1,"Project Browser window","This is the project browser window where you can see a list of the database, table and field names in the current project arranged in a hierarchical view.%%Click on any item on the window to view and edit its properties in the Properties window."
d2,"Database properties > Server","Type the IP or domain name of the MySQL server to which you want to connect.%%For example: localhost,,, dbs.domain.com ... etc."
d3,"Database properties > Username","Type the username you want to use to connect to MySQL server."
d4,"Database properties > Password","Type the password you want to use to connect to MySQL server."
d5,"Database properties > Database name","Type the name of the database you will be using. Sometimes, your web server allows you to use only one predefined database, so you may wish to ask your server administrator about that, or to consult your server documentation."
d6,"Database properties > Project styles file","Click the browse button to choose a project styles file (AGS) which contains the styles you want to apply on this project.%%If this box is left empty, default styles will be applied."
d7,"Database properties > Browse button","Click the browse button to choose a project styles file (AGS) which contains the styles you want to apply on this project"
d8,"Database properties > Project Styles","Open the Project styles editor to view/edit CSS styles that control the look of your project pages."
d9,"Database properties > Table navigation method","Select how you want to navigate through the records when they span more than one page."
d10,"Database properties > Hide table navigation menu","The table navigation menu is a drop-down menu displayed in the generated pages. It links to all the tables created in this project. You can choose to hide this menu by checking this box."
d11,"Database properties > Date Format > Preview","Shows how your application users will see date fields. This box is not directly editable, but can be modified by changing Order and Separator properties below it."
d12,"Database properties > Date Format > Order","Change this property to control the date order. There are 3 options: Year-month-day, month-day-year or day-month year."
d13,"Database properties > Date Format > Separator","Change this property to specify the separator character between day, month and year."
60, "Database properties area","This area lists the properties of the database."
5,"Table properties > Table Caption","The table caption is the title of the table as it will appear in the pages of the generated PHP application."
6,"Table properties > Records per page","The number of records that appear on one page in the generated PHP application.%% Records are displayed as horizontal rows of a table. If you put a large number here, your application user might have to scroll down the page to view records."
7,"Table properties > Enable detail view","Use this option to control whether the table is editable or read-only.%%If you uncheck 'Enable detail view', users of your application will not be able to select records of this table for modifying/deleting, regardless of the settings for 'Allow modifying' and 'Allow deleting' options below it. They won't be able to add new records to the table either."
8,"Table properties > Allow modifying","This option controls whether users are allowed to edit existing records in the table or not.%%Note that 'Allow modifying' is ignored if the above option 'Allow editing of fields' is unchecked."
9,"Table properties > Allow deleting","This option controls whether users are allowed to delete existing records in the table or not.%%Note that 'Allow deleting' is ignored if the option 'Allow editing of fields' is unchecked."
10,"Table properties > Allow adding new fields","This option controls whether users are allowed to add new records in the table or not.%%Note that 'Allow adding new fields' is ignored if the above option 'Allow editing of fields' is unchecked."
11,"Table properties > Allow sorting","This option controls whether users are allowed to sort records in the table or not. Note that this doesn't affect the table in the database, only the query that displays data to the user."
12,"Table properties > Allow print-view","This option controls whether users are allowed to view the table data as a printer-friendly page."
13,"Table properties > Allow filters","This option controls whether users are allowed to filter records in the table or not. Note that this doesn't affect the table in the database, only the query that displays data to the user."
14,"Table properties > Number of filters","If the above option 'Allow filters' is checked, this option specifies how many filtering criteria the user is allowed to specify. You can allow the user to specify up to ten criteria."
15,"Table properties area","This area lists properties of the currently selected table. To select a table click on its name on the Project Browser area to the left."
16,"Table properties > Hide table view","If this option is checked, users will only be able to insert, edit and delete records, but they won't see other records in the table view. This is useful for creating a data entry form without showing data that already exists in the table."
17,"Table properties > Detail view title","The title of the detail view form. The detail view form is where users can edit and add data to the table."
18,"Table properties > Quick search box","If you want to display a quick search box above the table view, you can specify its position here.%%When the user enters a word in that search box and clicks the search button or presses <Enter>, the table is searched for all matches in all viewable fields. This is much easier than the advanced filters if you want a simple search technique."
