Send questions, comments or suggestions to
Visit the Go!Zilla homepage at for the latest versions and info
Visit the Monster User Site at for more GoZilla operation
Run the self-extracting executable file. Setup up will install all necessary Go!Zilla files.
You can start Go!Zilla by selecting its icon from the Programs menu. Enjoy!
If you receive errors about OLEAUT32.DLL or OLEPRO32.DLL then your system needs a minor file update.
Visit for details.
Go!Zilla Quick Tour
--Adding Files to Download
Files can be added to Go!Zilla either manually, through browser integration or by dragging a file link from
your internet browser.
--Entering a File Manually
Select Add File from the File menu. The URL Dialog will appear. Here you can enter
the location of a file you want to retrieve. You may also type in a description to
identify the file.
--Browser Integration
Go!Zilla can integrate with Netscape, Internet Explorer and Mosaic based browsers for easy
click and download support. Simply browse using your intenet browser and when you find a file
you want to download, juck click the link like you normally would. Go!Zilla will intercept the
file and add it to itÆs download list. You can download the file immediately or save it for
later retrieval.
Toggle browser integration on and off from the Auto menu. You can specify which types of files
Go!Zilla should intercept from Options/Automation.
If Go!Zilla is intercepting a link that you click in your browser as a download that you donÆt
really want Go!Zilla to handle, Browser Integration can be temporarily disabled for that link by
holding down the ALT key as you click on the link in your browser.
Hold down the ALT key and keep it pressed as you click the link in your browser and Go!Zilla will
not attempt to intercept it as a download.
--Drag and Drop
Click on a link to the file you want to download and drag it to the Go!Zilla file
list window. Release the mouse button and the file will automatically be added to
your list. Set the Show Download Info Box and Always on Top options to drag and drop at
monstrous speeds.
Select any files you want to download. .
To start downloading immediately select Download from the Go menu.
To schedule a download for later select Schedule from the Go menu.
--Scheduling a Download for Later
With Go!Zilla you can schedule files to download later.
First select any files you want to schedule for download.
Set a time and date for the download using the Schedule command from the Go menu.
Leave Go!Zilla running and your downloads will start at the scheduled time.
--Super Link Leech
The Super Link Leecher lets you easily gather many files from a web page or an FTP site.
If you start the Link Leecher while using Netscape or Internet Explorer, Go!Zilla will
automatically gather the links and files from the page you are currently browsing. If you are
using any other browser, enter the web or ftp address you want to leech files from and press
the Leech button. For example you would enter to leech from the
GoZilla homepage, or try to browse a popular FTP file archive.
Select files that you want to add to your download list and click the Add button to add them
to your collection. You can continue to add multiple files from that address or double click
on a link from the list and Go!Zilla will show you the links and files on the new page or FTP
directory. Using the Link Leecher you can gather many files from a site or FTP server and add
them easily to your file list.
Using SmartUpdate you can monitor your favorite files for updates and enhancements. To monitor
a file, select the file and choose SmartUpdate Monitor from the File menu or the right-click
context menu.
SmartUpdate monitors files in two different fashions:
1. Automatically using the Download Management Protocol (DMP). DMP is a method of communication
between Go!Zilla and a software archive. When updates or announcements of interest become
available for a monitored program, you will receive the announcement and a link back to the
originating site where you can get the update or find more information about the announcement.
2. Manually by monitoring the file and itÆs originating location for any changes.
When Go!Zilla detects that a file has been updated or an announcement is available it will place
an icon next to the file. Double click the file to see the latest announcements or click the
View New button to see all new announcements for all the programs your are monitoring.
Each announcement will give you a description of the change or update along with a link to the
updated file or a location to get more information. Click the link to get the updated file or
information or click the homepage link to go to the net location where the file was orignially
--Download Optimization
GoZilla will intelligently switch between mirror sites to meet your minimum transfer speed
requirements. The intelligent site switching will never compromise the integrity of your final
You can set your minimum speed requirements under Options/Files. The acceptable speed you enter
is a guide and will be adjusted according to your actual transfer speed and number of downloads
currently in progress. This value can be set suprisingly high due to GoZillaÆs intelligent
How To Register Go!Zilla
Go!Zilla is completely free and fully functional. It will not constantly nag you, it will not
disable any of its functionality and it will never just stop working in an attempt to make you
register. Enjoy it, share it with your friends, download till you drop.
However, registration does have it's benefits.
Registration of your copy of Go!Zilla is quick, easy and costs only $20 US
Registering Go!Zilla provides you with the following benefits:
Immediately receive a non-sponsored version without advertising.
Notification of updates to Go!Zilla and free updates.
Priority technical support
Helps support the development of Go!Zilla.
Print out ORDERFRM.TXT and fill out the form with your name, address and email
address. Mail the form along with $20 in cash, check (payable to Aureate Media) or money order
Aureate Media
Go!Zilla Registration
8777 Purdue Road, Suite 225
Indianapolis, IN 46268
You can now order online at
or by calling Toll Free at 1-800-656-5443
(612) 253-1234 Outside US
(612) 253-8497 FAX
Visit the Monster User Site at for the latest additions to the
FAQ and TroubleShooting
>How do I drag and drop files into Go!Zilla?
