[-] Cutting and pasting an ad into an empty folder sets editor to read only.
[-] Editor "Save to file" not saving changes
[-] Able to enter space in Template Tag using close
[-] File|Import: if you don't enter a qualified path, the error is "Can't OpenFile" it should be File Not Found
[-] Shipping drop down boxes should not allow new values
[-] Picture Manager should require AdID and Filename
[-] Links to multiple servers in the Proof Sheet do not work correctly for non-IE browsers
[-] Images not modified and uploaded for Table background.
[#] Checkboxes for red items in detail pane will no longer allow clicking of label. You must click the box explicitly.
[#] After copying ads in grid, selection will move to first copy instead of staying on the original ad.
[+] If user enters a new AuctionUserID in the default userID or in the detail frame, TPT will ask to enter it in table.
[+] Added subtitle to eBay Motors
[+] DoNotEdit can now be set from the Edit menu or using Ctrl+D
Beta 1.0.57
[-] Proofsheet navigation buttons do not work for non IE browsers
[-] Background image does not display in preview
[-] Sorting by PostStatus does not work in grid
[#] Completed manual
[#] TPT restricted to one instance on same computer. This should prevent locking errors during backup.
[+] Backup now based on ADS.INI file. If you modify this file to point to a different directory,
TPT will still be able to backup and restore to this location. Restore will no longer overwrite ADS.INI.
[+] Added a summary footer to the main grid. Go to Tools|Show Grid Summary to activate or deactivate the footer.
The footer sums the fees of the records displayed in the grid. If you filter the grid, the summary is recalculated.
[+] Category download TPT only. In order to keep TPT free, we need to remove all calls which incur a charge from eBay.
Unfortunately, this means we have to remove the direct category download from eBay. We will try to check the
categories daily to ensure that the download available on our website is current.
Beta 1.0.56
[+] Remove Migrate Data
[+] Add FTP Hosting button
[+] Add Donate link
[#] Updated manual
Beta 1.0.55
[-] LotSize does not allow clearing once something has been entered.
[-] Rename folder should be selected when new folder is created
[-] Description from another ad overwriting the wrong ad.
Think of the HTML Editor as a picture frame. When you select an ad, the current HTML is removed and the new HTML of the selected ad is placed in the frame.
Under certain circumstances, (such as moving rapidly through slow loading ads) it is possible for the Editor to be out of synch with the selected ad.
In other words, the picture in the frame belongs to another ad. At this point however, the current ad's HTML is still intact. If you Reload the saved HTML,
the Editor and the selected ad will again be in synch.
To prevent inadvertently saving the wrong HTML, we added code to prevent one ad's description from overwriting another. The adID of the HTML loaded in the Editor
will appear in the status bar at the bottom of the Editor window. If the AdID of the loaded HTML does not match the currently selected ad, the Editor Menu bar will
turn red. If you try to use the Editor, TPT will reload the correct HTML before allowing you to edit. If you try to save the ad, everything will save except the ad Description
since the two AdIds do not match.
For most users (we hope), this shouldn't be a problem. However, if you notice that what's loaded in the Editor does not match the Detail, just press the Reload button on
the Editor ToolBar to synch them up again.
[#] Picture Manager faster loading
[#] Custom colors now saved when using color picker
[#] Updated manual. It's still not completed, but we went through and updated the graphics and descriptions.
[+] Added "Apply" button to Table properties form. This will allow you to see the changes to the table without closing the form.
[+] Added Auction Type to GSR
Beta 1.0.54
[-] Reverted Editor code to previous version to resolve spurious font tag problems.
Beta 1.0.53
[-] Copy and paste right click menu does not work in Template tags
[-] Folder counts are incorrect for folders which have deleted records
[-] "There was an error: lblUDF: Field 'UDF Text01' not found" when previewing ad
[-] Pressing the Next or Prior Record buttons, does not automatically save changes.
[#] Added warning in Global Search and Replace (GSR) if user choses to replace all Ad HTML
[#] New filter component. The new filter component is designed to work with the grid so it is faster than the old filter component. The new filter
utilizes a graphical interface to create your filter criteria. Simply click on the different items to see the available choices. Wildcard characters can be used
with the "Like" operator.
Wildcards are: % (percent) -Any number of characters
_ (underscore) - Any single character.
The new filter component is available in the main grid and in the Picture Manager.
[+] Removed COD, Other Online Payment Methods and Escrow from all sites in accordance with eBay API
[+] Removed,COD and PaymentOtherOnline from GSR
[+] Added cleaner code to remove tags no longer used by eBay. This code is run before posting an ad to ensure defunct tags are removed before submitting to eBay.
