an ellipse
- 2425 Click and drag to add a text effect
- 2426 Select a corner to rotate current object
- 2427 Select a rotatable object (Text Frame/Text Effect/Picture)
- 2428 Click and drag to rotate object
- 2429 Click and drag to move object(s), Double click to edit object
- 2430 Click and drag to size object
- 2431 Click and drag to change object's wrap margins
- 2432 Header
- 2433 Footer
- 2434 Footnote
- 2435 Converting file [%d%%] ...
- 2436 Define Character Style
- 2437 Define Paragraph Style
- 2438 &Undo Rotate Object Ctrl+Z
- 2439 &Redo Rotate Object Ctrl+Z
- 2440 Import
- 2441 Export
- 2442 nConvert
- 2443 Save File
- 2444 Do you wish to save this file as a WordExpress document?
- 2445 The required text conversion utility is not found.\nRe-install converters.
- 2446 Set changes to current tab stop?
- 2447 unknown
- 2448 Save File As
- 2449 Open File
- 2450 WPPaths
- 2451 PicPath
- 2452 DBPath
- 2453 Set Merge File
- 2454 Set
- 2455 Clear
- 2456 Clear Merge File
- 2457 New Picture
- 2459 Control Strip
- 2463 The selected range is too large
- 2464 Switch to Text Mode
- 2465 Switch to Object Mode
- 2466 Paragraph Styles
- 2467 Font
- 2468 Point Size
- 2469 Bold On/Off
- 2470 Italic On/Off
- 2471 Underline On/Off
- 2472 Left Align Text
- 2473 Right Align Text
- 2474 Center Text
- 2475 Justify Text
- 2476 Left Tab
- 2477 Right Tab
- 2478 Center Tab
- 2479 Decimal Tab
- 2480 Text Frame Tool
- 2481 Picture Frame Tool
- 2482 Table Frame Tool
- 2483 Line Tool
- 2484 Rectangle Tool
- 2485 Rounded Rectangle Tool
- 2486 Circle/Ellipse Tool
- 2487 RFACE
- 2488 RPTSIZE
- 2489 RSTYLE
- 2490 STYLE
- 2493 &Undo Fit In One Less Page Ctrl+Z
- 2494 &Redo Fit In One Less Page Ctrl+Z
- 2495 A document cannot be saved using the same name as an open document
- 2496 Add Picture
- 2497 Add Object
- 2498 Cannot create object
- 2499 OK
- 2500 Invalid page range
- 2501 Promote text
- 2502 Demote text
- 2503 Change to body text
- 2504 Show text
- 2505 Hide text
- 2506 Display level 1 text
- 2507 Display level 2 text
- 2508 Display level 3 text
- 2509 Display level 4 text
- 2510 Display level 5 text
- 2511 Display level 6 text
- 2512 Display level 7 text
- 2513 Display level 8 text
- 2514 Display level 9 text
- 2515 Display all text
- 2516 Text Effect Frame Tool
- 2517 Rotation Tool
- 2518 Text Frame Link Tool
- 2519 OldRulerStyle
- 2520 WPZOOM
- 2521 TYPE
- 2522 VALUE
- 2523 WPBLT
- 2524 TYPE
- 2525 SIZE
- 2526 XPOS
- 2527 YPOS
- 2528 COLOR
- 2529 BLTCH
- 2530 FACE
- 2531 Check &word at cursor
- 2533 HEIGHT
- 2534 TOC
- 2535 INDEX
- 2536 DOS
- 2538 ASCII.WT2
- 2539 Load Style
- 2540 Save Style
- 2541 &Undo Insert Symbol Ctrl+Z
- 2542 Re&do Insert Symbol Ctrl+Z
- 2543 Text Color
- 2544 PicType
- 2545 PicPreview
- 2546 DBType
- 2547 DocView
- 2548 BGColor
- 2549 FGColor
- 2550 Insert File
- 2551 &Open
- 2552 &OK
- 2553 File is read only
- 2556 Master Page
- 2557 Left Master
- 2558 Right Master
- 2559 &Undo Toggle Case Ctrl+Z
- 2560 Re&do Toggle Case Ctrl+Z
- 2561 Index 2
- 2562 FindCase
- 2563 Your Text Here
- 2564 You cannot group linked text frames
- 2565 Normal Fonts - All Characters
- 2566 Normal Fonts - Special Characters
- 2567 Page header is positioned outside the top margin
- 2568 Page footer is positioned outsied the bottom margin
- 2570 Edit Fi&eld
- 2571 Insert Fi&eld
- 2572 (zero fill)
- 2573 (reset)
- 2901 Cut
- 2902 Copy
- 2903 Paste
- 2904 Open
- 2905 Save As
- 2906 New
- 2914 Print
- 2915 Printer Setup
- 2919 Undo/Redo
- 2927 Find
- 2928 Find Next
- 2932 Save
- 3000 Database
- 3001 Record %s of %d
- 3002 (new)
- 3004 Database %s has deleted records in it, pack now
- 3005 TRUE
- 3006 FALSE
- 3007 YES
- 3008 NO
- 3009 (none)
- 3010 &Undo Add RecordCtrl+Z
- 3011 &Redo Add RecordCtrl+Z
- 3012 &Undo Delete RecordCtrl+Z
- 3013 &Redo Delete RecordCtrl+Z
- 3014 &Undo Update RecordCtrl+Z
- 3015 &Redo Update RecordCtrl+Z
- 3016 &Undo Sort FieldsCtrl+Z
- 3017 &Redo Sort FieldsCtrl+Z
- 3018 Find Record
- 3019 Reached end of database\nContinue from beginning?
