48=File is incompliant with selected ISO standard (Level 1, Level 2 or Joliet)
49=Hash output file has been overwritten
50=Hash file creation failed!
51=The md5 file contains at least one ASCII generated sum (which is not supported by CDCheck)
52=Filename contains characters not available in current locale! To allow normal hashing and checking use .CRC file format.
53=Hash file created
54=Processing tested only file readability because no hash file(s) were found
60=src file/directory missing
61=ref file/directory missing
62=content mismatch
90=Sector unreadable
91=Sector timeout
92=Sector statistical correctness below 100%
93=Sector was not totally readable
94=Error occured during writing output file. Process paused!
110=Virus found and cured
111=Buffer too small
113=Cannot cure
114=Not supported
116=Virus found
117=Suspicious file
118=Critical error appeared during virus scanning. Virus scanning disabled! Recommended is restart of CDCheck!
119=Plugin could not be loaded!!
331=virus protection
350=sector: %s failed reads: %s
351=sector: %s failed reads: %s good reads: %s stat.: %s%%
352= (%s%% match, first difference [B]: %s, mismatching [B]: %s/%s)
353=undefined error
354=undefined error data type
356=Scanning for viruses:
400=Some threads are still running!\r\nDo you wish to terminate them (may result in some loss of resources...)?\r\nOtherwise the program will wait for another 3 seconds.
401=Some threads are still running!\r\nDo you wish to terminate them (may result in some loss of resources...)?
403=Do you really want to delete this file/directory?
501=Settings could not be saved to 'cdcheck.ini'!
502=A process is already running. You must stop it before starting another one.
503=Error occured while trying to display help!!\r\nError:
504=Error occured during loading!
505=Error occured during saving!
506=This beta version has expired. Please download a newer version from CDCheck homepage!
507=This code is invalid! Please check you entered it correctly!
508=This code provides you the following license: %s\r\nThank you for registering! Have a nice day...
509=Circular buffer size must be at least twice as large as Device read size!! Please correct it!
510=%s is not a valid positive number.
511=Output must not be a directory but a filename!
512=This function is not implemented yet!
513=Reference directory must not be empty!
514=Output directory must not be empty!
515=Statistical correctness should have a value between 0 and 100!
602=Errors: %s Warnings: %s Other: %s
605=calculating size
607=Unknown unexpected thread exception!! Please report this as a bug.
608=Unexpected thread exception!! Please report this as a bug.
LRGFTIcons.Items_1=Use system icons for folders only
LRGFTIcons.Items_2=Use system icons for everything
BLCRCRead.Caption=Hash file device read size [kB]
BLCRCRead.Hint=Size of data to read at once from device and initial size of buffer to hold that data for reading hash files (which can grow if neccessary).
BLDevRead.Caption=Device read size [kB]
BLDevRead.Hint=Size of data to read at once from device into buffer for all processes.
BLCircBuf.Caption=Circular buffer size [kB]
BLCircBuf.Hint=Circular buffer is used for caching reading from device.
BLRecRead.Caption=Recovery read size [kB]
BLRecRead.Hint=Max. size of data to read at once from device into buffer during recovery (memory usage="no. of rereads" x "buffer size"!).
BLBufferNote.Caption=(Note: all buffers will be aligned to 8kB)
LLLang.Caption=List of supported languages
BtnCancel.Caption=<< Cancel
BtnOK.Caption=Continue >>
DlgLoad.Filter=Wave audio format (.wav)|*.wav
DlgLoad.Title=Wave audio selection
TabDeviceAccess.Caption=Device access
DALAccess.Caption=CD-ROM access options
DACSPTI.Caption=use SPTI
DACASPI.Caption=use ASPI
DABShow.Caption=Show supported access types
DACAuto.Caption=Autodetect access
DACAdv.Caption=Advanced ASPI configuration
DALASPIM.Caption=ASPI drive mapping
DALMan.Caption=Manual access selection
DALASPID.Caption=Available devices
DABRedetect.Caption=Redetect ASPI drive mapping
TabAntivirus.Caption=Virus scanning
ALInfo.Caption=Plugin information/test
ALNote.Caption=Antivirus protection is provided using Ritlabs antivirus software plugins which were developed for Ritlabs The Bat! software. To find apropriate plugin or plugin update for your antivirus software visit:
ABSetup.Caption=Plugin setup
TabInet.Caption=CDCheck ONLINE!