[+] Added LotSize to US and MO detail panes.
[+] Added LotSize to GSR
[+] Added Lot Size to Template Tags
[+] Added Border to US, MO, and CA detail panes
[+] Added BorderFee to Fee Summary window
[+] Added Zip and IncludeInProximity to Options for US and MO sites
[+] Added Zip and IncludeInProximity to US and MO detail panes
[+] Added Zip and IncludeInProximity to GSR
Beta 1.0.52
[-] Global Search and Replace produces this error: "There was an error: XXX is not a valid floating point value" if alpha text is in the "Find what" field and "Replace entire contents" is selected for Minimum bid field.
[-] UDF fields not working in GSR
[-] Grid selection is incorrect when you select another folder and grid is sorted on a column and you shift select records.
[-] UDF fields are editable when "Do Not Edit" is selected
[-] When using Post Pending, the first auction is created correctly, but the remaining ads in the batch are missing ALL info that was in the UDFs
[-] error "/: attempted escape denied" when deleting pictures with Picture Manager
[#] Changed folder rename function to only work from Popup menu
[#] Improved FTP error messages
[#] Much faster startup load time
[+] Added Quantity to GSR
[+] Added C.O.D. to GSR
[+] Added shipping service fields to template tags
[+] New backup and restore routines located in File menu.
Beta 1.0.51
[-] Exporting "Selected Records" gave "There was an error: qryAds: Field 'UDFText01' not found"
[-] TL Import creates "List index out of bounds (101)." error
[-] Editor does not save when changing to HTML tab
[+] Part two of eBay authentication "solution" implemented. TPT will no longer store eBay user passwords. User authentication is now done on eBay's website.
When needed, TPT will popup a browser window with eBay's login window. Login as usual and follow the instructions presented.
You should only have to authenticate under the following conditions:
1. You are a new user to TPT.
2. You changed your password on eBay.
3. The current token stored in TPT expires. The token expiration is currently set by eBay at 18 months
4. eBay force expires the current token.
Beta 1.0.50
[-] If you had deleted items from the Pending folder and they were still in the Trash Bin, TPT would post these along with the ads in the Pending folder.
Beta 1.0.49
[-] Blank records being saved to database.
[#] Removed the Editor save button. Consolidated all of the save ad code since validation no longer prevents a record from being saved.
The save button in the editor was confusing and no longer needed.
[+] New user defined fields. We added 10 text fields and 4 memo fields located in a new tab in the detail pane.
These fields are available to the global search and replace function and Template Tags. Also, the labels are
user definable, change the label to your purpose and TPT will save the new label to the INI file on close.
[+] Added "other online payment methods" to GSR
[+] Added a right-click copy function to Template tags. You can also use Ctrl+T to activate the function.
[+] Added a Trash Bin similar to the Windows Explorer Recycle Bin.
Beta 1.0.48
[-] TPT is swapping the <InsuranceFee> and <SalesTaxPercent> fields for eBay UK.
[-] Item specifics for books, publishing year does not upload correctly. The XML was not being created correctly for the publishng year. To correct the problem, open the
Item Specifics for each ad that is using the books Item Specifics and press the OK button. This will reformat the XML to the correct format. Save the ad when you are done.
[-] Error message: "qryAds must be in edit modeà " occurs when replacing text in an ad (html tab) and then moving to different ad.
[#] Anchor tags <A> now require the prefix "file:///" if you want an image file to be uploaded. All other references will pass through untouched.
[#] Modified message displayed when switching categories
[+] Added a "Clear All" button in the Item Specifics dialog
[+] Added option to turn off gallery and picture URL from preview
[+] Added new fields to Global Search and Replace: Flat shipping, Calculated shipping, Package Handling Fee,Seller ZipCode, WeightMajor and WeightMinor.
[+] Added "Current Folder + Subfolders" to search limit
Beta 1.0.47
[-] HTML replace does not replace within a selected area. Replaces highlighted text whether found or not
[-] FTP Test dialog appears behind log window
[+] New multiple shipping fields. If you are upgrading from a previous version, you need to re-enter your shipping
information before posting.
[+] Removed the following template tag fields since they are no longer used by eBay: "Flat Additional Shipping",
[-] Subtitle fee not showing in Fees Summary window
[-] Find and replace not working properly for HTML tab.
[-] Ctrl+V not working with the find and replace dialogs in HTML tab.
[-] Make changes to ad then click on another folder, changes are not saved
[-] Folders are not in alpha order on startup
[#] Removed check for GalleryURL if PictureURL is entered. Validation no longer prevents ad from being saved.
