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- 15
- [1]
- Use The Right Mouse Button!
- ========================
- You can conveniently access many options and functions
- by clicking with the right mouse button on different
- elements of the main window. For example, right-click
- on a graphic control and you will see a Popup Menu
- with functions such as: Clear, Load, Save, Copy, Paste,
- Screen Capture, and Help.
- [2]
- Learn How To Use Filters!
- ======================
- Filters can be very useful in selecting a subset of all
- records both for viewing and printing. For example, if you
- are only interested in records with NAME data field beginning
- with letters C-F just set the filter for the NAME field with
- filter expression 'BETWEEN C and F'.
- [3]
- Use Non-Stop Search!
- ==================
- In the Find window (after you click on the Search button)
- there is a useful Non-Stop Search option. You can use it to
- Find all records meeting your search criteria in one pass.
- It works very much like a filter - you can use the result
- of a Non-Stop Search for both viewing and printing.
- [4]
- Why Letter Tabs Are Not Working?
- ============================
- The Letter Tabs are not active in one of two situations:
- they are disabled in Options or no Primary Sort Field
- has been selected. The Letter Tabs only make sense when
- your database is sorted alphabetically. See help for
- more information about sorting.
- [5]
- Main Window Is Sizeable!
- ======================
- You can resize the main window and the data fields will
- adjust their sizes automatically. You can also change
- the ratio of the left and right page widths. Just drag
- the little red-yellow handle at the bottom of the main
- window.
- [6]
- How Many Records Are There In My Database?
- ======================================
- To answer this question you have to disable
- the Letter Tabs. Then Click on Last button in
- the left panel (Table Of Contents) and select
- the last record by clicking on the last non-empty
- Record Button. The number in the right-bottom part
- of the main window (underneath the Details Panel)
- will give you the number of records in your database.
- [7]
- Use Record Templates!
- ===================
- If you enter many similar records chances are that you
- could save yourself a lot of typing by using the Record
- Templates. The Record Templates are most often used
- when adding new records (New button) but may also
- be used to replace the contents of the existing records.
- Click with the left mouse button on the Record Template
- button (in the top-right corner) to select a template for
- adding new records. Use the right mouse button to
- save the current record as a Template or to replace
- the current record with a Record Template.
- [8]
- Protect Your Data - Back It Up!
- =========================
- You should back up your database regularly
- and especially after you enter many new records.
- Just click on Advanced/Maintenance/Backup and follow
- the instructions. Because the database can easily become
- larger than the capacity of a diskette the Backup function
- places the files in BACKUP directory on your hard disk
- (underneath DATA). You should compress entire BACKUP
- directory (e.g. using WinZip or PkZip) and then copy
- the compressed file to a diskette.
- [9]
- How can I get pictures into a graphic field?
- ==================================
- You can enter graphic from a file (GIF, JPEG, PNG, PCX, BMP),
- capture graphic from a screen, or enter graphic from any
- TWAIN compliant image capturing device (scanners, digital
- cameras, ...). Using the right mouse button click on the
- graphic field and select the Load, Screen Capture, or Scan
- command.
- [10]
- Should I use Single-User or Multi-User Mode?
- =====================================
- Usually, on a stand-alone computer you will use the Single-User
- Mode and on a network you will use a Multi-User Mode. However,
- in some situations you may want to use a different User Mode. On
- a stand-alone computer, if there is more than one person accessing
- the program, and if you want every person to have his/her own private
- database (possibly protected by a password) you should use a
- Multi-User Mode. On a network, if you don't need security, and you
- want a simple setup you might want to use a Single-User Mode - in
- this mode multiple users can still access the same database at the
- same time.
- [11]
- You can customize the data fields!
- ============================
- If you need some other data fields than those included
- in the program you can use the Custom Fields. You can
- also change the usage of the predefined data fields.
- Just click with the left mouse button on a data field
- name that you want to redefine and select Text...
- from the displayed menu. Remember, that you
- can only change the field names and not the field
- types (e.g. a date field must always remain a date
- field).
- [12]
- How can I change or delete items displayed in drop-down lists?
- ===============================================
- The easiest way to change, add, or delete list items is to click
- on the drop-down list with the right mouse button and select
- Edit List... from the displayed menu.
- [13]
- Customize Headers In The Table Of Contents!
- =====================================
- You can select data fields, their order, and widths
- that are displayed in the Table Of Contents (the
- left side of the main window). To insert or remove
- fields click on the Header (above Record Buttons)
- with the right mouse button and select from the
- menu a field to be inserted or removed. To change
- the order of fields just click on the field names on the
- Header and use drag & drop. To change the field widths
- click on the field dividers (on the Header) and drag them.
- [14]
- Changing The Ordering Of The Database!
- =================================
- To change the order in which records are displayed (and
- printed) click on the Sort button in the Advanced Tab.
- Then select the Primary and (optionally) the secondary
- sort field. A faster way to do it is to click with the
- right mouse button on the Primary and Secondary sort
- buttons (first 2 buttons in the Table Of Contents, above
- the Header) and select the sort fields from the displayed
- menu.
- [15]
- How to eliminate data duplication.
- =============================
- Go to the Summary window. In the Summary By box select
- the field that should contain unique values (not the
- same value in two or more records). Summary window
- will display all unique field entries in the first
- column. Check the Count column. If there are values
- greater than 1 it means that the text listed in the
- first column is the same in more than one record. If
- you have a large number of records change the Sort By
- option. Duplications, if any, can be listed at the
- beginning of the summary table.