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- 100 GetFlash
- 102 The file has existed: %s\n\nDo you want to overwrite or no?
- 104 Downloading %s
- 106 from %s
- 32768 Save\nSave
- 32769 Options\nOptions
- 32770 Help\nHelp
- 32771 About\nAbout
- 32774 Rename\nRename
- 32775 Delete\nDelete
- 32778 Register\nRegister
- 32779 The filename include invalid letter! eg: \/:*?"<>|
- 32780 Refresh\nRefresh
- 32781 New Folder\nNew Folder
- 32782 New Folder
- 32783 The file name has existed, Please rename...
- 32784 The folder name has existed, Please rename...
- 32785 Display Flash Toolbar
- 32786 Display Flash Menu
- 32787 Please input your name!
- 32788 Please input your email!
- 32789 Please input your Registration Code!
- 32790 The email is error!
- 32791 Sorry, the registration code is error,\nPlease contact the author of software.
- 32792 You have registered, Thanks.
- 32793 %d days remained of 30-day trial period.
- 32794 The 30-day trial of GetFlash has expired.\n Please register it, \n Thank you.
- 32795 GetFlash ----------- A good assistant of flash
- 32796 It is so easy to save and browse flash by GetFlash.
- 32797 GetFlash
- 32798 Save to GetFlash
- 32799 Option
- 32800 Help
- 32801 About
- 32802 Save Flash to GetFlash-----SuperHunter: http://www.netopti.com
- 32803 ShowToolbar
- 32804 Show Flash Toolbar
- 32805 ShowMenu
- 32806 Show Flash Menu Embeded into Flash Context Menu
- 32807 Save Flash to GetFlash
- 32808 Internet Explorer must be restarted to apply changes!
- 32809 Please choose one option at least!
- 32810 Play
- 32811 Pause
- 32812 Stop
- 32813 First frame
- 32814 Backward frame
- 32815 Forward frame
- 32816 Latest frame
- 32817 This is piratic registration code,please purchase and get license, Thank you!
- 32818 Please choose the flash file.