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Winamp Compiled Maki Script | 2003-11-10 | 4.0 KB | 156 lines |
- /* Note: a decompiler is no invitation to steal code.
- Please respect the the copyright */
- #include "std.mi"
- Global Text Text2;
- Global Text Text3;
- Global Text Text4;
- Global Text Text5;
- Global Timer Timer6;
- Global Int Int7;
- Global Int Int8;
- Global Int Int9;
- Global Int Int10;
- Global Int Int11;
- Global Layer Layer12;
- Global Double Double13;
- System.onScriptLoaded()
- {
- Group Group20;
- Int7 = 0;
- Group20 = System.getScriptGroup();
- Layer12 = Group20.findObject(( "logo"));
- Layer12.fx_setBgFx(0);
- Layer12.fx_setWrap(1);
- Layer12.fx_setBilinear(1);
- Layer12.fx_setAlphaMode(0);
- Layer12.fx_setGridSize(1, 1);
- Layer12.fx_setRect(0);
- Layer12.fx_setClear(1);
- Layer12.fx_setLocalized(1);
- Layer12.fx_setRealtime(1);
- Layer12.fx_setSpeed(50);
- Layer12.fx_setEnabled(1);
- Text2 = Group20.findObject(( "txth1"));
- Text3 = Group20.findObject(( "txth2"));
- Text4 = Group20.findObject(( "txtm1"));
- Text5 = Group20.findObject(( "txtm2"));
- Int9 = Text3.getGuiX();
- Int8 = Text3.getGuiW();
- Int10 = Text3.getGuiW();
- Int11 = Text3.getGuiH();
- Timer6 = ( new Timer);
- Timer6.setDelay(6000);
- Timer6.start();
- return Null;
- }
- System.onScriptUnloading()
- {
- delete Timer6;
- return Null;
- }
- Timer6.onTimer()
- {
- GuiObject GuiObject60;
- String String30;
- String String31;
- GuiObject GuiObject61;
- GuiObject GuiObject62;
- GuiObject GuiObject59;
- if(( Int7 == 0)) {
- Text3.setXmlParam(( "x"), System.integerToString(( - Int8)));
- }
- Int7 ++;
- if(( Int7 == 1)) {
- String30 = ( "Main\ Architecture\ \/\ Development");
- String31 = ( "Brennan\ Underwood");
- }
- if(( Int7 == 2)) {
- String30 = ( "Architecture\ \/\ Development");
- String31 = ( "Francis\ Gastellu");
- }
- if(( Int7 == 3)) {
- String30 = ( "Development");
- String31 = ( "Christophe\ Thibault");
- }
- if(( Int7 == 4)) {
- String30 = ( "Development");
- String31 = ( "Justin\ Frankel");
- }
- if(( Int7 == 5)) {
- String30 = ( "Development");
- String31 = ( "Mig\ Gerard");
- }
- if(( Int7 == 6)) {
- String30 = ( "Winamp\ Modern\ Skin");
- String31 = ( "Sven\ Kistner");
- }
- if(( Int7 == 7)) {
- String30 = ( "Product\ Management");
- String31 = ( "Steve\ Gedikian");
- }
- if(( Int7 == 8)) {
- String30 = ( "Engineering\ Management");
- String31 = ( "David\ Biderman");
- }
- if(( Int7 == 9)) {
- String30 = ( "Documentation");
- String31 = ( "Ghislain\ Lacroix");
- }
- if(( Int7 == 10)) {
- Int7 = 0;
- 0 ++;
- String30 = ( "Powered\ by");
- String31 = ( "Nullsoft\ Wasabi");
- }
- GuiObject59 = Null;
- GuiObject60 = Null;
- GuiObject61 = Null;
- GuiObject62 = Null;
- if(( System.frac(( Int7 / 2)) != 0)) {
- GuiObject59 = Text2;
- GuiObject60 = Text3;
- GuiObject61 = Text4;
- GuiObject62 = Text5;
- Text3.setText(String30);
- Text5.setText(String31);
- } else {
- GuiObject59 = Text3;
- GuiObject60 = Text2;
- GuiObject61 = Text5;
- GuiObject62 = Text4;
- Text2.setText(String30);
- Text4.setText(String31);
- }
- GuiObject60.setTargetX(Int9);
- GuiObject59.setTargetX(( - Int8));
- GuiObject62.setTargetA(255);
- GuiObject61.setTargetA(0);
- GuiObject62.setTargetSpeed(2);
- GuiObject61.setTargetSpeed(2);
- GuiObject60.setTargetSpeed(2);
- GuiObject59.setTargetSpeed(2);
- GuiObject62.gotoTarget();
- GuiObject61.gotoTarget();
- GuiObject60.gotoTarget();
- GuiObject59.gotoTarget();
- return Null;
- }
- Double Layer12.fx_onGetPixelR(double r, double d, double x, double y)
- {
- return ( r + ( System.cos(Double13) * ( 0.5)));
- }
- Layer12.fx_onFrame()
- {
- Double13 = ( Double13 + ( 0.100000001490116));
- return Null;
- }