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- VERSION 5.00
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- Height = 315
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- Caption = "Set skin directory"
- Height = 375
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- TabIndex = 17
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- Caption = "ApplySkin"
- Height = 375
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- TabIndex = 15
- Top = 1200
- Width = 1815
- End
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- Height = 255
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- TabIndex = 26
- Top = 240
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- End
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- Caption = "Skin1"
- Height = 255
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- TabIndex = 25
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- Height = 255
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- TabIndex = 24
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- End
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- End
- End
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- Height = 315
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- Style = 2 'Dropdown List
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- End
- End
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- End
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- Width = 1575
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- _Version = 327682
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- End
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- Height = 1620
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- End
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- Left = 120
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- Width = 1815
- End
- Begin VB.Menu File
- Caption = "File"
- Begin VB.Menu Open
- Caption = "Open"
- End
- Begin VB.Menu Exit
- Caption = "Exit"
- End
- End
- Begin VB.Menu Help
- Caption = "Help"
- Begin VB.Menu About
- Caption = "About"
- End
- End
- Attribute VB_Name = "Form1"
- Attribute VB_GlobalNameSpace = False
- Attribute VB_Creatable = False
- Attribute VB_PredeclaredId = True
- Attribute VB_Exposed = False
- Dim fso As New FileSystemObject
- Dim SkinNames(256) As String
- Private SkinOb As New SKINCRAFTERLib.SCSkin
- Private Declare Function GetOpenFileName Lib "comdlg32.dll" Alias "GetOpenFileNameA" (pOpenfilename As OpenFilename) As Long
- Private Const MAX_PATH = 260
- Private Declare Function SHBrowseForFolder Lib "shell32" _
- (lpbi As BrowseInfo) As Long
- Private Declare Function SHGetPathFromIDList Lib "shell32" _
- (ByVal pidList As Long, _
- ByVal lpBuffer As String) As Long
- Private Declare Function lstrcat Lib "kernel32" Alias "lstrcatA" _
- (ByVal lpString1 As String, ByVal _
- lpString2 As String) As Long
- Private Type BrowseInfo
- hWndOwner As Long
- pIDLRoot As Long
- pszDisplayName As Long
- lpszTitle As Long
- ulFlags As Long
- lpfnCallback As Long
- lParam As Long
- iImage As Long
- End Type
- Private Type OpenFilename
- lStructSize As Long
- hWndOwner As Long
- hInstance As Long
- lpstrFilter As String
- lpstrCustomFilter As String
- nMaxCustFilter As Long
- iFilterIndex As Long
- lpstrFile As String
- nMaxFile As Long
- lpstrFileTitle As String
- nMaxFileTitle As Long
- lpstrInitialDir As String
- lpstrTitle As String
- Flags As Long
- nFileOffset As Integer
- nFileExtension As Integer
- lpstrDefExt As String
- lCustData As Long
- lpfnHook As Long
- lpTemplateName As String
- End Type
- Private Function ShowFileDialog() As String
- Dim ofn As OpenFilename
- ofn.lStructSize = Len(ofn)
- ofn.hWndOwner = hWnd
- ofn.lpstrFilter = "SkinCrafter files (*.skf)" & Chr$(0) & "*.skf" & Chr$(0) & Chr(0) & Chr(0)
- ofn.lpstrFile = String(256, 0)
- ofn.nMaxFile = 255
- ofn.lpstrTitle = "Open Skin"
- ofn.Flags = &H800000 + &H1000 + &H8 + &H4
- ofn.lpstrDefExt = "skf" + Chr(0)
- GetOpenFileName ofn