ILInfo.Caption=CDCheck ONLINE! information
ILInfo1.Caption=(used for Media info synchronization)
ILInfo2.Caption=You can receive new username and password on CDCheck homepage - support.
FrmFileBrowse.Caption=File Browse
LblFDListing.Caption=File / directory listing
SpdStart.Caption=Start process!
FrmCrcSetup.Caption=Hash setup
LblSrc.Caption=1. &Source folder/file to make hashes for
LblOutput.Caption=2. &Output filename
LblAdv.Caption=3. Advanced options
BtnCancel.Caption=<< Cancel
BtnOK.Caption=Continue >>
LblHashType.Caption=3.1 &Hash type
CBMD5.Caption=Use .MD5 file format
CBSFV.Caption=Use .SFV &file format
LblISOComp.Caption=3.2 &Check ISO compliance
LblRelaxISORest.Caption=Relax ISO restrictions
CBISOPathDepth.Caption=allow 8 and more folders
CBISOPathLength.Caption=allow path longer than 255 characters
RGISOComp.Items_0=Do not check
RGISOComp.Items_1=ISO Level 1
RGISOComp.Items_2=ISO Level 2
LblAntiVirus.Caption=3.3 Virus protection
ChkAVDisabled.Caption=Virus protection is disabled because no working plugin is available. See help for how to set up virus protection.
ChkScanForViruses.Caption=Scan for &viruses
ChkDisinfect.Caption=Try to &disinfect infected files
FrmChkSetup.Caption=Checking setup
LblSrc.Caption=1. &Source folders/files to check for errors
LblAdv.Caption=2. Advanced options
LblCRC.Caption=2.1. Hash files
RadCRC1.Caption=&Automatic detection
RadCRC2.Caption=&Custom hash file (must have been made for source folder)
BtnCancel.Caption=<< Cancel
BtnOK.Caption=Continue >>
ChkReportMissingFiles.Caption=Report &hash values for which files do not exist
ChkReportMissingHashes.Caption=Report &files without hash value when hash files are detected
LblAntiVirus.Caption=2.2 Virus protection
ChkAVDisabled.Caption=Virus protection is disabled because no working plugin is available. See help for how to set up virus protection.
ChkScanForViruses.Caption=Scan for &viruses
ChkDisinfect.Caption=Try to &disinfect infected files
FrmCmpSetup.Caption=Compare setup
LblSrc.Caption=1. &Source folders/files to check for errors
LblRef.Caption=2. &Reference folders/files to compare source with
LblDir.Caption=3. Compare direction
LblOptions.Caption=4. Compare options
ChkSrcRef.Caption=S&ource --> Reference (report files missing in source)
ChkSrcRef.Hint=All reference files must exist on source and be the same
ChkRefSrc.Caption=Source <-- R&eference (report files missing in reference)
ChkRefSrc.Hint=All source files must exist on reference and be the same
ChkSim.Caption=Calculate &similarity
BtnCancel.Caption=<< Cancel
BtnOK.Caption=Continue >>
FrmRecSetup.Caption=Recover setup
LblSrc.Caption=1. &Source folders/files to recover
LblOut.Caption=2. &Output directory
LblAdv.Caption=3. Advanced options
LblUnread.Caption=3.1. Unreadability
LblSectRec.Caption=3.2. Sector recovery
LblTimeout.Caption=3.3. Timeout
LblOther.Caption=3.4. Other
LblRetries.Caption=No. of retries before sector marked &unreadable
LblMinRereads.Caption=Min. no. of sector &rereads (for statistics)
ChkWaitStat.Caption=&Wait for statistical correctness of
ChkSkipExisting.Caption=S&kip existing output files with matching file size
BtnCancel.Caption=<< Cancel
BtnOK.Caption=Continue >>
BtnOK.Caption=Continue >>
SpdSTCopy1.Hint=Copy statistics to clipboard
DlgSave.Filter=Text file (.txt)|*.txt
DlgSave.Title=Save results
FrmReminder.Caption=30 day evaluation period ended
Button1.Caption=Visit registration page
Button2.Caption=I will do it later
Memo1.Lines_0=Your 30 days evaluation period has expired. If you wish to continue using CDCheck you must register this get an apropriate license for this software!