The easiest way is to set Go!Zilla to either always on top (Window menu/Always On Top) or to the
droptarget (Window menu/Drop Target). This way Go will float above your browser window. Click
and drag the link to the file that you want to the Go window or the Drop Target and release.
If you get a circle with an X through it, that means that you are not dragging a valid link.
This is most likely because the link you are dragging is accessed through an image or picture
and your browser thinks that you want to drag only the image, not the link. Internet explorer
4.0 and higher has solved this problem by dragging both the image and its corresponding link and
Go will recognize and accept the link. If you are using Netscape or an older version of Internet
Explorer or other browsers that do not fully feature drag and drop you will need to use clipboard
Cut & Paste in these situations. Right click on the link (or image) and select Copy Link Location
(Netscape) or Copy Shortcut (Internet Explorer). Then select Paste File from Go!Zilla and the link
will be added to your file list.
>How do I use the Super Link Leecher?
The Super Link Leecher lets you easily gather many files from a web page or an FTP site. If you
start the Link Leecher while using Netscape, Go!Zilla will automatically gather the links and files
from the page you are currently browsing. If you are using any other browser, enter the web or ftp
address you want to leech files from and press the Leech button. For example you would enter to leech from the GoZilla homepage, or try to
browse a popular FTP file archive.
Select files that you want to add to your download list and click the Add button to add them to your
collection. You can continue to add multiple files from that address or double click on a link from
the list and Go!Zilla will show you the links and files on the new page or FTP directory. Using the
Link Leecher you can gather many files from a site or FTP server and add them easily to your file
>When I download a file, I get "Houston, we have a problem"
That means that Go!Zilla was unable to download the file on that attempt. This can be caused by many
reasons ranging from unathorized access, network errors, or maybe there are just too many people on
the file's server right now and you'll have to try back later. You can see a detailed error message
in the file's status display and Go!Zilla will keep attempting to download your file up to the number
of retry attempts you've set (Go menu/Options/Connection). If you have partially downloaded a file,
Go!Zilla will restart at where it left off once it can resume the connection. This means that if
you've downloaded 10 Megs of that 11 Meg file and then get disconnected, you wont have to start over
from the beginning. Go!Zilla will restart the download and get only the remaining 1 Meg. What a
>Sounds Great! But why are MY downloads never resumed from where I got disconnected?
This is because you are going through a proxy server and the proxy does not support resuming. If
your proxy doesn't support resume, don't use it unless absolutely necessary, it will save you a lot
of time in the long run. If you can resume some downloads but not others, then the problem is not
your proxy server. It is the server that you are getting the file from that does not support
resuming. More and more web servers are supporting file resume, so this situation should be rare.
Go!Zilla will resume downloads from BOTH FTP and HTTP sites that support resume.
>How can I find out is my proxy server supports resuming or not?
Download a file bypassing your proxy and find a file that will resume. Then change your settings to
use your proxy and then download the same file again. If it suddenly won't resume anymore, then your
proxy doesn't support it.
>What's this about downloading from the fastest site?
When you add a file to Go!Zilla it will search FTP archives to locate additional sites that also have
that file (called mirror sites). Usually, one of these sites will be closer to you or just plain
faster than the site you originally would have downloaded the file from. Go!Zilla will automatically
find these sites for you if you have the Auto FTP Search option enabled (Go Menu/Options/FTP Search)
and will quickly test each site before a download to see which one is operating the fastest at that
No more turtle-slow downloads from an unresponsive site.
>Cool! But I always get the message "unable to connect to ..." when Go!Zilla tries to find those mirror sites. What do I do?
This means that either that FTP Search engine is not responding right now or is responding very
slowly. Try increasing your search timeout (Go Menu/Options/Connection) or changing to a different
search engine (Go Menu/Options/FTP Search).
>I like how Go!Zilla will select the quickest site for my download, but sometimes I want to download from a specific site from the list. How do I do this?
Examine the properties for the file (File Menu/Edit File or right-click file/Edit File). You will
see all the mirror sites for that file that Go!Zilla has found. Select the site you want to download
from and hit the download button. Go!Zilla will download your file from that site.
>How can I get GoZilla to download files one after the other in a single file manner?
How can I get scheduled downloads to download single file at my selected time?
You can set how many files GoZilla will download at once from Options/Connection under the setting
for Max Connections.
This defaults to 2 at a time but if you changed it to 1, GoZilla would download any files you select
to download one after the other single file.
So to have a group of files start downloading one after the other at 10PM, you would select all the
files you want. Hit the schedule button and fill in the time for 10PM. If your Max Connections is
set to 1, even though all the files are scheduled for 10PM only one will download at a time, so after
one is finished GoZilla will move to the next one until all the files are retrieved.
>How do I get GoZilla to download from password protected sites?
You can set up authentication information for protected sites that you download from under
Click the Add button to add a site, enter the site name like "" and then enter your
username and password.
