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- object SubScribeForm: TSubScribeForm
- Left = 54
- Top = 46
- Width = 485
- Height = 268
- Caption = 'Subscription form...'
- Font.Charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET
- Font.Color = clWindowText
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- Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
- Font.Style = []
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- FillObject.Gradient.ColorCount = 31
- FillObject.Gradient.Style = gstElliptic
- Align = alTop
- Alignment = agTopCenter
- Caption = 'TransSoft'#39's Newsletter subscription...'
- Font.Charset = ANSI_CHARSET
- Font.Color = clWindowText
- Font.Height = -19
- Font.Name = 'Impact'
- Font.Style = []
- FontFx.Style = tdRaisedShadow
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- object Memo1: TMemo
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- Font.Height = -15
- Font.Name = 'MS Sans Serif'
- Font.Style = []
- Lines.Strings = (
- 'Whenever a new release of our clients are posted to our homepage' +
- ' and FTP '
- 'site, introducing new, enriched set of features, our newsletter' +
- ' is posted to our '
- 'subscribers.'
- 'This ables our users to easily keep track of new releases. Every' +
- ' time a new '
- 'release is presented, users can upgrade their current release si' +
- 'mply by means '
- 'of "Help|Automatic upgrade...".'
- ''
- 'To subscribe, simply click the [Subscribe Now] button, here belo' +
- 'w, and you will '
- 'receive an email of acknowledgement in return!')
- ParentFont = False
- TabOrder = 0
- end
- object Button1: TButton
- Left = 296
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- Width = 87
- Height = 25
- Caption = 'Subscribe now!'
- Default = True
- TabOrder = 1
- OnClick = Button1Click
- end
- object Button2: TButton
- Left = 392
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- Caption = 'Cancel'
- ModalResult = 2
- TabOrder = 2
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- SimplePanel = True
- end
- object MultiLang1: TMultiLang
- Languages = 2
- Words.Strings = (
- '%Form%'
- 'Subscription form...'
- '�skriftarform...'
- 'LMDLabelFill1'
- 'TransSoft'#39's Newsletter subscription...'
- '�skrift a� fr�ttabr�fi TransSoft...'
- 'Memo1'
- 'Whenever a new release of our clients are posted to our homepage' +
- ' and FTP '
- '�egar a� n�jar �tg�fur af internet-forritum okkar eru settar � h' +
- 'eimas��u'
- '"'
- 'site, introducing new, enriched set of features, our newsletter' +
- ' is posted to our '
- 'e�a FTP sv��i TransSoft, og kynntir eru n�ir m�guleikar me� forr' +
- 'itin,'
- '"'
- 'subscribers.'
- '�� er fr�ttabr�f okkar sent �t til �skrifenda.'
- '"'
- 'This ables our users to easily keep track of new releases. Every' +
- ' time a new '
- '�etta gerir notendum okkar kleyft a� vera alltaf me�vita�ir um h' +
- 'vort og'
- '"'
- 'release is presented, users can upgrade their current release si' +
- 'mply by means '
- 'hva�a n�jungar eru � gangi � hverjum t�ma. �egar n�jar �tg�fur e' +
- 'ru f�anlegar'
- '"'
- 'of "Help|Automatic upgrade...".'
- 'm� svo s�kja ��r me� "Hj�lp|S�kja n�ja �tg�fu...".'
- '"'
- ''
- ''
- '"'
- 'To subscribe, simply click the [Subscribe Now] button, here belo' +
- 'w, and you will '
- 'Til a� gerast �skrifandi, smelltu einfaldlega � hnappin [�skrift' +
- '] h�r fyrir ne�an'
- '"'
- 'receive an email of acknowledgement in return!'
- 'og �� munt f� sendan p�st me� sta�festingu um m�tt�ku!'
- 'Button1'
- 'Subscribe now!'
- '�skrift!'
- 'Button2'
- 'Cancel'
- 'H�tta vi�'
- 'StatusBar1'
- ''
- '')
- Left = 432
- Top = 72
- end
- object SMTP: TmsSMTP
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