7 The selected form doesn't contain references to the current database.
8 The linked database must have the same database fields.
9 The selected form contains different numbers of references to the particular database fields.
10 Invalid record range.
11 Are you sure you wish to delete these record(s)?
12 Invalid password.
13 Invalid number.
14 The database does not exist. This database format must use an existing file.
15 Invalid file format.
16 Record size can not exceed 128 KB.
17 OLE initialization failed. Make sure that the OLE libraries are the correct version.
18 You can open no more than 16 databases at once.
19 Forms can contain references to no more than 8192 records or fields.
20 Database
21 Are you sure you wish to change the database definition?
22 Remove trailing whitespaces
23 Add trailing spaces
24 Convert text strings to lowercase
25 Convert text strings to uppercase
26 Convert first letters in fields to uppercase
27 Convert first letters in words to uppercase
28 Insert the default value
29 Insert record number
30 Merge the contents of the current and the subsequent field
31 Split the contents of the current field
32 Save Database
33 The selected form doesn't exist. Please verify whether you entered the correct path and file name in the Database/Forms dialog box.
34 Open Database
35 Are you sure you wish to convert the current field?
36 Record can not contain more than 512 fields.
37 The .EXE file is invalid (non-Win32 .EXE or error in .EXE image).
38 The operating system denied access to the specified file.
39 The filename association is incomplete or invalid.
40 The DDE transaction could not be completed because other DDE transactions were being processed.
41 The DDE transaction failed.
42 The DDE transaction could not be completed because the request timed out.
43 The specified dynamic-link library was not found.
44 The specified file was not found.
45 There is no application associated with the given filename extension.
46 There was not enough memory to complete the operation.
47 The specified path was not found.
48 A sharing violation occurred.
49 Invalid record number.
50 Object is too big.
51 Save Text File
52 Windows sockets initialization failed.
53 All messages have already been sent. Are you sure you wish to send them once more?
54 Please enter the server's name and your e-mail address.
55 Please enter the file to be used as a message form.
56 Too many functions.
57 Undetermined Windows Sockets error.
58 The Windows Sockets implementation detected that the network subsystem failed.
59 The specified address is already in use.
60 A blocking Windows Sockets call is in progress.
61 The specified address is not available from the local machine.
62 The attempt to connect was rejected.
63 A destination address is required.
64 The network cannot be reached from this host at this time.
65 Attempt to connect timed out without establishing a connection.
66 The socket is marked as non-blocking and the connection cannot be completed immediately.
67 The connection must be reset because the Windows Sockets implementation dropped it.
68 The virtual circuit was aborted due to timeout or other failure.
69 The virtual circuit was reset by the remote side.
70 The socket is not connected.
71 Field out of range.
72 You can not use a form requiring a password.
73 You can not create more than 65,535 drop-lists for one database.
74 Invalid format specification.
75 Black
76 Maroon
77 Green
78 Olive
79 Navy
80 Purple
81 Teal
82 Gray
83 Silver
84 Red
85 Lime
86 Yellow
87 Blue
88 Fuchsia
89 Aqua
90 White
91 Default
92 Custom
93 The drop-lists haven't been saved. Close the database anyway?
94 One of the fields is too high to fit on the page.\nPlease try to decrease the top and bottom margin or choose the "Shrink the size of the form" option.
