home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
Text File | 1998-08-23 | 33.8 KB | 1,266 lines |
- object PrintkeyMain: TPrintkeyMain
- Left = 215
- Top = 113
- Cursor = crHandPoint
- BorderIcons = [biSystemMenu, biMinimize]
- BorderStyle = bsSingle
- Caption = 'PrintKey� v3.07 ( English ) Copyright� 1998 By Alfred Bolliger'
- ClientHeight = 402
- ClientWidth = 438
- Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
- Font.Color = clWindowText
- Font.Height = -11
- Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
- Font.Style = []
- Icon.Data = {<image000.ico>}
- KeyPreview = True
- Menu = MainMenu1
- Position = poDefaultSizeOnly
- OnClose = FormClose
- OnCreate = FormCreate
- OnDestroy = FormDestroy
- OnKeyPress = FormKeyPress
- OnPaint = FormPaint
- OnShow = FormShow
- PixelsPerInch = 96
- TextHeight = 13
- object Label3: TLabel
- Tag = 24
- Left = 48
- Top = 344
- Width = 101
- Height = 13
- Cursor = crHandPoint
- Caption = 'Number of Copies'
- Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
- Font.Color = clBlue
- Font.Height = -11
- Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
- Font.Style = [fsBold]
- ParentFont = False
- end
- object Label4: TLabel
- Tag = 22
- Left = 48
- Top = 292
- Width = 92
- Height = 13
- Cursor = crHandPoint
- Caption = 'Selected Printer'
- Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
- Font.Color = clBlue
- Font.Height = -11
- Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
- Font.Style = [fsBold]
- ParentFont = False
- end
- object Panel3: TPanel
- Left = 296
- Top = 144
- Width = 133
- Height = 141
- Cursor = crHandPoint
- BevelOuter = bvNone
- BorderStyle = bsSingle
- Color = clWhite
- Ctl3D = True
- ParentCtl3D = False
- TabOrder = 22
- object Label1: TLabel
- Left = 28
- Top = 52
- Width = 67
- Height = 13
- Cursor = crHandPoint
- Caption = 'Brightness = 0'
- Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
- Font.Color = clRed
- Font.Height = -11
- Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
- Font.Style = []
- ParentFont = False
- end
- object Label2: TLabel
- Left = 28
- Top = 80
- Width = 66
- Height = 13
- Cursor = crHandPoint
- Caption = 'Contrast = 0'
- Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
- Font.Color = clRed
- Font.Height = -11
- Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
- Font.Style = []
- ParentFont = False
- end
- object SpeedButton14: TSpeedButton
- Left = 8
- Top = 112
- Width = 113
- Height = 21
- Cursor = crHandPoint
- Hint = 'Undo all Changes to the Picture'
- Caption = 'Undo'
- Glyph.Data = {
- F6000000424DF600000000000000760000002800000010000000100000000100
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- BF0000BF000000BFBF00BF000000BF00BF00BFBF0000C0C0C000808080000000
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- ParentShowHint = False
- ShowHint = True
- OnClick = SpeedButton14Click
- end
- object Button1: TButton
- Left = 8
- Top = 4
- Width = 113
- Height = 21
- Cursor = crHandPoint
- Hint = 'Select the Color Depth'
- Caption = 'Change Color depth'
- ParentShowHint = False
- ShowHint = True
- TabOrder = 0
- OnMouseUp = Button1MouseUp
- end
- end
- object Panel2: TPanel
- Left = 8
- Top = 68
- Width = 277
- Height = 217
- Cursor = crHandPoint
- Caption = 'Panel2'
- Color = clWhite
- TabOrder = 1
- end
- object Panel1: TPanel
- Left = 4
- Top = 0
- Width = 429
- Height = 37
- Cursor = crHandPoint
- TabOrder = 0
- object SpeedButton1: TSpeedButton
- Tag = 1
- Left = 12
- Top = 4
- Width = 29
- Height = 29
- Cursor = crHandPoint
- Hint = 'Open Picture'
- Glyph.Data = {
- F6000000424DF600000000000000760000002800000010000000100000000100
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- ParentShowHint = False
- ShowHint = True
- OnClick = SpeedButton1Click
- end
- object SpeedButton2: TSpeedButton
- Tag = 2
- Left = 48
- Top = 4
- Width = 29
- Height = 29
- Cursor = crHandPoint
- Hint = 'Save Picture As ...'
