home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 4000 *.PRN
- 4001 and
- 4002 &Cancel
- 4003 C&lear
- 4004 &Close
- 4005 &OK
- 4006 &Test
- 4007 Standard Report (No Columns)
- 4008 User Defined Format
- 4009 Average
- 4010 Count
- 4011 Maximum
- 4012 Minimum
- 4013 Sum
- 4014 Cannot open database file!
- 4015 Locate Missing Database
- 4016 *.DBF
- 4017 Databases
- 4018 ** Error **
- 4019 ARIAL
- 4020 Suppress Messages
- 4021 Invalid Cross-Tab Column expression:
- 4022 Invalid Datasource Object:
- 4023 Invalid Filter expression:
- 4024 Invalid Eject When expression:
- 4025 Invalid Field Object expression:
- 4026 Invalid Group expression:
- 4027 Invalid Picture Object expression:
- 4028 Invalid Print When expression:
- 4029 Invalid Seek expression:
- 4030 Invalid While expression:
- 4031 Invalid Relationship between:
- 4032 Invalid Cross-Tab Row expression:
- 4033 Invalid Section Object:
- 4034 Invalid Cross-Tab Summary expression:
- 4035 Invalid Table Object:
- 4036 Invalid Section Trigger:
- 4037 Invalid Variable Update expression:
- 4038 Invalid Variable Init expression:
- 4039 The following error was encountered while
- 4040 Cannot create SQL Buffer file:
- 4041 An undeterminable error was encountered while
- 4042 <All Tables>
- 4043 Expression Builder
- 4044 There is an error in the expression!
- 4045 logical (True or False)
- 4046 Warning: There may be an error in the expression! Return to Expression Builder?
- 4047 Expression:
- 4048 The expression is valid.
- 4049 Fields:
- 4050 Functions:
- 4051 Table:
- 4052 Variables:
- 4053 All Files
- 4054 Cannot open file:
- 4055 File Error!
- 4056 Invalid File Format!
- 4057 Report file format is invalid.
- 4058 File Open Error!
- 4059 Group Ftr:
- 4060 Group Hdr:
- 4061 Invalid object type.
- 4062 Labels
- 4063 ODBC
- 4064 Connect To
- 4065 Connection
- 4066 ODBC reports are not supported in this version.
- 4067 Select Table
- 4068 Set Login To
- 4069 Password:
- 4070 &Close
- 4071 Closes the Print Preview Window
- 4072 P&age
- 4073 &First
- 4074 Move to the First Page in the Report
- 4075 &Go to
- 4076 Move to a Specified Page
- 4077 &Last
- 4078 Move to the Last Page
- 4079 &Next
- 4080 Move to the Next Page
- 4081 &Previous
- 4082 Move to the Previous Page
- 4083 &Print
- 4084 Prints the Report
- 4085 &Window
- 4086 &Cascade
- 4087 Arrange Report Windows in a Cascade
- 4088 &Tile
- 4089 Arrange Report Windows Tiled
- 4090 &Zoom
- 4091 &In
- 4092 Zoom in
- 4093 &Out
- 4094 Zoom out
- 4095 Print File Name
- 4096 Print Files
- 4097 Cannot initialize printer device.
- 4098 Go To Page Number:
- 4099 Page:
- 4100 Database Drivers
- 4101 Report Error!
- 4102 Page
- 4103 Report
- 4104 Section
- 4105 Do you wish to select another driver?