95 You must select at least one field to print.
96 Warning: you've chosen the HTML format, but no text encoding has been specified.
100 OLE-Server is busy.
101 Sorts records in descending order.\nSort Descending
102 Default
103 Selected records
104 Records with duplicate values of the current field
105 Duplicate records
106 Complement of the current record set
108 Compacting Binary Fields
32823 Changes the page options.\nPage Setup
32892 Enables you to change the password.
32899 Changes the database properties.\nProperties
32905 Sorts records in ascending order.\nSort Ascending
32907 Selects or deselects the current record.\nSelect Record (Ctr+M)
32913 Removes specified records from the current database.\nRemove Records (Ctr+D)
32914 Changes the field contents of all records in the current database.
32915 Adds records from another database.
32919 Scrolls the table to the specified record.\nGo To Record (Ctrl+G)
32931 Enables you to change the program settings.
32958 Removes all search expressions and displays all records.\nDelete Search Key (Ctrl+Shift+D)
32961 Displays the list of the predefined search keys.\nSearch Key
32962 Pastes a document name.
32963 Opens a document whose name is placed in the current field.
32964 Prints a document whose name is placed in the current field.
32965 Shows or hides the grid lines.
32966 Changes the magnification of the current table and record view.\nZoom
32967 Changes the search expression for the selected field.
32968 Pastes a formula.
32969 Edits object properties.
32970 Copies addresses from the current column and puts them on the Clipboard.
32971 Shows or hides the search toolbar.\nSearch Key
32974 Selects or deselects a group of records.\nSelect Group
32975 Sends e-mail messages to recipients from the current record set.
32976 Changes the name, position and format of the current field.
32979 Adds a new file attachment.
32980 Adds a new database field containing file names.
32981 Tests URLs for validity, accessibility and recent modification.
32982 Inserts new records at the current position.\nNew Records (Ctr+I)
32983 Turns on or off case-sensitive search. \nCase-sensitive search
32985 Sorts records by the current database field.
32988 Undoes the last action.\nUndo (Ctrl+Z)
32991 Italic text.\nItalic
32992 Underlined text.\nUnderline
32993 Left-justifies paragraph\nAlign Left
32994 Center-justifies paragraph\nCenter
32995 Right-justifies paragraph\nAlign Right
32998 Bulleted list.\nBulleted list
33000 Increases indent.\nIncrease Indent
33001 Decreases indent.\nDecrease Indent
33002 Bold text.\nBold
33003 Shows or hides the format toolbar.
33006 Set text color.\nText Color
57344 GS-Base
57345 For help, press F1
57600 Creates a new database.\nNew (Ctrl+N)
57601 Opens an existing database.\nOpen (Ctrl+O)
57602 Closes the current database.
57603 Saves changes.\nSave (Ctrl+S)
57604 Saves the current record set as a new database.
57606 Changes the printer and printing options.\nPrint Setup
57607 Prints the current database.\nPrint (Ctrl+P)
57609 Displays full pages.\nPrint Preview
57612 Sends the active database through electronic mail.\nSend Mail
57616 Opens this database.
57617 Opens this database.
57618 Opens this database.
57619 Opens this database.
57632 Cuts the selection.\nDel (Del)
57634 Copies the selected field and puts it on the Clipboard.\nCopy (Ctrl+C)
57635 Cuts the selected field and puts it on the Clipboard.\nCut (Ctrl+X)
57636 Searches the current record set or binary field.\nFind (Ctrl+F)
57637 Inserts Clipboard contents into the current field.\nPaste (Ctrl+V)
57639 Inserts Clipboard contents with options.