- Glyph.Data = {
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- ParentShowHint = False
- ShowHint = True
- OnClick = SpeedButton2Click
- end
- object SpeedButton4: TSpeedButton
- Tag = 6
- Left = 192
- Top = 4
- Width = 29
- Height = 29
- Cursor = crHandPoint
- Hint = 'Get Rectangular Area ( Right Click = 6 Seconds Delay )'
- Glyph.Data = {
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- ParentShowHint = False
- ShowHint = True
- OnMouseUp = SpeedButton4MouseUp
- end
- object SpeedButton5: TSpeedButton
- Tag = 4
- Left = 120
- Top = 4
- Width = 29
- Height = 29
- Cursor = crHandPoint
- Hint = 'Paste Picture from Clipboard'
- Glyph.Data = {
- 96010000424D9601000000000000760000002800000018000000180000000100
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- ParentShowHint = False
- ShowHint = True
- OnClick = SpeedButton5Click
- end
- object SpeedButton6: TSpeedButton
- Tag = 3
- Left = 84
- Top = 4
- Width = 29
- Height = 29
- Cursor = crHandPoint
- Hint = 'Copy Picture to Clipboard'
- Glyph.Data = {
- 96010000424D9601000000000000760000002800000018000000180000000100
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- ParentShowHint = False
- ShowHint = True
- OnClick = SpeedButton6Click
- end
- object SpeedButton9: TSpeedButton
- Tag = 7
- Left = 228
- Top = 4
- Width = 29
- Height = 29
- Cursor = crHandPoint
- Hint = 'Printer setup'
- Glyph.Data = {
- 06020000424D0602000000000000760000002800000028000000140000000100
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- NumGlyphs = 2
- ParentShowHint = False
- ShowHint = True
- OnClick = SpeedButton9Click
- end
- object SpeedButton3: TSpeedButton
- Tag = 5
- Left = 156
- Top = 4
- Width = 29
- Height = 29
- Cursor = crHandPoint
- Hint = 'Edit Picture'
- Glyph.Data = {
- 66010000424D6601000000000000760000002800000014000000140000000100
- 040000000000F000000000000000000000001000000010000000000000000000
- 8000008000000080800080000000800080008080000080808000C0C0C0000000
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- ParentShowHint = False
- ShowHint = True
- OnClick = SpeedButton3Click
- end
- object Image2: TImage
- Left = 348
- Top = 4
- Width = 74
- Height = 30
- Cursor = crHelp
- Hint = 'FreeWare for Win95/98 & NT4.0'
- AutoSize = True
- Center = True
- ParentShowHint = False
- Picture.Data = {<image001.bmp>}
- ShowHint = True
- Transparent = True
- OnClick = About1Click
- end
- object BitBtn1: TBitBtn
- Tag = 8
- Left = 272
- Top = 4
- Width = 65
- Height = 29
- Cursor = crHandPoint
- Hint = 'Print the Picture'
- Caption = 'Print'
- Default = True
- Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
- Font.Color = clWindowText
- Font.Height = -11
- Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
- Font.Style = [fsBold]
- ParentFont = False
- ParentShowHint = False
- ShowHint = True
- TabOrder = 0
- OnClick = BitBtn1Click
- Glyph.Data = {
- 66010000424D6601000000000000760000002800000014000000140000000100
- 040000000000F000000000000000000000001000000010000000000000000000
- 8000008000000080800080000000800080008080000080808000C0C0C0000000
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- 0000D0F8888888822899880D0000D0FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF0D0000D70077777777
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- end
- end
- object ScrollBox1: TScrollBox
- Left = 12
- Top = 72
- Width = 269
- Height = 209
- Cursor = crNoDrop
- HorzScrollBar.Tracking = True