- 4106 connecting to Data Source
- 4107 exporting Section configuration
- 4108 getting a Bookmark
- 4109 fetching data from Data Source
- 4110 moving to the first logical record
- 4111 returning to a Bookmark
- 4112 fetching the next logical record
- 4113 fetching the previous record
- 4114 Executing report expressions
- 4115 Sorting multiple tables
- 4116 reporting
- 4117 reading Band configuration
- 4118 reading Datasource configuration
- 4119 reading Ellipse Object configuration
- 4120 reading Field Object configuration
- 4121 reading Grouping information
- 4122 reading Line Object configuration
- 4123 reading Picture Object configuration
- 4124 reading Printer configuration
- 4125 reading Rectangle Object configuration
- 4126 reading Report configuration
- 4127 reading Section configuration
- 4128 reading Sort Order information
- 4129 reading Text Object configuration
- 4130 reading Variable information
- 4131 validating Band Expressions
- 4132 validating Section Expressions
- 4133 validating Ellipse Object Expressions
- 4134 validating Field Object Expressions
- 4135 validating Group Expressions
- 4136 validating Line Object Expressions
- 4137 validating Picture Object Expressions
- 4138 validating Rectangle Object Expressions
- 4139 validating Section Expressions
- 4140 validating Text Object Expressions
- 4141 validating Variable Expressions
- 4142 User ID:
- 4143 Warning!
- 4144 Invalid Print Preview Object:
- 4145 Invalid Sort Order expression:
- 4146 Print range begins after end of report
- 4147 Page: XXX of YYY
- 4148 Invalid X-Axis Label expression:
- 4149 Invalid Graph Column expression:
- 4150 validating Graph Expressions
- 4151 numeric
- 4152 loading imaging library
- 4153 during image processing
- 4154 during graphing
- 4155 Can't load library:
- 4156 Expression must return a
- 4157 or
- 4158 value!
- 4159 date
- 4160 string
- 4161 initializing Graph object
- 4162 Graphing library is not loaded.
- 4163 Can't initialize graph object.
- 4164 Please wait...Executing query
- 4165 Please wait...Closing query
- 4166 Initializing report
- 4167 Finishing export...Please wait
- 4168 Calculating page count...
- 4169 Export Error
- 4170 Could not start export. Export library not found.
- 4171 Could not start export. Export library is wrong version.
- 4172 Numeric
- 4173 String
- 4174 Date
- 4175 Logical
- 4176 Memo
- 4177 Unknown Type
- 4178 Length
- 4179 Decimals
- 4180 Export
- 4181 &Advanced
- 4182 Choose Export Format
- 4183 Rich Text Format (RTF Word 6.0/95)
- 4185 Rich Text Format (RTF Word 97)
- 4186 Hypertext Mark-Up Language (HTML 3.2)
- 4187 Advanced HTML Settings
- 4188 The Column Tolerance groups columns within the specified number of pixels.
- 4189 The Row Tolerance groups rows within the specified number of pixels.
- 4190 HTML Export
- 4191 RTF Export
- 4192 &Export
- 4193 Exports the Report
- 4194 Text Format
- 4195 Text Export
- 4196 Row Tolerance in pixels:
- 4197 Column Tolerance in pixels:
- 4198 ExpBlk: Out of memory
- 4199 Out of memory!
- 4200 SQL Data Source
- 4500 (A)
- 4501 Background Band
- 4502 Summary
- 4503 Open Image
- 4504 *.BMP;*.JPG;*.PCX;*.PNG;*.TGA
- 4505 Bitmap Expression
- 4506 Picture Files
- 4507 Bold
- 4508 Bottom:
- 4509 Bottom Color
- 4510 Bottom Style
- 4511 Bottom Thickness
- 4512 Force Page Eject
- 4513 Force page eject after band is rendered
- 4514 Force Eject When...
- 4515 Set the expression that governs if to force a page eject after band is rendered
- 4516 Fixed Size
- 4517 Render band using designed size
- 4518 Skip if Empty
- 4519 Skip rendering if band is empty
- 4520 Print When...
- 4521 Set the expression that governs when to render the band
- 4522 Band Size
- 4523 Set the band's vertical size directly
- 4524 Print on Every Page
- 4525 Force the band to be rendered on each page as necessary
- 4526 Select All in Band
- 4527 Select all objects in the band.
- 4528 Enter band size in centimeters
- 4529 Band Size Error
- 4530 Band size cannot be less than zero.