57640 Repeats the last action.\nRepeat (Ctrl+R)
57641 Searches the current document for text and replaces it.\nReplace (Ctrl+H)
57642 Selects entire text in the current binary field.
57643 Undoes the last action.\nUndo (Ctrl+Z)
57644 Redoes the undone action.\nRedo (Ctrl+A)
57649 Arranges icons at the bottom of the window.\nArrange Icons
57650 Arranges windows so they overlap.\nCascade Windows
57651 Arranges windows as non-overlapping tiles.
57652 Arranges windows as non-overlapping tiles.
57653 Splits the active window into two panes.\nSplit
57664 Displays program information, version number and copyright.\nAbout GS-Base
57665 Quits the application; prompts to save databases.\nExit
57666 Lists Help topics.\nHelp Topics
57667 Displays all help topics.
57669 Displays help for clicked on buttons, menus and windows.\nHelp
57696 Changes font.\nFont
57856 Inserts a new object into the current binary field.
57857 Edits linked objects.\nEdit Links
57872 Activates embedded or linked object.
59136 EXT
59137 CAP
59138 NUM
59139 SCRL
59140 OVR
59141 REC
59392 Shows or hides the standard toolbar.
59393 Shows or hides the status bar.
61184 Changes the window size.
61185 Changes the window position.
61186 Reduces the window to an icon.
61187 Enlarges the window to full size.
61188 Switches to the next document window.
61189 Switches to the previous document window.
61190 Switches to the previous document window.
61202 Restores the window to normal size.
61203 Activates Task List.
61215 Activates this window.
61216 ABS\nABS(Number)\n\nReturns the absolute value of Number.\nExample: ABS(-10) = 10
61217 SGN\nSGN(Number)\n\nReturns -1 if Number < 0, 0 if Number = 0 and 1 if Number > 0.\nExample: SGN(10) = 1
61218 AND\nAND(Number1; Number2)\n\nReturns the bitwise AND of Number1 and Number2.\nExample: AND(12; 4) = 4
61219 NOT\nNOT(Number)\n\nReturns the bitwise negation of Number.\nExample: NOT(10) = -11
61220 OR\nOR(Number1; Number2)\n\nReturns the bitwise OR of Number1 and Number2.\nExample: OR(8; 4) = 12
61221 XOR\nXOR(Number1; Number2)\n\nReturns the bitwise XOR of Number1 and Number2.\nExample: XOR(12; 4) = 8
61222 ARCOSH\nARCOSH(Number)\n\nReturns the inverse hyperbolic cosine of Number.\nExample: ARCOSH(1.5) = 0.96242365
61223 ARSINH\nARSINH(Number)\n\nReturns the inverse hyperbolic sine of Number.\nExample: ARSINH(1.5) = 1.19476322
61224 ARTGH\nARTGH(Number)\n\nReturns the inverse hyperbolic tangent of Number.\nExample: ATGH(0.5) = 0.54930614
61225 COSECH\nCOSECH(Number)\n\nReturns the hyperbolic cosecant of Number.\nExample: COSECH(1.5) = 0.46964244
61226 COSH\nCOSH(Number)\n\nReturns the hyperbolic cosine of Number.\nExample: COSH(1.5) = 2.35240962
61227 SECH\nSECH(Number)\n\nReturns the hyperbolic secant of Number.\nExample: SECH(1.5) = 0.42509603
61228 SINH\nSINH(Number)\n\nReturns the hyperbolic sine of Number.\nExample: SINH(1.5) = 2.12927946
61229 TANH\nTANH(Number)\n\nReturns the hyperbolic tangent of Number.\nExample: TANH(1.5) = 0.90514825
61230 ACOS\nACOS(Number)\n\nReturns the arccosine of Number.\nExample: ACOS(0.5) = 1.04719755 (=PI/3)
61231 ASIN\nASIN(Number)\n\nReturns the arcsine of Number.\nExample: ASIN(0.5) = 0.52359878 (=PI/6)
61232 ATAN\nATAN(Number)\n\nReturns the arctangent of Number.\nExample: ATAN(1) = 0.78539816 (PI/4)
61233 COS\nCOS(Number)\n\nReturns the cosine of Number.\nExample: COS(PI(1)/3) = 0.5
61234 SIN\nSIN(Number)\n\nReturns the sine of Number.\nExample: SIN(PI(1)/6) = 0.5
61235 TAN\nTAN(Number)\n\nReturns the tangent of Number.\nExample: TAN(PI(1)/4) = 1
