32 The scheme name you have typed contains invalid characters \n please enter a name without spaces.
33 Some refresh rates may not be compatible with your display .
34 This scheme name already exists.\n Do you wish to overwrite existing scheme?
51 ATI Registration
52 &Monitor
53 &TV
54 &Panel
55 Adjustments
56 Advanced
57 Attributes
58 Less
59 Standard
60 More
61 Maximum
62 Black & White
63 Frozen
64 Format
65 If you proceed with the current configuration, a portion of your \nextended desktop will not be visible.\n
66 The only active display is not connected. If you continue with \nthe current settings you will not be able to see anything until \nthat display is plugged in.\n
67 The selected configuration is not valid because at least one \ndisplay must be attached to the Primary display mode. Please\n change these settings.\n
68 \nDo you wish to continue?\n
69 Cannot get version number from driver.
70 Incorrect version number. Please re-install driver components.
71 Your selected configuration is not available, since a portion of your extended desktop would not be visible. Please change these settings.
72 An application (such as DVD Player) is currently using the video overlay. Please turn off playback before applying the new Rotation mode.
73 An OpenGL application is currently running on your system. Please close the application before applying the new Rotation mode.
74 The requested Rotation mode is not supported by your current display mode (resolution and/or refresh rate and/or colour depth). Please change the current display mode and try again
75 The current driver does not support Rotation mode.
76 The extended desktop is currently activated. Please turn it off before applying the new Rotation mode.
77 ATI Icon
78 Screen
79 Desktop
80 Color
81 bpp
82 Color Correction Schemes
83 Help
84 Troubleshooting
85 Exit
86 Default
87 (Empty)
88 Settings
89 Schemes
90 ATI Programs
91 TV Out Schemes
92 ATI Icon Settings
93 ATI Display Settings
94 Device Settings
95 Restore Default Settings
96 ATI Television Display
97 ATI Desktop
98 ATI Flat Panel
99 Rotations
100 There are insufficient graphics resources to enable a Secondary display. Using the Settings page, reduce the screen size and/or color depth of your Primary display and try again.
101 ATI Display Properties
102 You must have a least two display devices connected to your graphics adapter in order to enable a secondary display.
104 Not enough displays to enable this driver.\nAdd another display device and try again.
105 Bandwidth allocation failure!\nLower Resolution or Color Depth and try again.
106 Driver memory allocation has FAILED.\nLower Resolution or Color Depth on the primary driver\nand try again.
107 Rotation mode is currently active. It must be disabled before extending your desktop.
108 The driver for your graphics adapter does not support extended desktop
109 You cannot rotate the display while a CRT is attached
110 The desktop is currently panning. Panning must be disabled before extending the desktop.
111 This message is to inform you that a video resolution lower than %s was requested. Resolution changes can be requested by the user, an application (i.e. a game), or the operating system. Resolution settings lower than %s could result in a "fuzzy" looking display. The LCD panel on your computer appears best at resolution setting %s.\n\n
112 You must restart your computer to allow SMARTGART(tm) to test your changes. The new settings will take effect if they are determined to be safe. Do you want to restart your computer now?
113 Enable Overlay for %s-resolutions above 1536
115 Argentina
116 Belgium
117 Brazil
118 Canada
119 Chile
120 China
121 Colombia
122 Costa Rica
123 Denmark
124 Ecuador
125 Finland
126 Germany
127 Haiti
128 Honduras
129 Hong Kong
130 India
131 Indonesia
132 Italy
133 Japan
134 Korea (North)
135 Korea (Republic of)
136 Malaysia
137 Mexico
138 Netherlands
139 Norway
140 Panama
141 Portugal
142 Puerto Rico
143 Singapore
144 Spain
145 Sweden
146 Switzerland
147 Taiwan
148 United Kingdom
149 United States of America
150 Venezuela
151 PAL B
152 PAL G
153 PAL H
155 PAL D
156 PAL K
157 PAL I
158 PAL M
159 PAL Combination N
160 NTSC M
161 NTSC M(Japan)
162 TV Format
164 Select by &Country/Region
165 Select by &Format
166 Co&untry/Region
167 Fo&rmat
168 Hz
169 You have not yet applied the changes made in this page. \nPlease apply these changes before accessing the advanced \ndisplay page.
170 Supported
171 Not Supported
172 Scheme Warning
173 This hotkey is already assigned to another scheme.\n\nIf you continue this Hotkey will be assigned to this scheme and removed from the existing scheme. Do you wish to \ncontinue?