- 4531 Enter band size in inches
- 4532 &Add
- 4533 &Apply All
- 4534 Change
- 4535 Clear
- 4536 &Delete
- 4537 &Font
- 4538 &Help
- 4539 &Select
- 4540 Cannot create report file:
- 4541 CM
- 4542 Columns:
- 4543 Cross-Tab Properties
- 4544 Cross-Tab Column
- 4545 Column Expression
- 4546 Cross-tab col expression invalid
- 4547 Column Expression
- 4548 Cross-Tab Row
- 4549 Row Expression
- 4550 Cross-tab row expression invalid
- 4551 Row Expression
- 4552 Cross-Tab Summary
- 4553 Summary Expression
- 4554 Cross-tab summary expression invalid
- 4555 Summary Function:
- 4556 Summary Expression
- 4557 Cross-Tab Tag
- 4558 Cross-Tab Col Total
- 4559 Custom Size
- 4560 Additional Database Driver
- 4561 Driver Description
- 4562 Driver Name
- 4563 Driver Class (Optional)
- 4564 Delete Bands?
- 4565 The Header or Footer band contains objects. Do you wish to delete the Bands?
- 4566 Delete Section?
- 4567 Do you wish to delete the current Section?
- 4568 (D)
- 4569 Line Style
- 4570 Set the line style of the selected line(s)
- 4571 135-degree angle lines
- 4572 45-degree angle lines
- 4573 AutoSize
- 4574 Size the selected object(s) to estimated sizing requirements
- 4575 Background
- 4576 Set the background style for the selected object(s)
- 4577 Blue
- 4578 Border
- 4579 Border Style
- 4580 Set the border style for the selected object(s)
- 4581 Center
- 4582 Clip Image to Fit Frame
- 4583 Color
- 4584 Crossed Lines
- 4585 Cross-Tab Config
- 4586 Dash Dot Line
- 4587 Dash Dot Dot Line
- 4588 Dashed Line
- 4589 Dotted Line
- 4590 Embed Image
- 4591 Expression
- 4592 Field Definition
- 4593 Field Style
- 4595 Set the specifications for the selected object(s)
- 4596 Fill Style
- 4597 Font
- 4598 Set the font for the selected object(s)
- 4599 Full Justification
- 4600 Green
- 4601 Hide Shadow
- 4602 Horizontal lines
- 4603 Left Align
- 4604 Line Style
- 4605 Picture:
- 4606 Picture Definition
- 4607 Picture Style
- 4608 Print Duplicates
- 4610 Set the specs for the selected picture(s)
- 4611 Red
- 4612 Right Align
- 4613 Rounded Corners
- 4614 Rounded Ecliptic
- 4615 RTF Stream
- 4616 Shadowing
- 4617 Set the shadow style for the selected object(s)
- 4618 Stretch Frame to Fit Image
- 4619 Solid fill
- 4620 Solid Line
- 4621 Stretch Image to Fit Frame
- 4622 Stretch to Frame / Retain Aspect
- 4623 Style
- 4624 Text Style
- 4625 Text Align
- 4626 Set the text alignment for the selected object(s)
- 4627 Transparent
- 4628 Vertical Lines
- 4629 Vertical Size
- 4630 X'ed lines
- 4631 Delete Item?
- 4632 Do you wish to delete '
- 4633 ' and all it's children?
- 4634 Sort Order
- 4635 Optimize Sort Order
- 4636 Filter
- 4637 Optimize Filter
- 4638 FILTER:
- 4639 SORT:
- 4640 Error
- 4641 <Functions>
- 4642 <Variables>
- 4643 False
- 4644 Field Expression
- 4645 Reports
- 4646 .RPT
- 4647 File Name
- 4648 File Name Expression
- 4649 Files
- 4650 Filter
- 4651 Seek
- 4652 While
- 4653 Font Color
- 4654 Font Height
- 4655 Font Name
- 4656 Force Eject When
- 4657 Browse Field Values
- 4658 Field Wizard
- 4659 Available Fields
- 4660 Selected Fields
- 4661 Grid Resolution
- 4662 Grouping
- 4663 &Define
- 4664 Define Group
- 4665 &Edit
- 4666 Expression cannot be blank
- 4667 There is an error in the Expression
- 4668 Expression:
- 4669 Groups
- 4670 Group Name:
- 4671 Group Name cannot be empty
- 4672 Group Name already exists
- 4673 has been modified.