- VertScrollBar.Tracking = True
- Ctl3D = False
- ParentCtl3D = False
- TabOrder = 2
- object Image1: TImage
- Left = 4
- Top = 4
- Width = 257
- Height = 201
- Cursor = crHandPoint
- Hint = 'Click on to the Picture to see it Enlarged or Stretched'
- ParentShowHint = False
- ShowHint = True
- Stretch = True
- OnClick = Image1Click
- end
- end
- object CheckBox1: TCheckBox
- Tag = 11
- Left = 304
- Top = 44
- Width = 101
- Height = 13
- Cursor = crHandPoint
- Hint = 'Change all Colors to Gray scale'
- Caption = 'Grayed Colors'
- ParentShowHint = False
- ShowHint = True
- TabOrder = 3
- OnClick = SetImageOptions
- end
- object CheckBox2: TCheckBox
- Tag = 12
- Left = 304
- Top = 76
- Width = 101
- Height = 13
- Cursor = crHandPoint
- Hint = 'Negative of the Picture'
- Caption = 'Invert Colors'
- ParentShowHint = False
- ShowHint = True
- TabOrder = 4
- OnClick = SetImageOptions
- end
- object CheckBox3: TCheckBox
- Tag = 14
- Left = 304
- Top = 108
- Width = 101
- Height = 13
- Cursor = crHandPoint
- Hint = 'Mirrors the Picture'
- Caption = 'Mirrored Picture'
- ParentShowHint = False
- ShowHint = True
- TabOrder = 6
- OnClick = SetImageOptions
- end
- object ComboBox1: TComboBox
- Tag = 23
- Left = 8
- Top = 308
- Width = 185
- Height = 21
- Cursor = crHandPoint
- Hint = 'Select the Printer'
- Style = csDropDownList
- ItemHeight = 13
- ParentShowHint = False
- ShowHint = True
- TabOrder = 8
- end
- object CheckBox9: TCheckBox
- Tag = 28
- Left = 204
- Top = 344
- Width = 97
- Height = 13
- Cursor = crHandPoint
- Caption = 'Print FooterText'
- ParentShowHint = False
- ShowHint = True
- TabOrder = 10
- OnMouseDown = CheckBox9MouseDown
- end
- object ComboBox2: TComboBox
- Tag = 25
- Left = 156
- Top = 336
- Width = 37
- Height = 21
- Cursor = crHandPoint
- Hint = 'Select how many Copies to Print'
- Style = csDropDownList
- ItemHeight = 13
- Items.Strings = (
- '1'
- '2'
- '3'
- '4'
- '5'
- '6'
- '7'
- '8'
- '9'
- '10'
- '20'
- '30'
- '40'
- '50'
- '60'
- '70'
- '80'
- '90')
- ParentShowHint = False
- ShowHint = True
- TabOrder = 9
- end
- object CheckBox10: TCheckBox
- Tag = 29
- Left = 204
- Top = 360
- Width = 105
- Height = 13
- Cursor = crHandPoint
- Caption = 'Print Date && Time'
- ParentShowHint = False
- ShowHint = True
- TabOrder = 11
- end
- object CheckBox11: TCheckBox
- Tag = 27
- Left = 204
- Top = 328
- Width = 93
- Height = 13
- Cursor = crHandPoint
- Caption = 'Print User Info'
- ParentShowHint = False
- ShowHint = True
- TabOrder = 12
- end
- object RadioButton1: TRadioButton
- Tag = 26
- Left = 204
- Top = 296
- Width = 105
- Height = 13
- Cursor = crHandPoint
- Hint = 'The Page is in Landscape Mode'
- Caption = 'Landscape Mode'
- Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
- Font.Color = clBlue
- Font.Height = -11
- Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
- Font.Style = []
- ParentFont = False
- ParentShowHint = False
- ShowHint = True
- TabOrder = 13
- end
- object RadioButton2: TRadioButton
- Tag = 30
- Left = 204
- Top = 312
- Width = 105
- Height = 13
- Cursor = crHandPoint
- Hint = 'The Page is in Portrait Mode'
- Caption = 'Portrait Mode'
- Checked = True
- Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
- Font.Color = clBlue
- Font.Height = -11
- Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
- Font.Style = []
- ParentFont = False
- ParentShowHint = False
- ShowHint = True
- TabOrder = 14
- TabStop = True
- end
