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- compile-while-executing
- Du kan inte kompilera medans maskinen
- exekverar. Det skulle kunna skapa konstiga
- problem!
- exception-thrown
- Ett undantag intrΣffade:
- break-no-source
- Brytpunkt hittad i en fil vars kΣllkod inte
- kunde hittas. Filnamn:
- error-in-file
- Ett fel intrΣffade i en fil vars kΣllkod inte
- kunde hittas.
- Filnamn:radnummer / felmeddelande:
- system-exit
- Metoden avslutades genom en explicit "exit"
- instruktion. Inget resultat returnerades.
- utgσngskoden Σr:
- no-help
- Ingen hjΣlp tillgΣnglig f÷r det hΣr meddelandet.
- Var vΣnlig e-posta felmeddelandet till
- mik@mip.sdu.dk - vi kommer dσ lΣgga till en
- hjΣlptext i vσr hjΣlpdatabas. Tack!
- cannot-run-compiler
- Kan inte k÷ra kompilatorn. Finns den i
- din s÷kvΣg?
- Kompilatorns namn:
- compiler-error
- Kompilatorfel
- stream-incomplete
- Kompilatorfel. Felstr÷mmen Σr ej komplett.
- out-of-bounds
- Det angivna elementet Σr
- ej inom arrayens grΣnser.
- cannot-access-element
- Kunde ej nσ det angivna
- arrrayelementet.
- appletviewer-error
- Fel under k÷rning av applet i Appletviewer
- error-no-name
- Du mσste ange ett godkΣnt namn.
- error-save-file
- Ett fel intrΣffade nΣr filen f÷rs÷kte sparas.
- Filen sparades inte.
- cannot-save-keys
- Ett fel intrΣffade nΣr tangentbordskommandona
- f÷rs÷kte sparas. Kommandona sparades inte.
- error-no-templates
- The specified template directory (the directory where
- BlueJ finds the class templates) does not exist. It
- is defined with the property "bluej.templatePath" in
- <bluej-home>/lib/bluej/defs. Check and fix this property.
- skeleton-error
- Klassens default-mall kunde inte skapas.
- Detta kan bero pσ ett konfigurationsfel
- i Bluej's "setup", eller pσ grund av
- tilltrΣdesproblem i filsystemet.
- error-open-source
- Det gick inte att ÷ppna kΣllfilen till den
- hΣr klassen. Allvarligt problem!
- error-open-readme
- Det gick inte att ÷ppna textnoteringarna f÷r det
- hΣr projektet. En ny, tom textnotering
- har skapats.
- error-writing-readme
- README filen f÷r det hΣr projektet kunde inte
- uppdateras med information om huvudklassen.
- Ett fel uppstod vid Σndring av den hΣr filen.
- error-exporting
- Ett fel uppstod vid f÷rs÷k att exportera
- applikationen. Det Σr m÷jligt att nσgra eller
- alla filer inte har blivit korrekt kopierade.
- error-writing-jar
- The jar file could not be written correctly.
- (Check the file system for access rights and
- disk space availability.)
- error-jar-exists
- The jar file you have selected already exists.
- Do you want to continue?
- Overwrite
- Cancel
- null
- invalid-class-name
- Icke godkΣnt klassnamn.
- invalid-package-name
- Icke godkΣnt paketnamn.
- directory-exists
- En fil eller katalog med det hΣr namnet
- existerar redan.
- cannot-copy-package
- Det uppstod problem vid kopiering av
- nσgra av paketets filer. Paketet kan
- vara inkomplett.
- file-does-not-exist
- Den angivna filen
- existerar inte.
- cannot-import
- Den hΣr filen kunde inte
- importeras. Filen mσste
- vara en Java kΣllkodsfil
- (namnet mσste sluta med ".java")
- docdir-blocked-by-file
- The directory for the documentation could
- not be created in the project directory
- because there is a file with same name.
- docdir-not-created
- The directory for the documentation could
- not be created in the project directory.
- no-permission-for-docdir
- The directory for the documentation could
- not be created in the project directory
- because of insufficient rights.
- show-or-generate
- Do you want to show the documentation
- generated previously, or do you want
- to regenerate the whole documentation?