61236 BJ0\nBJ0(Number)\n\nReturns the value of the Bessel function of the first kind and zero level for Number.\nExample: BJ0(0.9) = 0.8075238
61237 BJ1\nBJ1(Number)\n\nReturns the value of the Bessel function of the first kind and second level for Number.\nExample: BJ1(0.9) = 0.40594955
61238 BJN\nBJN(Level; Number)\n\nReturns the value of the Bessel function of the first kind for the given Level and Number.\nExample: BJN(1;0.9) = 0.40594955
61239 BY0\nBY0(Number)\n\nReturns the value of the Bessel function of the second kind and zero level for Number.\nExample: BY0(0.9) = 0.00562831
61240 BY1\nBY1(Number)\n\nReturns the value of the Bessel function of the second kind and first level for Number.\nExample: BY1(0.9) = -0.87312658
61241 BYN\nBYN(Level; Number)\n\nReturns the value of the Bessel function of the second kind for the given Level and Number.\nExample: BY1(1; 0.9) = -0.87312658
61242 DEGREES\nDEGREES(Number)\n\nConverts Number, which represents an angle in radians, to degrees.\nExample: DEGREES(PI(1)/4) = 45
61243 RADIANS\nRADIANS(Number)\n\nConverts Number, which represents an angle in degrees, to radians.\nExample: RADIANS(45) = 0.78539816 (=PI(1)/4)
61244 EXPM\nEXPM(Number)\n\nReturns the mantissa m of Number (m is greater than or equal to 0.5 and less than 1) so that Number = m*2^k, where k is the exponent.\nExample: EXPM(1.5) = 0.75
61245 EXPE\nEXPE(Number)\n\nReturns the exponent k of Number so that Number = m*2^k, where m is the mantissa.\nExample: EXPE(1.5) = 1
61246 EXP\nEXP(Number)\n\nReturns the base of the natural logarithm ("e") raised to the power of Number.\nExample: EXP(2) = 7.3890561
61247 FACT\nFACT(Number)\n\nReturns the factorial of Number: the product of all integers greater than zero and not greater than Number.\nExample: FACT(5) = 120
61248 GCD\nGCD(Number1; Number2)\n\nReturns the greatest common divisor of Number1 and Number2.\nExample: GCD(24;16) = 8
61249 SCM\nSCM(Number1; Number2)\n\nReturns the smallest common multiplicity of Number1 and Number2.\nExample: SCM(12; 8) = 24
61250 LOG10\nLOG10(Number)\n\nReturns the base 10 logarithm of Number.\nExample: LOG10(100) = 2
61251 LOG\nLOG(Number)\n\nReturns the natural logarithm of Number.\nExample: LOG(EXP(2)) = 2
61252 LOGX\nLOGX(Number; Base)\n\nReturns the Base logarithm of Number.\nExample: LOGX(2^5; 2) = 5
61253 MOD\nMOD(Number1; Number2)\n\nReturns the reminder of Number1 / Number2.\nExample: MOD(9; 4) = 1
61254 POW10\nPOW10(Number)\n\nReturns 10 to the power of Number.\nExample: POW10(2) = 100
61255 PI\nPI(Number)\n\nReturns the product of Number and the value PI (3.141592653589).\nExample: PI(1) = 6.2831853
61256 CEIL\nCEIL(Number)\n\nReturns a number representing the smallest integer greater than or equal to Number.\nExample: CEIL(2.6) = 3
61257 ROUND\nROUND(Number)\n\nReturns Number rounded to the nearest integer.\nExample: ROUND(2.4) = 2
61258 ROUNDE\nROUNDE(Number)\n\nReturns Number rounded to the nearest even number.\nExample: ROUNDE(3.1) = 4
61259 EVEN\nEVEN(Number)\n\nReturns Number rounded to the nearest even number.\nExample: EVEN(3.1) = 4
61260 ROUNDO\nROUNDO(Number)\n\nReturns Number rounded to the nearest odd number.\nExample: ROUNDO(2.1) = 3
61261 ODD\nODD(Number)\n\nReturns Number rounded to the nearest odd number.\nExample: ODD(2.1) = 3
61262 ROUNDX\nROUNDX(Number; Precision)\n\nReturns Number rounded to the factor specified by Precision.\nExample: ROUNDX(2.1; 0.5) = 2.5
61263 TRUNC\nTRUNC(Number)\n\nReturns the integer portion of Number.\nExample: TRUNC(2.5) = 2
61264 SHIFTL\nSHIFTL(Number; Positions)\n\nReturns the value of Number after shifting its bits by Positions to the left.\nExample: SHIFTL(2; 3) = 16