- object ScrollBar1: TScrollBar
- Tag = 17
- Left = 308
- Top = 212
- Width = 109
- Height = 13
- Cursor = crHandPoint
- Hint = 'Move to change the Brightness'
- Max = 127
- Min = -127
- ParentShowHint = False
- ShowHint = True
- SmallChange = 4
- TabOrder = 15
- OnScroll = ScrollBar1Scroll
- end
- object ScrollBar2: TScrollBar
- Tag = 19
- Left = 308
- Top = 240
- Width = 109
- Height = 13
- Cursor = crHandPoint
- Hint = 'Move to change the Contrast'
- Max = 127
- Min = -127
- ParentShowHint = False
- ShowHint = True
- SmallChange = 4
- TabOrder = 16
- OnScroll = ScrollBar2Scroll
- end
- object CheckBox8: TCheckBox
- Tag = 13
- Left = 304
- Top = 92
- Width = 81
- Height = 13
- Cursor = crHandPoint
- Hint = 'Swap 2 Colors ( Right click to change directly )'
- Caption = 'Swap Colors'
- ParentShowHint = False
- ShowHint = True
- TabOrder = 5
- OnClick = SetImageOptions
- OnMouseDown = CheckBox8MouseDown
- end
- object CheckBox7: TCheckBox
- Tag = 15
- Left = 304
- Top = 124
- Width = 117
- Height = 13
- Cursor = crHandPoint
- Hint = 'Add a Frame around the Picture'
- Caption = 'Add a Frame'
- ParentShowHint = False
- ShowHint = True
- TabOrder = 7
- OnClick = SetImageOptions
- end
- object CheckBox12: TCheckBox
- Left = 308
- Top = 180
- Width = 29
- Height = 13
- Cursor = crHandPoint
- Hint = 'Set/Unset Red'
- Caption = 'R'
- Color = clWhite
- Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
- Font.Color = clRed
- Font.Height = -11
- Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
- Font.Style = [fsBold]
- ParentColor = False
- ParentFont = False
- ParentShowHint = False
- ShowHint = True
- State = cbChecked
- TabOrder = 17
- OnClick = SetImageOptions
- end
- object CheckBox13: TCheckBox
- Left = 352
- Top = 180
- Width = 29
- Height = 13
- Cursor = crHandPoint
- Hint = 'Set/Unset Green'
- Caption = 'G'
- Color = clWhite
- Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
- Font.Color = clLime
- Font.Height = -11
- Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
- Font.Style = [fsBold]
- ParentColor = False
- ParentFont = False
- ParentShowHint = False
- ShowHint = True
- State = cbChecked
- TabOrder = 18
- OnClick = SetImageOptions
- end
- object CheckBox14: TCheckBox
- Left = 392
- Top = 180
- Width = 29
- Height = 13
- Cursor = crHandPoint
- Hint = 'Set/Unset Blue'
- Caption = 'B'
- Color = clWhite
- Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
- Font.Color = clBlue
- Font.Height = -11
- Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
- Font.Style = [fsBold]
- ParentColor = False
- ParentFont = False
- ParentShowHint = False
- ShowHint = True
- State = cbChecked
- TabOrder = 19
- OnClick = SetImageOptions
- end
- object Panel4: TPanel
- Left = 392
- Top = 92
- Width = 13
- Height = 13
- Cursor = crHandPoint
- Hint = 'Choose 1. Color'
- Color = clBlack
- ParentShowHint = False
- ShowHint = True
- TabOrder = 20
- OnClick = Panel4Click
- end
- object Panel5: TPanel
- Left = 412
- Top = 92
- Width = 13
- Height = 13
- Cursor = crHandPoint
- Hint = 'Choose 2. Color'
- Color = clWhite
- ParentShowHint = False
- ShowHint = True
- TabOrder = 21
- OnClick = Panel5Click
- end
- object Panel6: TPanel
- Left = 308
- Top = 288
- Width = 121
- Height = 89
- Cursor = crHandPoint
- BevelOuter = bvNone
- Ctl3D = False
- ParentCtl3D = False
- TabOrder = 23
- object CheckBox4: TCheckBox
- Left = 4
- Top = 8
- Width = 113
- Height = 13
- Cursor = crHandPoint