Memo1.Lines_5=If you think this software is useful and you can afford to buy a Personal license, please do that. This will help to cover development costs and you will be entitled to complete support for this product.
Memo1.Lines_7=If you decide not to purchase a license, you can get a Free license by registering as CDCheck online! user.
Memo1.Lines_12=This applies to profitable business entities, governmental entities and educational institutions.
Memo1.Lines_14=You have 14 days to register this software by purchasing appropriate license. If you do not intend to register this software you must uninstall it within 14 days.
MMemoLifeSpan.Lines_0=Information provided is only informative and varies greatly depending on manufacturer!
MMemoLifeSpan.Lines_2=Dark, dry, cold storage increases CD life. Silver reflective surface has better reflection while gold reflective surface lasts longer. Rewritable CDs are apropriate only for short term storage!
MMemoLifeSpan.Lines_6=A. Phthalocyanine
MMemoLifeSpan.Lines_7=- 100+ years
MMemoLifeSpan.Lines_8=- inherently stable,
MMemoLifeSpan.Lines_9=- on gold with proper storage 200+ years
MMemoLifeSpan.Lines_10=- color: light green on silver; light yellow/green on gold
MMemoLifeSpan.Lines_12=B. Azo
MMemoLifeSpan.Lines_13=- up to 100 years
MMemoLifeSpan.Lines_14=- color: very deep blue on silver
MMemoLifeSpan.Lines_16=C. Cyanine
MMemoLifeSpan.Lines_17=- 20-70 years
MMemoLifeSpan.Lines_18=- chemically unstable alone and must be stabilized
MMemoLifeSpan.Lines_19=- color: green-blue on gold; blue on silver
MLblMedias.Caption=All media from the manufacturer(s) of this type
MLblMediaAdd.Caption=Additional information about selected media
MBtnEditManuf.Caption=Edit manufacturers
MBtnLifeSpan.Caption=Comments on life span of CDs
MLblRMedia.Caption=Selected media:
MRGMediaVote.Caption=Your media rating
MGBoxRLegend.Caption=Rating legend
MLblRLNA.Caption=No information
MGBoxSync.Caption=Internet synchronization
MBtnSync.Caption=Sync. with internet
MLLblSyncStat.Caption=Sync. status:
MLLblSyncLog.Caption=Server sync. log:
MBtnAddMedia.Caption=Add media
MBtnEditMedia.Caption=Edit media
MBtnRemoveMedia.Caption=Remove media
BtnOK.Caption=Continue >>
LblManuf.Caption=Manufacturers with given ID/ATIP:
BtnRemove.Caption=Request &removal
BtnAddManuf.Caption=&Add manufacturer
BtnOK.Caption=Continue >>
FrmCDMediaInfo.Caption=Media information
Label1.Caption=*Name (description)
Label8.Caption=Additional info
LblRequired.Caption=Fields marked with * are required
LblHint.Caption=Field hint:
BtnCancel.Caption=<< Cancel
BtnOK.Caption=Save >>
CB1.Hint=Enter a unique name that describes this particular media among others from this manufacturer and of this size and type (CDR/CDRW...).\n(e.g.: "Mitsui SG Ultra 24x", "Mitsui Golden dye 16x", "Verbatim DataLifePlus 48x")
CB2.Hint=Enter the actual manufacturer (not necessarily the one printed on the CD/DVD).\nUsually one of the manufacturers listed under "Information about media".
CB3.Hint=The CD/DVD seller name (obviously printed on almost all media e.g. Philips, Mitsui, Kodak...)
CB4.Hint=e.g. Jewel case, 50 cake...
CB5.Hint=EAN (European Article Numbering) bar code
CB6.Hint=UPC (Universal Product Code) bar code
CB7.Hint=The declared supported speed of media (e.g. 16x, 24x...)
CB8.Hint=Any other information that you think should be stored.