As this is a shareware release, you may download and install
this program on your computer. However, you will only be able to
print one letter from the program before purchasing a
registration key. You will also not be able to save any
letters from the program until after registration.
You will be able to read through all of the letters available
which will help you in evaluating the program prior to deciding to buy the registration key.
When printing your first letter you will see a
notice regarding registration. First off, the pricing listed
here has been adjusted to a phenomenally low cost of $19.95. That's $10 off the listed price in the program and if you check the Komando Online Mall, it's $5 off the book price! Such a deal!!
To get your registration key, call us at:
1-800-KOMANDO (1-800-566-2636)
or in Arizona
We can take your credit card payment over the phone, and
give your your registration code which will unlock all of
the features of 401 Great Letters. You will then be able
to print or save any or all of the letters you wish.
Enjoy, and if you liked this product, be sure to check
out our other great letter titles today!
Because we value you as a customer and we appreciate your trying our Shareware products, you will notice an additional Great Letters .exe file in the Great Letters directory named "101com.exe". As a way of saying "Thanks" for purchasing a registration key for 401 Great Letters, when you call we will give you the registration key for 101 Great Complaint Letters ABSOLUTELY FREE!!! This add-on shareware program contains 101 letters that can help you exercise your rights as a consumer - a regular $17.95 shareware value in the Komando Mall.
All in all you get 401 Great Letters (a regular $29.99 value) plus 101 Complaint Letters (a $17.95 software value), all for the incredible price of $19.95!! Doesn't that make you feel great? Well, send us a letter and tell us all about it... :)