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- # Moe editor default properties
- ##
- ## Define the toolbar
- ##
- toolbar = compile undo cut copy paste find find-next close
- # actions for toolbar commands (only needed when it differs from command name)
- openAction = open-file
- cutAction = cut-to-clipboard
- copyAction = copy-to-clipboard
- pasteAction = paste-from-clipboard
- find-nextAction = find-next
- ##
- ## Define the menus. Each menu gets a key, which is used afterwards to
- ## define the menu's details.
- ##
- menubar = class edit tools option
- # Actions for menus. Each value must be a defined moe action name. Each
- # action becomes an item in the menu. Use the minus sign (-) to create
- # a separator.
- class = save reload - page-setup print - close
- edit = undo redo - cut-to-clipboard copy-to-clipboard paste-from-clipboard - indent-block deindent-block comment-block uncomment-block - insert-method
- tools = find find-next find-next-backward replace go-to-line - compile toggle-breakpoint - toggle-interface-view
- option = key-bindings preferences
- # Syntax colour definitions
- # =========================
- # Key to values
- # -------------
- # comment Single line comments (//) and standard multi-line comments (/* */)
- # javadoc Multi-line javadoc comments (/** */)
- # keyword1 Standard Java keywords (e.g. abstract, final, do, if, else, new, catch etc.)
- # keyword2 Class creation keywords (package, import, class, interface, extends, implements)
- # keyword3 Remaining Java keywords (this, null, super, true, false)
- # primitive Java primitives (int, float, double, char)
- # string String literals (anything in "quotes")
- # Any of the values above that are not defined are given the BlueJ default colours.
- # Key to colours
- # --------------
- # Each colour should be given a six digit hexidecimal value of the from rrggbb where
- # the pairs of digits refer to the red, green and blue values respectively.
- comment = 999999
- javadoc = 000099
- stand-out = ee00bb
- keyword1 = 660033
- keyword2 = cc0000
- keyword3 = 006699
- primitive = cc0000
- string = 006600