19,"Table properties > Allow saving data to CSV files","If you check this option, users will see a Save button above the table view that allows them to save data as a CSV file (Comma-Separated values)."
t20,"Table properties > Allow users to save filters","If you check this option, users will see a Save button in the filters page. If they click this Save button, they will view some HTML code that they can copy and paste to any external web page. This HTML code creates a button linking users to the filtered table view (without having to redefine filters).%%TIP: Usually, you would want to allow this option temporarily till all users have determined which preset filters they want to save. Later on, you can disable this option and regenerate the code."
tred,"Table properties > Redirect after insert","If you type a web address here, users will be sent to that address after they insert a new record.%%This works only of course if 'Allow adding new records' is checked.%%If you leave this box empty, users will be sent to the data entry page.%%If you add the characters #ID# as part of the web address, they will get replaced by the primary key value of the newly inserted record. For example, these are valid addresses that you can put into the box:%%thanks.html%%/main/thanks.php?item=#ID#%%http://www.google.com/search?as_q=#ID#&hl=en%%The first two addresses should sent the users to pages on your site, assuming those pages exist. The last example sends users to a Google search for the value of the primary key inserted into the new record."
20,"Field properties > Field Caption","The field caption is the title of the field as it will appear in the pages of the generated PHP application."
21,"Field properties > Primary key","If you check this option, the current field will be the primary key of the current table.%%Every table needs to have one (and only one) primary key field in order to uniquely identify records of the table."
22,"Field properties > Data type","Specifies the kind of data values allowed in the field. Read the data type guidelines at the bottom of the properties window to learn more about what limitations each data type imposes on the field."
23,"Field properties > Length","Specifies the maximum size of data that can be stored in this field. The way Length property works depends on the data type you choose for the field. Please read the data type guidlines displayed at the bottom of the Properties window for more information."
24,"Field properties > Precision","This property works with decimal data types only (e.g. Float, Double and Decimal). It specifies how many digits to display after the decimal point."
25,"Field properties > Column width (pixels)","Specifies the width in pixels of the column that will display data in this field. Try large values (150 and up) for this field if you find the table display in the generated application is not neat."
26,"Field properties > Default","If you specify a default value, it will be placed in any records that the user creates while leaving this field empty (if the user does want an empty field, she can delete the default value after the record has been added and then update the record)."
27,"Field properties > Not Null","If you check this property, the field will reject empty values."
28,"Field properties > Unsigned","This property works for numerical data types only. If you check it, the field will not accept negative data values."
29,"Field properties > Unique","The data values in this field cannot be repeated if you check this property. It's a bit like the Primary key property except that it doesn't tell the field to reject null (empty) values."
30,"Field properties > Binary","This property works only with Char and VarChar data types. It forces the field to behave like a binary value rather than the default text behavior. For example, the list (a,G,x,E,A,g) is sorted as (a,A,E,g,G,x) if it is treated as text values, and (A,E,G,a,g,x) if it is treated as binary values."
31,"Field properties > Auto Increment","This property works with integer data types only. It tells the field to act like an automatic counter that is incremented every time the user adds new records to the table. You can only have one Auto Increment field per table.%%It is good practice to make your table's primary key field an Auto Increment."
32,"Field properties > Zero Fill","Check this property to left-pad numeric data types with zeros when they are displayed."
33,"Field properties > Parent table","If this field is a foreign key, select its parent table from this menu. A parent table is the table which has the field containing the source data for the foreign key field (the field containing source data is called the parent ID field). Note that if you haven't defined any other tables in your database, this menu will be empty.%%For more information about foreign keys, refer to the section 'Understanding relationships' in the online help."
34,"Field properties > Parent ID field","If this field is a foreign key, select its parent ID field from this menu. A parent ID field is the source of data for the foreign key field. Data values stored in the foreign key field must be selected from the parent ID field. Please note that fields that appear in this menu are fields of the selected parent table only.%%Only primary key fields and unique fields may be used as parent id fields.%%For more information about foreign keys, refer to the section 'Understanding relationships' in the online help."
35,"Field properties > Parent caption field","If this field is a foreign key, select its parent caption field from this menu. A parent caption field is the caption or alias that appears to the user instead of the source data for the foreign key field. Data values stored in the foreign key field must be selected from the parent ID field, but what appears to the user is corresponding data values in the parent caption field. Please note that fields that appear in this menu are fields of the selected parent table only.%%For more information about foreign keys, refer to the section 'Understanding relationships' in the online help."
36,"Field properties > List values","If you want this field to have a data value that must be selected from a specified list of values, type the allowable values here. Separate different data values using two semi-colons.%%For example, if your field is a list of job titles, you can type the following: Junior Architect;;Senior Architect;;Field Engineer;;IT Specialist;;HR Manager ... etc."
37,"Field properties > Guidelines regarding data type","This box contains some guidelines to help you create your table properly. Please follow these guidelines to avoid errors. These guidelines are specific to each data type, so they will change if you change the data type of the field."