- 4674 Height:
- 4675 Horizontial:
- 4676 Horizontial Gap:
- 4677 Select Index
- 4678 Index file is not valid for this table!
- 4679 Index File Name
- 4680 Select Index for
- 4681 Index Tag
- 4682 Inches
- 4683 Do you wish to save the changes?
- 4684 Italic
- 4685 Inner
- 4686 Left Outer
- 4687 Outer
- 4688 Right Outer
- 4689 Labels/Record:
- 4690 Left:
- 4691 Left Color
- 4692 Left Style
- 4693 Left Thickness
- 4694 Length:
- 4695 Line Color
- 4696 Line Style
- 4697 Line Thickness
- 4698 Margins
- 4699 Centimeters
- 4700 Sets measurements to metric centimeters
- 4701 Inches
- 4702 Sets measurements to inches
- 4703 <NIL>
- 4704 OBJECT:
- 4705 Object Inspector
- 4706 Open Report
- 4707 Open Table
- 4708 Ascending
- 4709 Sort Order
- 4710 Descending
- 4711 Sorted By
- 4712 Unique Order
- 4713 Do you wish to overwrite your changes?
- 4714 Page Body
- 4715 Page Footer
- 4716 Page Header
- 4717 Page Size
- 4718 Windows Bitmap (*.bmp)
- 4719 *.BMP
- 4720 CompuServe (*.gif)
- 4721 *.GIF
- 4722 JPG (*.jpg)
- 4723 *.JPG
- 4724 PC Paintbrush (*.pcx)
- 4725 *.PCX
- 4726 PNG (*.png)
- 4727 *.PNG
- 4728 TIFF (*.tif)
- 4729 *.TIF
- 4730 Targa (*.tga)
- 4731 *.TGA
- 4732 Picture Source
- 4733 Bitmap returned from an Expression
- 4734 File Name returned from an Expression
- 4735 Directly from File
- 4736 Select the Picture Source
- 4737 Picture
- 4738 Pixels
- 4739 Please Wait...Report in progress
- 4740 Height:
- 4741 Left:
- 4742 Object Coordinates
- 4743 Top:
- 4744 Width:
- 4745 Set Position/Size
- 4746 Print -
- 4747 Print Left to Right
- 4748 Preview -
- 4749 Print to File Name:
- 4750 Print Top to Bottom
- 4751 Print When
- 4752 Set the expression that governs when to print the selected object(s)
- 4753 Opens the file:
- 4754 Cannot open table with the selected driver.
- 4755 Local Table
- 4756 Fatal Error! Cannot reopen table!