- If Mid(ofn.lpstrFile, 1, 1) <> Chr(0) Then ShowFileDialog = ofn.lpstrFile
- End Function
- Private Sub About_Click()
- SkinOb.AboutSkinCrafter
- End Sub
- Private Sub Combo1_Click()
- SkinOb.LoadSkinFromFile SkinNames(Combo1.ListIndex)
- SkinOb.ApplySkin
- SkinOb.UpdateControl 0
- End Sub
- Private Sub Command1_Click()
- SkinOb.RemoveSkin
- End Sub
- Private Sub Command2_Click()
- SkinOb.ApplySkin
- End Sub
- Private Function BrowseProc(hWnd As Long, uMsg As Long, lParam As Long, lpData As Long)
- End Function
- Private Sub Command3_Click()
- Dim lpIDList As Long
- Dim szTitle As String
- Dim tBrowseInfo As BrowseInfo
- Dim sDir As String
- szTitle = "This is the title"
- With tBrowseInfo
- .hWndOwner = Me.hWnd
- .lpszTitle = lstrcat(szTitle, "")
- End With
- lpIDList = SHBrowseForFolder(tBrowseInfo)
- If (lpIDList) Then
- sDir = Space(MAX_PATH)
- SHGetPathFromIDList lpIDList, sDir
- sDir = Left(sDir, InStr(sDir, vbNullChar) - 1)
- lSize = FillSkinName(sDir, "*.skf")
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Sub Exit_Click()
- Unload Me
- SkinOb.DeInitDecoration
- End Sub
- Private Sub Form_Initialize()
- SkinOb.InitLicenKeys "0", "SKINCRAFTER", "SKINCRAFTER.COM", "support@skincrafter.com", "DEMOSKINCRAFTERLICENCE"
- SkinOb.DefineLanguage 2
- SkinOb.InitDecoration 1
- End Sub
- Private Sub Form_Load()
- List1.AddItem "ScinCrafter 0"
- List1.AddItem "ScinCrafter 1"
- List1.AddItem "ScinCrafter 2"
- List1.AddItem "ScinCrafter 3"
- List1.AddItem "ScinCrafter 4"
- ProgressBar1.Value = 50
- 'TreeView1.LineStyle = tvwRootLines
- 'TreeView1.Nodes.Add , , "TopLevelBranch1", "TopLevelBranch1"
- 'TreeView1.Nodes.Add "TopLevelBranch1", tvwChild, "SubBranch1_1", "SubBranch1_1"
- 'TreeView1.Nodes.Add "SubBranch1_1", tvwChild, "Node1_1_1", "Node1_1_1"
- 'TreeView1.Nodes.Add "SubBranch1_1", tvwChild, "Node1_1_2", "Node1_1_2"
- 'TreeView1.Nodes.Add "SubBranch1_1", tvwChild, "Node1_1_3", "Node1_1_3"
- 'TreeView1.Nodes.Add "TopLevelBranch1", tvwChild, "SubBranch1_2", "SubBranch1_2"
- 'TreeView1.Nodes.Add "SubBranch1_2", tvwChild, "Node1_2_1", "Node1_2_1"
- 'TreeView1.Nodes.Add "SubBranch1_2", tvwChild, "Node1_2_2", "Node1_2_2"
- 'TreeView1.Nodes.Add , , "TopLevelBranch2", "TopLevelBranch2"
- 'TreeView1.Nodes.Add "TopLevelBranch2", tvwChild, "SubBranch2_1", "SubBranch2_1"
- 'TreeView1.Nodes.Add "TopLevelBranch2", tvwChild, "SubBranch2_2", "SubBranch2_2"
- 'TreeView1.Nodes.Add "SubBranch2_2", tvwChild, "Node2_2_1", "Node2_2_1"
- ' Set view to report
- ListView1(0).View = lvwReport
- ' Add some columns to listview
- ListView1(0).ColumnHeaders.Add , "col1", "col1"
- ListView1(0).ColumnHeaders.Add , "col2", "col2"
- ListView1(0).ColumnHeaders.Add , "col3", "col3"
- For j = 1 To 10
- Set objListItem = ListView1(0).ListItems.Add(, , "data1-" & j)
- objListItem.SubItems(1) = "data2-" & j
- objListItem.SubItems(2) = "data3-" & j
- ' Set the tag property of the new ListItem
- objListItem.Tag = j
- Next j
- TabStrip1.Tabs.Remove 1
- TabStrip1.Tabs.Add , , "Text1"
- TabStrip1.Tabs.Add , , "Text1"
- For j = 1 To 10
- Combo2.AddItem "Skin1"
- Next j
- Combo2.Text = Combo2.List(0)
- End Sub
- Private Sub Form_Terminate()
- SkinOb.DeInitDecoration
- End Sub
- Private Sub Open_Click()
- Dim FileName As String
- FileName = ShowFileDialog
- If FileName <> "" Then
- SkinOb.LoadSkinFromFile FileName
- SkinOb.ApplySkin
- SkinOb.UpdateControl 0
- End If
- End Sub
- Private Function FillSkinName(ByVal sFol As String, sFile As String) As Long
- Dim FileName As String, SkinName As String, Path As String
- Dim I As Integer
- Combo1.Clear
- Set fld = fso.GetFolder(sFol)
- FileName = Dir(fso.BuildPath(fld.Path, sFile), vbNormal Or _
- vbHidden Or vbSystem Or vbReadOnly)
- While Len(FileName) <> 0
- FindFile = FindFile + FileLen(fso.BuildPath(fld.Path, _
- FileName))
- SkinOb.GetSkinCopyRight fso.BuildPath(fld.Path, FileName), SkinName, "", "", ""
- Combo1.AddItem SkinName
- SkinNames(Combo1.NewIndex) = fso.BuildPath(fld.Path, FileName)
- FileName = Dir() ' Get next file
- DoEvents
- Wend
- Combo1.ListIndex = 0
- End Function