38,"Field properties area","This area lists the properties of the field that you selected from the Project Browser area to the left."
39,"Field properties > Hidden in table","If checked, the current field is not displayed in the table view. This may be useful if you want to hide some fields or to decrease the width of tables."
390,"Field properties > Do not filter","If checked, the current field is not displayed in the filters page. Thus, users will not be able to use this field to filter data."
img1, "Field properties > Display as image in table view","If this option is checked, the data stored in this field will be used as an image name and the generated scripts will display the image in the table view. The default path to the image is 'images' directory inside the directory containing the uploaded scripts."
img2, "Field properties > Display as image in detail view","If checked, the data stored in this field will be used as an image name and the generated scripts will display the image in the detail view. The default path to the image is 'images' directory inside the directory containing the uploaded scripts."
img3, "Field properties > Allow users to upload images","If checked, users will be able to upload images to the 'images' directory inside your uploaded scripts directory. The accepted formats are png, jpg and gif.%%The image file name will be changed to a name calculated from the server's current time in a manner that gurantees unique file names.%%The new image file name is what gets stored as data in the field."
img4, "Field properties > Maximum acceptable image size in bytes","If you allow users to upload images to your server, you can limit the image size here in bytes. The default value for this limit is 20480 (that is 20KB), unless you specify another value."
hid, "Field properties > Hidden in detail view","If checked, this field will not be displayed in the detail view."
readonly, "Field properties > Read Only","If checked, this field will be displayed in the detail view but not editable."
copy, "Field properties > Copy properties from","If the current field will have the same (or most of the) properties of another field, you don't need to manually redefine those properties. Just use this menu to select the name of the field from which properties will be copied."
40,"Project Styles window > Styles list","This is a list of the available Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) styles of the generated web application. Select a Style to view and edit its details in the Style Description window."
41,"Project Styles window > Style Description area","This area lists the details of a selected style from the left Styles list. You can view and edit the style details to change the appearance of your application. Style details are written according to CSS specifications. Please refer to the section 'CSS reference' in the online help for details."
42,"Project Styles window > Save Styles button","Prompts you for a file name and location in which to save the current styles so that you can load and apply them to your future projects. AppGini Style files are saved with the extension .AGS"
43,"Project Styles window > Load Styles button","Click on this button to load a previously saved style file and apply it to your project. AppGini Style files are saved with the extension .AGS"
44,"Project Styles window > Restore Default Styles button","Click on this button to replace all the project styles with default styles that were defined when you created the project."
50,"Generator status window > Status log area","This area displays messages sent from the PHP Generator during the PHP application generation process."
51,"Generator status window > Close button","Closes the Generator status window. Note that this button doesn't stop the code generation process if it is still running. It only hides the status window."
52,"Generator status window > Browse button","Opens the folder that contains the generated application files."
53,"Generator status window > Save Log button","Saves the status log to a text file."
101,"Toolbar > New Project","Click on this icon to start a new empty project. This is the starting point for any AppGini application. You will have an empty project that contains only an empty database and predefined default styles.%%You can then start creating tables and fields; defining and modifying the database, tables and fields properties; and editing project styles. When you are done, you can finally generate your PHP application."
102,"Toolbar > Open Project","Click on this icon to open a previously saved project."
103,"Toolbar > Save Project","Click on this icon to save the currently open project. If you haven't saved your project before, you'll be prompted for a file name and location."
105,"Toolbar > Project Properties","Click on this icon to bring the Project Properties area where you can specify the database connection parameters."
106,"Toolbar > Generate PHP Code","Click on this icon to let AppGini generate the PHP code for your web database application based on the database, tables and fields you defined in your project.%%You'll be prompted for a location to save the generated files."
107,"Toolbar > Project Styles","Click on this icon to view and edit the Cascading Style Sheet (CSS) styles for your project. These styles control the appearance of your generated application."
109,"Toolbar > New Table","Click on this icon to add a new table to your database."
110,"Toolbar > New Field","Click on this icon to add a new field to the current table."
111,"Toolbar > Delete Selected Table / Field","Click on this icon to remove the highlighted field or table from your database."
112,"Toolbar > Make Last Field","Click on this icon to make the highlighted field the last field in the current table. You can use this icon several times to reorder the fields of the table."
115,"Toolbar > Help","Click on this icon to view the online help."
116,"Toolbar > About AppGini","Click on this icon to view version and contact information for AppGini"
117,"Toolbar > Exit","Click on this icon to quit the program. If you have an open project, you'll be asked to save your work first."