3 Are you sure you want to permanently delete the setting "%s"?
4 %s KB
5 Bilinear
6 8-tap anisotropic
7 Please enter a name for this setting.
8 More Direct3D
10 Best image quality
11 High image quality
12 Blend
13 High Performance
14 Best Performance
15 %s MB
16 PCI
17 AGP
18 %u MHz
21 <Unavailable>
40 Not present
41 Unknown
43 PAL
46 %s%%
47 %s%sā
65 Off
66 Low
67 Medium
68 High
69 Max
70 Off
71 Low
72 Moderate
73 High
75 Auto-Select
76 Always Off
77 Always On
78 AGP (PCI mode)
80 Chrontel
81 Chrontel 7000 Family
82 Chrontel 7003
83 Chrontel 7004
84 Chrontel 7005
85 Chrontel 7006
86 Chrontel 7007
87 Chrontel 7008
88 Conexant
89 Conexant Bt868
90 Conexant Bt869
91 Conexant CX25870
92 Conexant CX25871
93 Philips
94 Philips 7100 Family
95 Philips 7102
96 Philips 7103
97 Philips 7108
98 Philips 7109
99 Philips 7108B
100 NVIDIA Integrated
124 Chrontel 7009
125 Chrontel 7010
126 Integrated (MV)
127 Integrated
128 Chrontel 7011
129 Chrontel 7012
130 Red
131 Green
132 Blue
133 All channels
135 Use Block Transfer
136 Use Page Flip
137 Auto-Select
138 &Contrast
140 Philips 7108A
141 Philips 7109A
142 Philips 7104
143 Philips 7105
144 Conexant CX25872
145 Conexant CX25873
146 Conexant CX25874
147 Conexant CX25875
150 Your flat panel display has a maximum resolution of %u x %u.
151 Windows will now switch your desktop to the selected settings. This may take several seconds. If Windows does not reappear correctly, wait 15 seconds and your original settings will be restored.
152 The screen has been reset to its default position.
153 Unlike external computer monitors, LCD display panels have one particular Screen Resolution setting that looks best. It is recommended you set your Screen Resolution to %ux%u.
200 (Combination) N/PAL
201 B/PAL
202 D/PAL
203 I/PAL
204 M(Japan)/NTSC
205 M/NTSC
206 M/PAL
207 N/PAL
208 G/PAL
209 H/PAL
210 K1/PAL
211 B,D,G,H,I/PAL
212 [PAL only]
214 HDTV
300 Country/Region
301 Format
302 Windows will now set your hardware to match the settings you have specified. The screen may become blank for several seconds during this process.\n\nTo avoid potential problems with the hardware, do not turn off your computer during this process!
303 Description
304 Filename
305 Version
400 Auto-Select
401 Composite Video-Out
402 S-Video-Out
403 Direct3D Settings
404 OpenGL Settings
405 Overlay Controls
406 NVRotate
407 nView Display Mode
408 3D Antialiasing Settings
409 Desktop Utilities
411 Performance & Quality Settings
412 Additional Information
413 Refresh Rate Overrides
414 Device Selection
415 Colour Correction
416 Flat Panel Display
417 Clock Frequencies
418 TV Output
420 Off
421 2
422 3
423 4
424 5
440 3D Antialiasing Settings
441 Accuview Antialiasing Settings
500 Intel x86 Compatible
501 Intel Pentium(r)
502 Intel PentiumPro(r)
503 Intel Celeron(tm) or Xeon(tm)
504 Intel Celeron(tm)-A
505 Intel Pentium(r) II
506 Intel Pentium(r) III
507 Intel Pentium(r) 4
508 Intel Itanium(r)
509 AMD K5
510 AMD K6
511 AMD K6-2
512 AMD K6-3
513 AMD Athlon(tm)
514 AMD Duron(tm)
515 Cyrix MediaGX
516 Cyrix 6x86 Family
517 Cyrix MII Family
518 IDT WinChip C6
519 IDT WinChip 2
520 with MMX(tm)
521 with 3DNow!(tm)
522 with SSE
523 with SSE2
600 No DirectX installed
617 DirectX 9.0 or better
650 Unknown version of DirectX installed
1000 NVIDIA (Unknown)
1002 Vanta
1003 TNT2 Model 64
1004 RIVA TNT2
1005 RIVA TNT2 Pro
1006 TNT2 Ultra
1007 GeForce 256
1008 GeForce DDR
1009 Quadro
1010 Aladdin TNT2
1011 GeForce2 MX/MX 400
1012 GeForce2 MX 100/200
1013 Quadro2 MXR/EX
1014 GeForce2 GTS
1015 GeForce2 Ultra
1016 GeForce2 Ti
1017 Quadro2 Pro
1018 GeForce2 Go
1020 GeForce3
1021 GeForce2 MX 100/200
1022 GeForce2 MX 100
1023 GeForce2 MX 200
1024 GeForce2 MX 400
1025 GeForce2 Integrated GPU
1026 Quadro DCC
1027 GeForce3 Ti 200
1028 GeForce3 Ti 500
1029 NV17
1030 NV17-1
1031 NV17-2
1032 NV17-3
1033 GeForce4 440 Go
1034 GeForce4 420 Go
1035 NV17M
1036 GeForce4 420 Go 32M
1037 GeForce4 440 Go 64M
1070 Fixed
1071 Grow Only
1072 Dynamic
1073 NVIDIA nForce
1074 220D SDRAM
1075 420D SDRAM
1076 220D DDR-RAM
1077 420D DDR-RAM
1078 with Dolby(R) Digital
1079 220
1080 420
1081 SDRAM
1082 DDR
1090 Additional OpenGL Properties
1091 Use Shutter Glasses
1092 Use Vertical Interlace monitor
1093 Use nView Clone mode
1094 Use on-board DIN connector
1095 Use on-board DIN connector on DAC 1
1096 Use blue-line-code for StereoGraphics(R) products
1100 Colour-Indexed Overlays (8 bpp)
1101 RGB Overlays (RGB555 format)
1102 Colour-Indexed (8 bpp) and RGB555 formats
1114 The Full-Screen Video Mirror feature requires the nView mode to be set to Clone or Extended Desktop.\nClick OK below and navigate to the nView page to select Clone mode from the available nView display modes.
1115 Full-Screen Video Mirror
1116 The Full-Screen Video Mirror feature requires the nView mode to be set to Clone.\nClick OK below and navigate to the nView page to select Clone mode from the available nView display modes.
1117 Custo&m OpenGL Applications Setting:
1118 Application Settings
1900 Stereo Game Configuration
1901 Game &Name:
1902 Stereo Value Rating:
1903 Stereo Compatibility Rating:
1904 Rating Key: 1 (Excellent) - 5 (Poor)
1905 Co&mments:
1906 A&dvanced Settings...
1907 Configure &Hot Keys...
1908 Help
1909 Close
1910 Advanced Game Configuration
1911 Game Name:
1912 Config Values
1913 Demo
1914 ID Key:
1915 Change...
1916 Clear
1917 Full Game
1918 ID Key:
1919 Change...
1920 Clear
1921 OK
1922 Cancel
1923 &Apply
2000 NVIDIA (Unknown)
2002 RIVA TNT2
2003 Vanta
2004 Vanta LT
2005 TNT2 Model 64
2006 RIVA TNT2 Pro
2007 TNT2 Ultra
2008 Aladdin TNT2
2009 GeForce 256
2010 GeForce DDR
2011 Quadro
2012 GeForce2 MX
2013 GeForce2 MX 100
2014 GeForce2 MX 200
2015 GeForce2 MX 100/200
2016 GeForce2 MX 400
2017 GeForce2 MX/MX 400
2018 GeForce2 Go
2019 Quadro2 MXR
2020 Quadro2 EX
2021 Quadro2 MXR/EX
2022 GeForce2 Integrated GPU
2023 GeForce2 GTS
2024 GeForce2 Ultra
2025 GeForce2 Ti
2026 GeForce2 Pro
2027 Quadro2 Pro
2028 Quadro2 Pro
2029 Quadro2 Go
2030 GeForce3
2031 GeForce3 Ti 200
2032 GeForce3 Ti 500
2033 Quadro DCC
2034 NV17
2035 NV17M
2036 GeForce4 440 Go
2037 GeForce4 420 Go
2038 GeForce4 420 Go 32M
2039 GeForce4 440 Go 64M
2040 GeForce4 MX 460
2041 GeForce4 MX 440
2042 GeForce4 MX 420
2043 Quadro4 500/550 XGL
2044 Quadro4 200 NVS
2045 Quadro4 400 NVS
2046 Quadro4 550 XGL
2047 GeForce4 Ti 4600
2048 GeForce4 Ti 4400
2049 GeForce4 Ti 4200
2050 Quadro4 900 XGL
2051 Quadro4 750 XGL
2052 Quadro4 700 XGL
2053 Quadro4 200/400 NVS
2054 Quadro4 500 GoGL
2130 Stereo Properties
2131 Stereo &Enable Mode
2132 Enabled
2133 Enabled by Hot Key
2134 Disabled
2135 Stereo T&ype
2136 Page Flipped
2137 Anaglyph
2138 S&tereo Separation
2139 Beginner
2140 Advanced
2141 25%
2142 Stereo &Gamma Setting
2143 1.0
2144 Stereo &Viewer...
2145 &Medical Test Image...
2146 Advanced Stereo Properties
2147 Hot Key Setup
2148 Laser Sight
2149 &On for Configured Games
2150 O&ff for All Games
2151 LaserSight
2152 100%
2153 &Transparency
2154 &Browse...
2158 Anaglyph Stereo...
2159 Separation
2160 Gamma
2161 Anaglyph
2162 Left Eye
2163 Right Eye
2164 Filter Color Setup
2168 Stereo Setup & Test
2169 &Bit Depth
2170 16 bits per pixel
2171 32 bits per pixel
2172 &Monitor Size
2173 19.0"
2174 &Resolution
2175 1600x1200
2176 S&tereo Refresh Rate
2177 120 Hz
2178 Misc. Options
2179 Always &use Stereo Refresh Rate
2180 &Save Setting
2181 S&et Rate For All Resolutions
2182 Re&vert To Saved
2183 &Launch Test Application...
2184 Game Configuration Hot Keys
2185 &Enable In-Game Configuration
2191 Convergence
2192 Screen Depth
2193 Backplane
2194 Settings and Config
5001 (Empty)
5002 Media Centre Properties
5003 About
5004 Adjust Display Properties
5005 Custom Direct3D Settings
5006 Custom Colour Settings
5007 NVIDIA Media Centre
5008 Restore Driver Defaults
5009 Restore Hardware Defaults
5010 Unable to start the applet. Please ensure that the software has been properly installed on your system.
5011 Media Centre
5012 Media Centre Properties
5013 The settings "%s" have been successfully applied.\n\nThey will take effect the next time you start a Direct3D application.
5014 The default Direct3D settings have been restored.
5015 The settings "%s" have been successfully applied.\n\nThey will take effect the next time you start an OpenGL application.
5016 The default OpenGL ICD settings have been restored.
5017 Custom OpenGL Settings
5018 Display %u
5019 Unable to find the file NVDESK32.DLL. The Desktop Manager features will be unavailable.
5020 Dynamic link failure in NVDESK32.DLL. The Desktop Manager features will be unavailable.
5021 Program Files
5022 Select an application
5023 The hot key you have selected is a single key without a CTRL, SHIFT, or ALT key used in combination. Only function keys can be assigned as single-key hot keys.\n\nPlease select a different hot key for this action.
5024 The hot key you have selected is a single key with the SHIFT key as a modifier. You may use a SHIFT + single-key combination only if the Single-Key is a function key.\n\nPlease select a different hot key for this action.
5025 The hot key you selected is already in use.\n\nPlease select a different hot key for this action.
5026 nView Desktop Manager
5028 The Desktop Manager is currently enabled, but the system must be\nrestarted to enable all Desktop Manager functionality.\n\nDo you wish to restart your system now?\n\n(Select "Yes" to restart the system now, "No" to continue without restarting.)
5029 The Desktop Manager is currently disabled, but it will remain in your\ncomputer's memory until the system is restarted.\n\nDo you wish to restart your system now?\n\n(Select "Yes" to restart the system now, "No" to continue without restarting.)
