home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- #include <lib/std.mi>
- #include "attribs.m"
- Function reset();
- Function createNotifier();
- Function showNotifier(Int w);
- Function onNext();
- Function Int fillNextTrackInfo(String corneroverride);
- Function Int fillCustomInfo(String customstring);
- Function checkPref(int bypassfs);
- Global Container notifier_container;
- Global Layout notifier_layout;
- Global Timer notifier_timer;
- Global String last_autotitle;
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // init
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- System.onScriptLoaded() {
- initAttribs();
- notifier_timer = new Timer;
- }
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // shutdown
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- System.onScriptUnloading() {
- delete notifier_timer;
- }
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // called by the system when the global hotkey for notification is pressed
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- System.onShowNotification() {
- if (checkPref(1)) return;
- createNotifier();
- String str;
- if (getStatus() == STATUS_PLAYING) str = "Playing";
- if (getStatus() == STATUS_PAUSED) str = "Playback Paused";
- if (getStatus() == STATUS_STOPPED) str = "Playback Stopped";
- showNotifier(fillNextTrackInfo(str));
- complete; // prevents other scripts from getting the message
- return 1; // tells anybody else that might watch the returned value that, yes, we implemented that
- }
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // called by the system when the title for the playing item changes, this could be the result of the player
- // going to the next track, or of an update in the track title
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- System.onTitleChange(String newtitle) {
- if (last_autotitle == newtitle) return;
- if (StrLeft(newtitle, 1) == "[") {
- if (StrLeft(newtitle, 7) == "[Buffer" ||
- StrLeft(newtitle, 4) == "[ICY") return;
- }
- last_autotitle = newtitle;
- onNext();
- }
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // called by the system when the user clicks the next button
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- onNext() {
- if (checkPref(0)) return;
- createNotifier();
- showNotifier(fillNextTrackInfo(""));
- }
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // called by the system when the user clicks the play button
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- System.onPlay() {
- if (checkPref(0)) return;
- createNotifier();
- showNotifier(fillNextTrackInfo("Playing"));
- }
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // called by the system when the user clicks the pause button
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- System.onPause() {
- if (checkPref(0)) return;
- createNotifier();
- showNotifier(fillCustomInfo("Playback Paused"));
- }
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // called by the system when the user clicks the pause button again
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- System.onResume() {
- if (checkPref(0)) return;
- createNotifier();
- showNotifier(fillNextTrackInfo("Resuming Playback"));
- }
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // called by the system when the user clicks the play button
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- System.onStop() {
- if (checkPref(0)) return;
- createNotifier();
- showNotifier(fillCustomInfo("End of Playback"));
- }
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // checks if we should display anything
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Int checkPref(int bypassfs) {
- if (!bypassfs && notifier_disablefullscreen_attrib.getData() == "1" && isVideoFullscreen()) return 1;
- if (notifier_never_attrib.getData() == "1") return 1;
- if (notifier_minimized_attrib.getData() == "1" && !isMinimized()) return 1;
- if (notifier_windowshade_attrib.getData() == "1") {
- if (isMinimized()) return 0;
- Container c = getContainer("main");
- if (!c) return 1;
- Layout l = c.getCurLayout();
- if (!l) return 1;
- if (l.getId() != "shade") return 1;
- }
- return 0;
- }
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // fade in/out completed
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- notifier_layout.onTargetReached() {
- int a = notifier_layout.getAlpha();
- if (a == 255) {
- notifier_timer.setDelay(StringToInteger(notifier_holdtime_attrib.getData()));
- notifier_timer.start();
- }
- else if (a == 0) {
- reset();
- }
- }
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // hold time elapsed
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- notifier_timer.onTimer() {
- stop();
- if (notifier_layout.isTransparencySafe()) {
- notifier_layout.setTargetA(0);
- notifier_layout.setTargetSpeed(StringToInteger(notifier_fadeouttime_attrib.getData()) / 1000);
- notifier_layout.gotoTarget();
- } else {
- reset();
- }
- }
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // when notifier is clicked, bring back the app from minimized state if its minimized and focus it
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- notifier_layout.onLeftButtonDown(int x, int y) {
- notifier_timer.stop();
- notifier_layout.cancelTarget();
- reset();
- restoreApplication();
- activateApplication();
- }
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- // close the notifier window, destroys the container automatically because it's dynamic
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- reset() {
- notifier_container.close();
- notifier_container = NULL;
- notifier_layout = NULL;
- }
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- createNotifier() {
- if (notifier_container == NULL) {
- notifier_container = newDynamicContainer("notifier");
- if (!notifier_container) return; // reinstall duh!