Error messages are written to Error Message Window.
[#] Moved Gallery Featured checkbox away from the "Open File" button
[#] Removed a number of memory leaks including one in the Preview button.
[#] Changed consignId field to text of length 50.
[#] Image replacement now occurs after template tag replacement. This allows more flexibility using Template Tags and images.
[+] TPT will now upload images in <A> tags and modify images to point to FTP server
[+] TPT will now upload images in scripts to server and modify images in scripts to point to server.
Images in scripts need to begin with "file:///" to be replaced by TPT.
[+] Added Gallery URL and PictureURL to Template tags
[+] Add Gallery and Gallery Featured to GSR
[+] Add PictureURL and Gallery URL to preview HTML
[+] Drag and drop pictures into editor
[+] Added warning when user clicks Immediate payment box if shipping option is not site only
Beta 1.0.45
[#] After creating a folder, TPT sets cursor to rename folder.
[#] Added code to remove file:/// from galleryURL and PictureURL on exiting the field
[+] Add thumbnail picture for Picture URL
[+] Added manual method to request a token from eBay. We are currently trapping the known token errors returned by eBay. However, if eBay returns a new token error
which we are not trapping, TPT could become stuck in a situation where it can not automatically request a new token. We added a "Request Token" button to the
eBay User ID section in the Options. Simply select the userID you wish to request a token for and press the button. Normally, you shouldn't have to use this button.
Don't forget, if you change your password on eBay you need to change it in TPT as well.
[+] Added alternate TPT category download. We created an alternate method for users who do not have high speed connections. Essentially, we run the category download
from eBay then export the files to CSV files. We compress these files so that the download is about 1.5 MB. This should make the download time much faster. The import
speed will still depend on your processor speed since it has to clear the existing tables and load the new records. The downside is that we have to post a new file when the
categories change. This means there may be a lag between the time the file is ready and eBay actually releases the new categories. We will try to keep the files updated often
but if you know the categories need to be updated, just send us a friendly reminder through email or a post on the forum and we'll update the files.
We encourage users who have high speed connections to continue to get the category updates directly from eBay since this will ensure the latest category data.
Beta 1.0.44
[-] Editor changing the TD attributes in tables
[-] TPT Export missing fields for TPT format
[-] TPT Export missing fields for TL format
[-] TPT Import errors if no folder is specified
[-] Exporting selected records does not always export correctly.
[#] Slow scrolling between ads due to editor loading.
[#] Removed body tag restrictions from template tags
[#] Modified category support table calls to check for version before downloading
[+] Added progressbar to Import dialog
[+] eBay Authentication completed. In order to accomodate the changes, we needed to modify how we were storing the eBay UserIDs.
Auction User IDs are no longer stored for each auction house. All eBay user IDs are now accessible in Tools|Options|Auction Houses|eBay
Beta 1.0.43
[-] Bug: Right-click the green button, right-click the red (or the yellow) button to maximize one of the other panes.
Again right-click the green button to maximize the Grid pane. Then left-click the red and yellow buttons to return the Detail and Editor panes - the Grid pane remains full screen.
[-] Text field in Template Tag Entry form partially obscured by navigation buttons
[-] "file://" not being removed from image filenames causing FTP errors
[-] Added code to "Remove Expired" function to remove records from Picture table if ad has no end date.
[-] Options form in Picture Manager pops up dialogs behind windows
[#] Faster posting and verifying process
[#] Entity encoding removed from parser. This will allow and other entity encodings to pass through to the preview
HTML instead of being converted. This should solve the problems people have been seeing.
[#] Improved delete speed in grid.when all records in the view are selected.
[+] Added scroll bar to payment instructions
[+] Added check for contentEditable and Body tags in text field for template tags.
[+] Added abort button to posting status window.
[+] Added CTRL+C and CTRL+V for Copy and Pasting an ad.in the grid.
[+] Added eBay Motors Vehicles. You need to run Get eBay Categories before you can use this feature.
[+] Added Drag Drop Copy to folders if you drag an ad to another folder while holding the CTRL key down.
[+] Send images for selected ads to Pending Upload table. Use this function to add all the images in an ad to the
Pending Upload table in the Picture Manager. This function should only be used if the pictures for an ad did not load properly.
[+] Added select all to Picture Manager Pending Upload grid
[+] Added AdId to Pending Upload grid
Beta 1.0.42
[-] ALT commands mapped incorrectly in HTML Editor
[-] Strange deletion of characters before escaped characters in Editor
[-] After adding new template tag, Text type is deselected when record is saved.