- 4757 Table Relationships
- 4758 Child Expression
- 4759 Index File Name
- 4760 One To Many
- 4761 One To One
- 4762 Parent Expression
- 4763 Select Index for
- 4764 Index Tag
- 4765 Relationship Type
- 4766 CHILD EXP:
- 4767 FILE:
- 4768 PARENT EXP:
- 4769 RDD:
- 4770 RECORDS:
- 4771 Index Tags
- 4772 Record Order
- 4773 Add Child Table/SQL Query
- 4774 Delete Item
- 4775 Index
- 4776 Relationship
- 4777 Change RDD
- 4778 Seek Expression
- 4779 While Expression
- 4781 Report Properties
- 4782 Report Title:
- 4783 Right:
- 4784 Right Color
- 4785 Right Style
- 4786 Right Thicknes
- 4787 [New]
- 4788 ReportPro Properties
- 4789 Collation
- 4790 Epoch
- 4791 Metric
- 4793 Replaceable Database Drivers
- 4794 Automatic OEM/ANSI conversion
- 4795 Include century when displaying dates
- 4796 Include deleted records
- 4797 Default Report Directory
- 4798 Database Path
- 4799 Temporary Files Path
- 4800 RpEllipse
- 4801 RpEmbedded Section
- 4802 RpField
- 4803 RpLine
- 4804 RpPicture
- 4805 RpRectangle
- 4806 RpText
- 4807 Add Child Table
- 4808 any value
- 4809 << Back
- 4810 Report Wizard - Cross-Tab Report
- 4811 equal to
- 4812 expression:
- 4813 Finish
- 4814 Lay fields out in Form Format
- 4815 greater than
- 4816 Simulate Greenbar in Body Band
- 4817 Heading
- 4818 is
- 4819 is not
- 4820 Report Wizard - Label Report
- 4821 less than
- 4822 Next >>
- 4823 or equal to
- 4824 Report Title
- 4825 Select Main Table
- 4826 similar to
- 4827 Report Wizard - Standard Report
- 4828 Title
- 4829 Data Source
- 4830 Fields
- 4831 Sorting
- 4832 Grouping
- 4833 Filtering
- 4834 Style
- 4835 Label
- 4836 Cross-Tab
- 4837 Lay fields out in Table Format
- 4838 Include a Title Page
- 4839 View Layout
- 4840 Save Report As
- 4841 An error occurred while saving the report!
- 4842 Save Report?
- 4843 Save Report Error!
- 4844 Section Properties
- 4845 Section Types
- 4846 Triggered
- 4847 Section
- 4848 Cross-Tab
- 4849 Embedded
- 4850 Embedded Cross-Tab
- 4851 Label/Column
- 4852 Add Section
- 4853 Delete Section
- 4854 Header and Footer Bands
- 4855 Trigger
- 4856 Print When
- 4857 Page Properties
- 4858 Column/Label Properties
- 4859 Standard
- 4860 Summary
- 4861 Title
- 4862 Triggered
- 4863 Triggered L/C
- 4864 Section Trigger
- 4865 Landscape
- 4866 Portrait
- 4867 Set Paper Size?
- 4868 The paper size for the displayed section has been changed. Do you wish to change the paper size for all sections?
- 4869 Shadow Style
- 4870 Shadow X
- 4871 Shadow Y
- 4872 Always Use
- 4873 SQL Select Statement
- 4874 Delimit With:
- 4875 Distinct
- 4876 SQL executed without error.
- 4877 Filter
- 4878 From
- 4879 The FROM clause has been modified in the SQL Properties Dialog.
- 4880 Group By
- 4881 Having
- 4882 Order By
- 4883 SQL Table Relationship
- 4884 Child Expression
- 4885 Join Type
- 4886 Relationship Properties
- 4887 Parent Expression
- 4888 Select
- 4889 Show SQL
- 4890 Test SQL
- 4891 Union
- 4892 Where
- 4893 The WHERE clause has been modified in the SQL Properties Dialog.
- 4894 SQL Query
- 4895 Login
- 4896 SQL Properties
- 4898 SQL Table
- 4899 Add Child SQL Table
- 4900 Text
- 4901 The Report
- 4902 to
- 4903 Top:
- 4904 Top Color
- 4905 Top Style
- 4906 Top Thickness
- 4907 True
- 4908 Underline
- 4909 Assignment Expression cannot be empty
- 4910 Error in Assignment Expression
- 4911 Assignment Expression
- 4912 Variables
- 4913 Exp
- 4914 Expression:
- 4915 Initialization Expression cannot be blank
- 4916 Error in Initialization Expression
- 4917 Initialization Expression
- 4918 Initial Value:
- 4919 Name:
- 4920 Variable Name cannot be empty
- 4921 Variable Name already exists
- 4922 New
- 4923 Position:
- 4924 Reset Level:
- 4925 Vertical Gap:
- 4926 Vertical:
- 4927 Width:
- 4928 Alter the position and size of the selected object
- 4929 Support total page count (Page 1 of N)
- 4930 Enter Report Password
- 4931 Verify New Report Password
- 4932 Password does not match. Old password restored.
