Labels:crt screen | dialog box | monitor | sky | stairs | web site | window OCR: Compare Report File Stop Help Readme tx We .come to Iutilities 1.01 Reacme txt 1996 Softvare Ptv Ltd Australia They are des igned tc run Windows g5 and Windows NT only txt They will not neces ssarilv work with older vers .ons of the txt indows oper at ing system. Readme t.x+ These utility progr ams are probably most useful to Readme ammers and deve lopers, but they could be useful Reacme t.x+ to anyone There are seven utilities: Reacme txt They are des igned tc run in Windows S6 and Windows NT only Readme txt They will not necessari Iv work with older versi ions of the Readme txt Windows operating system. Reacme txt Readme txt There are seven utilities: the versi ions here are unlimited ShareWare versions They are fully funct ional and if you use them you should send the fee to Iu Soft war ...