150 Please stop or pause the queue before altering a job status.
151 Skip
152 Done
153 Aborted
154 Skipped
155 Not enough memory for preview display. Close other programs and try again.
156 No Jobs are waiting in queue! You must have one or more jobs with waiting status before encoding can begin. Position mouse cursor over a job, then double-click left button to toggle job status to waiting.
157 Error
158 Error
159 Successfully Completed 1 Job
160 Successfully Completed
161 Job(s)
162 Failed
163 Invalid Setup
164 Invalid combination of NA's
165 One or more invalid stream profiles.
166 Auto
167 Frames/sec
168 Stretch To Fit
169 LetterBox
170 Pack Size
171 23.976
172 24
173 25
174 29.970
175 30
176 Khz
177 8000
178 16000
179 22050
180 24000
181 32000
182 44100
183 48000
184 Mono
185 Dual Channel
186 Stereo
187 Joint Stereo
188 MPEG 1
189 MPEG 2
190 LBR
191 Not Applicable
192 Manual Override Stream Profile
193 Are you sure you want to delete %1?
194 System
195 Video Only
196 Audio Only
197 Preview: %1
198 New Setup Job
199 Edit Setup Job
200 Job
201 Please enter a name for this job.
202 Please enter the video source file for this job.
203 Please enter a video and or audio file for this system job.
204 Please enter a target filename for this job.
205 Please enter a video filename for this job.
206 Please enter an audio filename for this job.
207 Are you sure you wish to delete %1 Stream Profile?
208 8kHz 16kHz 22kHz 24kHz |
209 8kHz |
210 16kHz 22kHz 24kHz |
211 16kHz 22kHz 24kHz 32kHz 44kHz 48kHz |
212 32kHz 44kHz 48kHz |
213 8kHz LBR Mono |
214 22kHz MPEG_2 Mono |
215 44kHz MPEG_1 Mono |
216 22kHz MPEG_2 Joint_Stereo |
217 44kHz MPEG_1 Joint_Stereo |
218 Mono Dual_Channel Stereo Joint_Stereo |
219 Mono |
220 Dual_Channel Stereo Joint_Stereo |
221 MPEG_2 Mono |
222 MPEG_1 Mono |
223 MPEG_2 Joint_Stereo |
224 Cannot change job status during encode operation.
225 Cannot close application during encoding operation.
226 Audio Pass Through Only (%1)
227 Do you wish to finish setting up the job anyway?
228 Basic Smooth Filter
229 No Filter
230 1
231 1
232 1
233 1
234 1
235 1
236 1
237 1
238 1
239 1
240 1
241 1
242 1
243 1
244 1
245 1
246 1
247 1
248 1
249 1
250 1
251 1
252 1
253 1
254 1
255 1
256 1
257 1
258 1
259 1
260 1
261 1
262 1
263 1
264 1
265 1
266 1
267 1
268 1
269 1
270 1
271 1
272 1
273 1
274 1
275 1
276 1
277 1
278 1
279 1
280 1
281 1
282 1
283 1
284 1
285 1
286 1
287 1
288 1
289 1
290 1
291 1
292 1
293 1
294 1
295 1
296 1
297 1
298 1
299 1
300 1
301 1
302 1
303 1
304 Unsupported NT Version.
305 VideoCD
306 Click on a job to see information about a job error in the status bar.
316 Cannot have the same name for both a source and target file.
317 There are %1 waiting jobs in the queue. Do you wish to continue encoding or stop altogether?
318 There are no jobs waiting in the queue.
319 There is 1 waiting job in the queue. Do you wish to continue encoding or stop altogether?
320 Warning! You are about to make a SYSTEM file (%1) using a stream profile designed for audio only. Would you like to redefine this job as an AUDIO (%2) only job?