61265 SHIFTR\nSHIFTR(Number; Positions)\n\nReturns the value of Number after shifting its bits by Positions to the right.\nExample: SHIFTR(16; 3) = 2
61266 SQR\nSQR(Number)\n\nReturns the square of Number.\nExample:SQR(3) = 9
61267 SQRT\nSQRT(Number)\n\nReturns the square root of Number.\nExample: SQRT(9) = 3
61268 COMBNR\nCOMBNR(n;k)\n\nReturns the number of k-element combinations with repeating from the n-element set.\nExample: COMBNR(5; 3) = 35
61269 COMBNS\nCOMBNS(n; k)\n\nReturns the number of k-element combinations without repeating from the n-element set.\nExample: COMBNS(5; 3) = 10
61270 RAND\nRAND(Number)\n\nReturns a random number greater or equal to 0 and less or equal to Number.\nExample: RAND(60) = 34.56
61273 CHI2\nCHI2(Degree; Chi2Expression)\n\nReturns the confidence level for Chi2Expression, which has the chi-square distribution.\nExample: CHI2(4; 1.1) = 0.89427221
61274 STD\nSTD(Degree; TExpression)\n\nReturns the confidence level for TExpression, which has the Student distribution.\nExample: STD(4; 1.1) = 0.33308365
61275 ERF\nERF(Number)\n\nReturns the integral of the Gauss function in the range {-Number*sqrt(2), Number*sqrt(2)}.\nExample: ERF(1.5) = 0.96610809
61276 ERFV\nERFV(Number)\n\nReturns the argument for which the ERF function returns Number.\nExample: ERFV(0.96610809) = 1.5
61281 CHAR\nCHAR(Number)\n\nReturns a text string consisting of one character with the character set code equal to Number.\nExample: CHAR(65) = "A"
61282 CODE\nCODE(Text)\n\nReturns the character set code of the first character in Text.\nExample: CODE("Word") = 87
61283 HEX\n\nHEX(Number)\nReturns the text string representing Number in the hex notation.\nExample: HEX(1998) = "7ce"
61284 OCT\nOCT(Number)\n\nReturns the text string representing Number in the octal notation.\nExample: OCT(1998) = "3716"
61285 TEXT\nTEXT(Number)\n\nReturns the text string representing Number in textual ("verbal") form.\nExample: TEXT(23) = "twenty three"
61286 EXACT\nEXACT(Text1; Text2)\n\nCompares two text strings. If Text1 = Text2, 1 (True) is returned. If they are different, 0 (False) is returned. The comparison is case-sensitive.\nExample: EXACT("Thing"; "Thing") = 1\n
61287 FIND\nFIND(Text1; Text2; Position)\n\nReturns the position (as a 1-base index) of Text1 in Text2. Searching starts in Text2 from Position.\nExample: FIND("word"; "two words"; 1) = 5
61288 LEFT\nLEFT(Text; Number)\n\nReturns the first Number characters from Text.\nExample: LEFT("abcdef"; 3) = "abc"
61289 LENGTH\nLENGTH(Text)\n\nReturns the length of Text.\nExample: LENGTH("abcdef") = 6
61290 LOWER\nLOWER(Text)\n\nConverts all letters in Text to lowercase.\nExample: LOWER("ABCDEF") = "abcdef"
61291 REPLACE\nREPLACE(Text1; Number1; Number2; Text2)\n\nReplaces Number2 characters in Text1 starting from Number1 position by Text2. For the first character in Text1 Number1 = 1.\nExample: REPLACE("abcdef"; 3; 2; "x") = "abxef"
61292 STEXT\nSTEXT(Text)\n\nConverts all letters in Text to lowercase.\nExample: STEXT("ABCDEF") = "abcdef"
61293 MID\nMID(Text; StartPosition; EndPosition)\n\nReturns the substring of Text. The substring starts at StartPosition and includes all characters up to EndPosition. The position of the first character in Text is 1.\nExample: MID("abcdef"; 3; 4) = "cd"\n
61294 PROPER\nPROPER(Text)\n\nConverts first letters of words in Text to uppercase and all other letters to lowercase.\nExample: PROPER("two WORDS") = "Two Words"
61295 REPEAT\nREPEAT(Text; Number)\n\nReturns string that consists of Text repeated Number times.\nExample: REPEAT("abc "; 3) = "abc abc abc "