[-] Error 5118 "You entered a duplicate attribute set id" when entering two categories which have the
same Item Specifics. If you have this error, force save the ad to clear out the second Item Specifics entry.
[#] Turn off column header height resizing.
[+] Title and Subtitle fields extended to 55 for Australia, Canada and UK
[+] Added Bank Deposit Express for eBay Australia.
[+] Added Paypal for Canada
[+] Added paypal email address to Global Search and Replace function.
[+] Added categories to Global Search and Replace function.
[+] Added Duration to Global Search and Replace function.
[+] Added UserID to Global Search and Replace function.
[+] Added searched and modified counts after completion of Global Search and Replace function
Beta 1.0.41
[-] Delete key activates Folder delete if pressed while renaming a folder.
[-] Edit|Select All in editor then press Delete, deletes the ad
[-] If a Ctrl or Shift combination of keys was pressed while the grid was selected and another application was opened
(such as clip mate) the detail pane and editor would not load after control was returned to TPT
[#] Remove duplicate records from upload table for same ad before loading pictures to server
[#] Text area in Template Tag form now sizes with the form.
[#] Refresh categories in detail frame after category download completes.
[#] Add FTP warning or prevent users from deleting an FTP record which has children.
[#] Increase title column length for Title and User Descr in grid in Picture Manager
[#] Added Options menu item to Picture Manager
[#] Added AdID to lists of ads in Picture Manager
[#] Added AdID to detail pane
[#] Changed color of informational data in detail pane to blue to improve readablilty
[#] Import Default Folder drop down list replaced with tree list
[#] Editor updated to latest code from vendor. The vendor sent updated HTML editor code which specificly addresses
the HTML corruption problems people have been seeing lately.
[+] Add preview to HTML tab - added right click menu item and Ctrl+P shortcut
[+] Added View on Web function. This is accessible in the View menu, the right click menu in the grid and
by shortcut Ctrl+w. This function will only work on Posted items.
[+] Added "Customize Grid" to Tools menu. This function allows the user to add additional
columns or remove existing colums from the grid. Simply drag and drop the column header to the
customization form to remove it from the grid. There are two additional fields currently not displayed on the grid:
AdId (TPT internal unique ID for each ad) and Folder. You can add these fields by dragging the column from the customization form to the grid header.
Beta 1.0.40
[-] Extend grid column for Title to 55 characters. If you still do not see the extra
characters in the grid, force save the ad. This should force the grid to refresh.
[-] Limit double click of table to table selected only. Double clicking in the table
will no longer bring up the table dialog.
[-] If contentEditable=false in HTML, editor is uneditable
[-] Item Specifics not removed for 2nd category. If you entered a second category and added
Item Specifics for it and then cleared the 2nd category field, the Item Specifics for
the second category were not removed. This was the cause for many of the eBay errors involving
Item Specifics. If you have an ad that is has an Item Specifics error, make a change in the
detail pane and then save the ad. This should correct the Item Specifics.
[-] Reverted HTML editor code to same version we are using in 1.0.37. We're
hoping this will resolve the HTML corruption errors people have been seeing lately.
Beta 1.0.39
[-] No such field error when importing a file from SS
[-] Holding down up or down arrow keys in grid sometimes leads to editor not loading correctly
[#] Updated editor code
[+] Activate Delete key for deleting records in grid
[+] Double click on image in HTML editor to bring up image dialog
[+] Double click on table in HTML editor to bring up table dialog
[+] Add extra 10 chars to Title and SubTitlefield
Beta 1.0.38
[-] Removed Compact function for now, possible source of corruption
[-] Category download restored to previous functionality and speed
[-] Removed timer code which we believe was adding to the general instability of the program.
with ⌐ instead. We've tested the resulting HTML with eBay and everything seems to work as it should.
We advise everyone to preview their ads to be sure the HTML is translated correctly. Please let us know if
this causes any problems.
Beta 1.0.37
[-] Need MS Office disk when starting
[-] Database corruption addressed
[#] Compact on first run turned off. Took too long at startup.
[#] Editor code updated to latest version
[#] Grid code updated to latest version
[+] BIN - Immediate Payment Required using PayPal
[-] Fix for Australian and UK users - "'1/1/2003' is not a valid date
Beta 1.0.36
[-] If copying a DoNotEdit ad, the copy was being set to DoNotEdit as well. Now, DoNotEdit is being set to false.
[-] Fees not updating in grid after Verify
[#] Ability to copy the item number from posted item record.
[+] Compact Database function added to File menu. Automatic compacting of database
added to Other Options. You can have TPT automatically compact the database on close
every X days. If you do not want TPT to compact automatically, set the option to 0.
