aKK Hexadecimal (3E) Allows entry of 0 through 9 and A through F Force upper caseAOOOOOOOO Octal (45135677) Allows entry of 0 through 7 =OOOO Octal (5677) Allows entry of 0 through 7 Ebbbbbbbbbbbbbbbb Binary (0101001010010100) Allows entry of 0 and 1=bbbbbbbb Binary (10010100) Allows entry of 0 and 10XXXXXXXXXX Any character can be entered_!!!!!!!!!! Any character can be entered Alphabetic characters are forced to upper case_LLLLLLLLLL Any character can be entered Alphabetic characters are forced to lower case@xxxxxxxxxx Any character can be entered Uses mixed caseNaaaaaaaaaa Alphabetic characters plus space, minus, period, and comma}AAAAAAAAAA Alphabetic characters plus space, minus, period, and comma Alphabetic characters are forced to upper case}llllllllll Alphabetic characters plus space, minus, period, and comma Alphabetic characters are forced to lower caseB(999) 999-9999 Phone number mask Allows 0 through 9 and spaceB999-999-9999 Phone number mask Allows 0 through 9 and spaceA99999-9999 US Zip Code mask Allows 0 through 9 and spaceMB Boolean mask Allows T, t, F, f Forces input to upper case