5031 The settings "%s" have been successfully applied.
5032 The default colour settings have been restored.
5040 Desktop Manager Enabled
5042 Desktop Manager Disabled
5044 Desktop Manager Properties
5050 TV Output
5060 nView Properties
5061 nView Desktops
5062 nView
5063 Enable nView
5064 Disable nView
5065 Open nView properties panel
5066 nView Profiles
5070 Rotation Settings
5071 Rotation Enabled
5072 Rotation Disabled
5073 Rotate 0 degrees
5074 Rotate 90 degrees
5075 Rotate 180 degrees
5076 Rotate 270 degrees
5077 The rotation cannot be applied with the current resolution.
5078 Apply colour settings to all rotation angles
5079 Applying rotation failed because an active application is blocking the rotation. Please close the application and try again.
5090 Wizard Error - There was a problem accessing your registry -
8002 Color Correction
8006 Device Selection
8014 Vertical Flicker
8015 Horizontal Flicker
8016 Horizontal Luminance Flicker
8017 Horizontal Chrominance Filter
8018 Dynamic Flicker Filter
8030 Overlay Settings
8037 Disable
8038 Primary display
8039 Secondary display
8040 Auto-Select
8041 Track Overlay Aspect
8042 Source Aspect
8043 Full-Screen
8044 TV 4:3
8045 Anamorphic 16:9
8046 Video Overlay
8047 Video Mirror
8048 Both
8056 Changing your Video viewing preference will cause the displays to momentarily become blank on your system\nDo you want to continue?
8057 Run an application that plays video using Software Overlay to see the effect.
8073 Error initialising Personal Cinema Setup.
8074 Click OK to enable Personal Cinema TV Viewing and Video Capture feature.
8079 320 x 200\n400 x 300\n480 x 360\n512 x 384\n640 x 400\n640 x 480\n800 x 600\n848 x 480\n1024 x 768\n1152 x 864\n1280 x 720\n1280 x 768\n1280 x 960\n1280 x 1024\n1360 x 768\n1600 x 900\n1600 x 1024\n1600 x 1200\n1920 x 1080\n1920 x 1200\n1920 x 1440\n2048 x 1536\n
12001 Adjust Z-buffer depth to rendering depth if unequal
12002 Enable alternate depth buffering technique
12003 Display logo when running Direct3D applications
12004 Use DirectX 5 compatibility mode
12005 Force trilinear filtering
12006 6xS
12007 8xS
12008 4xS
12009 (Direct3D only)
12010 8X
12011 16X
12050 Please note that full-scene antialiasing and the use of a unified back/depth buffer or window flipping are mutually exclusive.\n\nIf you want to enable the unified back/depth buffer or window flipping, full-scene antialiasing will be automatically disabled in the driver.
13000 Enable buffer region extension
13001 Allow the dual planes extension to use local video memory
13002 Use fast linear-mipmap-linear filtering
13003 Enable Anisotropic filtering
13004 Enable alternate depth buffering technique
13005 Disable support for enhanced CPU instruction sets
13013 Enable gamma correction for antialiased lines.
13014 Enable gamma correction for full screen anti-aliasing
13100 Always off
13101 Off by default
13102 On by default
13200 Use desktop colour depth
13201 Always use 16 bpp
13202 Always use 32 bpp
13210 3D Antialiasing Settings
13211 Save Settings
13212 TV Output
13213 TV Settings
13214 Colour Correction
13215 Screen Adjustment
13216 Flat Panel Display
13217 Change TV Format
13218 Device Selection
13219 Direct3D Settings
13220 More Direct3D
13221 OpenGL Settings
13222 OpenGL Stereo
13223 Hardware Options
13224 Restart Required
13225 Clock Frequencies
13226 Testing new settings
13227 nView Display Mode
13228 Monitor Settings
13229 Confirm Display Settings
13230 Warning
13231 Control Panel exit required...
13232 System settings change
13233 Device Configuration
13234 Desktop Utilities
13235 Display Timing
13236 Overlay Colour Control
13237 Overlay Controls
13238 Full-Screen Video Mirroring Options
13239 PowerMizer
13240 NVIDIA nForce
13241 NVRotate
13242 Options
13243 About Taskbar Utility
14000 Display driver
14001 DirectDraw driver
14002 OpenGL installable client driver
14003 Resource Manager kernel
14004 Resource Manager 16-bit client interface
14005 Resource Manager 32-bit client interface
14006 VGA virtualization and PnP services VDD
14007 Driver display mode library
14008 Display Properties extension
14009 Taskbar utility library
14010 Display management hook library
14011 Stereo Display Properties Extension
14012 Stereo Resource File
14013 Stereo Test Program
14014 Stereo Image Viewer
14115 PnP services VDD for secondary devices
14116 Display driver miniport
14117 Display management UI library
14118 Display driver helper service
14120 Desktop management hook library
14121 Shell namespace extension library
14122 Desktop management properties panel applet
14600 Gfx Driver for 3D Studio MAX
14601 NVIDIA POWERdraft for AutoCAD 2000
14602 QuadroView Application
14610 Localized resource library
14611 Localized help file
14612 Control Panel Skins library
15010 NVIDIA Logo
15011 Monitor with Graphics Card (Blue)
15012 Monitor with Graphics Card (Red)
15110 NVIDIA
15300 CRT
15302 LCD
15304 DFP
15306 Digital Monitor
15308 Analogue Monitor
15310 Digital Flat Panel
15312 Analogue Flat Panel
15314 Flat Panel Display
15316 Laptop LCD
15318 Laptop Display
15320 Laptop Flat Panel
15322 Laptop Digital Flat Panel
15324 Tablet LCD
15326 Tablet Display
15328 Tablet Flat Panel
15330 Tablet Digital Flat Panel
15332 TV
15334 HDTV
16000 Your hardware settings cannot be applied until you have tested them.\n\nSet the desired clock frequencies and then click the "Test New Settings" button to ensure that the hardware can support your selections.
16001 Your graphics hardware will now be tested at the new clock settings for several seconds.\n\nIf your computer stops responding during this time, turn your computer off and then back on.\nYour previous settings will be automatically restored.
16002 You must restart your computer before the new settings will take effect.\n\nDo you want to restart your computer now?
16004 %u x %u pixels
16005 %u Hz
16007 Analogue Display
16008 Digital Display
16009 TV
16010 A custom setting with this name already exists.\n\n Do you wish to overwrite it with the current setting?
16011 Windows was unable to change your display settings.\n\nPlease close the Display Properties, re-enter and try again.
16020 Device Settings
16021 Device Adjustments
17001 Default Monitor
17002 Plug and Play Monitor
17010 Display Properties
17011 Settings
17012 Reverting in %d seconds
17018 %d by %d pixels
17019 %d Hertz
17020 Windows will now apply your new display settings. This will take a few seconds, during which time your screen may flicker.\n\nIf your new settings are not applied correctly, your original display settings will be automatically restored in 15 seconds.
17021 Display Settings
17022 Custo&m OpenGL settings:
17026 First
17027 Second
17028 Third
17029 Fourth
17030 Fifth
17031 Sixth
17032 Seventh
17033 Eighth
17035 &Analogue Display:
17036 &Digital Display:
17037 &TV:
17038 &Analogue Display
17039 &Digital Display
17040 &TV
17041 TV Encoder Type:
17042 TV Codec Type:
17051 1x
17052 2x
17053 4x
17054 8x
17055 Use these control to select the degree of antialiasing to be used in OpenGL applications.
18079 Select the resolution that you want to use for games.
18080 Select the stereo refresh rate to use when stereo is enabled and the game is played at the resolution indicated by the Resolution slide bar.
18081 Test the display capability of your system at the selected resolution, bit depth, and refresh rate.
18082 The stereo refresh rate setting will be used when a game is played at the adjusted resolution and bit depth settings.
18083 Click to revert the panel settings to the last saved settings.
18084 The set stereo refresh rate will be applied to games played at all resolutions, at this color bit depth.
18085 Select the color bit depth that you want to use for games.
18086 Name of the executable or associated file used to identify this game/demo
18087 Take the current game configurations from the configured game version, and apply them to a new game. Select the new game from the file folder window.
18088 Undo the association of the game configuration to the new game.
18089 Adjust gamma value for Stereo mode.
18090 nView is enabled and currently set to clone mode, please disable clone mode in order to run stereo.
18091 Stereo Enable Error
18092 Enable/Disable fast refresh rate switching
18094 3D laser sight for first-person shooter games. The sight appears on the center of screen with proper visual depth.
18095 Input desired hotkey for selected action.
18097 Select desired action from the list
18098 Press 'Apply' button to save your settings.
18099 Press 'Restore Defaults' button to to restore default key binding.
19000 &Brightness
19001 &Contrast
19002 &Saturation
19003 &Flicker Filter
19004 The NVIDIA System Sentinel is reporting that the NVIDIA powered graphics card is not receiving sufficient power.
19005 To protect your hardware from potential damage or causing a potential system lockup, the graphics processor has lowered its performance to a level that allows continued safe operations.
19006 The NVIDIA System Sentinel is reporting that your NVIDIA powered graphics card is operating at an elevated temperature.
19007 To protect your system from overheating and causing a potential lockup, the GPU has lowered its performance to a level that allows continued safe operations. You may notice a performance difference in some applications.
19008 The NVIDIA System Sentinel has changed the operating characteristics of your NVIDIA powered graphics card.
19009 To protect your computer from erratic functionality or a potential lockup, the GPU has lowered its performance to a level that allows continued safe operations. You may notice a performance difference in some applications. Any number of factors may have contributed to this adjustment. The connection between your graphics card and motherboard may be unreliable, possibly due to temperature. Poorly shielded computer cases can also cause problems.
19010 %dā
19011 Performance Indicator
19012 Power Indicator
19013 Heat Indicator
19017 Page-Flipped stereo.
19018 Anaglyphic stereo (use red-blue glasses to view).
19019 Stereo Compatibility Settings
19020 If checked, AA will be forced off when Stereo is active
19021 If checked, Software Vertex Shaders will be used when Stereo is active
19022 If checked, Hardware Transformation and Lighting will be turned off when Stereo is active
19100 Toggle Stereo Default On
19101 Save Image
19102 Increase Separation
19103 Decrease Separation
19104 Increase Gamma
19105 Decrease Gamma
19106 Toggle Stereo Default On
19107 Cycle Frustum Adjustment
19108 Toggle Laser Sight
19109 Increase Screen Depth
19110 Decrease Screen Depth
19111 Increase Backplane
19112 Decrease Backplane
19113 Write Configuration
19114 Delete Configuration
19115 Increase Convergence
19116 Decrease Convergence
19117 Toggle Auto Convergence
19118 Restore Default Convergence
19119 Suggest Settings
19120 Unsuggest Settings
19121 Force &anti-aliasing always off in Stereo
19122 Force software &Vertex Shaders in Stereo
19123 Force HW &TnL off (DirectX only)
19124 Restore &Defaults
19125 Note: Stereo rendering requires both front and back buffers to be duplicated in memory potentially taking up a significant amount of memory. For example, for 800x600x32 this would add ~2Mb and for 1024x768x32 it would be over 3Mb additional. You can reduce the amount of memory required by reducing either the resolution or the pixel depth.
19126 Separation
19127 Gamma
19128 Convergence
19129 Screen Depth
19130 Backplane
19131 Settings and Config
19133 Do not show this warning next time
19135 DDC VGA glasses (IO Display)
19136 Direct 3-Pin DIN VESA Connect
19137 White line code glasses
19138 Blue line code glasses
19139 Vertical Interleaved (SeeReal)
19140 Horizontal Interleaved (VREX)
19141 Vertical Interleaved
19142 Horizontal Interleaved
19143 Anaglyph (Red/Blue Glasses)
19144 Sharp 3D Display
19145 Dual VGA Output (Dep3D)
19146 Philips 3D Display
20000 Desktop Manager
20001 Application Management
20002 Hot Keys
20003 Global Settings
20004 Executable files (*.exe)
20005 Zoom
20006 Pop-Ups
20032 <current desktop>
20033 its current screen
20034 the entire desktop
22000 Are you sure you want to clear all application management settings?
22001 Are you sure you wish to reset all global Desktop Manager settings and hot keys?
22002 Two or more of the hot keys you have specified are the same and will not function correctly.\n\nPlease resolve the problem by changing or disabling the appropriate hot keys.
