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- NullPointerException*
- Du f÷rs÷kte accessa ett objekt (antingen ett fΣlt
- i ett objekt eller ett objekts meddelande). Det gick
- inte pσ grund av att referensen du anvΣnde f÷r att
- nσ objektet var 'null'. Till exempel: Du skrev
- "thing.print()", and "thing" var 'null'.
- ArithmeticException*
- Nσgot gick fel vid en aritmetisk operation,
- tex. division med 0.
- StringIndexOutOfBoundsException*
- You have tried to access a character or a substring
- in a string , and the index you used does not exist
- in that string. For example, you may have tried to
- access the fifth character in a string that is only
- three characters long.
- For the substring operation, remember that the second
- parameter is the length of the substring, not the
- end index.
- ClassCastException*
- You used a "cast" - that is an instruction assigning
- a different static type to an object, such as in this
- example:
- (String)someObject
- Here, "someObject" is cast to "String". This is legal
- only if the object stored in someObject really is of
- type String.
- In other words: you can cast to type T only if the
- object you are casting is of type T or one of its
- subtypes. In your case it wasn't.
- IndexOutOfBoundsException*
- An index of some sort (such as to an array, to a string,
- or to a vector) is out of range. "Out of range" means
- that the index does not exist in the array or other
- collection (e.g. you tried to access element 5, but only
- three elements exist).
- ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException*
- An array index is out of range. "Out of range" means
- that the index does not exist in the array (e.g. you
- tried to access element 5, but only three elements
- exist). The legal index range is 0..arraylength-1.
- ConcurrentModificationException*
- You are doing an iteration over a collection here.
- While you are doing this, the collection was modified.
- That's a problem. You are not allowed to modify the
- collection during an iteration. Or the other way
- around: you cannot continue the iteration after
- modifying the collection. The only modification
- allowed during an iteration is removing elements with
- the Iterator's remove method (NOT the remove in the
- collection itself).
- ArrayStoreException*
- No help available - sorry.
- CannotRedoException*
- No help available - sorry.
- CannotUndoException*
- No help available - sorry.
- CMMException*
- No help available - sorry.
- EmptyStackException*
- No help available - sorry.
- IllegalArgumentException*
- No help available - sorry.
- IllegalMonitorStateException*
- No help available - sorry.
- IllegalPathStateException*
- No help available - sorry.
- IllegalStateException*
- No help available - sorry.
- ImagingOpException*
- No help available - sorry.
- MissingResourceException*
- No help available - sorry.
- NegativeArraySizeException*
- No help available - sorry.
- NoSuchElementException*
- No help available - sorry.
- ProfileDataException*
- No help available - sorry.
- ProviderException*
- No help available - sorry.
- RasterFormatException*
- No help available - sorry.
- SecurityException*
- No help available - sorry.
- SystemException*
- No help available - sorry.
- UndeclaredThrowableException*
- No help available - sorry.
- UnsupportedOperationException*
- No help available - sorry.
- Exception
- Det hΣr Σr ett generellt undantag som bara
- anger att nσgot har gσtt fel. Jag har ingen
- aning om vad...