174 Not Connected
175 ATI Display Properties
176 The current scheme has not been saved. Do you wish to\n save the scheme?
177 PAL L
178 PAL N
179 NTSC N
180 SECAM K1
184 Paraguay
185 Uruguay
186 Bulgaria
187 Burkina Faso
188 Burundi
189 Chad
190 Dahomey
191 Estonia
192 France
193 French Polynesia
194 Gabon
195 Guadelupe
196 Guyana
197 Hungary
198 Ivory Coast
199 Monaco
200 Tahiti
201 Togo
212 OpenGL
213 Direct3D
225 Options
226 Not Available
227 Projector
228 640x480 at 60 Hz
229 800x600 at 60 Hz
230 1024x768 at 60 Hz
231 P&rojector
232 &FPD
233 MAXX
234 You must restart your computer before the new settings will take effect.\n\nDo you want to restart your computer now?
235 System Settings Change
236 The selected hotkey is already assigned to another program.\nPlease select another hotkey.
237 16
238 16;24
239 16;24;32
240 ATI Smart Service
241 Disabled
242 Always on
243 Application Preference
244 Disabled
245 Wait for vertical sync
246 Disabled
247 High quality
248 Highest quality
249 Disabled
250 Enabled
251 Rotation
252 Standard Landscape (0░)
253 Rotate 90░ Right
254 Rotate 180░
255 Rotate 90░ Left
256 The current hotkey has not been saved. Do you wish to\nsave the hotkey?
257 Hotkey Warning
258 Toggle between 0░ and 90░ Right
259 Toggle between 0░ and 180░
260 Toggle between 0░ and 90░ Left
261 2 samples
262 4 samples
263 Disabled
264 Please turn off the secondary display before enabling the MAXX mode.
265 Use error diffusion dithering
266 Use ordered dithering
267 Disable dithering
268 Vertex Fog only
269 Vertex, Table Z Fog
270 Vertex, Table W Fog
271 Vertex, Table Z, Table W Fog
272 For hotkey support, you must select the ATI taskbar icon application check box on the Options page.
273 Workstation
274 2MB
275 4MB
276 8MB
277 16MB
278 20MB
279 24MB
280 28MB
282 HYDRAVISION Properties
283 Gather all windows to monitor 1
285 SnapApp to Monitor
286 HYDRAVISION Popup Menu
287 Run Application
288 Gather all Windows to Monitor 1
289 Find Cursor
290 Switch to desktop scheme
291 Restore and Tile Windows
292 Minimize all apps on current monitor
293 Maximize app to Monitor
294 Safe Mode
295 Default Single Display
296 Load MultiDesk
297 Unload MultiDesk
298 Load Desktop Manager
299 Unload Desktop Manager
300 Zoom Display In
301 Zoom Display Out
302 Zoom In on Monitor
303 Zoom Out on Monitor
304 Displays
305 CRT
306 CRT2
307 TV
308 DFP
309 Primary
310 Clone
311 Extend Right
312 Extend Down
313 ATI Smart Service not available, please re-install ATI driver
316 DFP2
317 LCD
318 LCD2
319 Overlay
320 Color
321 Game Gamma
322 Game Gamma
323 Display
325 POWERPLAY(tm) is currently active
326 The graphics adapter is running in battery saving mode. POWERPLAY(tm) technology maximizes notebook battery life.
327 POWERPLAY(tm) is currently inactive
328 The graphics adapter is running in high performance mode. POWERPLAY(tm) is disabled or the AC adapter is plugged in.
329 POWERPLAY(tm) has been requested
330 However, the current display settings do not permit activation of battery-saving mode. For more information, click Help.
331 POWERPLAY(tm) is automatically adjusting color depth.
332 POWERPLAY(tm) has been requested. However, the current display settings do not permit activation of battery-saving mode. For more information, click Help.