22003 The desktop name you entered is not valid:\n\nThe backslash ('\') character is not permitted.
24000 &Desktop Manager\n&Maximize to current display\n&Send to other display\nMa&ximizes to single display\nStarts at &last-used position\nProgram starts on &display\nProgram starts on des&ktop\n(&default)\n(¤t desktop)\n&New...\n&1\n&2\n&3\n&4\n(&default desktop)\n(Desktop)
25000 Allow applications to control the antialiasing mode
25001 Manually select the antialiasing mode
25002 Off (no antialiasing)
25003 2x
25004 Quincunx Antialiasing(tm)
25005 4x
25006 4x, 9-tap Gaussian
25007 4xS (Direct3D only)
25008 Use these sliders to select the degree of antialiasing to be used in Direct3D and OpenGL applications.
25009 Texture Sharpening
25010 Save the current settings as
25011 OK
25012 Cancel
25013 Screen positioning
25014 Up
25015 Left
25016 Right
25017 Down
25018 &Reset
25019 &Contrast
25020 &Saturation
25021 Off
25022 &Flicker filter:
25023 Note: Various settings have been disabled because protected content is being displayed.
25025 Additional &Properties...
25026 NVIDIA on the &Internet >>
25027 Processor:
25028 %s
25029 Bus:
25030 BIOS:
25031 Memory:
25032 IRQ:
25033 TV Type:
25034 System Information
25035 System Processor:
25036 CPU
25037 Total Physical Memory:
25038 %s KB
25039 Free Physical Memory:
25040 %s KB
25041 DirectX Version:
25043 Driver Version Information
25044 Graph
25045 &Digital Vibrance:
25046 Medium
25047 Active Clou&r Channel:
25048 &Brightness
25049 &Contrast
25050 &Gamma:
25051 1.00
25052 Custo&m Colour Settings:
25053 &Save As...
25054 &Delete
25055 &Apply settings to all rotation angles
25056 Restore &Hardware Defaults
25057 Centering
25058 Click the icons on the desktop image to adjust the screen to the desired position.
25059 Note:\nOn certain monitors, the screen may go blank momentarily during adjustment.
25060 Default
25061 Digital Flat Panel Options
25062 These options allow you to determine how lower resolutions are displayed on your flat panel.
25063 Use &Display Adapter Scaling
25064 Use &Centered Output
25065 Use &Monitor Scaling
25066 Your flat panel display has a maximum resolution of ...
25067 &Regional Settings
25068 The proper TV format is based on your locale. Select your locale from the list below.
25069 &Make this format the power-up default
25070 Select the output device on which to display Windows:
25071 A&nalogue Display
25072 &Digital Display
25073 &TV
25074 Format:
25075 Change &format...
25076 Video &Output Format:
25077 Device Adj&ustments...
25078 0
25079 0
25080 0
25081 &Check here if you have a TV connected but it remains unselectable.
25082 &Performance and Compatibility Options
25083 Texture Anisotropic Setting :
25084 0
25085 x
25086 Mipmap Detail &Level:
25087 PCI Texture Memory Size
25088 &Use up to
25089 MB of system memory for textures in PCI mode.
25090 &Custom Direct3D settings:
25091 More Direct&3D...
25092 &Texel Alignment
25093 This slider lets you position the texel origin between the upper-left corner and the center of the texel.
25094 Value:
25095 7
25096 Upper-Left Corner
25097 Center
25098 Vertical Sync
25099 Vertical Sync &Mode:
25100 Render &no more than
25101 frame(s) ahead.
25102 &Performance and Compatibility Options
25103 Default &Colour Depth (for textures):
25104 &Buffer-Flipping Mode:
25105 &Vertical Sync:
25106 Anisotropic &Filtering:
25107 &Use up to
25108 MB of system memory for textures in PCI mode.
25109 Custo&m OpenGL Applications Setting:
25110 Enable &Overlay in OpenGL
25111 Enable &Stereo in OpenGL
25112 Stereo Display &Mode:
25113 S&wap eyes (L becomes R, R becomes L)
25114 Current AGP Settings
25115 Mainboard Chipset:
25116 Intel 440BX
25117 AGP Rate:
25118 PCI Mode
25119 Aperture Size:
25120 256 MB
25121 Side-Band Addressing:
25122 Enabled/Disabled
25123 &Manually select your AGP rate
25124 Note: Selecting the highest AGP rate ensures only that the highest rate supported by your mainboard chipset will be used.
25125 AGP &Rate
25126 PCI Mode
25127 Depth of Request &Queue
25128 Auto-Select
25129 Specify:
25130 Enable AGP &Fast Writes
25131 Enable &Write Combining
25132 Enable &2D Command Buffer Caching
25133 The display mode setting has exceeded the capabilities of the graphics hardware.\n\nPlease select a lower resolution, colour depth, or refresh rate for one of your displays. Click OK to continue.
25134 &Don't show me this message again
25135 &Details...
25136 The changes made to the Display Properties require that the system be restarted for the new settings to take effect.
25137 Before restarting, save any open documents and close all applications.
25138 I &will restart my computer later
25139 Note: Increasing the hardware clock frequencies beyond the manufacturer's recommended settings may cause system instability and possibly damage the hardware.\nUse caution when adjusting these settings.
25140 Allo&w clock frequency adjustments
25141 &Core Clock Frequency:
25142 &Memory Clock Frequency:
25143 &Test Settings
25144 A&utomatically apply these settings at startup
25145 Restart Now
25146 To ensure the proper operation of the clock frequency controls, your graphics hardware configuration must be examined before any adjustments can be made. This requires restarting your computer.
25147 Before continuing, save any open documents and close all applications. If you are using a third-party overclocking utility, disable it before restarting.
25148 Click 'Restart Now' to continue, or click 'Cancel' to return without restarting.
25149 After Windows has been restarted, return to the Clock Frequencies page to make the desired adjustments to the core and memory clock frequencies.
25150 Please wait...
25151 You have chosen to automatically set a clock speed at startup which varies from the hardware manufacturer's default settings.
25152 If these settings prevent Windows from starting properly or cause the system to become unstable, you can bypass the automatic clock setting and force the default hardware values by pressing and holding the CTRL key during startup.
25153 Note: To bypass the automatic clock setting on a computer connected to a network, hold down the CTRL key immediately after logging on to Windows.
25154 &Don't show this message again
25155 nView allows you to connect separate displays to a single graphics card.
25156 nView Modes
25157 &Standard (nView disabled)
25158 &Clone
25159 &Horizontal Span
25160 &Vertical Span
25161 &Display:
25162 &Make this the primary display
25163 Chip Type Text
25164 Detect Dis&plays
25165 D&evice Settings >>
25166 &Force detection of a monitor on the secondary connector
25167 Disable a&uto-panning on secondary device (viewport lock)
25173 &Hide modes that this monitor cannot display
25174 Unchecking this box allows you to set your display to modes that this monitor cannot display correctly. This may lead to an unusable display and/or damaged hardware.
25175 &Yes
25176 &No
25177 Your desktop has been reconfigured. Do you want to keep these settings?
25178 Reverting in 15 seconds.
25179 You have selected a non-optimal Screen Resolution setting for your LCD display panel. Selecting this resolution may result in fuzzy text and pictures.
25180 Unlike external computer monitors, LCD display panels have one particular Screen Resolution setting that looks best. It is recommended you set your Screen Resolution to %ux%u.
25181 The Control Panel has applied changes to which other pages on the property sheet may be sensitive. To ensure proper operation, the Display Settings property sheet will now be closed.
25182 Click OK to have the setting modified, or click Cancel to return with your original settings restored.
25183 Note that this change is required in order for the mode that you have selected to work correctly, and can be done automatically by following the instructions below.
25184 &Screen Resolution:
25185 res
25186 &Refresh Rate:
25187 &Apply
25188 &Display the NVIDIA Settings icon in the taskbar
25189 Select taskbar &icon:
25190 The Desktop Manager provides enhanced nView multi-display functionality and helps you organize your applications for use with multiple displays and desktops.
25192 &Enable Desktop Manager
25193 Desktop Manager &Configuration...
25194 Enable Dualview (Treat multiple outputs on an NVIDIA GPU-based card as separate display devices).
25195 &Timing Modes
25196 Select the proper timing mode for your display:
25197 Auto-Detect (Windows determines the proper mode.)
25198 General Timing Formula (GTF)
25199 Discrete Monitor Timing (DMT)
25201 &Brightness:
25202 100%
25203 &Contrast:
25204 100%
25205 &Hue:
25206 0ā
25207 &Saturation:
25208 100%
25209 Enable Video &Overlay Zoom
25210 Select screen region to zoom
25211 Top-Left
25212 Top-Right
25213 Center
25214 Bottom-Left
25215 Bottom-Right
25216 &Zoom Control
25217 Out
25218 In
25219 &Check here if you are having problems with your TV tuner
25220 &Video Mirror Settings...
25221 Full-Screen Device
25222 Disable
25223 Primary display
25224 Secondary display
25225 Auto-Select
25226 Aspect &Ratio
25227 Track Overlay Aspect
25228 Source Aspect
25229 Full-Screen
25230 TV 4:3
25231 Anamorphic 16:9
25232 Enable Video &Mirror zoom
25233 &Track overlay zoom.
25234 Allo&w driver to select the full-screen mode
25235 Tr&ack overlay rotation
25236 Use these sliders to adjust your PowerMizer settings
25237 Maximum Power Savings
25238 Maximum Performance
25239 Frame Buffer Settings
25240 Frame Buffer &Mode:
25241 Frame Buffer Size:
25242 8 MB
25243 Frame Buffer Management Strategy:
25244 Conservative
25245 Aggressive
25246 &Enable rotation support
25247 Landscape (0 degree rotation)
25248 Portrait (90 degree rotation)
25249 Inverted Landscape (180 degree rotation)
25250 Inverted Portrait (270 degree rotation)
25251 <-
25252 ->
25253 Mouse Buttons
25254 Display the NVIDIA Settings menu when clicking...
25255 The &primary mouse button
25256 The &secondary mouse button
25257 &Either the primary or the secondary button
25258 Confirmation
25259 By default, NVIDIA Settings displays a confirmation message when a custom 3D setting is applied.
25260 &Do not display confirmation messages.
25261 3D Menus
25262 Display &menus with a 3D appearance.
25263 Copyright (c) 1998-2003 NVIDIA Corporation
25264 Total Physical Memory Available:
25265 Free Physical Memory:
25266 NVIDIA Taskbar Utility
25267 Windows needs to be restarted before the Desktop Manager can be launched. A restart is required only the first time that Desktop Manager is lauched after the software is installed.
25268 Before continuing, save any open documents and close all applications.
25269 Click 'Restart Now' to continue, or click 'Cancel' to return without restarting.
25270 The Control Panel must change the state of the 'Hide modes that this monitor cannot display' setting on the Monitor page of this display adapter.
25271 &Restore Defaults
25272 The 'NVIDIA Settings' taskbar utility lets you conveniently access various features and presets you've configured in the Display Properties directly from the Windows taskbar.
25273 Desktop Colour Options
25274 Enable TV Viewing and Video Capture
25275 Restore non-Personal Cinema Setting
25276 Video Viewing Preference
25277 On TV
25278 On CRT
25279 Screen Size
25280 Aspect Ratio
25281 Full-Screen Video Mirroring Options
25282 The Personal Cinema device is not attached. Click OK to enable your Personal Cinema device and to switch your Primary display setting.
