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- /*
- ZynAddSubFX - a software synthesizer
- MIDIFile.C - MIDI file loader
- Copyright (C) 2003-2004 Nasca Octavian Paul
- Author: Nasca Octavian Paul
- This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
- it under the terms of version 2 of the GNU General Public License
- as published by the Free Software Foundation.
- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
- GNU General Public License (version 2) for more details.
- You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License (version 2)
- along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation,
- Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA
- */
- #include <stdio.h>
- #include <string.h>
- #include "MIDIFile.h"
- MIDIFile::MIDIFile(){
- midifile=NULL;
- midifilesize=0;
- midifilek=0;
- midieof=false;
- me=NULL;
- };
- MIDIFile::~MIDIFile(){
- clearmidifile();
- };
- int MIDIFile::loadfile(char *filename){
- clearmidifile();
- FILE *file=fopen(filename,"r");
- if (file==NULL) return(-1);
- char header[4];
- ZERO(header,4);
- fread(header,4,1,file);
- //test to see if this a midi file
- if ((header[0]!='M')||(header[1]!='T')||(header[2]!='h')||(header[3]!='d')){
- fclose(file);
- return(-1);
- };
- //get the filesize
- fseek(file,0,SEEK_END);
- midifilesize=ftell(file);
- rewind(file);
- midifile=new unsigned char[midifilesize];
- ZERO(midifile,midifilesize);
- fread(midifile,midifilesize,1,file);
- fclose(file);
- // for (int i=0;i<midifilesize;i++) printf("%2x ",midifile[i]);
- // printf("\n");
- return(0);
- };
- int MIDIFile::parsemidifile(MIDIEvents *me_){
- this->me=me_;
- //read the header
- int chunk=getint32();//MThd
- if (chunk!=0x4d546864) return(-1);
- int size=getint32();
- if (size!=6) return(-1);//header is always 6 bytes long
- int format=getint16();
- printf("format %d\n",format);
- int ntracks=getint16();//this is always 1 if the format is "0"
- printf("ntracks %d\n",ntracks);
- int division=getint16();
- printf("division %d\n",division);
- if (division>=0){//delta time units in each a quater note
- // tick=???;
- } else {//SMPTE (frames/second and ticks/frame)
- printf("ERROR:in MIDIFile.C::parsemidifile() - SMPTE not implemented yet.");
- };
- if (ntracks>=NUM_MIDI_TRACKS) ntracks=NUM_MIDI_TRACKS-1;
- for (int n=0;n<ntracks;n++){
- if (parsetrack(n)<0) {
- clearmidifile();
- return(-1);
- };
- };
- printf("\n\nCURRENT File position is = 0x%x\n",midifilek);
- printf("\nMIDI file succesfully parsed.\n");
- // printf("\n0x%x\n",getbyte());
- this->me=NULL;
- return(0);
- };
- //private members
- int MIDIFile::parsetrack(int ntrack){
- printf("\n--==*Reading track %d **==--\n",ntrack);
- int chunk=getint32();//MTrk
- if (chunk!=0x4d54726b) return(-1);
- int size=getint32();
- printf("size = %d\n",size);
- int oldmidifilek=midifilek;
- unsigned char lastmsg=0;
- unsigned int dt=0;
- while(!midieof){
- unsigned int msgdeltatime=getvarint32();
- /// printf("MSGDELTATIME = %d\n",msgdeltatime);
- // dt+=msgdeltatime;
- int msg=peekbyte();
- /// printf("raw msg=0x%x ",msg);
- if (msg<0x80) {
- msg=lastmsg;
- } else {
- lastmsg=msg;
- getbyte();
- };
- /// printf("msg=0x%x\n",msg);
- // dt+=msgdeltatime;
- add_dt(ntrack, msgdeltatime);
- unsigned int mtype,mlength;
- switch(msg){
- case 0x80 ... 0x8f://note on off
- parsenoteoff(ntrack,msg & 0x0f,dt);
- dt=0;
- break;
- case 0x90 ... 0x9f://note on (or note off)
- parsenoteon(ntrack,msg & 0x0f,dt);
- dt=0;
- break;
- case 0xa0 ... 0xaf://aftertouch - ignored
- skipnbytes(2);
- break;
- case 0xb0 ... 0xbf://control change
- parsecontrolchange(ntrack,msg & 0x0f,dt);
- dt=0;
- break;
- case 0xc0 ... 0xcf://program change - ignored
- skipnbytes(1);
- break;
- case 0xd0 ... 0xdf://channel pressure - ignored
- skipnbytes(1);
- break;
- case 0xe0 ... 0xef://channel mode messages
- skipnbytes(2);
- break;
- case 0xf0://sysex - ignored
- while (getbyte()!=0xf7){
- if (midieof) break;
- };
- break;
- case 0xf7://sysex (another type) - ignored
- skipnbytes(getvarint32());
- break;
- case 0xff://meta-event
