500 If you select "Only one user", at the beginning of the program you will not have the option of choosing or deleting users, or altering passwords.
501 If you select "More than one user" , at the beginning of the program you will have the option of choosing or deleting users, or altering passwords.
502 text title...........
503 text...........
600 In this BETA Version 0.0 the number of data lines is limited to %d. No limitations exist in the commercial version.
601 In this BETA Version 0.0 the number of data lines is limited to %d. No limitations exist in the commercial version.
602 In this BETA Version 0.0 the number of data lines is limited to %d. No limitations exist in the commercial version.
603 In this BETA Version 0.0 the number of data lines is limited to %d. No limitations exist in the commercial version.
604 In this BETA Version 0.0 the number of data lines is limited to %d. No limitations exist in the commercial version.
605 In this BETA Version 0.0 the number of data lines is limited to %d. No limitations exist in the commercial version.
606 We present to you a BETA version 0.0 of "Red Box". Commercial version of this program is sold as one disc only together with the manual.
1000 Ovaj kljuc je vec ubacen
1001 Greska pri ubazivanju
1002 Greska prilikom brisanja
1003 Ovaj kljuc je vec ubacen (Zamena!)
1004 Greska prilikom zamene
1005 You cannot change the date for a To Do activity that has been completed.
1006 You cannot change the priority level for a To Do activity that has been completed.
1007 It is not possible to enter, change or delete any kind of data during the process of saving.
1008 The maximum duration of a To Do activity is six months.
1009 It is not possible to enter, change or delete any kind of data during the process of linking.
1010 You have not set the date !
1011 This type already exists.
1012 No more types of Address Book can be created.
1013 No more types of Field can be added to this type of Address Book.
1014 This Field already exists !
1015 The first three Fields cannot be changed. (they are used for sorting).
1016 Greska prilikom ubacivanja
1017 Ovaj kljuc vec postoji
1018 It is not possible to carry out the process of linking while saving.
1019 An element cannot be linked to itself!
1020 This link already exists !
1021 It is not possible to delete any link while saving!
1022 Greska prilikom brisanja
1023 This appointment coincides with an recurring appointment alredy existing. Stop entering data !
1024 There is an error in starting\n%s\nprogram.
1025 The maximum number has been exceeded for this month.\n
1026 The duration of this projected is longer than 6 months.\n
1027 It is not possible to enter more than 5 projects in any one day!
1028 It is not possible to have the same colour presenting projects whose dates coincide.
1029 Click on "Planner".
1034 The "Calendar" window is automatically closed when you quit the program.
1035 Recurring appointments cannot be linked with any other appointments!
1038 The maximum duration of an appointment recurring daily is 5 months.
1039 An recurring appointment already exists at the time you have just specified.
1040 An recurring appointment cannot be changed.\nYou must, first of all, delete the existing appointment and then enter the new one !
1041 An recurring appointment cannot be changed.\nYou must, first of all, delete the existing appointment and then enter the new one !
1044 An appointment which is linked cannot recur!
1045 An recurring appointment cannot be changed.\nYou must, first of all, delete the existing appointment and then enter the new one !
1046 You have not specified a program.
1047 You have not specified a program. (menu 'Options-Tools')
1048 Check program %s\n(menu 'Options-Tools').
1049 The speed of animation must be betwwen 1 and 10.
1050 Incorrect Password.
1051 "Ini" file does not exist.