25283 Frame Buffer Location:
25284 For fastest start-up time
25285 For fastest graphics performance
25286 You must restart your computer before the new settings will take effect.
25290 Capabilities
25291 NVIDIA GPU :
25292 Actual :
25293 AGP &Rate
25294 &Fast Writes
25295 &Sideband Addressing
25296 Enable &2D Command Buffer Caching
25297 &Depth of Request Queue
25298 Auto-Select
25299 Specify:
25300 &Test Configuration
25301 SBA
25302 FW
25303 AGP Disabled
25304 AGP %dX
25305 AGP %d.%d
25306 %s chipset :
25307 Max request queue depth: %d
25308 disabled
25309 Intel
25310 VIA
25311 AMD
25312 RCC
25313 Micron
25314 NVIDIA
25315 Unknown
25316 VESA BIOS Information
25317 Vendor:
25318 Product:
25319 Version:
25320 System Memory
25321 Available Physical Memory:
25322 Available Virtual Memory:
25323 Default
25324 Maximum Performance
25325 &Apply to desktop
25326 &Save As...
25327 &Delete
25328 &Restore Defaults
25331 Balanced
25333 &Texture Quality
25334 Low
25335 Default
25336 High
25337 &Antialiasing
25338 Off
25339 2x
25340 Quincunx
25341 4x
25342 4x,9-tap Gaussian
25343 A&nisotropic Filtering
25344 Off
25345 1x
25346 2x
25347 4x
25348 8x
25349 AGP Settings
25350 Additional Information
25351 Performance & Quality Settings
25352 System Performance
25353 Multi-Display &Hardware Acceleration:
25355 Refresh Rate Overrides
25356 Applications &control refresh rate
25357 &Override refresh rates
25370 Temperature Settings
25371 GPU Core Temperature:
25372 Core Slowdown Threshold
25373 &Degrees:
25374 Ambient Temperature:
25375 Scale
25376 &Fahrenheit
25377 &Celsius
25378 Enable Heat Indicator &warning when threshold exceeded
25379 Display Core Temperature in system &tray area
25380 &Log Settings
25381 Temperature Level
25390 Force Fan On
25391 Apply these settings at &startup.
25392 Adapter Information
25401 Balanced
25402 Current Power Source:
25403 Current Power Level:
25404 Current Battery Charge
25407 Battery
25408 AC Outlet
25409 Maximum Power Savings
25410 Maximum Performance
25420 Image Sharpening
25423 PowerMizer setting only affects 3D performance when running on battery.
25424 The gamma ramp has been changed outside the control panel. Any modification here will erase those changes.
25425 Stereo
25426 Overlay
25427 Exported Pixel &Types:
25430 Force High Res. Z-Buffer
25431 Prune texture format list
25432 Reduce Pixel and Vertex Shader support
25433 Prune mode list
25434 Flush after blit
25435 Enforce blit wait flag
25436 Prune OGL extension string
25437 Legacy OGL support
25438 Troubleshooting
25439 Send troubleshooting report to NVIDIA.
25450 About NVIDIA Settings...
25451 Exit
25460 Single-display mode
25461 Multi-device compatibility mode
25462 Compatibility (GCD Architecture)
25463 Multi-device performance mode
25464 Performance (GCD Architecture)
25465 nView Clone/Span Mode
25500 Custom Resolutions
25501 Add
25502 &Modify
25503 &Test
25504 &Remove
25505 Allow &Panning
25506 &X
25507 &Y
25508 &Frequency
25509 &Depth
25510 Standard Modes:
25511 Custom Modes:
25512 Device Modes:
25513 Custom Resolutions && Virtual Screens
25520 Custom Resolutions
25521 Ignore &Colour
25522 Ignore &Refresh
25523 &Screen resolution
25524 Less
25525 More
25526 %u by %u pixels
25527 C&olour quality
25528 Highest (32 bit)
25529 Medium (16 bit)
25530 Lowest (8 bit)
25531 Custom Resolutions
25532 Custom Resolutions and Refresh Rates
25533 Last attempted mode:
25534 Auto-Correct
25535 Change Resolutions
25550 Optimize TV for Fullscreen Video
25551 Fullscreen Video Options
25552 Full-Screen Video
25560 Fixed Aspect Ratio Timing
25600 ClearView allows you to enable multiple displays. Select a particular device combination and select the preferred display that is most in use.
25601 ClearView Modes
25602 &Display Configuration
25603 Preferred Display follows mouse
25604 &Preferred Display
25605 Preferred Display &Refresh
25606 1x
25607 2x
25608 3x
25609 ClearView
25620 480p EDTV
25621 720p HDTV
25622 1080i HDTV
25623 Component Y Pr Pb
25625 720i HDTV
25626 1080p HDTV
25630 &Test new settings
25631 Auto-&Detect
25632 &Optimize Clock
25633 Auto-&Clocking
25634 Set&tings
25635 Standard (2D)
25636 Performance (3D)
25637 Disable Hardware Overlay
25638 Use Fixed Aspect Ratio Scaling
25640 &Set pan-scan resolution
25641 &Monitor native support
25642 &Override application
25650 System Performance
25651 Antialiasing Settings
25652 Anisotropic Filtering
25653 Application
25654 Balanced
25655 Aggressive
25656 Override Application Settings
25660 &Image Settings
25661 Application
25662 Quality
25663 Performance
25671 Mode:
25672 Display Pair:
25673 Single Display
25674 Clone
25675 Horizontal Span
25676 Vertical Span
25677 The test failed to run at the selected clock frequencies. Please lower your settings and try again.
25678 An error has occurred in running clock frequency test. Your computer needs to be restarted.
25679 Enable &doublescan for lower resolution modes
25680 %u GHz
25681 VMR 7 support
25682 Timestamp
25683 Event ID
25684 Event
25685 Treat this system as &Server
25686 &Leading edge
25687 Re&fresh rate (Hz):
25688 &Falling edge
25689 Sync &delay (us):
25690 Frame synchronization options
25691 House Sync
25692 Incoming rate (approx):
25693 &Outgoing sync interval:
25694 Sync and connection status
25695 Sync ready
25697 Timing
25698 Stereo sync
25699 In
25700 Out
25701 House Sync
25702 &Test Link
25703 Frame Synchronization
25704 Framelock Board Connection Problem
25705 Either an Ethernet LAN cable is connected to the framelock board or the linked PC is not turned on. Either disconnect the Ethernet LAN cable or turn on the linked PC for proper operation.
25707 Composite Auto-detect
25708 TTL
25709 Composite Bi-level
25710 Composite Tri-level
25711 Treat this system as &Client
25712 Frame Synchronization refresh rate mismatch
25713 The Frame Synchronization device is requesting a refresh rate of %d Hz. The nearest available refresh rate supported by the active graphics card and display combination is %d Hz.
25714 Detect
25715 (display not synchronized)
25716 (using internal timing)
25717 (display synchronized)
25800 To remedy the problem, ensure that your NVIDIA graphics card in your system has the supplemental power connector attached. This connection is required and your system may be damaged if it is not in place. Please refer to your owner's manual for complete inspection instructions. Also, the power supply in your computer must be able to supply ample power to power all of the attached peripherals in addition to this extra connection.
25801 To remedy the problem, ensure that the NVIDIA graphics card in your system has ample space between it and other add-in cards in your system. Improper ventilation in you computers housing can contribute substantially to the system's overall temperature, causing various temperature-sensitive subsystems to function erratically or even fail.
25802 To remedy the problem, ensure that all parts of the system are properly ventilated, and the power supply has ample power to supply all connected equipment. Also, various motherboard BIOS settings may need adjustment for proper operation of the graphics card interface.
25810 Problem Report
25811 &Troubleshoot
25820 Troubleshooting
25830 Fullscreen Video
25831 DualView
25832 Hide modes that this monitor cannot support
25833 Display custom modes only
25834 &Identify
25835 None
25836 Current Display
25837 Desktop Overlap Profiles (*.cfg)|*.cfg||
25838 HiRes Desktop Scaling
25839 from %d x %d to %d x %d
25840 Load the current settings from
25841 Load Settings
25842 &VMR 7 Support
25843 Fullscreen Video Options
25844 Projected Blending Apply
25845 Projected Blending may take several seconds to start because the nView services are currently disabled and will need to be automatically restarted in order to enable Projected Blending.
25846 A session of NVIDIA Control Settings is already running!
25847 NVIDIA Control Settings
25848 Unable to create critical resource
25849 Use Centered Output
25850 Optimize for DVD
25851 Optimize for desktop
25852 Custom (Default)
25853 Optimize TV
25854 Presets
25855 Saturation
25856 Brightness
25857 Contrast
25858 Flicker Filter
25859 Click 'Override refresh rates' to select refresh rate overrides to be used in applications.
25860 Default
25861 Hertz
25862 &Initialize Link
25863 Chrontel 7000 Family
25864 Philips 7100 Family
25865 NVIDIA Integrated
25866 Integrated (MV)
25867 Integrated
25868 Cyrix 6x86 family
25869 Cyrix MII family
25870 Overdrive
25871 Overscan shift
25872 Video border
25900 Desktop Overlap and Edge Blending
25901 Enable &Desktop Overlap
25902 Overlapped Size Horizontal
25903 Overlapped Size Vertical
25904 pixels
25905 Enable Projected &Blending
25906 &Horizontal
25907 &Vertical
25908 Horizontal Roll Off
25909 Vertical Roll Off
25910 Horizontal Luma
25911 Vertical Luma
25912 E&xport Profile
25913 &Import Profile
25914 Export Profile
25915 Import Profile
26000 DVI Monitor
26001 Digital Flat Panel
26004 Laptop Display
26010 &In the future, do not show this message.
26011 You have chosen to override application controls for anisotropic filtering.\n\nOverriding this setting is intended ONLY for applications that do not expose anisotropic settings.\n
26012 You have chosen to override application controls for antialiasing.\n\nOverriding this setting is intended ONLY for applications that do not expose antialiasing settings.\n
26013 Application-Controlled
26014 Off
26015 2x
26016 4x
26017 8x
26018 4xG
26019 2xQ
26020 4x9T
26021 4xS
26022 6x
26023 16x
26024 High Performance
26025 Performance
26026 Quality
26030 Hz
26031 &Properties...
26032 Enter Custom Resolution values here. To enter a refresh rate that does not appear in the list, you may type it in.
26033 The Custom Resolution property shows all available display settings for the selected resolution.
26034 &Only show custom modes
26035 Custom Resolution Settings
26036 Screen Refresh Rate:
26037 Width:
26038 Height:
26039 All available
26040 Standard Refresh Rates
26041 The Custom Resolution input is invalid.
26042 The Custom Resolution has been added. successfully.
26043 The Custom Resolution cannot be added.
26044 The Custom Resolution has been removed. successfully.
26045 The Custom Resolution cannot be removed.
26046 %d Hertz
26047 %d bit
26048 Colour Quality:
26049 Monitor Settings
26050 My connected TV does not appear in this list.
26051 Signal format:
26052 Connection:
26053 Select the output device on which to display Windows:
26054 Changing to this HDTV format may cause the Windows Start button to appear outside of the visible desktop. Overscan Shift will track the mouse cursor and move the visible desktop as you move the mouse cursor.\n\nDo you want to use the Overscan Shift feature?
26055 Changing to this HDTV format may cause the Windows Start button to appear outside of the visible desktop. Underscan will scale down the Windows desktop, allowing you to see the full desktop.\n\nDo you want to use the Underscan feature?\n\nNOTE: Enabling Underscan will change (reduce) your Windows screen resolution to %dx%d.
26056 HDTV Overscan Configuration
26057 Use Underscan to show the entire Windows Desktop.
26058 Use Overscan Shift to show the entire Windows Desktop as you move your mouse cursor.
26059 Keep the native HDTV resolution
26060 Changing to this HDTV format may cause the Windows Start button to appear off-screen.
26061 Your attempt to change current nView display mode\nsettings failed - Error Code %d
26062 Coordinated Video Timing (CVT) Standard
26063 Remember my preference for the selected format
26064 Enabling Underscan will reduce your Windows screen resolution from %dx%d to %dx%d.
26065 The choice you have selected will reduce your screen resolution from %dx%d to %dx%d. Do you want to fine-tune this resolution?
26066 Always use this setting
26067 Capability
26068 GPU
26069 Chipset
26070 OS
26071 Optimal
26072 AGP Version
26073 Max AGP Rate
26074 Max Request Queue Depth
26075 Fast Writes
26076 Sideband Addressing
26077 Yes
26078 No
26079 Other Settings
26080 Your optimal AGP configuration is determined by the capabilities of your operating system, GPU, and motherboard chipset.\n\nYou can choose to override the optimal configuration settings below.