- Hint = 'Centers the Picture on Page'
- Caption = 'Centered on Page'
- ParentShowHint = False
- ShowHint = True
- TabOrder = 0
- end
- object CheckBox5: TCheckBox
- Left = 4
- Top = 24
- Width = 109
- Height = 13
- Cursor = crHandPoint
- Hint = 'Keep the Proportions of the picture'
- Caption = 'Keep Proportions'
- ParentShowHint = False
- ShowHint = True
- TabOrder = 1
- OnMouseUp = CheckBox5MouseUp
- end
- object RadioButton3: TRadioButton
- Left = 4
- Top = 40
- Width = 117
- Height = 13
- Cursor = crHandPoint
- Hint = 'Keeps the original Picture Dimensions'
- Caption = 'Normal Picture Size'
- Checked = True
- ParentShowHint = False
- ShowHint = True
- TabOrder = 2
- TabStop = True
- end
- object RadioButton4: TRadioButton
- Left = 4
- Top = 56
- Width = 109
- Height = 13
- Cursor = crHandPoint
- Hint = 'Reduce the Size ( Right Click to change )'
- Caption = '50% of the Picture'
- ParentShowHint = False
- ShowHint = True
- TabOrder = 3
- OnMouseDown = RadioButton4MouseDown
- end
- object RadioButton5: TRadioButton
- Left = 4
- Top = 72
- Width = 117
- Height = 13
- Cursor = crHandPoint
- Hint = 'The Picture has the same Dimensions as the Printer Page'
- Caption = 'Picture = Page Size'
- ParentShowHint = False
- ShowHint = True
- TabOrder = 4
- OnClick = RadioButton5Click
- end
- end
- object Panel7: TPanel
- Left = 0
- Top = 384
- Width = 317
- Height = 17
- Cursor = crHandPoint
- Hint = 'Show Memory Information'
- BevelOuter = bvLowered
- ParentShowHint = False
- ShowHint = True
- TabOrder = 24
- end
- object ProgressBar1: TProgressBar
- Left = 320
- Top = 384
- Width = 117
- Height = 17
- Cursor = crHandPoint
- Hint = 'Show the Progress on Printing'
- Min = 0
- Max = 100
- ParentShowHint = False
- ShowHint = True
- TabOrder = 25
- end
- object StaticText1: TStaticText
- Left = 8
- Top = 44
- Width = 277
- Height = 17
- Cursor = crHandPoint
- Hint = 'Picture Information'
- Alignment = taCenter
- AutoSize = False
- BorderStyle = sbsSunken
- Color = clInfoBk
- Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
- Font.Color = clWindowText
- Font.Height = -11
- Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
- Font.Style = [fsBold]
- ParentColor = False
- ParentFont = False
- ParentShowHint = False
- ShowHint = True
- TabOrder = 26
- end
- object CheckBox6: TCheckBox
- Left = 304
- Top = 60
- Width = 101
- Height = 13
- Cursor = crHandPoint
- Hint = 'Change Colors to Black & White'
- Caption = 'Black && White'
- ParentShowHint = False
- ShowHint = True
- TabOrder = 27
- OnClick = SetImageOptions
- end
- object OpenPictureDialog1: TOpenPictureDialog
- DefaultExt = 'gif'
- Filter =
- 'All ( *.jpg *.jpeg *.bmp *.gif *.ico *.emf *.wmf )|*.jpg;*.jpeg' +
- ';*.bmp;*.gif;*.ico;*.emf;*.wmf|JPG Pictures ( *.jpg *.jpeg )|*.j' +
- 'pg;*.jpeg|BMP Pictures ( *.bmp )|*.bmp|GIF Pictures ( *.gif )|*.' +
- 'gif|ICO Pictures ( *.ico )|*.ico|EMF Pictures ( *.emf )|*.emf|WM' +
- 'F Pictures ( *.wmf )|*.wmf'
- Options = [ofHideReadOnly, ofPathMustExist, ofFileMustExist]
- Title = 'Load Picture'
- Left = 8
- Top = 416
- end
- object SavePictureDialog1: TSavePictureDialog
- DefaultExt = 'gif'
- Filter =
- 'All Pictures ( *.gif *.jpeg *.jpeg *.bmp )|*.gif;*.jpg;*.jpeg;' +
- '*.bmp|JPG Pictures ( *.jpg *.jpeg )|*.jpg;*.jpeg|BMP Pictures ( ' +
- '*.bmp )|*.bmp|GIF Pictures ( *.gif )|*.gif'
- Options = [ofOverwritePrompt, ofHideReadOnly, ofPathMustExist]
- Title = 'Save Picture As ..'