333 1280x1024 at 60 Hz
334 A&nti-aliasing
335 No Prompt
336 Next Desktop
337 Previous Desktop
338 Jump to Desktop... Desktop
339 Move Application to Desktop... Desktop
340 Enter Power Down Mode
341 Toggle Panlock On/Off
342 Reverting in %d seconds
344 Anisotropic Filtering
345 Details
346 Device ID
347 Graphics Chipset (ASIC)
348 Bus Type
349 BIOS Version
351 BIOS Date
352 Memory Size
353 Memory Type
354 Driver File
356 Item
357 Value
358 BIOS Part Number
359 Memory Upgrade Modules:
360 Not Applicable
361 Installed
362 MultiMedia
363 Tuner Type
364 Decoder Type
365 Video Standard
366 Audio Type
367 TeleText Type
368 Control Panel Version
369 Guinea (Republic of)
370 PAL K1
371 Antigua
372 Aruba
373 Bahamas
374 Barbados
375 Belize
376 Bermuda
377 Bolivia
378 United States Virgin Islands
379 Cuba
380 Curacao
381 Dominican Republic
382 El Salvador
383 Guam
384 Guatemala
385 Jamaica
386 Montserrat
387 Myanmar (Union of)
388 Nicaragua
389 Peru
390 Philippines
391 Samoa (Independent State of)
392 Suriname
393 Trinidad and Tobago
394 British Virgin Islands
395 Angola
396 Botswana
397 Guinea-Bissau
398 Ireland
399 Lesotho
400 Malawi
401 Namibia
402 Nigeria
403 South Africa
404 Zanzibar
405 Albania
406 Algeria
407 Australia
408 Austria
409 Bahrain
410 Bangladesh
411 Bosnia and Herzegovina
412 Cambodia
413 Cameroon
414 Croatia
415 Cyprus
416 Egypt
417 Ethiopia
418 Ghana
419 Gibraltar
420 Greenland
421 Iceland
422 Israel
423 Jordan
424 Kenya
425 Kuwait
426 Liberia
427 Libya
428 Luxembourg
429 Maldives
430 Malta
431 Guiana (French)
432 Mozambique
433 Nepal
434 New Zealand
435 Oman
436 Pakistan
437 Papua New Guinea
438 Qatar
439 Romania
440 Saudi Arabia
441 Seychelles
442 Sierra Leone
443 Slovenia
444 Somali Democratic Republic
445 Sri Lanka
446 Sudan
447 Swaziland
448 Syria
449 Thailand
450 Tunisia
451 Turkey
452 United Arab Emirates
453 Equatorial Guinea
454 Uganda
455 Yemen
456 Zambia
457 Zimbabwe
458 Tanzania
459 Gambia
460 Current Bus Setting
461 The ATI Control Panel failed to initialize because no ATI driver is installed, or ATI driver is not working properly. The ATI Control Panel will now exit.
463 Your display driver is not compatible with this version of the ATI Display Utilities and Control Panels. You should update your ATI Driver.\n
464 Your display driver is not compatible with this version of the ATI Display Utilities and Control Panels. You should update your ATI Display Utilities and Control Panels.\n
465 SMARTGART(tm) ensures system stability by automatically performing a variety of bus tests that determine your optimal graphics accelerator settings. Changing these settings could result in system instability.
466 The graphics bus diagnostic tests have not finished\n characterizing your system. Please close this dialog, and\n try again in approximately one minute.
467 The display driver has finished testing your system. Before the optimal settings can take effect, you must restart your system. Click Yes to restart now, or No to continue using software rendering (decreased graphics performance)."\n
468 Graphics bus failure. The display driver has discovered incompatibilities with your system and is unable to use any accelerated graphics rendering. Please contact your PC manufacturer or retailer for further assistance.\n\n
469 On
470 Off
471 Retest
472 Advanced SMARTGART(tm)
473 OpenGL Compatibility Settings
474 Direct3D Compatibility Settings
475 Optimal Quality
476 High Quality
477 Balanced
478 High Performance
479 Optimal Performance
480 High Quality
481 Quality
482 Performance
483 High Performance
484 Theater Mode cannot run with the current color depth. Please increase the color depth to 16-bit or higher.
485 2D Version
486 Graphics Card Manufacturer
487 Vendor ID
488 Subsystem ID
489 Subsystem Vendor ID
490 Primary Display
491 Display Driver Version
492 You have not connected the Power Extension cable to your RADEON 9700 card. Consequently, it is operating in VGA mode only.\n\nPlease shut down your system and refer to the Getting Started Guide for installation instructions