26081 The test failed to run with the selected configuration. Your AGP configuration was reset to the default.
26082 The test passed with the selected configuration.\n To apply your AGP settings, click Apply
26083 Screen Menus
26084 Remove infrequently used screens by dragging them from the NVIDIA screen menu to the list below. Restore screens to the menu by dragging them individually, or click Restore Defaults.
26085 To begin, check the "Enable screen menu editing" check box. To return to normal navigation mode, uncheck the check box.
26086 E&nable Screen Menu Editing
26087 (No screens have been removed from the screen menu.)
26088 \nAccelerated Graphics Port (AGP) configuration problem was encountered.
26089 \nTo protect your system from data loss and potential lockup, Accelerated Graphics Port (AGP) configuration was set to the default. You may notice a performance difference in some applications.
26090 AGP Indicator
26091 AGP Settings...
26093 Enable &performance graph
26094 Adapter default
26095 Optimal
26096 Apply c&olour changes to:
26097 All
26098 Desktop
26099 Overlay/VMR
26100 Fullscreen Video
26101 Colour &Profile:
26103 Standard Mode
26104 Advanced Mode
26106 Custom -
26107 ICC -
26108 Application-Controlled
26109 &Import...
26110 Add...
26114 A&djust Colours...
26115 Import Device Ramps
26116 Load colour correction curves from ICC profile filename:
26118 This will discard the colour correction settings you specified using the previous method. Continue?
26119 &Do not prompt me again
26120 &Undo
26121 &Redo
26122 Cu&t
26123 &Copy
26124 &Paste
26125 &Delete
26126 Select A&ll
26127 What's this?
26130 &Insert Point
26131 &Delete Point
26132 &Delete Points
26133 Cha&nnel
26134 RGB
26135 &Red
26136 &Green
26137 &Blue
26138 Grid Si&ze
26139 Show only physical panning resolutions
26140 Physical resolution
26141 Frame queue limit
26142 Not available
26150 Install Dualview (Advanced)
26151 The Windows 2000 Dualview device will now\nbe installed. You must restart your computer.\nPlease close all open applications and click\n OK to continue.
26152 Please select your application here :
26154 Incoming sync ty&pe:
26155 Sync to field 1
26156 Auto
26157 Auto (%.2f)
26158 House sync
26165 Maximum system memory for PCI mode textures:
26166 MB
26167 &Display Adapter Scaling
26168 &Centered Output
26169 &Monitor Scaling
26170 &Fixed Aspect Ratio Scaling
26171 To conserve battery power, SmartDimmer allows you to control the brightness of your display while it is active or idle.
26172 Enable SmartDimmer (while using battery only)
26173 Brightness while active:
26174 Min
26175 Max
26176 Brightness while idle:
26177 Current brightness
26178 SmartDimmer
26179 An attempt to detect your connected displays has been made. If you do not observe positive results, you are advised to restart you system. If you continue to observe a problem, please contact Customer Support for further assistance
26180 Overlay zoom controls
26181 Overlay colour controls
26182 Full screen video zoom controls
26183 Full screen video controls
26184 Screen Adjustment
26185 TV Settings
26186 Enable early z-test
26187 6xS
26190 Colour Quality
26191 Screen Refresh Rate
26192 Screen Resolution
26195 PCI Express
26200 Play on my TV
26201 Open this file and play it full screen on the attached TV.
26210 D1
26211 D2
26212 D3
26213 D4
26214 D5
26215 NULL fixed function
26216 NULL PS 1.x
26217 NULL PS 2.x
26218 Texel origin
26219 Top left
26220 Center
26221 (Value: %d)
26222 Temperature graph
26223 Off
26224 Show graph only
26225 Show graph with legend
26226 Performance graph
26227 Off
26228 Show graph only
26229 Show graph and legend
26230 Force textures to lowest MIP level
26231 Performance analysis
26232 Max frames to render ahead:
26233 Advanced Direct3D settings
26234 Not seeing any changes?
26240 A&pplication profiles
26241 Add...
26242 &Remove
26243 &Settings for %s
26244 S&how advanced settings
26245 Setting &value
26246 Add Profile
26247 This new profile will be based on your current settings. You can associate an application by choosing it from the list below.
26248 Profile:
26249 &Associated application
26250 &Browse...
26251 OK
26252 Cancel
26253 Application-Controlled
26254 Application Profiles
26255 Force mipmaps
26256 Bilinear
26257 Trilinear
26258 Conformant texture clamp
26259 Mipmap detail level
26260 Vertical sync
26261 Extension limit
26262 Hardware acceleration
26263 Predefined (read only)
26264 None
26265 Modify...
26266 Restore
26267 On
26268 Off
26269 Global Driver Settings
26270 Select a signal format supported by your TV.
26271 Select the type of connector you are using to attach your TV.
26272 My connected &TV is not being detected
26273 HDTV Desktop...
27174 Fullscreen Video
27328 The test failed to run with the selected configuration. Your AGP configuration was reset to the previous value.
28500 3D Antialiasing Settings
28501 3D Antialiasing Settings
28502 Save Settings
28503 TV Output
28504 Info
28505 Colour Correction
28506 Screen Adjustment
28507 Flat Panel Display
28508 Confirm Desktop Setting
28509 Change TV Format
28510 Device Selection
28511 Device Selection
28512 Direct3D Settings
28513 More Direct3D
28514 OpenGL Settings
28515 OpenGL Settings
28516 OpenGL Stereo
28517 Hardware Options
28518 Restart Required
28519 PowerMizer
28520 NVidia nForce
28521 OpenGL Settings Conflict
28522 Clock Frequencies
28523 Restart Required
28524 Testing new settings
28525 Hardware Options
28526 nView
28527 nView
28528 Monitor Settings
28529 Confirm Display Settings
28530 Control Panel Exit Required...
28531 Panning Control
28532 System settings change
28533 Device Configuration
28534 Desktop Utilities
28535 Display Timing
28536 Overlay Colour Control
28537 Overlay Controls
28538 Full Screen Video Mirror Control
28539 Options
28540 About Taskbar Utility
28541 Restart Required
28542 New Application
28543 Desktop Manager
28544 Stereo Properties
28545 Additional Stereo Properties
28546 Stereo Test Configuration
28547 Game Configuration Hot Keys
28548 Game Configuration
28549 Help
28550 Advanced Game Configuration
28551 Advanced Game Configuration
30000 Desktop Overlap Controls
30001 Projected Blending Controls
30002 Frame Synchronization Controls
30003 House Synchronization Controls
30004 Custom Profiles
30005 Fill Output
30006 Key Output
30007 Video 1 Output
30008 Video 2 Output
30009 SDI Input
30010 COMP Input
30011 Desktop Region
31000 This control is disabled because this feature is not available on your graphics card.
31001 This control is disabled because this feature is not available on your graphics card in the current context.
31002 This control is disabled because this feature is not configurable on your system.
31003 This control is disabled because this feature is not configurable on your system in the current context.
31004 This control is disabled because this feature is not available on the attached display device.
31005 This control is disabled because you are not currently operating in multiple monitor display mode. This setting does not apply to Single display mode.\n\nTo configure multiple attached displays, use the nView Display Mode page.
31006 This control is disabled because you are not currently operating in Span or Clone display modes.\n\nTo configure the display mode, use the nView Display Mode page.
31007 This control is disabled because you are not currently operating in Dualview display mode.\n\nTo configure the display mode, use the nView Display Mode page.
31008 This control is disabled because you are not currently operating in Clone display mode.\n\nTo configure the display mode, use the nView Display Mode page.
31009 This control is disabled because you are not currently operating in Span display mode.\n\nTo configure the display mode, use the nView Display Mode page.
31010 This control is disabled because you are not currently operating in Horizontal Span display mode.\n\nTo configure the display mode, use the nView Display Mode page.
31011 This control is disabled because you are not currently operating in Vertical Span display mode.\n\nTo configure the display mode, use the nView Display Mode page.
31012 This control is disabled because the TV connected to the graphics card was successfully detected.\n\nThis option can be used to force detection of an attached TV set which does not report its presence to the graphics card.
31013 This control is disabled because the corresponding Application-controlled setting is checked.\n\nTo manually specify these settings, uncheck the associated Application-controlled check box.
31014 This control is disabled because Full Screen Video Mirroring is presently set to the disabled state.\n\nTo enable Full Screen Video Mirroring, select a Full screen device on the Full Screen Video page.
31015 This control is disabled because you are not currently operating in Clone display mode with a pannable Secondary display device.\n\nPanning is automatically activated for the Secondary display when the virtual resolution requested for that display is greater than the maximum physical resolution supported by the attached display device.
31016 This control is disabled because all display resolutions are supported when panning is enabled for the Secondary display device in Clone mode.\n\n\Panning is automatically activated for the Secondary display when the virtual resolution requested for that display is greater than the maximum physical resolution supported by the attached display device.
31017 This control is disabled because you are not currently operating in a display mode with a pannable display device.\n\nPanning is automatically activated for the pannable display when the virtual resolution requested for that display is greater than the maximum physical resolution supported by the attached display device.
31018 This control is disabled because all display resolutions are supported when panning is enabled for a display device.\n\n\Panning is automatically activated for the pannable display when the virtual resolution requested for that display is greater than the maximum physical resolution supported by the attached display device.
31019 This control is disabled because the active display resolution does not span multiple displays.\n\nTo change the display resolution, use the Change Resolutions page.
31020 This control is disabled because the requested display device combination is not supported in the specified display mode.\n\nTo configure multiple attached displays, use the nView Display Mode page.
31021 This control is disabled because options have been specified which would override this setting. To commit the pending options, click on the Apply button. To abort, click on the Cancel button.
31022 This control is disabled because the navigation menu is already displayed to the side of the panel.\n\nTo view and modify additional device properties, click on an item in the navigation menu.
31023 This control is disabled because one or more displays was plugged or unplugged from your graphics card since the Control Panel was started.
31024 This control is disabled because fewer than two displays are active, or an active display is configured for Span or Clone display mode, or one of the graphics cards in your multiple adapter system is of a differing product family.
31025 This control is disabled because this feature is not supported at the current colour depth on this graphics card.
31026 This control is disabled because you are not presently in NVIDIA menu editing mode.\n\nTo enable NVIDIA menu editing mode, select the "Enable menu editing" check box on the Menu Editing page.
31027 This control is disabled because you have reached the maximum setting for this control.
31028 This control is disabled because the master check box which enables this group of features is unchecked.
31029 This control is disabled because cables are improperly connected to your graphics card.
31030 This control is disabled because this graphics card has not been configured as a client or as a server.
31031 This control is disabled because this graphics card has not been configured as a server.
31032 This control is disabled because this graphics card has not been configured as a client.
31033 This control is disabled because a server device is already communicating with this graphics card.
31034 This control is disabled because the selected display resolution is not a custom display resolution.
31035 This control is disabled because no custom profiles have been defined.
31036 This control is disabled because a custom profile is not presently active.
31037 This control is disabled because the current settings have already been saved as a custom profile.
31038 This control is disabled because the current settings have already been approved.
31039 This control is disabled because the current settings represent a predefined configuration.
31040 This control is disabled because it does not apply to the selected setting.
31041 This slider does not apply in this edit mode. To discard modifications made in the current edit mode, and revert to slider editing mode, click on this slider.
31042 Adjustments made here are noticeable only when video is being played and the application is using hardware overlay.
31043 Adjustments made here are noticeable only when video is being played in full screen mode.
31044 This option is disabled because a predefined default prevents modifications to settings.
31045 This option is disabled because it does not apply to the current edit mode.
31046 This control is disabled because the check box that enables this group of features is unchecked.
31047 This control is disabled because the feature is being controlled by an external application.
31048 This control is disabled because the setting is controlled by an external synchronization source.
31049 OFF means Video Out is not is in use.\nBlinking GREEN means Video Out is in High Definition (HD) mode.\nBlinking YELLOW means Video Out is in Standard Definition (SD) mode.
