This is a Beta version. There are errors in the program. If this bothers you then you should probably wait until we can identify and correct any problems. If you decide to forge ahead - test a bit at a time.
Set up your user Options
1) Click on Tools menu and select Options
2) Expand Auction House tree node. For each eBay site that you want to post to:
a) click on "active auction" check box.
b) fill in data
c) add at least one User ID by clicking on "+" button. Use the check mark button to save the user.
d) select a default user ID
(you can use the same User ID for each eBay site, by making each eBay site active and clicking on the Synchronize ID button)
3) If you want TPT to upload your pictures then you need to fill in the FTP data also. *** Click on the "+" button to add a record first ***
Export Data From Shooting Star
1) Open Shooting Star
2) Click File.
3) Select Export Ads for the Poster Toaster.
4) Note File Location.
5) Click OK.
Importing Ads
You can import the .csv from either Shooting Star or Turbo Lister:
1) Click File.
2) Select Import.
3) Select File Source (Shooting Star).
4) Click Find File and browse to the file location you noted.
5) Select your default FTP.
6) Select a folder to import them to. You may want to create an Import folder for this purpose, it will make them easier to sort into other folders.
7) Select default auction name.
8) Click Import File.
How do I post an ad to eBay?
1) Create your ad template in a user folder.
2) Do this for each ad that you want to post.
3) To post a single ad, select the ad in the grid and then click on the "post selected" button on the toolbar.
4) To post multiple ads, select the ads in the grid and then click on the "add to batch" button on the toolbar. When you are ready to post your batch, click on the "post batch" button.
Once an ad has been posted, you can't edit it. You can edit the template, but not the ad. If you want to repost an ad, select the template and click either the "post selected button" or the "add to batch" button.
You can organize your ads into folders. Each folder can have subfolders. To move an ad into a folder, select it from the grid and drag-and-drop it into a folder.
The Poster Toaster uses a tri-pane interface. The size of each pane can be adjusted by dragging the splitter bar between each pane. You can also hide/show each pane by clicking on the red/yellow/green View buttons in the status bar. Or use ctrl+shift+1, ctrl+shift+2, ctrl+shift+3 to set each section full-screen.
Shortcut Keys
F3 Find
F4 Find again
ctrl+shift+1 full-screen grid
ctrl+shift+2 full-screen details
ctrl+shift+3 full-screen editor
Merge Fields
You can insert merge fields into your ad description. The Poster Toaster will replace the merge tag before your ad is posted.
To edit the list of merge fields, click on the Tools menu and select Template Tags.
You can either add your own text tags. Or you can use one of the ad fields.
To use the merge field in your ad description, click on the Insert Template Tag button on the toolbar.