1052 This database has already been opened.
1054 This database has already been opened. It is not possible to delete it.
1056 A name must consist of at least one character.
1057 User with this name already exists. Enter a different name.
1058 Incorrect Password.
1059 Error in creating a new directory!
1060 A Password must consist of at least one character.
1061 New Password has been entered incorrectly.
1062 Old Password has been entered incorrectly.
1063 You have not made any options in 'Options-Modem'
1064 Modem options indicate that the modem is not operational. (Options-Modem)
1065 Error in opening COM
1066 Fn. (%s) greska=%d
1067 Deleting is not possible when the current type of Address Book is set to "All".
1068 Cannot find the required text.
1069 Before clicking on the magnifying glass, it is necessary to enter data to be found.
1070 Error in the chosen report!
1071 It is not possible to print while saving!
1072 Error in the chosen report!
1073 Not enough memory.
1074 No Address Book exists!
1075 Error in creating a file.
1076 Printing cancelled.
1077 Starting date should be an earlier date than the end one.
1078 Starting date should be an earlier date than the end one.
1079 This Field has already been added.
1080 The first Field cannot be deleted.
1081 Enter text at which you want search to start and end!
1082 Text at which you want the search to start and end need to switch positions.
1083 U demo verziji jedini korisnik moze biti 'primer'
1084 You need to enter a name for the folder.
1085 Folder with this name already exists !
1086 Maximum number of Folders is limited to 10 !
1087 This Text Title already exists !
1088 Close RedBox before ending Windows session.
1089 Cannot delete all Folders !
1090 It is not possible to print while saving !
1091 Error in opening a file.
1092 This file is too big for such a small editor !
1093 Error in creating a file.
1094 Text must contain at least one character !
1095 This name already exists !
1096 Search for text -%s- has finished !
1097 Wrong date.
1098 Error in creating the timer !
1099 Your last exit from this program was carried out incorrectly.\nSome of the data might have been lost. Please wait while the program tries to recover the data!
1100 Not enough memory.
1101 Error _llseek()
1102 Error in creating the index of colours.
1103 Error in creating the timer !
1104 Error in reading a header of file.
1105 Not enough memory.
1106 Error (GlobalLock)
1107 Error in reading a file.
1108 Error in reading a file.
1109 This file is not a metafile.
1110 Error in creating a database.
1111 Error in opening a database.
1112 ::new
1113 ::delete
1114 Set the date on your computer?\nThe date must be between 1.1.1994. and 1.1.2014.
1115 Not enough memory.
1116 ProveriSifru()
1117 UpisiSifru()
1118 BrisiISifru()
1119 Error in reading the ROOT directory.
1120 KNotes::Ubaci
1121 ::GlobalReAlloc() u fnj. KNotes::Ubaci
1122 GMem::lock() u fnj. KNotes::Ubaci
1123 ::GlobalReAlloc() u fnj. KNotes::Izbrisi
1124 GlobalAlloc() u fnj. KNotes::ZamenaNaslova
1125 GlobalLock() u fnj. KNotes::ZamenaNaslova
1126 Error in reading a BACKUP file
1127 Error in creating a BACKUP file
1128 Error in saving.
1129 Error in saving.
1130 Are you sure you want to delete this To Do activity ?
1131 Do you wish to finish this To Do activity on this date ?
1132 Do you wish to return to this To Do activity ?
1133 Are you sure you want to delete this Anniversary ?
1134 Do you wish to delete this picture ?
1135 Are you sure you want to delete this ?
1136 Are you sure you want to delete this ?
1137 Are you sure you want to delete this ?
1138 Are you sure you want to delete this ?
1139 Are you sure you want to delete this ?
1140 An appointment already exists at this time. Do you wish to overwrite this appointment ?
1141 Are you sure you want to delete this ?
1142 Are you sure you want to delete this ?
1143 All the data concerning this user will be destroyed. Are you sure ?
1144 Are you sure you want to delete this ?
1145 Are you sure you want to delete this ?
1146 If you delete this Folder, all the texts in it will be deleted,too. Can't Undo! Are you sure ?
1147 Are you sure you want to delete this ?
1148 New message just in.\n.We need to return to the first message now.
1149 ****** MESSAGE just in *****
1150 Program(*.EXE)|*.EXE|Pif(*.PIF|*.PIF|
1151 This user is alredy listed as a recipient of the message.
1152 You need to enter a name of user to whom you are sending this message.
1153 User -%s- does not wish to communicate with you.
1154 You are the only user. There is no one you can send a message to.
1155 There are no saved messages.
1156 Wrong number of messages.
1157 User -%s- has exceeded the number of messages which can be saved.\nThis user needs to delete some of the messages in order to be able to receive new ones.
1158 Number of the received messages has been exceeded. You must delete some of these messages in order to be able to receive new ones.