- mtype=getbyte();
- mlength=getbyte();
- parsemetaevent(mtype,mlength);
- break;
- default:
- getbyte();
- printf("UNKNOWN message! 0x%x\n",msg);
- return(-1);
- break;
- };
- if (midieof) return(-1);
- if ((midifilek-oldmidifilek)==size) break;
- else if((midifilek-oldmidifilek)>size) return(-1);
- // if (size!=6) return(-1);//header is always 6 bytes long
- };
- printf("End Track\n\n");
- return(0);
- };
- void MIDIFile::parsenoteoff(char ntrack,char chan,unsigned int dt){
- unsigned char note;
- note=getbyte();
- unsigned char noteoff_velocity=getbyte();//unused by zynaddsubfx
- noteoff_velocity=0;
- if (chan>=NUM_MIDI_CHANNELS) return;
- me->tmpevent.deltatime=convertdt(dt);
- me->tmpevent.type=1;
- me->tmpevent.par1=note;
- me->tmpevent.par2=0;
- me->tmpevent.channel=chan;
- printf("Note off:%d \n",note);
- ///test
- // ntrack=0;
- me->writeevent(&me->miditrack[ntrack].record,&me->tmpevent);
- };
- void MIDIFile::parsenoteon(char ntrack,char chan,unsigned int dt){
- unsigned char note,vel;
- note=getbyte();
- vel=getbyte();
- // printf("ntrack=%d\n",ntrack);
- printf("[dt %d ] Note on:%d %d\n",dt,note,vel);
- if (chan>=NUM_MIDI_CHANNELS) return;
- me->tmpevent.deltatime=convertdt(dt);
- me->tmpevent.type=1;
- me->tmpevent.par1=note;
- me->tmpevent.par2=vel;
- me->tmpevent.channel=chan;
- me->writeevent(&me->miditrack[ntrack].record,&me->tmpevent);
- };
- void MIDIFile::parsecontrolchange(char ntrack,char chan,unsigned int dt){
- unsigned char control,value;
- control=getbyte();
- value=getbyte();
- if (chan>=NUM_MIDI_CHANNELS) return;
- printf("[dt %d] Control change:%d %d\n",dt,control,value);
- me->tmpevent.deltatime=convertdt(dt);
- me->tmpevent.type=2;
- me->tmpevent.par1=control;//???????????? ma uit la Sequencer::recordnote() din varianele vechi de zyn
- me->tmpevent.par2=value;
- me->tmpevent.channel=chan;
- me->writeevent(&me->miditrack[ntrack].record,&me->tmpevent);
- };
- void MIDIFile::parsepitchwheel(char ntrack,char chan, unsigned int dt){
- unsigned char valhi,vallo;
- vallo=getbyte();
- valhi=getbyte();
- if (chan>=NUM_MIDI_CHANNELS) return;
- int value=(int)valhi*128+vallo;
- printf("[dt %d] Pitch wheel:%d\n",dt,value);
- };
- void MIDIFile::parsemetaevent(unsigned char mtype,unsigned char mlength){
- int oldmidifilek=midifilek;
- printf("meta-event type=0x%x length=%d\n",mtype,mlength);
- midifilek=oldmidifilek+mlength;
- };
- void MIDIFile::add_dt(char ntrack, unsigned int dt){
- me->tmpevent.deltatime=convertdt(dt);
- me->tmpevent.type=255;
- me->tmpevent.par1=0;
- me->tmpevent.par2=0;
- me->tmpevent.channel=0;
- me->writeevent(&me->miditrack[ntrack].record,&me->tmpevent);
- };
- unsigned int MIDIFile::convertdt(unsigned int dt){
- double result=dt;
- printf("DT=%d\n",dt);
- return((int) (result*15.0));
- };
- void MIDIFile::clearmidifile(){
- if (midifile!=NULL) delete(midifile);
- midifile=NULL;
- midifilesize=0;
- midifilek=0;
- midieof=false;
- data.tick=0.05;
- };
- unsigned char MIDIFile::getbyte(){
- if (midifilek>=midifilesize) {
- midieof=true;
- return(0);
- };
- /// printf("(%d) ",midifile[midifilek]);
- return(midifile[midifilek++]);
- };
- unsigned char MIDIFile::peekbyte(){
- if (midifilek>=midifilesize) {
- midieof=true;
- return(0);
- };
- return(midifile[midifilek]);
- };
- unsigned int MIDIFile::getint32(){
- unsigned int result=0;
- for (int i=0;i<4;i++) {
- result=result*256+getbyte();
- };
- if (midieof) result=0;
- return(result);
- };
- unsigned short int MIDIFile::getint16(){
- unsigned short int result=0;
- for (int i=0;i<2;i++) {
- result=result*256+getbyte();
- };
- if (midieof) result=0;
- return(result);
- };
- unsigned int MIDIFile::getvarint32(){
- unsigned long result=0;
- unsigned char b;
- /// printf("\n[start]");
- if ((result = getbyte()) & 0x80) {
- result &= 0x7f;
- do {
- b=getbyte();
- result = (result << 7) + (b & 0x7f);
- }while (b & 0x80);
- }
- /// printf("[end - result= %d]\n",result);
- return result;
- };
- void MIDIFile::skipnbytes(int n){
- midifilek+=n;
- if (midifilek>=midifilesize){
- midifilek=midifilesize-1;
- midieof=true;
- };
- };