493 Frame Buffer
494 Clone Mode Options
496 Greece
497 Czech Republic
498 Slovakia
499 Poland
500 Russian Federation
501 Ukraine
502 Belarus (Republic of)
503 Latvia (Republic of)
504 Lithuania (Republic of)
505 Liechtenstein
506 Yugoslavia
507 Supported Formats:
508 Macedonia (Former Yugoslav Republic of)
509 Morocco
510 Iraq
511 Iran
512 Vietnam
513 Switch amongst displays
514 Start MagnifyFX...
515 Optimal Battery Life
516 High Battery Life
517 Balanced
518 High Performance
519 Optimal Performance
520 Running on batteries:
521 Low Battery
522 High Battery
523 Plugged In
524 Always Off
525 Default Off
526 Default On
527 Always On
528 Always Off
529 Application Preference
530 Always On
531 Composite
532 S-Video
533 Analog
534 Digital
535 Unknown
536 Desktop
537 Full Screen 3D
538 Color Hotkeys Settings
539 Increase Gamma
540 Decrease Gamma
541 Increase Brightness
542 Decrease Brightness
543 Increase Contrast
544 Decrease Contrast
545 Update Current Profile
546 Next Profile
547 Previous Profile
548 Load Current Profile
550 No Modifier
551 Shift
552 Alt
553 Ctrl
554 Shift-Alt
555 Shift-Ctrl
556 Alt-Ctrl
557 Shift-Alt-Ctrl
558 POWERPLAY(tm) is automatically adjusting the color depth.
559 Your preferred POWERPLAY(tm) setting cannot be activated in the current display configuration. Your preferred setting will take effect when a display configuration change allows for that setting. For more information, please click Help.
560 Due to a change in your display configuration, the POWERPLAY(tm) setting is being adjusted. Your preferred setting will take affect when a display configuration change allows for that setting. For more information, please click Help.
561 Generic Profile
562 An application (such as DVD Player) is currently using the video overlay. \nPlease turn off this application before applying extended desktop mode.
563 3D
564 No effect
565 Black & White
566 Classic
567 Inverse Color
568 Porthole
569 Sketch
570 White ASCII
571 Green ASCII
572 RGB Cycle
573 Stylize - Black & White
574 Stylize - Color
575 Extreme blur
576 Blur
577 Sharpen
578 Emboss
579 Etch
580 Contour
581 WMV Acceleration will improve video quality and/or playback performance by taking advantage of your ATI graphics accelerator during playback of Windows Media Video files (files with a .wmv extension).
584 ATI OVERDRIVE(tm) maximizes the performance of your graphics accelerator by dynamically increasing the speed of your graphics processor and memory to the optimal level.
585 ATI OVERDRIVE(tm) maximizes the performance of your graphics accelerator by dynamically increasing the speed of your graphics processor to the optimal level. ATI OVERDRIVE(tm) constantly monitors the temperature of the graphics processor, ensuring that the maximum clock speed is maintained.
1125 Scale image to panel size
1751 You may need to restart your video application before changes to some of these settings can take effect. For help with these Clone Mode Overlay options, click the question mark in the top-right corner of this dialog, then click on a control.
1752 These overlay settings are only available in dual-controller Clone mode, and not single-display or extended desktop configurations.
1800 Application Preference
1801 Performance
1802 Quality
1803 This Profile name already exists.\n Do you wish to overwrite existing Profile?
1804 Profile Warning
1805 Are you sure you want to delete this Profile?
1806 SMARTSHADER(tm) Effects
1810 Troubleshoot
1822 VPU Recover allows the ATI display driver to reset the graphics accelerator when it stops responding to commands from the display driver. Using VPU Recover the display driver will, in most cases, be able to reset the graphics accelerator without requiring a system restart.
1823 VPU Recover has reset your graphics accelerator as\n it was no longer responding to graphics driver commands
1824 Please tell ATI Technologies about this problem
1825 VPU Recover
1826 VPU Recover
1827 The generated error report contains only system information such as driver version, AGP settings, graphics frame buffer size, etc. that will be used to analyze the problem. This report will be treated as anonymous.
1828 VPU Recover was unable to fully recover from a hardware deadlock, and has switched to software rendering. To restore hardware rendering, you must restart your computer. Do you want to restart your computer now?
1829 VPU Recover
1830 %s Settings
1831 Delete Profile
1832 Are you sure you want to delete Profile "%s" ?
1833 Error
1834 This name is already in use! Please enter another one.
1835 Default
1836 Configuration
1837 You must disable the TV output on the Displays tab before clearing this check box.
1838 OVERDRIVE(tm) maximizes the performance of your graphics accelerator by dynamically increasing the speed of your graphics processor to the optimal level. By constantly monitoring the temperature of the graphics processor the maximum clock speed is always maintained.