1159 New message just in.\n.We need to return to the first message now.
1160 This is your last message.
1161 This is your first message.
1162 Message has been saved.
1163 You have chosen not to receive or send any messages. (See 'Message-Options' menu).
1164 You have chosen not to receive or send any messages. (See 'Message-Options' menu).
1165 Maximum number of users is %d
1166 From: %d-%d To: %d-%d Number of days %d
1167 Suggestions can be direcly inserted into "Daily Review" only.
1168 Maximum number of Text Titles is %d.
2000 Friends
2001 Name:
2002 Telephone no.:
2003 Address:
2004 E mail:
2005 Business
2006 Company:
2007 E mail:
2008 URL:
2009 Note:
2010 January
2011 February
2012 March
2013 April
2014 May
2015 June
2016 July
2017 August
2018 September
2019 October
2020 November
2021 December
2022 Sunday
2023 Monday
2024 Tuesday
2025 Wednesday
2026 Thursday
2027 Friday
2028 Saturday
2029 Unknown
2030 Su
2031 Mo
2032 Tu
2033 We
2034 Th
2035 Fr
2036 Sa
2037 &Monthly
2038 &Yearly
2039 &Ok
2040 &Delete
2041 &Reset
2042 &Date
2043 Date
2044 There is no picture corresponding to this Address Book item.
2045 Click on an Address Book item in order to see a picture corresponding to it.
2046 Error in opening a file.
2047 Link has been achieved !
2048 Choose the first link element
2049 Choose the second link element
2050 &Exit
2051 Other programs...
2052 Paint Brush
2053 Word Pad
2054 Priority
2055 No To Do activities for this day
2056 No To Do activities for this months
2057 Completed on %d/%d/%s\n
2058 %d/%d/%s to %d/%d/%s\n
2059 TO DO
2060 Priority
2061 Completed
2062 Starting on
2063 Ending on
2064 Contents
2065 Finished%c
2067 Date
2068 < &Prev
2069 &Next >
2070 Tod&ay
2071 Suggestio&n
2072 This month
2073 Jan Feb Mar
2074 Apr May Jun
2075 Jul Aug Sep
2076 Oct Nov Dec
2077 All
2078 &New
2079 &Change
2080 No data has been entered
2081 There is no picture corresponding to this Address Book item.
2082 None
2083 Calling: %s
2084 Report: %s - %ld lines
2085 Address Book [%s]
2086 Address Book [%s From %s To %s]
2087 Printing the chosen data ...
2088 Error
2089 &Report
2090 Fon&t
2091 E&xport
2092 &Print
2093 Calendar
2094 To Do
2095 Anniversary
2096 Address Book
2098 Quit
2099 From
2100 To
2101 Jan
2102 Feb
2103 Mar
2104 Apr
2105 May
2106 Jun
2107 Jul
2108 Aug
2109 Sep
2110 Oct
2111 Nov
2112 Dec
2113 ....Calendar
2114 ....To Do
2115 ....Planner
2116 From:
2117 To:
2118 From: %d/%d/%d
2119 To: %d/%d/%d
2120 %d\ndays
2121 %d\nday
2122 Link:
2123 No appointments for this day
2124 Recurring
2125 Alarm
2126 Program
2127 &Graph
2128 Daily
2129 Weekly
2130 Monthly
2131 Yearly
2132 No sound
2133 Alarm1
2134 Alarm2
2135 Alarm3
2136 Alarm4
2137 Alarm5
2138 RedBox
2139 Create\nlinks
2140 Phone call\nkeyboard [ F3 ]
2141 Copy
2142 Paste
2143 Help for\nthe current window\nkeyboard [ F1 ]
2144 User\nprogram
2145 Calendar
2146 To Do
2147 Anniversary
2148 Planner
2149 Address
2150 Notes
2151 Reports
2152 Page %d
2153 top of list
2154 bottom of list
2155 &New
2156 &Change
2157 &Delete
2158 Change te&xt
2159 New F&older
2160 Change Folde&r Name
2161 De&lete Folder
2162 Title
2163 Text
2164 Private
2165 Business
2166 Daily
2167 Empty Folder
2168 Folder - [%s]
2169 Date: %d %s %d %s
2170 Time: %d:%d
2171 Alarm has sounded %d minutes earlier than the set time
2172 Confirm
2173 Question
2174 BETA version 0.0
2175 Version 1.0
2176 User has no Old Password
2177 User - %s -
2178 S
2179 M
2180 T
2181 W
2182 T
2183 F
2184 S
2185 Search\nkeyboard [ F2 ]
2186 Search for text Title:
2187 No matching data has been found!
2188 Neko je menj'o About Dialog !
2189 Rasterex
2190 Cannot find file. ( write.exe )
2191 File is fragmented. Would you like to compact it?
2192 Bin is empty !
2193 Notes Folder does not exist !
2194 Address Book Type does not exist !
2195 The maximum number of Bin items must be between 1 and %d.
2196 Are you sure you want to delete this ?
2197 To be completed !\nBeta Version 0.0
2198 To be completed !\nBeta Version 0.0
2199 Cannot find file. ( util.exe )
2200 Link Manager
2201 Daily Project
2202 Links created in this project concern everyday activities.
2203 Business Project
2204 Links created in this project are concerned with business activities.
2205 No links in this Link Project !
2206 By deleting this link project, you will delete all the links that exist in the project. Are you sure ?
2207 Daily Project is set by default and cannot be changed or deleted !
2208 The maximum number of link projects has been exceeded !
2209 Cannot find any more!
2210 Cannot find any more!
2211 Are you sure that you want to delete all the links in this project ?
2212 Are you sure you want to delete this link ?
2213 am
2214 pm
2215 [ Call ] -
2216 Drag the number
2217 Example
2218 The RedBox sample data ( user Example ) will use %s as today's date. In order to select another user, see the File/Other users menu.
2219 Check Book
2220 Template 1
2221 Template 2
2222 Template 3
2223 Template 4
2224 Template 5
2225 Template 6
2226 Make template...
2227 100%
2228 200%
2229 50%
2230 All
2231 Button Help\nBeta Version.
2300 Public\nHoliday
2301 Special\nOccassions
2302 Date
2303 Travel
2304 My\nLucky Day
2305 Weddings
2306 Birthdays
2307 Look For:
2308 Cannot find file. ( readme.txt or notepad.exe )
2309 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z A1 B1 C1 D1 E1 F1 G1 H1 I1 J1 K1 L1 M1 N1 O1 P1 Q1 R1 S1 T1 U1 V1 W1 X1 Y1 Z1