31050 OFF means not in use\nBlinking GREEN means High Definition (HD) mode.\nBlinking YELLOW means Standard Definition (SD) mode.
31051 OFF means external Composite input is not detected.\nBlinking GREEN means external Composite input is detected
31052 OFF means external SDI input is not detected.\nBlinking GREEN means external SDI input is detected in High Definition (HD) mode.\nBlinking YELLOW means external SDI input is detected in Standard Definition (SD) mode.\nSteady YELLOW means an external SDI input error has occurred.
31053 X Pos: %ld Y Pos: %ld\nWidth: %ld Height: %ld
31054 X Pos: %ld Y Pos: %ld
31055 This control is disabled because the setting is auto-detected.
32000 No overclocking
32001 Auto overclocking
32002 Manual overclocking
32003 I accept
32004 I do not accept
32005 Overclocking License Agreement
32006 Please read the following license agreement. Press the "PAGE DOWN" key to see the rest of the agreement.
32007 To use the features on the Clock Frequencies panel you must agree to the terms of the preceding license agreement. Do you accept this agreement?
32026 NVIDIA Display
32027 NVIDIA Display Panel Reload
32028 NVIDIA Display Panel needs to be reloaded due to a display configuration change that was performed using another application. Click Yes to reload the panel automatically or click No to load it manually.
32029 OK
32030 Cancel
32031 Apply
32032 Show Menu
32033 Hide Menu
32034 Close
32035 Help
32036 Minimize
32037 Maximize
32038 Size
32039 Next
32040 Previous
32042 The NVIDIA Display Panel Extension cannot be created.
32043 Possible reasons include:
32044 Disabled graphics hardware acceleration. To enable Hardware Acceleration:\n\n1. Right click on your desktop, select Properties, the Settings tab, and click Advanced. \n2. Click the Troubleshoot tab and move the 'Hardware acceleration' slider all the way to Full. \n3. Click OK. \n4. If prompted, restart your computer.
32045 Version mismatch.
32046 Incorrect configuration or installation.
32047 Reinstalling display drivers may solve this problem.
32049 Modify Profile
32050 The specified file could not be loaded.
32051 The specified file could not be saved.
32052 Detect &Optimal Frequencies
32053 T&est Changes
32054 &Fan always on
32055 Apply these settings at &startup
32058 Gray Borders
32059 Only one TV can be connected to the system at the same time. Please verify that only one TV is connected and then click OK, or Cancel to abort the operation.
33060 Active
33061 Inactive
33062 Value
33063 Select the check box to add this driver setting to the %s profile.
33064 Default-Active
33065 Default-Inactive
33066 The global driver setting or at least one application has to be selected to create a valid profile.
33067 Save Profile
33068 The selected profile was modified. Changes will be lost if another profile is selected. Do you want to save the modified setting?
33069 Deleting an application profile removes all NVIDIA settings for that application. To avoid undesirable application performance, select a predefined NVIDIA profile for that particular application and then click %s.
33070 Multiple GPU Configuration
33071 Multiple GPU configuration
33072 Your system has multiple graphics processing units (GPUs). Multi-GPU rendering links the GPUs together for improved performance.
33073 Enable &multi-GPU rendering
33074 Multi-GPU rendering options
33075 Your current multi-GPU rendering mode is:
33076 &Show me where to change my multi-GPU rendering mode
33077 Show s&plit line (applies only to split-frame rendering)
33078 Enable automatic &load balancing
33079 Your GPUs are not connected by a Video Link connector.
33080 Multi-GPU rendering mode will still function, but performs best when the GPUs are connected by a Video Link connector.
33081 Incorrect multiple GPU selection
33082 You have enabled multi-GPU rendering and your system has two or more GPUs on separate graphics cards.\nYou must select the GPUs to use for multi-GPU rendering.
33083 You have selected an odd number of GPUs for multi-GPU rendering.\nTo use an alternate frame rendering mode, select an even number of GPUs to use.\nTo change your selection, click %s; otherwise one of the selected GPUs will be ignored.
33084 You must restart your computer before the new settings will take effect.\nClick %s to continue, or click %s to return without applying your changes.
33085 These controls are disabled because the check box that enables this group of multi-GPU rendering features is unchecked. Currently you are using single-GPU rendering.
33086 This control is disabled because GPUs of different types cannot be simultaneously used for multi-GPU rendering.
33087 You cannot select GPUs of different types for multi-GPU rendering.
33088 Split-frame rendering
33089 Alternate frame rendering
33090 Auto-select
33091 NVIDIA Settings
33092 Deleting an application profile removes all NVIDIA settings for associated applications. To avoid undesirable application performance, select a predefined NVIDIA profile for that particular application and then click %s.
33093 Enhanced CPU instruction set
33094 Unified back/depth buffer
33095 Maximize texture memory
33096 Early z-test
33097 Buffer-flipping mode
33098 Antialiased lines gamma correction
33099 Texture colour depth
33100 Block transfer
33101 16 bpp
33102 32 bpp
33103 PCI/PCIE heap size
33104 Advanced Timing
33105 &Sync width:
33106 &Front porch:
33107 &Back porch:
33108 Fro&nt porch:
33109 S&ync width:
33110 Bac&k porch:
33111 Refresh ra&te:
33112 &Interlaced mode
33113 &Horizontal pixels:
33114 &Vertical lines:
33115 Active pixels:
33116 Pixel clock:
33117 Active pixels:
33118 Scan rate:
33119 Indicate your preference by clicking on one of the buttons below.
33120 Timing &mode:
33121 Use these settings to adjust timing modes to suit your personal preferences.
33122 Sync polarity:
33123 Sync polarity:
33124 Specify exact signal timing for the display mode.
33125 Improper use of these options may damage your display.
33126 EDID Timing
33127 Coordinated Video Timing - Reduced Blanking (CVT-RB)
33128 Multi-GPU rendering mode
33129 Select multi-GPU rendering mode:
33130 You have not selected the primary graphics card, which is usualy shown at the top of GPU selection list.\nYou must select the primary graphics card for multi-GPU rendering.
33131 SCART
33132 SCART S-Video
33134 SCART RGB+Composite
33135 SCART Composite
33137 PAL(SCART)
33138 Reduce DVI frequency
33141 Graphics to SDI
33142 New SDI Colour Profile
33143 Import SDI Colour Profile
33144 Export SDI Colour Profile
33145 Modify SDI Colour Profile
33146 Rename SDI Colour Profile
33147 SDI Colour Profile Properties
33148 SDI Desktop Region
33149 Select Test Pattern
33150 SDI Advanced Options
33151 Output options
33152 SDI output is under exclusive application control.
33153 Send output to &SDI:
33154 Send output to SDI:
33155 SDI signal &format:
33156 SDI signal format:
33157 SDI &output format:
33158 SDI output format:
33159 &Colour conversion:
33160 Output from
33161 &Desktop
33162 &Test pattern
33163 Cha&nge Desktop Region...
33164 Se&lect Test Pattern...
33165 Output ar&ea:
33166 Genlock options
33167 So&urce:
33168 Genlock source:
33169 Signal type:
33170 Sync delay:
33171 %ld pixels and %ld lines
33172 Application in control
33173 The following application is controlling SDI output:
33174 Ad&vanced Options
33175 Colour conversion &matrix
33176 Specify the transform to convert from source to SDI output colourspace.
33177 Y
33178 Cr
33179 Cb
33180 R
33181 G
33182 B
33183 Offset
33185 Gamma correction
33186 Specify gamma correction for the source stream.
33195 Select the desktop region to be used for SDI output.
33196 Use entire screen
33197 Selec&t region to use
33198 &X:
33199 &Y:
33200 &Width:
33201 Height:
33202 Select a test pattern to be used for SDI output.
33203 Preview
33204 Test Pattern Image Files (*.wmf;*.bmp)|*.wmf;*.bmp|All files (*.*)|*.*||
33205 General
33206 Graphics card and software information
33207 Information about your NVIDIA graphics card and the installed NVIDIA driver software.
33208 Graphics card:
33209 Driver version:
33210 Firmware version:
33211 E&nable synchronization delay
33212 Modify values to fine tune signal delays between the synchronization source and SDI output.
33213 &HSYNC delay (in pixels):
33214 &VSYNC delay (in lines):
33215 Power On Settings
33216 Onboard DIP switch positions
33217 These graphics card switch positions determine the default SDI operating mode before the driver (software) is initialized.
33218 Default signal format:
33219 Default genlock source:
33220 Genlock-controlled format:
33221 DIP switch setting:
33222 Jumper setting:
33223 Fallback &video mode
33224 Select the video mode to be output when the system detects loss of synchronization.
33225 Use &hardware defaults
33226 Use specified mode
33227 Edit
33228 &New
33229 &Blank Template
33230 Using %s Values
33231 &Open...
33232 Save &As...
33233 &Modify...
33234 Re&name
33235 Delete
33236 &Properties
33237 487i 59.94 Hz (SMPTE259) NTSC
33238 487p 59.94 Hz (SMPTE259)
33239 576i 50.00 Hz (SMPTE259) PAL
33240 576p 50.00 Hz (SMPTE259)
33241 720p 59.94 Hz (SMPTE296)
33242 720p 60.00 Hz (SMPTE296)
33243 1035i 59.94 Hz (SMPTE260)
33244 1035i 60.00 Hz (SMPTE260)
33245 1080i 50.00 Hz (SMPTE295)
33246 1080i 47.952 Hz (SMPTE274)
33247 1080i 48.00 Hz (SMPTE274)
33248 1080i 50.00 Hz (SMPTE274)
33249 1080i 59.94 Hz (SMPTE274)
33250 1080i 60.00 Hz (SMPTE274)
33251 1080PsF 23.976 Hz (SMPTE274)
33252 1080PsF 24.00 Hz (SMPTE274)
33253 1080PsF 25.00 Hz (SMPTE274)
33254 1080PsF 29.97 Hz (SMPTE274)
33255 1080PsF 30.00 Hz (SMPTE274)
33256 1080p 23.976 Hz (SMPTE274)
33257 1080p 24.00 Hz (SMPTE274)
33258 1080p 25.00 Hz (SMPTE274)
33259 1080p 29.97 Hz (SMPTE274)
33260 1080p 30.00 Hz (SMPTE274)
33270 RGB (4:4:4)
33271 RGBA (4:4:4:4)
33272 RGBZ (4:4:4:4)
33273 YCrCb (4:2:2)
33274 YCrCbA (4:2:2:4)
33275 YCrCbZ (4:2:2:4)
33290 Full size
33291 Safe Title
33292 Safe Action
33293 Auto
33294 Auto-detect
33295 Internal
33296 COMP IN
33297 SDI IN
33298 Bi-level
33299 Tri-level
33300 Standard Definition (SD)
33301 High Definition (HD)
33305 Graphics to SDI
33306 Send &output to SDI
33307 Output &source
33308 &Desktop
33309 &Test pattern
33310 &Change...
33311 Other settings
33312 Genlock Source Disconnected
33313 The active genlock source has been disconnected. Do you want to auto-detect the genlock source or revert to using internal synchronization?
33314 Auto-detect
33315 Internal sync
33316 Confirm Delete
33317 Are you sure you want to delete the colour settings named "%s"?
33318 Existing SDI Colour Settings
33319 Colour settings named "%s" already exist.
33320 Do you want to overwrite the existing colour settings or import the new colour settings under a different name?
33321 Over&write
33322 &Import
33323 Missing SDI Colour Settings Name
33324 Please specify a name for these colour settings before proceeding.
33325 Invalid SDI Colour Settings Name
33326 The name for these colour settings cannot be empty, must contain only legal filename characters, and must be unique among colour setting names.\nPlease correct the name before proceeding.
33327 Invalid SDI Colour Profile
33328 The specified file is not a valid or accessible SDI colour profile format file.\nPlease specify a valid SDI colour profile.
