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| This VENDINFO Product Information File contains both readable text |
| and tools-accessible data about a product. See the last text |
| section, below, for more information about VENDINFO and its tools. |
VENDINFO standard v1.04, produced by VendEdit v1.30, 23-Jun-1998
===== Product Information ==============================
Product: PC Webopaedia Lite Encyclopedia of Computers
Version: 1.90
Version Date: 23-Jun-1998
Product Type: Software
Basic Distribution Policy (see License, below, for details):
Freeware, copyrighted but freely distributable and useable
Product Description: PC Webopaedia Lite v1.70
Reason for version: Definitions of 200 new terms added plus
updates to hundreds of other terms.
Category: Education; Computers
Keywords: glossary dictionary encyclopedia computers
PCs Webopedia
Required Packages: PCWEB32
This Package: PCWEB32
Address: Sandy Bay Software
13 Hale Street
Rockport, MA 01966
Phone: 978-546-7310
FAX: 978-546-7310
Internet: info@sandybay.com
Address: Sandy Bay Software
13 Hale Street
Rockport, MA 01966
Phone: 978-546-7310
FAX: 978-546-7310
Internet: support@sandybay.com
===== Information for Users ("READ-ME") ================
This package contains PC Webopaedia Lite, Version 1.90 for Windows
95/NT, by Mecklermedia Corporation. This document contains
only a brief description of the package and its features, along
with instructions for its installation. Quite detailed documentation
is included in the package, but it is in archived form, and is more
easily read after installation.
If you've ever wished you could easily find reliable definitions for
computer terms
and acronyms, then PC Webopaedia Lite is the program
for you. It contains clearly written definitions of more than 3,000
computer terms and literally thousands of cross-references. Best of
all, PC Webopaedia Lite has built-in connections to the PC Webopaedia
web site (http://www.pcwebopedia.com) which is updated daily with new
terms, new definitions, and hand-selected links to the best technical
pages on the Web.
PC Webopaedia Lite is a freeware program.
===== Packing List =====================================
As released by the author or publisher, this package contained the
following files in addition to this VENDINFO.DIZ:
Filename Size Date Time CRC32
READ_ME.1ST 171 23-Jun-1998 03:06p F9D97F00
READ_ME.BAT 426 23-Jun-1998 03:06p AC998527
FILE_ID.DIZ 26 23-Jun-1998 03:06p BE82E8D0
VENDOR.DOC 216 23-Jun-1998 03:06p 13796CEE
SETUP.EXE 2293979 23-Jun-1998 03:00p 543C2609
VENDOR.TXT 216 23-Jun-1998 03:06p 13796CEE
===== Installation =====================================
The installation procedure for PC Webopaedia Lite is quite simple. The
package includes a program, "SETUP.EXE" that automates the
entire process. You will need about 5 MB of available disk space
on the hard drive on which you plan to install PC Webopaedia Lite.
Using the Windows Explorer or other utility that lists files on your disk
drive, find the SETUP.EXE file and double-click it. Then follow the
instructions displayed on your screen. Once the installation is
complete, a PC Webopaedia icon will be placed on your desktop. To start
PC Webopaedia Lite, just double-click this icon.
===== License for Use and Distribution =================
The following text is strictly intended as a starter text. YOU ARE
Island Software accepts no liability for its content. There is a
good deal of important explanation in the VendEdit help text dealing
with license preparation. To view it, press F1 while editing this
text. (Remember to remove this paragraph from your license.)
<product> is NOT a public domain program. It is copyrighted by
<company>. This software and accompanying documentation are
protected by United States copyright law and also by international
treaty provisions.
<company> grants you a limited license to use this software
for evaluation purposes for a period not to exceed thirty days. If you
continue using this software after the thirty-day evaluation period,
you MUST make a registration payment to <company>.
You may not use, copy, rent, lease, sell, modify, decompile,
disassemble, otherwise reverse engineer, or transfer the licensed
program except as provided in this agreement. Any such unauthorized
use shall result in immediate and automatic termination of this license.
All rights not expressly granted here are reserved to <company>.
The following may distribute <product>, completely unaltered, without
further permission...; for other cases or to distribute in modified
form, you must consult the attached data record, which is hereby
incorporated by reference. Any distribution satisfying all the
distribution requirements expressed in that data record is hereby
Permission to distribute the PC Webopaedia Lite package is not transferab
assignable, saleable, or franchisable. Each vendor wishing to
distribute the package must independently satisfy the terms of this
limited distribution license.
U.S. Government Information: Use, duplication, or disclosure by the
U.S. Government of the computer software and documentation in this
package shall be subject to the restricted rights applicable to
commercial computer software as set forth in subdivision (b)(3)(ii) of
the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software clause at
252.227-7013 (DFARS 52.227-7013). The Contractor/manufacturer is
<company name and address>.
Sandy Bay Software may revoke any permissions granted here, by
notifying you in writing. All rights not expressly granted here are
reserved to Sandy Bay Software.
===== About VENDINFO Files =============================
Each VENDINFO.DIZ file contains extensive information about a product.
This "human-readable" section is followed by a compressed data record
useable by automated tools. The data record allows BBSes and other
distributors to automate package handling, and provides users with a
wealth of product information. VENDINFO tools (free viewer for users,
free or inexpensive processors for distributors, editors for authors)
are available from many sources, including the originators of VENDINFO:
Rams' Island Software Voice: 303-841-2848 CompuServe: 76244,324
7644 E. Lakecliff Way BBS: 303-841-6269 FidoNet: 1:104/333
Parker, CO 80134-5904 USA FAX: 303-841-6269 RIME: 1235
===== Compressed Data Record Follows ===================