2310 82342.23
2311 Document 1
2312 Document 2
2313 Document 3
2314 Document 4
2315 Document 5
2316 Document 6
2317 Document 7
2318 Reminder
2319 Daily
2320 Weekly
2321 Monthly
2322 Pay to the
2323 Order of
2324 No.
2325 Date
2326 $
2327 Dollars
2328 Address:
2329 Memo
2330 1
2331 06/03/96
2332 19.95
2333 Joanna Nash
2334 36 Prospect Road, Bath
2335 London
2336 This is for Red Box.
2340 Do you want to save your changes ?
2341 Are you sure you want to delete this Check ?
2342 Expenses by Month\nMar 96' - Jul 96'\n$ %ld
2343 Date
2344 Number
2345 Account, Memo
2346 *
2347 Dollars
2348 06/03/96
2349 1
2350 Joanna Nash
2351 This is for Red Box.
2353 19.95
2354 06/05/96
2355 2
2356 Contractor Bonding Company
2357 2 year bond renewal
2358 *
2359 228.00
2360 06/05/96
2361 3
2362 Tax Agency
2363 -split-
2364 *
2365 786.02
2366 08/06/96
2367 4
2368 McMillen Window and Door
2369 September rent payment
2370 --
2371 371.00
2390 Bank Account
2391 Account 1
2392 Account 2
2393 Account 3
2394 $25,344.18
2395 Calendar
2396 To Do
2397 Planner
2398 Address
2399 Notes
2400 Link m.
2401 Anniver.
2402 Reports
2403 Reminder
2404 Link
2405 Search
2406 Phone
2407 Copy
2408 Paste
2409 Help
2410 Go
2411 Calendar
2412 To Do
2413 Planner
2414 Address Book
2415 Notes
2416 Link Manager
2417 Anniversary
2418 Reports
2419 Reminder
2420 Today
2421 Reminder for
2422 No Anniversary for this day
2423 Please select at least one of the week days.
2424 Please select at least one day of the month.
2425 There is no occurrence within the selected date range.
2426 Day(s)
2427 Week(s)
2428 Month(s)
2429 Year(s)
2430 A alarm cannot be set for this item because the time for the item has already passed. Is that okay ?
3062 The file you selected cannot be imported as text. The file could not be found.
3063 The filename or path you selected is not valid. Type a valid filename.
3064 Starting time shoul be an earlier time then the end one
3065 Calendar Section
3066 To Do Section
3067 Planner Section
3068 Address Book Section
3069 Notes Section
3070 Link Manager Section
3071 Anniversary Section
3072 Report Section
3073 Reminder Section
3074 Link Data
3075 Search Data
3076 Phone Call
3077 Copy
3078 Paste
3079 Go Menu
3080 Help Menu
3081 Print Data
3082 Web Publising Menu
3094 redbox central
3095 support
3096 company
3150 New Record Menu
6000 All Files (*.*)|*.*||
6001 Bitmaps Files (*.bmp)|*.bmp||
6002 Text Files (*.txt)|*.txt|All Files (*.*)|*.*||
6003 Text Files (*.txt)|*.txt|All Files (*.*)|*.*||
6004 %d records exported.
6005 Text Files (*.txt)|*.txt|Comma-separated (*.csv)|*.csv|All Files (*.*)|*.*||
6006 %d records imported.
6007 Error in Register file !
6008 Error: (Nag Screean DialogBox)
6009 Thank You for Registering.
6010 Registering your software provides us with information that facilitates product support, and allows as to provide you with the most appropriate new product and product update announcements.