This is the same function as the Database Maintenance program.
[+] Added Option to hide Fees Summary window after verification to Other Options
[+] Added function to check if TPT upgrade is available to Help menu. TPT will also automatically
check for upgrades on startup. TPT will check every X days based on the setting in the
Other Options. You can turn off the check by setting it to 0.
[+] Added Minimum Bid, Reserve, Buy It Now, and Location to Global Search and Replace
Beta 1.0.35
[-] RecordIndex out of range when using the Do Not Edit Checkbox
[-] "Parser error" when importing a TPT export file which has double quotes in the title.
[-] Copying and pasting info from one ad's HTML tab to another creates phantom entry in grid.
[-] Posting single ad freezes PT
[-] When selecting multiple ads to move them to another folder (highlighting with shift, moving with drag and drop), only the last ad selected moves
[#] Improved FTP error messages
[#] Grid is slow switching between ads
Beta 1.0.34
[-] Main grid fixed. The main grid should now function similar to an MS Access grid. Using the scroll wheel in the
grid will no longer change the selected record. The scroll bar should work correctly and the grid should update
properly. However, you may experience a slower load time since the grid is now loading all the records in the
selected folder instead of just the visible records.
[-] Changing the title in the detail window (top right window) and then clicking on another item in the listing window (middle window) will not update the titles correctly. (Title get duplicated and don't get re-sorted)
[-] After verifying ads, the grid often shows duplicates of those ads! Have to click on another folder and then back again to display it properly.
[-] The scroll bar in the "toggle" view is still very screwy.
[-] Default userID not being set
[-] Cannot save ad when filter is activated. Results in a "qryAds: Cannot modify a read-only dataset" error
[#] Editor Font drop down box does not allow changing fonts when more than one line with different fonts is selected
[#] Save to File in editor now adds <html> tags if none exist
[+] Added Insert Template Tag to right click editor menu
[+] New template tags available. The following fields are now available in the Template Tags:
Flat Additional Shipping
Flat Shipping, Handling
Flat Shipping,Handling + Additional (this used to be the old ShippingHandling tag)
Packaging and Handling Fee
Payment Instructions
If you are upgrading and wish to use these fields, you need to create new tags for each new field in the Tools|Template Tags
Beta 1.0.33
[-] Editor not loading properly
[#] Added restrictions to template tags to prevent spaces from being entered. Turned on sourcecode preservation in editor.
[+] Stores inventory type added to international sites
[+] Global search and replace added
Beta 1.0.32
[-] Delete key is disabled in HTML tab
[-] Lockup on start
[-] Access violation after sending multiple records to Pending view
[-] Template tags being split with carriage returns.
[-] Turbo Lister import not working
[-] Pending count not properly updated when ads moved from Pending
[-] Editor scrollbar not enabled when ad is set to Do Not Edit
[-] Cursor changes to circle with slash through it when clicking in grid
[#] Improved startup.
[#] TPT ad formats funny with columns
[+] Added "USPS Express Mail" to US Shipping service combo box
Beta 1.0.31
[#] Faster startup
[#] "This ad created with The Poster Toaster" ad is now centered at bottom of screen for tables with Left or right alignment
[+] Export concatenating sucessive export files.
[+] Clicking on column headers does not change sort. Column is held and not released.
[+] Column and Row fields switched in Table properties dialog
[+] After posting, the batch summary window comes up and asks you to enter a batch ID number.
[+] Right click menus work in editor.
Beta 1.0.30
[-] Edtor not saving when previewing HTML.
[-] Delete key not working in HTML editor
Beta 1.0.29
[-] Mouse pointer changes to a circle with slash in grid and you need to double click to make it stick.
Behavior is improved but not totally fixed. May still have to double click ad. The behavior is
more noticeable in Win 98 installations
[-] Vanishing text and photos from ads.
[-] Editor not saving
[-] Copy ad clears and deletes contents
Beta 1.0.28
[-] Beta 1.0.27 was released with a bug which prevented the creation of new records. Release 1.0.28 corrects this error.
See Beta 1.0.27 for the most recent changes.
Beta 1.0.27
[-] Removed eBay Motors Item Specifcs calls. This should eliminate the error messages when downloading categories
[-] Catastophic error when deleting pictures from editor - solved with new editor
[-] Hitting backspace when a picture is selected in the editor clears HTML. - solved with new editor
[-] Access violation after batch if batch contains eBay Motors. eBay Motors added to Batch Summary window
[-] The selected record and focused record are not in synch when using the scroll wheel or the scrollbar in the main grid.
