Labels:crt screen | dialog box | keyboard | monitor | plant | stairs | web site | window OCR: Great Letters Adjustment [Business] Early Termination Lease File View Paragraph Character window Help Courier New Adjustment [Business Early Termination of Lease [Mr./Mrs./Ms Dr. T RST NT LAST NAME [TITLE] COMF ANY] ADDRESS [CITY] [STATE] dIZ] CODE] Dear [Mr ./Mrs./Ms./Dr.] [LAST NAME] Fundamentally, business is dvnamic entitv whose plans made in good faith are sub ect to laws of economic warfare [YOUR COMP ANY NAME] batt ield pos it ion and other extenuat ing ances require Er imedi change in nlans Much to Kur regret forced realign the troops cons ider ablv smaller location. After extens ive review we have no alternat ive but to relocate effective [Number of days YOUR COMP ANY NAME moving from date letter sent] days from today date The ent [COMPANY] has been s0 professional the past that w ...