- 3020 Record was not found!
- 3021 Database Exists
- 3022 Database ''%s%s%s'' already exists, Overwrite?
- 3023 Field Error
- 3024 String is too long!
- 3025 Not a Valid Number!
- 3026 Not a Valid Boolean value!
- 3027 Internal Error!!!
- 3028 &Undo Set Field NamesCtrl+Z
- 3029 &Redo Set Field NamesCtrl+Z
- 3030 &Paste Text
- 3031 &Paste Record
- 3032 Can''t &Paste
- 3033 &Undo Cut RecordCtrl+Z
- 3034 &Redo Cut RecordCtrl+Z
- 3035 &Undo Paste RecordCtrl+Z
- 3036 &Redo Paste RecordCtrl+Z
- 3037 Database Record locked
- 3038 Record is being modified in\n''%s''\nUpdate Changes?
- 3039 Database is Open
- 3040 Database ''%s%s%s'' is currently being used!
- 3041 Warning
- 3042 Are you sure you want to delete\nRecord %d of %d
- 3043 Are you sure you want to close\n''%s''?
- 3044 Save Field Changes
- 3045 Field name has changed\nSave changes?
- 3046 Field Error
- 3047 A field name is duplicated!
- 3048 Save Database As
- 3049 Create Database
- 3050 Create
- 3051 Save As
- 3052 Control Strip
- 3101 New Record
- 3103 Save Record
- 3105 Cancel Changes
- 3107 Set Sort Field
- 3108 Change Field names
- 3123 Page Setup
- 3124 Cut Record
- 3125 Copy Record
- 3126 Delete Record
- 3127 Size Window to Form
- 3201 Save database under a new name
- 3202 Setup page parameters for printing
- 3203 Delete the current record
- 3204 Cut the current record to the clipboard
- 3205 Copy the current record to the clipboard
- 3206 Find a record
- 3207 Repeat the last find
- 3208 Edit MicroVision Preferences
- 3209 Add a new record
- 3210 Save the current record
- 3211 Cancel editing on current record
- 3212 Setup the sort fields
- 3213 Rename the fields
- 3214 Goto the first record
- 3215 Goto the previous record
- 3216 Goto the next record
- 3217 Goto the last record
- 3218 Size the window to fit the current form
- 3501 Goto the first record
- 3502 Goto the previous record
- 3503 Goto the next record
- 3504 Goto the last record
- 3505 Create a new record
- 3506 Save the current record
- 3507 Cancel changed to the record
- 3508 Set the sort fields
- 3509 Setup the field names
- 3510 Displays the current record and number of records
- 12001 Select stock style
- 12101 Select layout style
- 12201 Select accent style
- 12301 Select font style
- 12401 Select point size style
- 12501 Select color style
- 21004 Switch to I-Beam mode
- 21005 Switch to pointer mode
- 21006 Rotation tool
- 21007 Create a text frame
- 21008 Create a picture frame
- 21009 Create a text effect
- 21010 Create a line
- 21011 Create a rectangle
- 21012 Create a rounded rectangle
- 21013 Create an ellipse
- 21014 Create a table frame
- 21015 Group Pointer Tool (beta only)
- 21016 Group Relation Tool (beta only)
- 21017 Link Tool (should be deleted)
- 21019 Select typeface on selected text
- 21020 Select point size of selected text
- 21021 Bold selected text
- 21022 Italicize selected text
- 21023 Underline selected text
- 21024 Horizontal Alignment (Left/Right/Center/Justify)
- 31009 Size the application window
- 31010 Size the document window
- 31011 Move the application window
- 31012 Move the document window
- 31013 Minimize the application window
- 31014 Minimize the document window
- 31015 Maximize the application window
- 31016 Maximize the document window
- 31017 Close the application window and exit the program
- 31018 Close the document window
- 31019 Restore the application window to its nominal size
- 31020 Restore the document window to its nominal size
- 31021 Switch to the next document window
- 31022 Switch to other active applications
- 31023 Restore, move, size, close application window
- 31024 Restore, move, size, close document window