61296 RIGHT\nRIGHT(Text; Number)\n\nReturns the last Number characters from Text.\nExample: RIGHT("abcdef"; 3) = "def"
61297 TRIM\nTRIM(Text)\n\nRemoves all trailing and leading whitespaces from Text.\nExample: TRIM(" abcdef ") = "abcdef"
61298 LTRIM\nLTRIM(Text)\n\nRemoves all leading whitespaces from Text.\nExample: LTRIM(" abcdef") = "abcdef"
61299 RTRIM\nRTRIM(Text)\n\nRemoves all trailing whitespaces from Text.\nExample: RTRIM("abcdef ") = "abcdef"
61300 UPPER\nUPPER(Text)\n\nConverts all letters in Text to uppercase.\nExample: UPPER("abcdef") = "ABCDEF"
61301 ETEXT\nETEXT(Text)\n\nConverts all letters in Text to uppercase.\nExample: ETEXT("abcdef") = "ABCDEF"
61302 TRAIL\nTRAIL(Text; Number)\n\nIf Text length is less than Number, this function adds trailing spaces to Text so that Text contains exactly of Number characters.\nExample: TRAIL("abc", 6) = "abc "
61303 VALUE\nVALUE(Text)\n\nConverts Text to number.\nExample: VALUE("123") = 123
61304 NUM2STR\nNUM2STR(Number; Radix)\n\nReturns the text string representing Number in the Radix notation.\nExample: NUM2STR(1998; 10) = "1998"
61305 MERGE\nMERGE(Text1; Text2)\n\nReturns the text string consisting of merged Text1 and Text2.\nExample: MERGE("abc"; "def") = "abcdef"
61308 CTERM\nCTERM(Rate; Fv; Pv)\n\nReturns the number of compounding periods after which the initial amount (Pv) will obtain the value specified by Fv at the given interest rate Rate.\nExample: CTERM(9%/12; 10000; 5000) = 92.76576606
61309 FVAL\nFVAL(Pv; Rate; Periods)\n\nReturns the future value of an investment or loan Pv (with no periodic payments) at the given interest rate and the given number of periods.\nExample: FVAL(5000; 9%/12; 93) = 10017.52
61310 FV\nFV(Payment; Rate; Periods)\n\nReturns the future value of an investment (with periodic payments) after the given number of periods and with the given interest rate.\nExample: FV(500; 9%/12; 24) = 13094.24
61311 PMT\nPMT(Pv; Rate; Periods)\n\nReturns the payment amount for a loan during the given number of periods.\nExample: PMT(20000; 9%/12; 24) = 913.69
61312 PV\nPV(Payment; Rate; Periods)\n\nReturns the present value for a loan or investment.\nExample: PV(500; 9%/12; 24) = 10944.57
61313 RATE\nRATE(Fv; Pv; Periods)\n\nReturns the periodic interest rate for a loan or investment (Pv) at the given number of periods.\nExample: RATE(10000; 5000; 48) = 0.01454533
61314 SLN\nSLN(Cost; Salvage; Life)\n\nReturns the straight-line depreciation for one period.\nExample: SLN(3000; 400; 5) = 520
61315 SYD\nSYD(Cost; Salvage; Life; Period)\n\nReturns the sum-of-the-years'-digits' depreciation for the given period.\nExample: SYD(3000; 400; 5; 4) = 346.67
61316 TERM\nTERM(Payment; Rate; Pv)\n\nReturns the number of payment periods for an investment or loan (Pv) with the given interest rate and payment.\nExample: TERM(500; 9%/12; 10000) = 18.71
61319 DATE\nDATE(Year; Month; Day)\n\nReturns the date/time number for the given Year, Month and Day. This integer portion represents the number of days from 30 December 1899, midnight and the fractional portion represents hours.\nExample: DATE(1998; 1; 1) = 35796
61320 TIME\nTIME(Hour; Minute; Second)\n\nReturns the date/time number for the given Year, Month and Day. This integer portion represents the number of days from 30 December 1899, midnight and the fractional portion represents hours.\nExample: TIME(11; 53; 44) = 0.49564815
61321 DATEDIF\nDATEDIF(DateNumber1; DateNumber2; Type)\n\nCalculates the difference between two dates. The result depends on Type.\nExample: DATEDIF(DATE(1998;3;1)+TIME(10;45;0); DATE(1998;1;1)+TIME(9;45;0); 6) = 85020 (minutes)
