It is a realtime software synthesizer for Linux and Windows with many features. Please see the docs for details.
Copyright (c) 2002-2004 Nasca Octavian Paul
e-mail: zynaddsubfx AT yahoo D0T com
ZynAddSubFX is free program and is distribuited WITH NO WARRANTY. It is licensed under GNU General Public License version 2 (and only version 2) - see the file COPYING.
--==## MADE WITH ZynAddSubFX ##==--
Here is the mailing list where you can share your patches with others:
or search "ZynAddSubFX" on a search engine (like
- a fast computer
- Linux (tested with RedHat 7.2,7.3,etc.) or Windows
- FLTK 1.x.x (tested with fltk 1.1.0, 1.1.1, 1.1.2,etc.)
- FFTW 2.x.x (tested with fftw 2.0.5, 2.1.3) - necesary for
Fast Fourier computations
- MXML-2 library from
- zlib library from - this exists in most linux distributions
- (for Linux) OpenSoundSystem (OSS) (if you don't have ALSA, only)
- (for Windows) pthreads, portaudio
Not requred, but recomanded:
- ALSA 0.9.x (with OSS emulation, if you don't use JACK)
- JACKit - if you want to use it you must enable compilation for JACK in
- a VST host for the VST version
If you want to compile on Windows, please read compile.win32 file.
If you don't know how to compile, you may download binaries from Planet CCRMA (see above, on sites).
First set what should sound input/ouput should use in in src/ directory.
Then "make" from the "src/" directory. Hope all goes right. If the compiler complains something about FFTwrapper.h and FFTW library headers(rfftw.h or fftw.h) please read the docs from DSP/FFTwrapper.h .
To compile the Spliter, run "" from the "Spliter" directory.
To compile the Controller, run "" from the "Controller" directory.
Running on LINUX
A) OSS (Open Sound System)
B) JACK (JACK Audio Connection Kit)
There are 2 possibilites of midi inputs (depends on what you have chosen in to use - OSS or ALSA).
A) ALSA (Advenced Linux Sound Architecture)
1) Launch zynaddsubfx
2) ZynAddSubFX will make a virtual MIDI port.
You can connect other midi devices (like a real MIDI keyboard, midi sequencers which supports ALSA or virtual keyboard - like vkeybd).
To connect, use "aconnect" or "alsa-patch-bay"; usualy the port of ZynAddSubFX is 128:0 or 129:0.
3) You are ready to play
It is possible to use midi sequencer/other software that doesn't supports ALSA with ZynAddSubFX, but this is a bit more complicated.
Search on Internet for "HOWTO Use MIDI Sequencers With Softsynths" by Frank Barknecht, if you want to do this.
B) OSS (Open Sound System)
1) Launch zynaddsubfx
2) Connect the midi keyboard
As you have seen the OSS option needs a real midi keyboard. If you don't have it, you can download/install ALSA from
Running on WINDOWS
If you launch zynaddsubfx.exe and nothing happens, you need pthreadGC.dll in the same directory (or windows directory). The dll files are distribuited with zynaddsubfx windows binaries.
It might be possible that the latency will be very high. If this happens, you have to set the environment variable PA_MIN_LATENCY_MSEC to a value that represents the latency in miliseconds.
Eg: (in autoexec.bat or launched before running zynaddsubfx) "set PA_MIN_LATENCY_MSEC=50"
Warning: if the value is too low, you might ecounter severe dropouts on zynaddsubfx. You'll have to set to a higher value and turn off automated background tasks (like virus scanners, email clients, etc.).
If you have more cards, you can select the desired card where you can play audio with the evironment variable "PA_RECOMMENDED_OUTPUT_DEVICE"
A better way to set all of this, I will put on next versions.
Please send me instruments,banks,master settings,songs(midi+...xmz files) done with ZynAddSubFX. I'll apreciate this.