[#] New WYSIWYG editor
Some features of the new editor:
1. Higher degree of stability.
2. Can load editor from a file.
3. New view options.
4. Additional editing features
5. Source code preservation. The editor should not mangle HTML.
6. Scripts should not cause errors in editor since scripts will not run in the editor.
To test your script, you need to use the "Preview" button.
Beta 1.0.26
[#] New Item Specifics interface
Note: 1. If you are upgrading from a previous version of TPT, you must download the latest
eBay categories from Help|Get eBay Categories.
2. If you entered Item Specifics for an ad, you will need to
re-enter your Item Specifics due to the new format eBay is using.
[-] Cannot change FTP site in Picture Manager.
[-] Picture Manager not deleting pictures for Australian users.
[-] Right click on colored buttons to full screen, right click to go back sets the screen to a 50/50 split. Should remember last setting before full screen.
[-] local pictureURL is no longer being URLencoded
[#] Added support for increased number of store categories.
[#] Increased the size of the Store Category drop-down from the default (8) to 20.
[#] added support for one day auctions
[#] removed "Description" box from preview
[#] Fees summary window does not automatically display when verifying
[#] New Subtitle field added to detail pane and Fees Summary window
Note: If you want the new Subtitle Fee field to show in the main grid, delete the grid2.ini file in
the main The Poster Toaster directory before you start TPT.
[#] Moved Gallery Featured away from Gallery. Moved "Insert Gallery Picture " button to end of Gallery URL field.
[#] Added restriction for fixed price auctions. Reserve and Buy It Now fields are set to 0 and disabled.
Beta 1.0.25
[-] Single quotes in filter dialog produces an error
[-] Item Specifics not downloading for certain categories. You need to re-download the categories
to fix this problem.
[-] Fixed item Specifics Year using Date selector instead of year. Now uses a text box.
[+] Added a new option in Tools|Options|Other Settings called "Remove pictures x days after auction ends."
Set this option to the number of days you wish to keep your pictures on the server after an auction ends.
[+] Added a new option in Tools|Options|Other Settings called "Keep pix on server after auction for all ads".
Check this box if you wish to always set your pictures to "Stock". Sets the default for the "Keep pix on server after auction:"
box in the ad detail pane for new ads.
[+] Added a new option in Tools|Options|Other Settings called "Use The Poster Toaster WYSIWYG HTML Editor"
If you do not use the HTML editor, you can uncheck this option and TPT will not modify your HTML.
[+] Added "Mark All Stock" and "Clear All Stock" buttons to Picture Manager
Beta 1.0.24
[-] Create table function in editor, "Specify width" unchecked produces an error
[-] Missing right click menus from eBay US and eBay Motors
[-] "Shipping Type" box not disabled when new ad created
[#] GIF format now allowed in GalleryURL and Picture URL
[+] Added hints for GalleryURL and PictureURL so you can see long addresses
[+] Add browse button for picture URL
[+] Added HTML reload button to editor. It is located to the right of the save button.
This is a workaround for the problem of backspacing a selected image in the editor.
[+] Item specifics available to all auction houses. You need to download the latest
categories for each auction house you use.
Download eBay categories
1. Open the "Update eBay Categories" by selecting "Help\Get eBay
Categories" from the menu
2. Select all auction houses from the list.
3. Press "Get Categories"
4. Close when done.
Beta 1.0.23
[-] Fix for Windows 98 users
Beta 1.0.22
[-] Store Category interface not working
[-] Do Not Edit not working when save button is pressed
[-] "Cannot focus a disabled or invisible window" error shows when clicking from detail
pane to Do Not Edit when there is a missing field in the Detail
[-] Spelling error: "..incurrs a feeà"
[-] Date exceeds maximum error/ Date exceeds minimum error
[-] Description overwriting when using shift or ctrl to select records. Only happens if
you immediately use the editor after selecting.
[-] SQL errors when using filter with date or boolean(true/false) fields
[-] qryAds not in edit mode if doNotEdit is pressed, then record is deleted
[-] 2nd Category button not picking correct categories
[-] "qryAds record not found" errror if running "Post Pending" from within Pending folder
[-] Invalid argument if entering a 0 in Create Table dialog for width
[-] Clear detail and editor pane if no ads in grid
[#] Changed "X number of ads copied to Pending" message to appear if more than one ad is copied.
[#] Lightened background color of HTML tab when DoNotEdit is set to true. Easier to
[#] Updated grid control with latest version. Hopefully this will
improve stability
[+] Added replacement order to template tags. This field will dictate
which tags get replaced first. You can use the replacement order
number to create a tag composed of other template tags. Make sure the
tag consisting of other tags has a lower replacement order number.