Or GoZilla will download from URLs that have the authentication information imbedded such as
> Go!zilla gives an error for OLEAUT32.DLL or OLEPRO32.DLL at startup.
If you receive errors about OLEAUT32.DLL or OLEPRO32.DLL then your system needs a minor file update.
Visit for details.
>Go!Zilla keeps trying to intercept a file from my browser and I donÆt want it to
Go!Zilla can integrate with your browser to intercept browser clicks and will decide whether it is a
file that you would like to download.
Sometimes you will come across a file that Go!Zilla wants to intercept, but you would rather just
view it in your browser.
To make Go!Zilla ignore the file, hold and keep the ALT key pressed while you click on the link in
your browser. Keep the ALT key pressed until the link has started loading from your browser.
>Go!Zilla is not capturing all downloads from Internet Explorer
First, make sure you have browser integration turned on. Go to the Auto Menu and toggle the Browser
Integration setting off and on.
If GoZilla still will not pick up the link, then it is probably a redirected link and gozilla is
unable to get control away from Internet Explorer. You will need to drag and drop the link to GoZilla
or use copy & paste to get the link into GoZilla and it will be able to download it as normal.
>When Go!Zills starts up I get an "Unable to create empty document" message
One of GoZilla's data files has become corrupted. This is often a side effect of some uninstall
managers like CleanSweep. You will need to go into your GoZilla program directory and delete the
files filelist.gzl and monitor.dat
Upgrade to v3.1 or later and GoZilla will automatically detect these kinds of problems and fix them.
>When Go!Zilla starts up I get an "Unknown file format" message
Go!Zilla has tried to convert an older format filelist to the new format and has been unsucessful.
You can either manually delete your old filelist (usually filelist.gzl in your GoZilla directory) or
you can "Save As" from the FileList Menu to start a new filelist.
>I get "Unable to launch ICMP.DLL" when I run Go!Zilla
You need to install the TCP/IP networking protocol stack. This is done automatically when you
install Dial-Up Networking and most other internet services. You can install TCP/IP manually from
the Control Panel/Network. If you have TCP/IP already installed and still receive this message,
uninstall TCP/IP and reinstall the TCP/IP stack.
>Whenever I try to download I get a message that says "Unable to locate Down.exe Make sure it is in your Go!Zilla program directory"
This can be caused by one of two things. First, if you are using the utility tray.exe from Microsoft,
do not add Go!Zilla to its menu. Tray.exe will change what Go!Zilla knows as its own directory and
will cause it to be unable to find its components. If you experience this problem, simply remove
Go!Zilla from the tray utilities menu and it will return to normal.
If you are not using tray.exe or a utility like it and you still have this problem, then check your
Go!Zilla program directory to make sure that Go.exe, Down.exe and all it's components are there. If
they aren't then reinstall.
>Go!Zilla is not saving my file list from session to session.
Go!Zilla saves your file list from one session to the next so that you can collect and save files,
and resume failed downloads whenever you please. By default, it saves this information in a file
called filelist.gzl in your Go!Zilla program directory. Make sure this file exists and that it is
writeable on your system. If not, then use the Save As... command from the file menu to save your
filelist wherever you choose. Go!Zilla will always attempt to load your last known file list.
>Go!Zilla crashes when starting in tray at system startup
This is caused by a conflict at startup with certain versions of Windows Messaging that is usally
installed by Corel products. Just remove Go!Zilla from the system startup by selecting Options/System
and make sure the checkbox next to "Start in tray at system startup" is cleared.
>Microsoft Word Program crashes during some Copy & Paste operations when Go!Zilla is running
Some versions of Microsoft Word do not correctly integrate into the clipboard chain. You will need
to turn off Go!ZillaÆs clipboard monitoring feature. Turn off clipboard monitoring from the Auto Menu
by deselecting Monitor Clipboard.
>Whenever I start up Windows, it is trying to make an internet connection
Microsoft just recently released all the details of this gritty little monster. Seems that updated
versions of the OLEAUT32.DLL system file are causing conflicts with existing installations of some
programs. This looks like a problem for Win95/98 users only and isn't affecting WinNT users. The
most common side effect of these conflicts is that windows will try to make an internet connection
immediately after starting. You will need to go to your original Windows CD and install the
OLEAUT32.DLL file to your windows system directory.
See the Microsoft website for more information.
>While trying to uninstall, I get an "Unable to open Install.log" error
This affects installations under some long filenamed paths. Go to your GoZilla program directory
and click on the "Unwise.exe" icon to uninstall.
Current version 3.3:
See above
Version 3.2
-Download Optimization: GoZilla will intelligently switch between mirror sites to meet
your minimum transfer speed requirements. The intelligent site switching will never
compromise the integrity of your final download.
-Persistent connections on FTP downloads and link leeching. Keeps you logged into busy sites.
-Optimized for very large file lists and improved performance.
-Optimized for 256 color displays
-Customizable user windows
-Correctly handles HTTP multi-part downloads
-Fixes dial-up crash some versions of NT were experiencing