- if (isDesktopAlphaAvailable())
- notifier_layout = notifier_container.getLayout("desktopalpha");
- else
- notifier_layout = notifier_container.getLayout("normal");
- if (!notifier_layout) return; // reinstall twice, man
- } else {
- notifier_layout.cancelTarget();
- notifier_timer.stop();
- }
- }
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- showNotifier(int w) {
- w = w + 32;
- int x = getViewportWidth() + getViewportLeft() - w - 2;
- int y = getViewportHeight() + getViewportTop() - 80 - 2;
- notifier_layout.resize(x, y, w, 80);
- if (notifier_layout.isTransparencySafe()) {
- notifier_layout.show();
- notifier_layout.setTargetA(255);
- notifier_layout.setTargetX(x);
- notifier_layout.setTargetY(y);
- notifier_layout.setTargetW(w);
- notifier_layout.setTargetH(80);
- notifier_layout.setTargetSpeed(StringToInteger(notifier_fadeintime_attrib.getData()) / 1000);
- notifier_layout.gotoTarget();
- } else {
- notifier_layout.setAlpha(255);
- notifier_layout.show();
- notifier_timer.setDelay(StringToInteger(notifier_holdtime_attrib.getData()));
- notifier_timer.start();
- }
- }
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Int fillNextTrackInfo(String corneroverride) {
- Int maxv = 0;
- Int stream = 0;
- Group p = notifier_layout;
- Text plentry = p.findObject("plentry");
- Text nexttrack = p.findObject("nexttrack");
- Text _title = p.findObject("title");
- Text album = p.findObject("album");
- Text artist = p.findObject("artist");
- Text endofplayback = p.findObject("endofplayback");
- DebugString("got callback for " + getPlayItemString(), 0);
- if (StrLeft(getPlayItemString(), 7) == "http://") stream = 1;
- if (endofplayback) endofplayback.hide();
- if (plentry) { plentry.setText(integerToString(getPlaylistIndex()+1)+"/"+integerToString(getPlaylistLength())); plentry.show(); }
- if (nexttrack) {
- if (corneroverride == "") {
- if (!stream) {
- if (!isVideo())
- nexttrack.setText("New track");
- else
- nexttrack.setText("New video");
- }
- else nexttrack.setText("On air");
- } else nexttrack.setText(corneroverride);
- nexttrack.show();
- }
- if (_title) {
- String str;
- if (!stream) {
- _title.setXmlParam("ticker", "0");
- _title.setXmlParam("display", "");
- str = getPlayitemMetaDataString("title");
- if (str == "") str = getPlayitemDisplayTitle();
- String l = getPlayItemMetaDataString("length");
- if (l != "") {
- str += " (" + integerToTime(stringtointeger(l)) + ")";
- }
- _title.setText(str);
- } else {
- _title.setXmlParam("ticker", "1");
- _title.setXmlParam("display", "songtitle");
- _title.setText("");
- }
- _title.show();
- }
- if (artist) {
- if (!stream) {
- if (isVideo())
- artist.setText("");
- else
- artist.setText(getPlayitemMetaDataString("artist"));
- } else {
- if (isVideo())
- artist.setText("Internet TV");
- else
- artist.setText("Internet Radio");
- }
- artist.show();
- }
- if (album) {
- String str;
- if (!stream && !isVideo()) {
- album.setXmlParam("display", "");
- str = getPlayitemMetaDataString("album");
- String l = getPlayitemMetaDataString("track");
- if (l != "" && l != "-1") str += " (Track " + l + ")";
- album.setText(str);
- } else {
- album.setText("");
- album.setXmlParam("display", "songinfo");
- }
- album.show();
- }
- maxv = artist.getAutoWidth();
- if (maxv < album.getAutoWidth()) maxv = album.getAutoWidth();
- if (maxv < _title.getAutoWidth()) maxv = _title.getAutoWidth();
- if (maxv < 128) maxv = 128;
- if (maxv > getViewportWidth()/4) maxv = getViewportWidth()/4;
- return maxv;
- }
- // ------------------------------------------------------------------------------
- Int fillCustomInfo(String customtext) {
- Group p = notifier_layout;
- Text plentry = p.findObject("plentry");
- Text nexttrack = p.findObject("nexttrack");
- Text _title = p.findObject("title");
- Text album = p.findObject("album");
- Text artist = p.findObject("artist");
- Text endofplayback = p.findObject("endofplayback");
- if (plentry) { plentry.hide(); }
- if (nexttrack) nexttrack.hide();
- if (_title) { _title.hide(); }
- if (artist) { artist.hide(); }
- if (album) { album.hide(); }
- if (endofplayback) {
- endofplayback.setText(customtext);
- int aw = endofplayback.getAutoWidth();
- endofplayback.show();
- if (aw > 128)
- return aw;
- }
- return 128;
- }