- Just Show
- Regenerate
- Cancel
- doctool-error
- Javadoc reported an error. It could be that there is a
- syntax error in one of the files you tried to generate
- a documentation for. It could also be that the JDK
- documentation URL specified in the preferences is incorrect.
- Make sure that all your Java files are compiled and the
- documentation URL is accessible or disabled. Then try again.
- If this message appears again you should check the log file
- with the error messages from Javadoc:
- severe-doc-trouble
- An exception occured during the call
- to the external documentation tool.
- no-java-sources-found
- Inga Java kΣllkodsfiler kunde
- hittas i den hΣr katalogen
- duplicate-name
- En klass med det hΣr namnet existerar redan
- i det hΣr paketet. Man kan inte ha tvσ klasser
- med samma namn i ett paket.
- error-in-import
- Ett fel uppstod vid f÷rs÷k att importera
- den hΣr filen. Kontrollera tilltrΣdesrΣttigheter
- och minnesutrymme.
- no-class-selected
- Ingen klass markerad f÷r borttagning.
- VΣlj klass genom att klicka pσ den
- och f÷rs÷k igen.
- really-remove-class
- Borttagning av den har klassen betyder
- permanent radering av kΣllfilen.
- Vill du fortsΣtta?
- Ta bort
- Avbryt
- null
- really-remove-package
- Removing this package will permanently
- delete the package directory (including ALL
- the contents of that directory).
- Do you want to continue?
- Remove
- Cancel
- null
- remove-package-open
- The package you have selected for
- deletion has some sub-packages opened
- within BlueJ. You must close these
- packages before you will be allowed
- to delete this package.
- package-does-not-exist
- Fel vid ÷ppning av paket.
- Paketet existerar inte:
- no-bluej-package
- Fel vid ÷ppning av paket.
- Filen/Katalogen Σr inte ett
- Bluej paket:
- applet-height-width
- Appletens h÷jd och bredd
- mσste specificeras.
- cannot-read-help
- Kan inte lΣsa hjΣlp fil.
- not-yet-implemented
- Inte implementerat Σnnu - tyvΣrr
- quit-all
- Avsluta alla ÷ppna paket?
- Avsluta allt
- Avbryt
- null
- really-reload
- Vid omladdning f÷rloras icke sparade Σndringar.
- Vill du verkligen ladda om?
- Ladda om
- Avbryt
- null
- really-print
- Texten ar bredare Σn papperet. Lσnga rader kommer
- klippas av. Du kan undvika detta genom att g÷ra
- textf÷nstret smalare. Vill du skriva ut iallafall?
- Skriv ut
- Avbryt
- null
- open-non-bluej-already-bluej
- The directory you have selected is already
- a BlueJ project.
- open-non-bluej-invalid
- You have indicated you wish to open this
- directory as a BlueJ project, however a file
- has been found with a package statement that
- is incompatible with the current directory
- structure. (For example, if the Java class
- Shape has a package line of com.aa, then the
- file Shape.java must be in a directory aa
- which is itself in a directory com. This com
- directory in turn must be in another directory
- which is the directory you should point BlueJ
- to when attempting to open it).
- import-into-current
- Du har redan ett paket ÷ppet i det hΣr f÷nstret.
- Vill du importera till det ÷ppna paketet eller
- vill du skapa ett nytt projekt och importera till
- det.
- Till ╓ppet
- Nytt Projekt
- null
- package-name-invalid
- You have changed the package statement
- to a package which does not exist in this project.
- If you wish to move this class to another
- package you must create the destination
- package first. The package statement has been
- reverted back to its original form.
- package-name-changed
- You have changed the package statement which
- tells Java the package this class is in. Do you
- want to move this class to the indicated package
- or do you want to leave the class where it is
- (the package statement will be reverted back to
- its original form)?
- Move
- Revert
- null
- ask-index
- Ange arrayelementindex [...]
- Inspektera Array
- null
- classmgr-changes-no-effect
- The changes you have made to the class libraries
- will not take effect until the next time you
- start BlueJ.
- # editor:
- #########
- no-search-string
- Ingen s÷kstrΣng Σr angiven.
- (Markera en text eller anvΣnd 'Hitta' f÷rst.)
- default-keys
- Do you really want to discard all your
- key bindings and set the default
- bindings?
- Set defaults
- Cancel
- null