- 4933 Data Source
- 4934 Set to Border Color
- 4935 Set to Shadow Color
- 4936 Graph Wizard
- 4937 Display the Graph Wizard
- 4938 Graph Data Source
- 4939 Use Data Source defined for the current Section
- 4940 Define Data Source for the Graph
- 4941 < Previous
- 4942 Next >
- 4943 Finish
- 4945 Data Points:
- 4946 X Axis Labels:
- 4947 Show Field List
- 4948 Title:
- 4949 Fields
- 4950 Left Wall
- 4951 Back Wall
- 4952 Floor
- 4953 3D
- 4954 Rotation:
- 4955 Filled
- 4956 Rotate
- 4957 Background Color
- 4958 Display Legend
- 4959 Position
- 4960 Label Every:
- 4961 Header:
- 4962 Value
- 4963 Auto Scale
- 4964 Min:
- 4965 Max:
- 4966 Base:
- 4967 Format:
- 4968 Step
- 4969 Auto Step
- 4970 Major:
- 4971 Minor:
- 4973 Grid
- 4974 Columns
- 4975 Graph Style
- 4976 X-Axis
- 4977 Y-Axis
- 4978 Legend
- 4979 Frame
- 4980 &Source
- 4981 Picture Type
- 4982 Use File Extension to Determine File Type
- 4983 Select Table
- 4984 Error in filter expression:
- 4985 Warn on Exit
- 4986 Exit ReportPro?
- 4987 Are you sure you wish to exit?
- 5500 F&ilter
- 5501 Define the Filter Expression
- 5502 &Edit
- 5503 &Send to Back Ctrl+B
- 5504 Send Objects Behind Others on the Same Band
- 5505 C&enter Objects Ctrl+E
- 5506 Center Selected Objects
- 5507 &Copy Ctrl+C
- 5508 Copy to the Clipboard
- 5509 Cu&t Ctrl+X
- 5510 Cut the Selected Object to the Clipboard
- 5511 &Delete Ctrl+Delete
- 5512 Delete the Selected Object
- 5513 &Bring to Front Ctrl+F
- 5514 Bring Objects in Front of Others on the Same Band
- 5515 &Paste Ctrl+V
- 5516 Paste from the Clipboard
- 5517 Select &All Ctrl+A
- 5518 Selects All Report Objects
- 5519 Set &Font
- 5520 Set the Font for all Selected Objects
- 5521 &File
- 5522 &Close
- 5523 Close the Current Report
- 5524 E&xit Alt+F4
- 5525 Exit the Application
- 5526 &2 Label Wizard Ctrl+2
- 5527 Guided Generation of a Label Report
- 5528 &New
- 5529 Cross-&Tab Report Ctrl+T
- 5530 Create a New Cross-Tab Report
- 5531 &Label Report Ctrl+L
- 5532 Create a New Label Report
- 5533 &Open Ctrl+O
- 5534 Open a Report File
- 5535 &Print
- 5536 Print the Report
- 5537 Print P&review
- 5538 Preview the Report
- 5539 &1 Standard Report Wizard Ctrl+1
- 5540 Guided Generation of Standard Report
- 5541 &Save Ctrl+S
- 5542 Save &As
- 5543 Save the Report in Another File
- 5544 Save the Report
- 5545 Prop&erties
- 5546 &Printer
- 5547 Setup the Printer Options
- 5548 &Report
- 5549 Setup Report Options
- 5550 R&eportPro
- 5551 Set ReportPro Options
- 5552 &Section
- 5553 Specify the Sections, Tables and Relationships
- 5554 &Standard Report Ctrl+N
- 5555 Create a New Standard Report
- 5556 &3 Cross-Tab Wizard Ctrl+3
- 5557 Guided Generation of a Cross-Tab Report
- 5558 &Group
- 5559 Specify the Report Grouping
- 5560 &Help
- 5561 &About...