321 Stream Profile - Wizard
322 Stream Profile - Advanced
323 Folder
324 Single Speed
325 Half Speed
326 VideoCD
327 384K
328 ISDN
329 28.8K Modem
330 14.4K Modem
331 9600 Modem
332 New Stream Profile
333 Stream Profile - Extract
334 Review: %1
335 You must select a stream profile for this job.
336 IPB
337 8000hz
338 16000hz
339 22050hz
340 24000hz
341 32000hz
342 44100hz
343 48000hz
344 8000 Hz
345 16000 Hz
346 22050 Hz
347 24000 Hz
348 32000 Hz
349 44100 Hz
350 48000 Hz
351 N/A |
352 N/A N/A N/A |
353 N/A |
354 Match Source
355 Video Files (*.avi,*.mpg,*.mpv,*.mpx) |*.avi;*.mpg;*.mpv;*.mpx|AVI Files (*.avi)|*.avi|MPEG Files (*.mpg,*.mpv,*.mpx)|*.mpg;*.mpv;*.mpx|Stills (*.bmp,*.tga,*.tif,*.jpg,*.psd,*.pct,*pcd)|*.bmp;*.tga;*.tif;*.jpg;*.psd;*.pct;*.pcd||
356 MPEG Video (*.mpv)|*.mpv||
357 MPEG Layer 3 Audio (*.mp3)|*.mp3||
358 MPEG Layer 2 Audio (*.mpa)|*.mpa||
359 MPEG System (*.mpg)|*.mpg||
360 MPEG System Plus (*.mpx)|*.mpx||
361 Video Files (*.avi;*.mpg;*.mpv;*.mpx) |*.avi;*.mpg;*.mpv;*.mpx|AVI Files (*.avi)|*.avi|MPEG Files (*.mpg;*.mpv;*.mpx)|*.mpg;*.mpv;*.mpx|Stills (*.bmp,*.tga,*.tif,*.jpg,*.psd,*.pct,*pcd)|*.bmp;*.tga;*.tif;*.jpg;*.psd;*.pct;*.pcd||
362 MPEG Video Files (*.mpv)|*.mpv|All Files (*.*)|*.*||
371 Video file %1 either does not exist or is currently accessed by another application. Please provide a valid name or release file from the other application.
372 Audio file %1 either does not exist or is currently accessed by another application. Please provide a valid name or release file from the other application.
373 Target file %1 cannot be created. Make sure the file's drive letter exists or that another application does not have the file open.
374 The video file's %1 file type is invalid for this type of job.
375 The audio file's %1 file type is invalid for this type of job.
376 LBR Audio (*.lbr)|*.lbr||
377 N/A
378 Warning, an earlier version (%1) of the XingMPEG player has been installed on your system. For best results make sure version %2 or later of the XingMPEG player is installed.
379 Warning! The XingMPEG Player is not the currently registered MPEG player on your system. To have full functionality in the XingMPEG Encoder it must be the default MPEG player.
380 Warning! The XingMPEG Encoder is not supported under this version of Windows.
384 A copy of the %1 stream profile has been provided to you for saving as a new profile. Do you want to save this as a new custom profile?
385 Video
386 Audio
387 Properties
388 N/A
389 The new stream profile must have a name.
390 StreamWorks
391 Copy of
392 Copy (%1) of %2
393 Single Speed CD
394 600K
395 128K ISDN
396 64K ISDN
397 128K to 28.8K Modem
398 Fractional T1 to 64k ISDN
399 1.5 Mb T1
400 384K
401 128K to 28.8K Modem
402 128K to 14.4k Modem
403 128K IDSN to 64k ISDN
404 JSt
405 New Folder
406 &Save
407 Bit
408 PCM
409 Hz
410 Movie Clip (AVI)
411 Frames
412 mpa
413 mpa
414 mpx
415 mpg
416 mpv
417 Profile
418 Created by
419 MB
420 KB
421 min.
422 sec
423 (Unfinished)
424 Wave
425 File not found or in use by encoder.
426 See properties for full error text.
427 Remaining
428 Undetermined
429 Extract Types (*.mpg,*.mpv,*.mpa,*.mp3,*.lbr,*.mpx)|*.mpg;*.mpv;*.mpa;*.mp3;*.lbr;*.mpx|MPEG Video Files (*.mpg,*.mpv,*.mpx)|*.mpg;*.mpv;*.mpx|Audio Files (*.mpa,*.mp3,*.lbr)|*.mpa;*.mp3;*.lbr||
430 Negative and or N/A data rates are not allowed.
431 The system data rate must slightly exceed the sum of the combined audio and video data rates.
432 Warning! The data rates entered will produce an unconstrained MPEG stream.
433 Warning! The video dimensions presented here will produce an unconstrained MPEG stream.
434 Video dimension can not be less than 32 in either height or width.
435 Warning - You are creating a stereo MPEG file from a mono source. The mono stream will simply be duplicated which may unnecessarily increase stream size and/or decrease stream quality. (As an alternative you may use an existing mono stream profile or create a new mono profile.) Do you still wish to continue?
457 Warning, since no stream profile is associated with this job, the job will be set to use the MPEG 1 NTSC Stream Profile.
458 NTSC
459 The names of sequential still files must end with digits, not characters.
460 For Auto to be allowed in the Video or Audio Data Rate fields it must be in all 3: System, Video and Audio Data rates.
461 Auto can not be used in the Video or Audio Data Rate fields unless it is also in the system data rate field. For Auto to be in either the Video or Audio Data rates it must be in all 3: System, Video and Audio.
462 Negative numbers are not allowed in this field.
463 Only numbers are allowed in this field with the exception of Auto and N/A for certain fields in the Edit Stream Profiles Dialog . See help for more info.