If you are not nesting tags then you can leave the replacement order
field blank.
[+] eBay Motors Parts. We added eBay Motors as a new auction house.
Currently, TPT is supporting parts only. TPT does not support eBay
Motors vehicles yet. Follow the instructions for setting up eBay
Motors below:
Set Options:
1. Open the Options dialog by selecting Tools\Options from the menu
2. Select AuctionHouses\eBay\eBay Motors
3. Check the Active Auction checkbox.
3. Enter your auction ID and password
4. Fill in any missing information in the fields.
5. Make sure you select a default UserID. If you wish to use your eBay US ID,
switch to the eBay US tab and press "Synchronize IDs". This will add your eBay US IDs
to all "Active" auctions.
6. Fill in your store categories or switch to eBay US and press
"Synchronize Store Categories"
7. Press "Ok" to save and close form.
Download eBay Motors categories
1. Open the "Update eBay Categories" by selecting "Help\Get eBay
Categories" from the menu
2. Select eBay Motors from the list. You can unselect the other
auction houses if you do not need their categories updated.
3. Press "Get Categories"
4. Close when done.
Beta 1.0.21
[-] Error message after posting
Beta 1.0.20
[#] Springy scrollbar - partially fixed if no column sorts are
[-] slow filtering
[#] Detail scrollbar adjusted to scroll when slider is moved
[#] PT ad changed to open in a new window
[+] Export data function
Beta 1.0.19
[-] ReservePrice and BuyItNow creates an error if left blank - fixed
[-] "' is not a valid floating point value" error when saving ad - fixed
[-] qryAds: Record not found when using Post Selected - fixed
[-] Access violation using Merge Cells - fixed
[-] Insert image in description, then drag drop to another folder does not save
[-] GalleryURL cannot be GIF, added warning messages and restrictions
to GalleryURL field.
[-] Table creation border colors are not correct,teal green and olive
green are switched, yellow and aqua are reversed - fixed
[#] Clear detail pane if no records in grid
[#] Faster startup
[#] Modified item specifics to match eBay's API modifications.
[#] If verified and no errors, remove burnt toast icon
[#] Faster selection of records in grid when using shift and control keys
[#] All view changed to "All Folders". View now shows only templates in user
folders, no pending or posted.
[#] All toolbar functions now available in the "All Templates" view
[+] Double click in "All Folders" view will take you to the folder of that record
[+] New shipping fields added to Turbo Lister import
Beta 1.0.18
[-] Adjustment made for "International" settings
Beta 1.0.17
[-] Grid should be working properly now.
[#] Save button on main toolbar now recomputes ad XML even if dirty
flag is not set. You no longer need to make a change in the detail
window to recompute the XML.
Beta 1.0.16
[#] Picture Manager- clicking stock flag and moving to another record is slow
[-] Frame splitter settings not saving.
[#] ReservePrice and BuyItNow Tags are not sent to eBay if value is 0.
This should ensure that eBay stores and fixed price auctions post
[-] Verify and Post Selected, focus moves from selected record after process is complete
[#] Validation for auction type and quantity occurs on save instead of on the exit of the
[-] Gift icon fields removed for eBay Australia to match the site
[-] Grid settings should save now.
[+] New eBay Shipping Calculator fields
[#] Splitter between folders and grid is now independent of other
[-] Find in main grid not loading editor with the found record.
Beta 1.0.15
[+] Added animated GIF support to Picture Manager.
[#] Grids slow in Picture Manager
[-] First record on startup not loading correctly
[#] Improved Find function
[#] Added fees back in Grid
Beta 1.0.14
[-] On save of Options, clears UserId field
[-] Error 5152 on startup
[-] Splitter position between folder and grid does not save
[-] Creating a new ad in an empty folder produces a "qryAds: Dataset
not in edit mode" error.
[-] Access violations when using Post Selected
[-] Bottom icons obscured by task bar.
[-] "qryAds: Dataset not in edit mode" error when running import.
Beta 1.0.13
[-] Picture Manager: Remove Expired picture function should work
correctly now.
[-] Cursor keys not selecting records in grid when selecting folders
[-] Folders reset to row selection instead of folder only. This makes
it easier to drag and drop a record to a folder.
[#] Preserve sort order for grid
[#] After Batch Summary Window closes, grid is returned to previous
folder instead of first folder.
[-] Description from another ad overwriting another ad. Many thanks
to the users who posted to the forum regarding this problem. Your
input helped us track down the bug. The problem occurred when
dragging and dropping an ad from one folder to another. The editor
was not reloading the ad's description.