- 5565 &Help Topics F1
- 5566 Help Topics
- 5567 &Using Help
- 5568 How to Use Help
- 5569 Align
- 5570 Align Bottom
- 5571 Align on Band Bottom
- 5572 Align on Band Top
- 5573 Align Horiz. Center
- 5574 Align Left
- 5575 Align on Left Margin
- 5576 Align Right
- 5577 Align on Right Margin
- 5578 Align Top
- 5579 Align Vert. Center
- 5580 Center Horizontally in Margins
- 5581 Center Vertically in Band
- 5582 Even Horizontal Alignment
- 5583 Same Horizontal Size
- 5584 Same Size
- 5585 Same Vertical Size
- 5586 &Order
- 5587 Set the Report Sort Order
- 5588 &Tools
- 5589 &Drawing Tools
- 5590 &Ellipse
- 5591 Selects the Ellipse Tool
- 5592 &Embedded Section
- 5593 Selects the Embedded Section Tool
- 5594 &Field
- 5595 Selects the Field Tool
- 5596 Field &Wizard Ctrl+F5
- 5597 Field Layout Helper
- 5598 &Grid
- 5599 Toggles the Grid On and Off
- 5600 &Line
- 5601 Selects the Line Tool
- 5602 &Object Inspector
- 5603 Inspects all objects on the report
- 5604 &Picture
- 5605 Selects the Picture Tool
- 5606 P&ointer
- 5607 Selects the Pointer Tool
- 5608 &Proof Mode
- 5609 Toggles Proof Mode
- 5610 &Rectangle
- 5611 Selects the Rectangle Tool
- 5612 &Snap
- 5613 Toggles Snap On and Off
- 5614 &Text
- 5615 Selects the Text Tool
- 5616 &Variables
- 5617 Define Variables
- 5618 &Window
- 5619 &Cascade
- 5620 Arrange Report Windows in a Cascade
- 5621 Tile &Vertically
- 5622 Arrange Report Windows in a Vertical Tile
- 5623 &Graph
- 5624 Selects the Graph Wizard Tool
- 5625 &Recent Files
- 5626 List of recently used files for quick loading
- 5627 Pr&int Export...
- 5628 Export printed output of report to file
- 5629 Empty
- 5630 Tile &Horizontally
- 5631 Arrange Report Windows in a Horizontal Tile
- 5632 &Undo
- 5633 Undo last change
- 65001 aLookupTable must be dimensioned n by 2
- 65002 %V1s Arg: %s
- 65003 <Err Arg>
- 65004 %V1s ArgNum: %s
- 65005 Arguments:
- 65006 %V1s ArgType: %s
- 65007 %V1s legal ArgType: %s
- 65008 %V1s Called from: %s
- 65009 %V1s%V2s Choice: %s %s
- 65010 %V1s Command Line: %-23s
- 65011 %V1s in Conversion %s
- 65012 CurDir
- 65013 * Danger *:
- 65014 Disk
- 65015 free
- 65016 %V1s DOS Error: %s
- 65017 %V1s Entity: %s
- 65018 Error in Error
- 65019 %V1s %s. Error
- 65020 %V1s File: %s
- 65021 %V1s FileHandle: %s
- 65022 %V1s%V2s FuncPtr: %s %s
- 65023 %V1s Function: %s
- 65024 HND
- 65025 cur
- 65026 end
- 65027 %V1s IVars: %s
- 65028 %V1s Line: %s
- 65029 %V1s Max: %s
- 65030 %V1s Module: %s
- 65031 %V1s Object: %s
- 65032 %V1s Operation: %s
- 65033 %V1s SubCode: %s
- 65034 %V1s returns: %s
- 65035 %V1s SubSystem: %s
- 65036 %V1s to %s
- 65037 %V1s Tries: %s
- 65038 Warning:
- 65040 %V1s%V2s in Conversion %s Called from: %s
- 65041 %V1s%V2s in Conversion %s to %s
- 65043 %V1s%V2s in Function %s Called from: %s