ocr: WDA Hinad File Vienni -na El Ea Eookat Bap Cepsnudne 190-1 Fua amhang - a - Our Solar System From our small world - have pazed upon the COSMK ocemn for untold thousands of years Ancient asa00r015 caserved points oflight that appearedto mpe among the à - - : stars. wanderers, They and caled names these them objecty ater planels, Poman dertes mearing Jupter, king off the gods; Mars, the god af war, Marcury. messengar ofthe goss: Vanus, the god oflove and beauty. and: sanun, TheanadNinal Tnita ather fJupber and ged of agriculure. The targszers al80 observed comets wth sparkng tals, and meteors or ...