61322 DATEVALUE\nDATEVALUE(Text)\n\nReturns the date/time number for the given date formatted as Text. To be parsed correctly, the text string must conform to the currently defined in system short date/time format.\nExample: DATEVALUE("13/1/98") = 35808
61323 TIMEVALUE\nTIMEVALUE(Text)\n\nReturns the date/time number for the given time formatted as Text. To be parsed correctly, the text string must conform to the currently defined in system short date/time format.\nExample: TIMEVALUE("9:45:34 PM") = 0.90664352
61324 DAY\nDAY(DateNumber)\n\nReturns the day of the month (1-31) for the DateNumber.\nExample: DAY(DATE(1998;1;1)) = 1
61325 HOUR\nHOUR(DateNumber)\n\nReturns the hour(0-23) for the DateNumber.\nExample: HOUR(TIME(23;12;56)) = 23
61326 MINUTE\nMINUTE(DateNumber)\n\nReturns the minute (0-59) for the DateNumber.\nExample: MINUTE(TIME(23;12;56)) = 12
61327 SECOND\nSECOND(DateNumber)\n\nReturns the second (0-59) for the DateNumber.\nExample: SECOND(TIME(23;12;56)) = 56
61328 MONTH\nMONTH(DateNumber)\n\nReturns the month (1-12) for the DateNumber.\nExample: MONTH(DATE(1998;1;1)) = 1
61329 YEAR\nYEAR(DateNumber)\n\nReturns the year for the DateNumber.\nExample: YEAR(DATE(1998;1;1)) = 1998
61330 DAYOFWEEK\nDAYOFWEEK(DateNumber)\n\nReturns the day of the week (Sun = 1) for the DateNumber.\nExample: DAYOFWEEK(DATE(1998;1;1)) = 5
61331 DAYOFYEAR\nDAYOFYEAR(DateNumber)\n\nReturns the day of the year (Jan 1 = 1) for the DateNumber.\nExample: DAYOFYEAR(DATE(1998;1;1)) = 1
61332 FORMATDATE\nFORMATDATE(DateNumber; FormattingText)\n\nReturns the text representing date/time formatted according to FormattingText. If FormattingText is an empty string (""), the default Windows format for the date representation is used.
61333 FORMATTIME\nFORMATTIME(DateNumber; FormattingText)\n\nReturns the text representing date/time formatted according to FormattingText. If FormattingText is an empty string (""), the default Windows format for the date representation is used.
61334 TODAY\nTODAY(DaysNumber)\n\nReturns the current date/time number +/- DaysNumber.\nExample: TODAY(0) = "12/11/97"
61335 NOW\nNOW(HoursNumber)\n\nReturns the current date/time number +/- HoursNumber.\nExample: NOW(0) = "2:49:43 PM"
61338 TEST\nTEST(Number; TrueValue; FalseValue)\n\nIf Number is greater than or equal to 0, the TrueValue is returned. If Number is less than 0, FalseValue is returned.\nExample: TEST(10; "abc"; "cde") = "abc"
61339 IF\nIF(Condition; TrueValue; FalseValue)\n\nIf Condition, which may be any expression returning numbers, is different than 0, the TrueValue is returned. If Condition is equal to 0, FalseValue is returned.\nExample: IF((A1>1)*(A1<10); 1; 2) = 1
61340 ISERROR\nISERROR(Value)\n\nReturns 1 (True) if Value represents the error value or a cells range containing at least one error value. If no error is found, 0 is returned.\nExample: ISERROR(1/0) = 1
61341 ISNUMBER\nISNUMBER(Value)\n\nReturns 1 (True) if Value represents a number or a cells range containing only numbers. Otherwise 0 (False) is returned.\nExample: ISNUMBER(12) = 1
61342 ISSTRING\nISSTRING(Value)\n\nReturns 1 (True) if Value represents a text string or a cells range containing only text. Otherwise 0 (False) is returned.\nExample: ISSTRING("abc") = 1
61343 ISFILE\nISFILE(Text)\n\nReturns 1 (True) if Text represents a name of an existing file or 0 (False) otherwise.\nExample: ISFILE("d:\gscalc35\bnalyze.gsc") = 1
61344 ISOPEN\nISOPEN(Text)\n\nReturns 1 (True) if Text represents a name (full path) of the currently open spreadsheet document or 0 (False) otherwise.\nExample: ISOPEN("d:\gscalc35\analyze.gsc") = 1