[#] Auction user drop down box in detail frame now updates after user adds or subtracts a
user in the options form
[#] Added double click ability to New Ad and Copy Ad dialog.
[+] GIF file support added
[+] Store Category interface added to Options|Auction Houses|eBay. A
"Store Categories" tab was added to each auction. Use the Synchronize
Category button to make all categories for each auction house the
[+] Right click menu added to main grid.
[+] "Select All" added to main grid.
[+] New icons for tool bar
[+] All grids changed to new grid.
Features of the new grid:
#Faster loading
#Saves sort and column orders
#Column Vertical Sizing - Each column can be expanded vertically to
help you view your data. Move cursor to just under the column header
when the cursor changes to a horizontal line with arrows, drag the
column header down.
#Banded rows - Drag a column header under another column. The data
for the column will appear in the next row.
#Row sizing - Move the cursor between rows in the left indicator
column to resize the row height. Double click to return the rows to
the normal height.
#Column sorting - Click on the column headers to sort the column
ascending. Click again to sort descending. Hold the CTRL key down
while clicking on the column header to remove the sort.
#Multiple column sorting - Hold the shift key down and click on the
column headers.
Beta 1.0.12
[#] PT will now catch eBay Warning errors. eBay returns warnings if
the ad has been posted but something else went wrong. Such as:
eBay Error Code: 241
Error Class: SystemError
Severity: Warning
Error Message: Unable to send listing confirmation notice.
Such errors will show in the error window but the ad will be marked as
[Extended Systems][Advantage SQL Engine]Expected lexical element not found:
identifier or expression There were problems parsing the SET list in the
UPDATE statement. -- Location of error in the SQL statement is: 29"
[-] Return Key not working when you switch from editor to HTML tab back to editor
[-] Clearing GalleryURL when it is required and pressing DoNotEdit causes an error
[-] Proof sheet, highlight first record by default
[-] ' is not a valid integer value error in Import
[+] Added "Close" buttons to Import and Migrate Data
[-] Select category, go to editor, press return, opens category again.
[-] Cursor keys not selecting records in grid when selecting folders
[-] InsureFor Template tag displaying Title instead
[-] Verifying half toast records not moving to Posted view
[-] Picture Manager: Plus button in Pending Upload tab not working properly
[-] Picture Manager: qryPostPicture: Error 3111: Unknown identifier found in a record filter
[-] Picture Manager: tblPicturesUpload: Dataset not in edit mode
[-] Picture Manager upload grid cannot select multiple records
[+] Picture Manager: Add edit capability to Loaded table. Use Edit
Grid button to enter edit mode. Press Lock Grid button to prevent
editing in the grid.
[-] Picture Manager: Log window disappears when process completes
[-] Picture Manager: Prevent Picture Manager from minimizing
[-] Picture Manager: Proof sheet does not display a page for servers with no pictures
[-] Picture Manager: extra / is being added. which is preventing
deletion of pictures
[-] Background not loading in editor
[-] Column sort in Pending and Posted views reverting to All view
[-] Grid sort order saves
[-] EAbort error handled properly
Beta 1.0.11
[-] Gallery URL and Picture URL producing Host field is empty error
[-] Invalid data type error for Reserve price and other detail fields corrected
[-] HTML saves when switching from edit to HTML tab
[-] FTP settings not saving when closing options form
[-] Auction user info not saving when closing options form
[-] Scrollbar in editor not working properly
[-] Access violation when clicking in folder view without clicking on a folder
[-] Gallery URL says file doesn't exist if URL is entered
[-] Delete key not working in HTML tab
[-] Folders unexpectedly moving to other folders
[#] Highlighting and dragging text in editor
[+] Fields which generate a fee from eBay have red labels in the detail form.
[#] Overall stability improved in editor and main form.
Beta 1.0.10
[-] SS Import fixed. Carriage returns preserved in HTML. Fields should be loading correct data.
IMPORTANT: The SS export file has been modified in the latest version of SS (2.3.01). Make sure you are running the latest version of SS before exporting.
[-] Import adding 0 in gallery URL. This is related to the above fix.
[-] After import, focus moves to folder with imported records and updates counts.
[+] Added search and replace functions to HTML Tab
[+] FTP Log window no longer closes immediately after FTP test
[+] All, Pending, and Posted counts update
[+] Folders disappeared, records only show in all
[-] Pressing Delete key while renaming a folder does not delete the folder.
[-] Right clicking on a folder selects correct folder. Operations are done on selected folder only.