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- ; This contents file was created with HelpScribble 3.5.2
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- :BASE WDM.hlp
- :TITLE War FTP Daemon
- 1 War FTP Daemon
- 2 Introduction=Scribble131200
- 2 Beta Notice=Scribble1
- 2 System overview=Scribble300000
- 2 Database Support=Scribble100040
- 1 War Daemon Manager
- 2 War Daemon Manager=Scribble131201
- 2 The User Manager=Scribble131202
- 2 Connecting to a server
- 3 Connection Properties=Scribble131288
- 1 Programming API
- 2 Technote: Compiling the source code=Scribble100010
- 2 War User Daemon API's
- 3 User daemon API=Scribble200000
- 3 Session Manager API=Scribble200400
- 3 WarUserHandle class=Scribble200100
- 1 RFC documents
- 2 RFC 959=@rfc959.hlp>main
- 1 Technical notes
- 2 Technote: CdFs=Scribble100020
- 2 Technote: Compiling the source code=Scribble100010
- 2 Technote: Subclassing=Scribble30000
- 2 Technote: The User Database=Scribble131212