Nino Contacts can receive incoming calls indication from a specialized software through a DDE link. It will look in its internal database to find the name associated with the phone, as well the actions concerning this name. The external program may also query Nino Contacts for information related to a phone number.
1░. Send a phone number to Nino Contacts
The phone number may be accompanied by a date/time indication:
- The size of the phone number is not limited
- Nino Contacts ignores any character that is not digit (0-9)
- The separator between the phone/date indications is "!"
- The date/time indication has to be Windows compatible.
The external programl must activate a dedicated internal form "F-InCall" in Nino Contacts, using the phone number indication as a parameter. Calling example "212 123-4567":
[OpenForm F-InCall,,,,,, "212 123-4567"]
Nino Contacts can also receive multiple calls through this link. Any call will be stored in an internal phone call log list.
Example - Visual Basic procedure:
Function testCall()
Dim entCanal1
Dim strCmd As String
Dim phone As String
Const comd1 = "[OpenForm F-InCall,,,,,, "
Const comd2 = "]"
phone1 = "" & "01 22 33 44 55" & "!" & Now 'test with date info
phone2 = "" & "01 22 33 44 55" & "" 'test without date info
2░ Obtain an information related to a phone number:
The external program activates an internal query in Nino Contacts. The answer format is as follows:
Date-call Phone-number Phone-type Name FirstName Company
The information returned concernes the LAST call to Nino Contacts presenting a phone number. The phone type is an indication supplied by Nino Contacts (office, assistant, private etc.). It depends how the phone number was stored in Nino Contacts.