6011 &Registrations
6012 &Registrer Now !
7000 Anniversary section
7001 Constructing an Address Book
7002 To Do section
7003 Address Book section
7004 Other reports
7005 Reports section
7006 Planner section
7007 Calendar section
7008 Notes section
7009 Mini Editor
7010 Message just received
7011 Sending Messages
7012 Saved Messages
7013 Alarm
7014 Conflict
7015 Mini Calendar
7016 General Options
7017 Users
7018 Link
7019 Message Options
7020 Planner Options
7021 Calendar Options
7022 To Do Options
7023 Linking of data to pictures
7024 Recurring
7025 Suggestions (Calendar)
7026 Suggestions (To Do)
7027 Graphical Presentation of Time
7028 Modem Options
7029 Tools
7030 Reports (Calendar)
7031 Reports (To Do)
7032 Reports (Anniversary)
7033 Reports (Address Book)
7034 Search (general)
7035 Bin
7036 Link Manager
7037 Link Project
7038 New Link
7039 Call Notes
7040 Reminder section
7048 Overview
7049 How to use...
7050 Calendar section
7051 Entering new appointments
7052 Editing Appointments
7053 Deleting Appointments
7054 How to use... (calendar)
7060 To Do section
7061 Entering To Do activities
7062 Editing To Do activity
7063 Deleting To Do activities
7064 Completed To Do Activities
7065 Returning to a To Do Activity
7066 How to use... (todo)
7070 Planner section
7071 Entering a Planned project
7072 Editing a Planned project
7073 Deleting a project
7074 How to use... (planner)
7080 Address Book section
7081 Entering data into Address Book
7082 Changing data in Address Book
7083 Deleting data from Address Book
7084 Linking of data to pictures
7085 Call Notes
7086 Constructing an Address Book
7087 How to use... (address book)
7090 Notes section
7091 Creating New Folders
7092 Changing Folder Name
7093 Deleting Folders
7094 Entering new Text
7095 Editing Text Contents
7096 Deleting Text
7097 How to use...(notes)
7101 Create, edit and delete link projects
7102 Create a new link between elements
7103 Run through a project
7104 Search for link elements
7105 Delete a link between two elements
7110 Link Manager
7111 Link Project
7112 New Link
7113 Link elements
7114 Search Link
7115 Delete Link
7120 Anniversary section
7121 Entering Anniversaries
7122 Editing Anniversaries
7123 Deleting anniversaries
7124 List of Suggested Anniversaries
7125 Suggestions (Anniversary)
7130 Reports section
7131 Reports (Calendar)
7132 Reports (To Do)
7133 Reports (Anniversary)
7134 Reports (Address Book)
7135 Reports Font
7136 Export Reports
7137 Print Reports
7140 Reminder section
7141 Getstart (1)
7142 Conflict
7143 Change Recurring Appointment
7144 Delete Recurring
7145 Recurring
7999 This product is registered to:
8000 \nOrganisation of information and precise time management are sure ways for successful business. The best solution for these tasks is Red Box !
8001 \nCopyright (c) Vladimir Djuric '98\nAll rights reserved