33329 Please specify a valid colour conversion matrix before proceeding.
33330 Please specify visible gamma correction settings before proceeding.
33331 Linear RGB
33332 Rec. 601
33333 Rec. 709
33334 Custom
33335 True
33336 False
33337 On
33338 Off
33339 SDI Colour Settings
33340 Current SDI resolution:
33341 Profile &name:
33342 &Help
33343 How do I use these options?
33344 Colour conversion:
33345 Colour conversion
33346 RGB (Dual 4:4:4)
33347 YCrCb (Dual 4:2:2)
33348 Use &genlock
33349 SDI Sync
33350 COMP Sync
33351 Using internal timing
33352 Signal not detected
33353 Signal is not recognized
33354 Genlock signal format has changed
33355 or
33356 Genlock format
33357 Detecting genlock format...
33358 COMP Bi COMP Sync (Bi-level)
33359 COMP Tri COMP Sync (Tri-level)
33360 Genlock format
33361 Warning
33362 The incoming synchronization source format has changed. Would you like to resynchronize or disable genlock mode?
33363 Resynchronize
33364 Disable Genlock
33365 The resolution of the specified file is not ideal for the current output resolution. Would you like to use this file anyway?
33366 Specify Key...
33367 Specify Alpha Key...
33368 Specify Z Key...
33369 Scaling:
33370 Scale
33371 Crop
33372 Letterbox
33373 Crop or Letterbox
33374 Video format selection:
33375 Sync source selection:
33376 Auto switch selection:
33377 Reserved:
33378 Reserved for future use
33379 Synchronization Delay
33380 Select Key Mask
33381 Select a key mask to be used for SDI output.
33383 Test Pattern Image Files (%s)|%s|All files (*.*)|*.*||
33384 SDI Sync
33385 COMP Sync
33386 OFF means external Composite Sync input is not detected.\nBlinking GREEN means external Composite Sync input is detected.\nSteady YELLOW means an external Composite Sync input error has occurred.\nBlinking RED means external Composite Sync in use but not locked with output format.
33387 OFF means external SDI Sync input is not detected.\nBlinking GREEN means external SDI Sync input is detected in High Definition (HD) mode.\nBlinking YELLOW means external SDI Sync input is detected in Standard Definition (SD) mode.\nSteady YELLOW means an external SDI Sync input error has occurred.\nBlinking RED means external SDI Sync is in use but not locked with output format.
33388 X Pos: %ld Y Pos: %ld\nWidth: %ld Height: %ld\nMode: %s
33389 Genlock Format
33390 This control shows the current genlock video format or signal state.
33391 The detected incoming video format of %s mismatches the outgoing video format of %s.
33392 Redetect Genlock Format
33393 Click here to detect the incoming genlock format and resynchronize the output video format to it.
33394 Updates on the Internet...
33395 Synchronization delay
33396 Genlock signal format locked
33397 Using genlock signal format
33398 R8:G8:B8
33399 R8:G8:B8:A8
33400 R8:G8:B8:Z10
33401 Y10:CR10:CB10
33402 Y10:CR8:CB8
33403 Y10:CR8:CB8:A10
33404 Y10:CR8:CB8:Z10
33405 R8:G8:B8 + R8:G8:B8
33406 Y8:CR8:CB8 + Y8:CR8:CB8
33407 YCrCb (4:4:4)
33408 YCrCbA (4:4:4:4)
33409 YCrCbZ (4:4:4:4)
33410 YCrCb (4:2:2 + 4:2:2)
33411 Internal mode
33412 External genlock
33413 External framelock
33414 Sync op&tions:
33415 Framelock format
33416 Signal format has changed
33417 Detecting signal format...
33418 Signal format locked
35001 The NVIDIA Display Panel was unable to perform the required operation. Please correct the specified options.
35002 The NVIDIA Display Panel has determined that this operation may not be safe due to missing information required to undo this operation. Therefore, it is not possible to proceed.
35003 Treat %s as HDTV
35004 Check here to treat %s as a high definition television (HDTV).
35005 Trilinear optimization
35006 High quality
35007 480i SDTV
35008 576i SDTV
35009 576p EDTV
35010 Select the active profile for:
35011 Custom values
35013 Analog
35014 Digital
35015 TV
35016 HDTV
35017 License For Customer Use of NVIDIA Software
35018 IMPORTANT NOTICE -- READ CAREFULLY: This License For Customer Use of NVIDIA Software ("LICENSE") is the agreement which governs use of the software of NVIDIA Corporation and its subsidiaries ("NVIDIA") downloadable herefrom, including computer software and associated printed materials ("SOFTWARE"). By downloading, installing, copying, or otherwise using the SOFTWARE, you agree to be bound by the terms of this LICENSE. If you do not agree to the terms of this LICENSE, do not download the SOFTWARE.
35020 Use of NVIDIA's products requires three elements: the SOFTWARE, the hardware on a graphics controller board, and a personal computer. The SOFTWARE is protected by copyright laws and international copyright treaties, as well as other intellectual property laws and treaties. The SOFTWARE is not sold, and instead is only licensed for use, strictly in accordance with this document. The hardware is protected by various patents, and is sold, but this LICENSE does not cover that sale, since it may not necessarily be sold as a package with the SOFTWARE. This LICENSE sets forth the terms and conditions of the SOFTWARE LICENSE only.
35022 1.1 Customer. Customer means the entity or individual that downloads the SOFTWARE.
35024 2.1 Rights and Limitations of Grant. NVIDIA hereby grants Customer the following non-exclusive, non-transferable right to use the SOFTWARE, with the following limitations:
35025 2.1.1 Rights. Customer may install and use one copy of the SOFTWARE on a single computer, and except for making one back-up copy of the Software, may not otherwise copy the SOFTWARE. This LICENSE of SOFTWARE may not be shared or used concurrently on different computers.
35026 2.1.2 Linux Exception. Notwithstanding the foregoing terms of Section 2.1.1, SOFTWARE designed exclusively for use on the Linux operating system may be copied and redistributed, provided that the binary files thereof are not modified in any way (except for unzipping of compressed files).
35027 2.1.3 Limitations.
35028 No Reverse Engineering. Customer may not reverse engineer, decompile, or disassemble the SOFTWARE, nor attempt in any other manner to obtain the source code.
35029 No Separation of Components. The SOFTWARE is licensed as a single product. Its component parts may not be separated for use on more than one computer, nor otherwise used separately from the other parts.
35030 No Rental. Customer may not rent or lease the SOFTWARE to someone else.
35033 3.1 This LICENSE will automatically terminate if Customer fails to comply with any of the terms and conditions hereof. In such event, Customer must destroy all copies of the SOFTWARE and all of its component parts.
35034 3.2 Defensive Suspension. If Customer commences or participates in any legal proceeding against NVIDIA, then NVIDIA may, in its sole discretion, suspend or terminate all license grants and any other rights provided under this LICENSE during the pendency of such legal proceedings.
35035 4. COPYRIGHT
35036 All title and copyrights in and to the SOFTWARE (including but not limited to all images, photographs, animations, video, audio, music, text, and other information incorporated into the SOFTWARE), the accompanying printed materials, and any copies of the SOFTWARE, are owned by NVIDIA, or its suppliers. The SOFTWARE is protected by copyright laws and international treaty provisions. Accordingly, Customer is required to treat the SOFTWARE like any other copyrighted material, except as otherwise allowed pursuant to this LICENSE and that it may make one copy of the SOFTWARE solely for backup or archive purposes.
35038 This LICENSE shall be deemed to have been made in, and shall be construed pursuant to, the laws of the State of California. The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods is specifically disclaimed.
35050 If any provision of this LICENSE is inconsistent with, or cannot be fully enforced under, the law, such provision will be construed as limited to the extent necessary to be consistent with and fully enforceable under the law. This LICENSE is the final, complete and exclusive agreement between the parties relating to the subject matter hereof, and supersedes all prior or contemporaneous understandings and agreements relating to such subject matter, whether oral or written. This LICENSE may only be modified in writing signed by an authorized officer of NVIDIA. Customer agrees that it will not ship, transfer or export the SOFTWARE into any country, or use the SOFTWARE in any manner, prohibited by the United States Bureau of Export Administration or any export laws, restrictions or regulations.
35052 Enable VMR
35053 Ac&tive profile:
35054 A&pplication:
35055 &Create New
35056 Modify Profile...
35057 %s &value:
35058 Add Profile...
35059 The profile "%s" is being used by multiple applications. Updating this profile will affect settings for all associated applications.
35060 Would you like to continue updating this profile?
35061 Using global driver settings
35062 Colour profile
35063 This control is disabled because no colour profiles exist.\n\nTo associate a profile to application(s), create a colour profile from the colour Correction page.
35064 Device class
35065 Signal format
35066 Data format
35067 Graphics card information
35068 Information about your NVIDIA-based graphics card and the system it is running on.
35069 Operating system:
35070 Processor:
35071 Video BIOS version:
35072 ForceWare version:
35073 TV encoder type:
35074 About NVIDIA Display Control Panel
35075 NVIDIA Display Control Panel
35076 Version %d.%02d
35077 Copyright ā 1998-2004 NVIDIA Corporation. All rights reserved.
35078 NVIDIA, the NVIDIA logo, GeForce, GoForce, Quadro, ForceWare, nView, TwinView, Quincunx Antialiasing, Digital Vibrance Control, SmartDimmer, and PowerMizer are trademarks or registered trademarks of NVIDIA Corporation.
35079 Microsoft, Microsoft Windows, DirectX, and Direct3D are either registered trademarks or trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries.
35080 OpenGL and the oval logo are trademarks or registered trademarks of Silicon Graphics, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries worldwide.
35081 Conexant is a trademark of Conexant Systems, Inc.
35082 Other trademarks are the property of their respective owners.
35083 &Versions...
35084 Version Information
35085 Versions for all NVIDIA Display control panel components and important system files are listed below.
35086 If there are problems, they will be listed in the status section.
35087 &Components
35088 Status
35089 No problems were found.
35090 The NVIDIA Display control panel components are of different versions. This could potentially cause problems and interfere with the proper operation of the application.
35091 To resolve this issue, reinstall your NVIDIA display driver software.
35092 Auto-detect display names at startup
35093 (%d of %d)
35094 Rename Display
35095 Enter a name to uniquely identify this display.
35096 Manufacturer:
35097 Model:
35098 Serial number:
35099 Type:
35100 Display name:
35101 Use these settings to adjust display mode timing values for your display.
35102 Display mode timing values:
35104 Display mode timing
35105 Select the display mode timing for your display based on one of the timing formats and standards below:
35106 kHz
35107 MHz
35108 GHz
35109 nView Display Settings
35110 Screen Resolutions & Refresh Rates
35111 Display Mode Timing
35112 Digital Flat Panel Settings
35113 Flat Panel Settings
35114 Additional OpenGL Settings
35115 Additional Direct3D Settings
35116 Video Overlay Settings
35117 SDI Settings
35118 Clock Frequency Settings
35119 Menu Editing
35120 Debug Settings
35121 Projected edge blending apply
35122 Projected edge blending may take several seconds to start because the nView services are currently disabled and will need to be automatically restarted in order to enable edge blending.
35123 Projected Edge Blending Settings
35124 Enable projected edge &blending
35125 New settings for the profile %s are available. Would you rather use the new settings instead of your current settings?
35126 New NVIDIA application profiles and/or new NVIDIA driver settings for one or more of your existing application profiles are available. Do you want to replace your current configuration with these new settings ?
35127 Do this for all my profiles
35128 Play On My
35129 Send Feedback
35130 Send Feedback to NVIDIA
35131 Current display:
35132 Primary display:
35133 Secondary display:
35134 Trilinear optimization
35135 Anisotropic optimization
35136 This control is disabled because the "Image setting" option is set to "High quality".\n\nTo enable "Optimization", change the "Image settings" option to a different setting.
35137 This control is disabled because the "Anisotropic filtering" option is set to "Application-controlled" and/or the "Image settings" option is set to "High quality".\n\nTo enable the "Anisotropic optimization" feature, clear the "Application-controlled" check box and/or change the "Image settings" option to a different setting.
35138 Your system has existing profiles with the same name as another profiles about to be installed.
35139 &Select profiles you would like to keep:
35140 Profile Name
35141 Keep
35142 Update
35143 &Keep All of My Profiles
35144 &Update All Profiles
35145 Web
35146 Driver &Updates
35147 &Products
35148 &News
35149 &Demo programs
35150 &Browse the NVIDIA website (www.nvidia.co.uk)
35151 Multi-GPU
35152 To learn more about multi-GPU rendering,
35153 click here.