- Left = 44
- Top = 416
- end
- object MainMenu1: TMainMenu
- Left = 84
- Top = 416
- object File1: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'File'
- object Minimize1: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Minimize ( ESC )'
- OnClick = Minimize1Click
- end
- object Suspend1: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Suspend'
- ShortCut = 16464
- OnClick = Suspend1Click
- end
- object Refresh1: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Refresh'
- ShortCut = 116
- OnClick = Refresh1Click
- end
- object N2: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- end
- object CopytoClipboard1: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Copy Picture to Clipboard'
- ShortCut = 16451
- OnClick = CopytoClipboard1Click
- end
- object PastefromClipboard1: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Paste Picture from Clipboard'
- ShortCut = 16470
- OnClick = PastefromClipboard1Click
- end
- object N3: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- end
- object EditImage1: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Edit Picture'
- ShortCut = 16453
- OnClick = EditImage1Click
- end
- object LoadImage1: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Load Picture'
- ShortCut = 16460
- OnClick = LoadImage1Click
- end
- object SaveImage1: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Save Picture As ...'
- ShortCut = 16467
- OnClick = SaveImage1Click
- end
- object N4: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- end
- object GetRectangulararea1: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Get Rectangular Area'
- ShortCut = 16466
- OnClick = GetRectangulararea1Click
- end
- object N1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- end
- object Close1: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Exit ( Close && Terminate ... )'
- OnClick = Close1Click
- end
- end
- object Options1: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Options'
- object Hotkey1: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Define Hotkey'
- object key0: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Printscreen'
- Checked = True
- Default = True
- RadioItem = True
- OnClick = key0Click
- end
- object key1: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'F1'
- RadioItem = True
- OnClick = key1Click
- end
- object key2: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'F2'
- RadioItem = True
- OnClick = key2Click
- end
- object key3: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'F3'
- RadioItem = True
- OnClick = key3Click
- end
- object key4: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'F4'
- RadioItem = True
- OnClick = key4Click
- end
- object key5: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'F5'
- RadioItem = True
- OnClick = key5Click
- end
- object key6: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'F6'
- RadioItem = True
- OnClick = key6Click
- end
- object key7: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'F7'
- RadioItem = True
- OnClick = key7Click
- end
- object key8: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'F8'
- RadioItem = True
- OnClick = key8Click
- end
- object key9: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'F9'
- RadioItem = True
- OnClick = key9Click
- end
- object key10: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'F10'
- RadioItem = True
- OnClick = key10Click
- end
- object key11: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'F11'
- RadioItem = True
- OnClick = key11Click
- end
- object key12: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'F12'
- RadioItem = True
- OnClick = key12Click
- end
- object key13: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Page Up'
- RadioItem = True
- OnClick = key13Click
- end
- object key14: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Page Down'
- RadioItem = True
- OnClick = key14Click
- end
- object Key15: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Scroll Lock'
- RadioItem = True
- OnClick = Key15Click
- end
- object Key16: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Pause'
- RadioItem = True
- OnClick = Key16Click
- end
- end
- object Definehotkeyfunction1: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Define Hotkey Function'
- object Action1: TMenuItem
- Caption =
- 'Hotkey = ( Desktop ) Alt+Hotkey = ( Acti' +
- 've Window )'
- Checked = True
- RadioItem = True
- OnClick = Action1Click
- end
- object Action2: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Hotkey = ( Active Window ) Alt+Hotkey = ( Desktop )'
- RadioItem = True
- OnClick = Action2Click
- end
- object Action3: TMenuItem
- Caption =
- 'Hotkey = (Get Rectangular Area ) Alt+Hotkey = ( Active Windo' +
- 'w )'
- RadioItem = True
- OnClick = Action3Click
- end
- object Action4: TMenuItem
- Caption =
- 'Hotkey = ( Edit Picture Desktop) Alt+Hotkey = ( Edit Pictu' +
- 're active Window ) '
- RadioItem = True
- OnClick = Action4Click
- end
- end
- object Footer1: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Define Footer Text'
- OnClick = Footer1Click
- end
- object DefineFrameSize1: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Define Frame Size'
- object N1Dot1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '1 Dot'
- Checked = True
- RadioItem = True
- OnClick = N1Dot1Click
- end
- object N2Dot1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '2 Dot'
- RadioItem = True
- OnClick = N2Dot1Click
- end
- object N3Dot1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '3 Dot'
- RadioItem = True
- OnClick = N3Dot1Click
- end
- object N4Dot1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '4 Dot'
- RadioItem = True
- OnClick = N4Dot1Click
- end
- end
- object N7: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- end
- object Client1: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Get only Client Area of Window'
- OnClick = Client1Click
- end
- object N10: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- end
- object Resize1: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Increase the Size of the Dialog Form'
- OnClick = Resize1Click
- end
- object Sound1: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Play Sound on Pressing the Hotkey'
- Checked = True
- OnClick = Sound1Click
- end
- object N9: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- end
- object NoDialog1: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Print the Picture Directly ( No Dialog )'
- OnClick = NoDialog1Click
- end
- object Dialog1: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Close Dialog after Printing'
- OnClick = Dialog1Click
- end
- object N5: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- end
- object Save1: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Save Options'
- ShortCut = 16463
- OnClick = Save1Click
- end
- object CleanupRegistry1: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Cleanup Registry ...'