464 The minimum value for this field is
465 The maximum value for this field is
466 Data Rate
467 Channel(s)
468 The width must be a multiple of 16.
469 %1 are using this profile. Do you still wish to edit the profile?
470 Do you wish to continue?
471 You have chosen to edit one of the pre-defined stream profiles which are read only. A copy of this profile will be provided which you can edit and save as a new profile. Do you wish to continue?
472 Warning! No MPEG player is installed on your system. Without an MPEG player you will not be able to review your encoded files within the XingMPEG Encoder. Please install the XingMPEG player.
473 Copy (
474 The input width of this extracted file is %1 which is not a multiple of 16. The width will be set to %2.
475 seconds
476 Warning! The target filename in this job is used by one or more jobs in the queue. %1Running this job could overwrite the target file of the other job(s). Do you still wish to continue?
477 It already exists on disk.
478 You must have some value in this field.
479 Cannot have N/A in system data rate field when both video and audio data rates are supplied.
480 Cannot supply a system data rate when no video and audio data rates are supplied.
481 The video source file is not supported for encoding.
482 The %1 could not be found, please reinstall.
483 &Yes
484 XingMPEG Driver
485 Cannot create requested audio stream. The audio source is incompatible with the requested audio output.
502 Batch Job - makes target for each file in above dir.
503 Invalid Batch Job Setup! - Must use * as filename. See Help for more info.
504 Invalid Batch Job Setup! - Audio and Video must include wildcards and point to the same path. See Help for more info.
505 Invalid Batch Job Setup! - Unacceptable Video File Type. See Help for more info.
506 Invalid Batch Job Setup! - Unacceptable Audio File Type. See Help for more info.
507 Invalid Batch Job Setup! - Invalid Profile for batch job. See Help for more info.
508 Unable to find pattern files for batch operation!
509 Problem with batch file %1.
510 There probably will not be enough disk space free on the target drive for files created in this batch job. You should free up additional disk space and try again. Are you sure you wish to continue?Note: You may experience unexpected results if you run out of disk space while encoding a job.
32772 Changes XingMPEG Encoder Preferences
32773 Displays properties of the job
32774 Moves the job to the top of the job queue
32775 Moves the job up one position in the job queue
32776 Moves the job down one position in the job queue
32777 Moves the job to the bottom of the job queue
32778 Changes the job status to waiting
32779 Changes the job status to skip
32780 Creates, Edits or Deletes a user-defined stream profile
57344 xmcoder
57345 For Help, press F1
57346 Select an object on which to get help
57600 Create a new document\nNew
57601 Open an existing document\nOpen
57602 Close the active document\nClose
57603 Save the active document\nSave
57604 Save the active document with a new name\nSave As
57605 Change the printing options\nPage Setup
57606 Change the printer and printing options\nPrint Setup
57607 Print the active document\nPrint
57609 Display full pages\nPrint Preview
57616 Open this document
57617 Open this document
57618 Open this document
57619 Open this document
57620 Open this document
57621 Open this document
57622 Open this document
57623 Open this document
57624 Open this document
57625 Open this document
57626 Open this document
57627 Open this document
57628 Open this document
57629 Open this document
57630 Open this document
57631 Open this document
57632 Erase the selection\nErase
57633 Erase everything\nErase All
57634 Copy the selection and put it on the Clipboard\nCopy
57635 Cut the selection and put it on the Clipboard\nCut
57636 Find the specified text\nFind
57637 Insert clipboard contents\nPaste
57640 Repeat the last action\nRepeat
57641 Replace specific text with different text\nReplace
57642 Select the entire document\nSelect All
57643 Undo the last action\nUndo
57644 Redo the previously undone action\nRedo
57653 Split the active window into panes\nSplit
57664 Displays the program information, version number and copyright\nAbout
57665 Quits XingMPEG Encoder\nExit
57666 Opens Help\nHelp Topics
57667 Displays help topics for XingMPEG Encoder\nHelp Topics
57668 Display instructions about how to use help\nHelp
57669 Display help for clicked on buttons, menus and windows\nHelp
57670 Display help for current task or command\nHelp
57680 Switch to the next window pane\nNext Pane
57681 Switch back to the previous window pane\nPrevious Pane
59136 EXT
59137 CAP
59138 NUM
59139 SCRL
59140 OVR
59141 REC
59392 Show or hide the toolbar\nToggle ToolBar
59393 Show or hide the status bar\nToggle StatusBar
61184 Change the window size
61185 Change the window position
61186 Reduce the window to an icon
61187 Enlarge the window to full size
61188 Switch to the next document window
61189 Switch to the previous document window
61190 Close the active window and prompts to save the documents