35154 To learn more about multi-GPU rendering, click here.
35155 R&endering mode
35156 Auto-select (recommended)
35157 Alternate frame
35158 Split frame
35159 Split frame (with visible split-line)
35160 Your system has a graphics processing unit (GPU) that will support multi-GPU rendering. You can link multiple GPUs together for improved performance.
35161 Multi-GPU capable system
35162 This system is properly configured to take advantage of multi-GPU rendering. To enable multi-GPU rendering (restart is required), click this message.
35163 Multi-GPU configuration is complete. In order for these changes to take effect, you will need to restart your computer.
35164 Do you want to restart you computer now?
35165 Multi-GPU has been disabled
35166 One of your multi-GPU capable cards has been removed, changed slots, etc.
35167 To learn more click this message.
35168 Multi-GPU has been enabled
35169 You may notice one of your displays go blank. This will happen only while multi-GPU is enabled.
35170 Enable gamma correction for full screen anti-aliasing
35171 Position
35172 Tools
35173 Taskbar icon
35174 Show Taskbar &Icon
35175 Colour optimisation
35176 Run the Display Optimisation Wizard to adjust your display(s) for optimal viewing and representation of colours.
35177 &Display Optimisation Wizard
35178 Troubleshooting
35179 If you have a display connected and it is not being detected, select the checkbox below.
35180 &Rigorous display detection
35181 Use colour interleaved monitor
35182 Show Display Name with &Identifier
35183 Error code 0x%08lX.
35184 Your graphics card features NVIDIA Scalable Link Interface (SLI) technology.
35185 Add a second graphics card with SLI technology for significant improvements in rendering performance.
35186 Your graphics cards features NVIDIA Scalable Link Interface (SLI) technology for significant improvements in rendering performance.
35187 &Enable multi-GPU
35188 &Show performance dashboard
35189 The dashboard will appear in DirectX and OpenGL applications.
35190 Before you can enable multi-GPU rendering, all graphics cards must be installed in PCI Express slots with a bandwidth of x4 or greater.
35191 Before you can enable multi-GPU, all graphics cards must be installed in PCI Express slots with a bandwidth of x4 or greater.
35192 Before you can enable multi-GPU rendering, you must remove any graphics cards that are not multi-GPU compatible.
35193 Before you can enable multi-GPU, you must remove any graphics cards that are not compatible with NVIDIA Scalable Link Interface (SLI) technology.
35194 Graphics cards not connected by an SLI connector
35195 Multi-GPU will still function. However, for the best rendering performance, an SLI connector is required.
35196 The graphics card is currently in as an acceleration device for multi-GPU rendering.
35197 The graphics card is currently in as an acceleration device for multi-GPU.
35198 In this mode, this graphics card is dedicated to assisting your primary graphics card for rendering.
35199 Your system is ready for multi-GPU rendering
35200 To enable multi-GPU rendering, click here.
35201 Your system is ready for multi-GPU
35202 To enable multi-GPU rendering, click here.
35203 NVIDIA Multi-GPU rendering
35204 Enabling multi-GPU rendering requires you to restart your computer.
35205 NVIDIA Multi-GPU
35206 Enabling multi-GPU requires you to restart your computer.
35207 Your digital display does not have a built-in scaler and will be switched to analog, which may result in lower image quality.
35208 Your digital display does not have a built-in scaler and is not supported by multi-GPU.
35209 Your digital display will be switched to analog, which may result in lower image quality.
35210 Displays attached to your secondary graphics card will appear blank when multi-GPU rendering is enabled.
35211 Displays attached to your secondary graphics card will appear blank when multi-GPU is enabled.
35212 This is because your secondary graphics card will accelerate your primary card.
35213 Multi-GPU rendering has been disabled
35214 Multi-GPU has been disabled
35215 One of you graphics cards has been removed.
35216 To learn more,
35217 To learn more, click here.
35218 Do you want to restart your computer now?
35219 PCI-SIG and the PCI-SIG design marks are registered trademarks and/or service marks of PCI-SIG.
35220 PCI Express is a trademark of the PCI-SIG.
35221 E&nable menu editing
35222 To begin menu editing, select the check box below and click Apply.
35223 To remove infrequently used menu items, drag each item from the NVIDIA display menu to the list below. To restore menu items, individually drag them back to the NVIDIA menu, or click Restore Defaults.
35224 To return to normal navigation mode, clear the check box and click Apply.
35225 The split-line will appear in DirectX and OpenGL applications.
35226 Select graphics &cards to link
35227 &Show GPU load balancing
35228 Load balancing will be shown in DirectX and OpenGL applications.
35229 However, to enable multi-GPU, your graphics cards must have the same model number and manufacturer.
35230 Before you can enable multi-GPU, you must link the cards with an SLI Connector.
35231 However, your current configuration prevents multi-GPU from functioning.
35232 Multi-GPU doesn't support the nView display mode of your primary graphics card.
35233 The display mode will be changed to single display.
35234 Note: multi-GPU doesn't support the nView display mode of your primary graphics card. The display mode will be changed to single display.
35235 Your graphics cards are no longer linked by an SLI Connector. Select one of the following to continue:
35236 Disable multi-GPU
35237 Your computer will be restarted for this change to take effect.
35238 Keep multi-GPU enabled
35239 Your computer will be shut down so you can reattach the SLI Connector.
35240 One of your multi-GPU capable cards has been removed.
35241 Primary GPU
35242 Secondary GPU
35243 Notify when GPU core temperature exceeds threshold
35244 All temperatures are in degrees Celcius
35245 Select &GPU:
35246 GPU
35247 Temperature levels
35248 This message is to inform you that a screen resolution lower than %dx%d was requested. Resolution changes can be requested by the user, an application (i.e. a game), or the operating system.
35249 Resolution settings lower than %dx%d could result in a "fuzzy" display. The LCD panel on your computer displays best at a resolution setting of %dx%d.
35250 All of your displays attached to your secondary graphics card and will appear blank when multi-GPU is enabled.
35251 You need to plug your display into the primary graphics card when your system restarts.
35254 Best fit scaling
35601 Success.
35602 Internal error.
35603 Already initialized.
35604 Not initialized.
35605 Not enough memory for operation.
35606 %s not supported.
35607 Feature not supported.
35608 %s not presently available.
35609 Feature not presently available.
35610 %s not implemented.
35611 Feature not implemented.
35612 Invalid parameter %s in function %s().
35613 Invalid parameter in function %s().
35614 Invalid parameter.
35615 %s access denied.
35616 Access denied.
35617 Operation requires inactive environment.
35618 Operation requires active environment.
35619 Unable to to locate file named "%s".
35620 Unable to locate file.
35621 No more items.
35622 Illegal state could not be resolved.
35623 Internal warning.
35624 Illegal state was automatically resolved.
35625 Setting or profile not found.
35651 API interface is already initialised for this process.
35652 Could not allocate a memory file map for this process.
35653 Could not initialise device state.
35654 API interface is NOT initialised.
35655 An unrecognised setting ID was passed to the function.
35656 An unrecognised or illegal flag was passed to the function.
35657 The size of the data passed in does not match with this setting's data type.
35658 Not able to resolve the address passed in to the function.
35659 One or more illegal null pointers passed to the function.
35660 Out of bounds state index passed to function.
35661 State is already allocated.
35662 State(s) have not been allocated.
35663 State buffer contained an illegal state.
35664 Another process is currently writing device - try again later.
35665 The size of the device structure passed in is incorrect.
35666 This operation cannot be performed in the current display mode.
35701 Welcome to the NVIDIA Display Colour Optimization Wizard
35702 This wizard helps you optimize your displays for the widest range of colors.
35703 Before using this wizard:
35704 Make sure your displays have been on for 20 minutes; one hour is recommended.
35705 If you are using identical display models, reset them to their factory defaults by using the controls on your displays.
35706 To continue, click Next.
35707 Display Selection
35708 Choose if you would like to optimize all of your displays togehter or ones that you specify.
35709 &All of my displays
35710 &Specific display
35711 &Identify Displays
35712 &Next >
35713 < &Back
35714 Cancel
35715 NVIDIA Display Optimization Wizard
35716 Colour Temperature
35717 Setting the colour temperature, or chromanicity, on all your displays to the same value will give you the same shade of white. 6500K is a widely used setting to accurately represent white.
35718 Using the controls on your displays, set the colour temperature to the value that most accurately represents white to you. It is recommended that you apply the same setting to all displays.
35719 When you have set all your displays to the same value, click Next.
35720 Note that you may need to refer to the user guide that came with your display. If you can't find the controls or your display doesn't have them, you may skip this step by clicking Next.
35721 Prepare for Brightness Optimization
35722 Prepare your displays for optimizing brightness by using the controls on your displays to set the brightness and contrast to 100%
35723 When you have set all of your displays to the same brightness and contrast settings, click Next.
35724 Optimize Brightness
35725 Using the controls on your displays, decrease the brightness of each display until the upper two shades of gray appear indistinguishable and black or as close to black as possible.
35726 When you have completed optimizing brightness on all your displays, click Next.
35727 Optimize Gamma
35728 To optimize gamma on all your displays, click and horizontally drag the middle strip of each of the colors below until the part of the strip that is inside the rectangle most closely matches the colour in the outer strips inside the rectangle.
35729 When you have completed optimizing gamma on all displays, click Next.
35730 Replace ICC Profile?
35731 &Yes
35732 &No
35733 If you complete this wizard, your ICC profile will be replaced. Would you like to continue?
35734 Completing the NVIDIA Display Optimization Wizard
35735 You have successfully completed the NVIDIA Display Colour Optimization Wizard.
35736 summary of tasks completed:
35737 Colour temperature
35738 Brightness
35739 Gamma correction
35740 To close this wizard, click Finish.
35741 &Save settings for each display
35742 Finish
35743 Flat Panel
35744 The following displays connected with an analog or VGA connection have been detected. Are any of these displays flat panels?
35745 &Yes, the following:
35746 Optimize Flat Panel
35747 On each of your flat panels, locate the control for the auto-sync feature. If you cannot locate this control, refer to the flat panel's user manual.
35748 Once you have located the auto-sync control, click Show Test Pattern to display the full screen test pattern image you will use to syncronize your displays.
35749 If your flat panel does not have this feature or you can't locate the control, you may skip this step by clicking Next.
35750 &Show Test Pattern
35751 When you are finished synching your displays, press any key to continue.
35752 Note that the gamma on each of the selected displays will be reset to the default setting.
35753 In this window, click and drag the inner strips of each of the colors below until the part of the inner strip that is inside of the rectangle most closely matches the colour in the outer strips also located in the rectangle.
35754 &No
35755 To select the best gamma setting, compare the strips with your eyes a short distance away from them. It is best if the strips appear out of focus.
35756 Eliminate or reduce glare on your displays. Be sure to make the adjustments under your normal lighting conditions.
35757 Run the Display Optimisation Wizard to adjust your displays for optimal viewing and representation of colours.
35758 Displays that are in nView Clone mode cannot be optimised. If you would like to optimise these displays, change the display mode to a different nView mode and then restart the wizard.
35759 Display Optimisation Wizard
35760 This wizard helps you adjust your displays for optimal viewing and representation of colours.
35761 Note that the gamma on each of the selected displays will be reset to the default setting, until you complete the wizard.
35762 Displays that are in cloned mode are unavailable for optimisation. If you would like to optimise these displays, change the display mode to a different mode then restart the wizard.
35763 When you have finished synchronising your displays, press any key to continue.
35764 Enable driver instrumentation
35765 Performance Data Helper (PDH) support
35766 Driver Instrumentation
35767 Warning: Instrumentation overhead invalidates performance benchmarks.\nSee http:\\developer.nvidia.com for developer tools that use this feature.
35768 Anisotropic mip filter optimization
35769 Anisotropic sample optimization
35770 When you delete an application profile, the NVIDIA settings for applications associated with that profile are removed. To avoid possible application performance problems, be sure to activate another predefined NVIDIA profile with settings for those applications.\n\nClick %s to delete the profile or %s to keep the profile.