- OnClick = CleanupRegistry1Click
- end
- end
- object About1: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'About'
- OnClick = About1Click
- end
- end
- object PrinterSetupDialog1: TPrinterSetupDialog
- Left = 120
- Top = 416
- end
- object PopupMenu1: TPopupMenu
- Left = 164
- Top = 416
- object About2: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'About ...'
- OnClick = About1Click
- end
- object N8: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- end
- object PrinttheDesktop1: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Print the Desktop'
- OnClick = PrinttheDesktop1Click
- end
- object MenuItem1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- end
- object Open1: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Open'
- OnClick = Open1Click
- end
- object Suspend2: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Suspend'
- OnClick = Suspend1Click
- end
- object NoDialog2: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Print the Picture Directly ( No Dialog )'
- OnClick = NoDialog1Click
- end
- object N6: TMenuItem
- Caption = '-'
- end
- object CloseExit1: TMenuItem
- Caption = 'Exit ( Close && Terminate ... )'
- OnClick = CloseExit1Click
- end
- end
- object TrayIcon1: TTrayIcon
- Icon.Data = {<image002.ico>}
- ToolTip = 'PrintKey v3.07'
- OnDblClick = Open1Click
- OnRightClick = TrayIcon1Click
- Left = 208
- Top = 416
- end
- object ColorDialog1: TColorDialog
- Ctl3D = True
- CustomColors.Strings = (
- 'ColorA=EEEEEE'
- 'ColorB=DDDDEE'
- 'ColorC=DDEEDD'
- 'ColorD=EEDDDD'
- 'ColorE=DDDDDD'
- 'ColorF=99EEEE'
- 'ColorG=EEEEAA'
- 'ColorH=AAAAEE'
- 'ColorI=E0E0E0'
- 'ColorJ=D0D0D0'
- 'ColorK=C0C0C0'
- 'ColorL=B0B0B0'
- 'ColorM=A0A0A0'
- 'ColorN=909090'
- 'ColorO=808080'
- 'ColorP=707070')
- Options = [cdPreventFullOpen]
- Left = 244
- Top = 416
- end
- object PopupMenu2: TPopupMenu
- Left = 284
- Top = 416
- object PT1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '75%'
- RadioItem = True
- OnClick = PT1Click
- end
- object PT2: TMenuItem
- Caption = '50%'
- Checked = True
- RadioItem = True
- OnClick = PT2Click
- end
- object PT3: TMenuItem
- Caption = '25%'
- RadioItem = True
- OnClick = PT3Click
- end
- object PT4: TMenuItem
- Caption = '10%'
- RadioItem = True
- OnClick = PT4Click
- end
- end
- object PopupMenu3: TPopupMenu
- Left = 324
- Top = 416
- object cd1: TMenuItem
- Caption = '1 Bit ( Black && White )'
- OnClick = SetColorDepth
- end
- object cd2: TMenuItem
- Caption = '4 Bit ( 16 Colors )'
- OnClick = SetColorDepth
- end
- object cd3: TMenuItem
- Caption = '8 Bit ( 256 Colors )'
- OnClick = SetColorDepth
- end
- object cd4: TMenuItem
- Caption = '15 Bit ( 32K Colors )'
- OnClick = SetColorDepth
- end
- object cd5: TMenuItem
- Caption = '16 Bit ( 16M Colors )'
- OnClick = SetColorDepth
- end
- object cd6: TMenuItem
- Caption = '24 Bit ( 16M Colors )'
- OnClick = SetColorDepth
- end
- end
- end