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Extensible Markup Language  |  2005-01-30  |  170KB  |  3,429 lines

  1. <?xml version="1.0"?>
  2. <doc>
  3.     <assembly>
  4.         <name>dcwsolutions.MessageView.BETA</name>
  5.     </assembly>
  6.     <members>
  7.         <member name="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore">
  8.             <summary>
  9.    Provides the basic functionality for a backing store, such as a disk or memory.
  10.    An implementation of <b>IBackingStore</b> provides methods to create and
  11.    open <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/> objects bound to a specific backing store.
  12.   </summary><remarks>
  13.    Implementations of <b>IBackingStore</b> provide a way to store and recall decoded
  14.    <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart"/> bodies or entire Mime messages through <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/> objects.
  15.    <para>
  16.     Both, the <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore.Create(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart)"/> and the <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore.Open(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart)"/>
  17.     method take an instance of <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart"/>. The <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart.UniqueID"/>
  18.     property can be used to associate a call to <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore.Open(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart)"/> to a
  19.     previous call to <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore.Create(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart)"/>.
  20.    </para>
  21.    <para>
  22.     The implementation of <b>IBackingStore</b> may decide upon certain header values
  23.     of the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart"/> whether to serve a call to <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore.Create(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart)"/>
  24.     or not. It may, e.g. only serve requests on <b>Create</b> for <b>MimeParts</b>, whose
  25.     '<i>content-type</i>' header value is '<i>text/html</i>'.
  26.    </para>
  27.    <para>
  28.     If an <b>IBackingStore</b> implementation cannot serve a call to <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore.Create(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart)"/>
  29.     or <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore.Open(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart)"/> it must return null
  30.    </para>
  31.   </remarks>
  32.         </member>
  33.         <member name="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore.Create(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart)">
  34.             <summary>
  35.    Creates a new <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/> instance associated with the specified <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart"/>. 
  36.   </summary><param name="mimePart">
  37.    An instance of <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart"/> whose body is to be stored to the <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/>
  38.    returned by this method.
  39.   </param><returns>
  40.    A <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/> object.
  41.   </returns><remarks>
  42.    <para>
  43.     An implementation of <b>IBackingStore</b> should use the <b>UniqueID</b> property of
  44.     <paramref name="mimePart"/> to clearly identify a <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart"/>.
  45.    </para>
  46.    <para>
  47.     The <see cref="P:System.IO.Stream.CanWrite"/> property of the returned <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/> must be <b>true</b>.
  48.    </para>
  49.   </remarks>
  50.         </member>
  51.         <member name="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore.Open(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart)">
  52.             <summary>
  53.    Opens the previously created and closed <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/>.
  54.   </summary><param name="mimePart">
  55.    An instance of <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart"/> that was passed to <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore.Create(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart)"/>
  56.    previously.
  57.   </param><returns>
  58.    A <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/> object.
  59.   </returns><remarks>
  60.    <para>
  61.     The returned <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/> is required to contain the same data that was written
  62.     to the <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/> returned by a previous call to <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore.Create(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart)"/>.
  63.    </para>
  64.   </remarks>
  65.         </member>
  66.         <member name="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.HybridBackingStore">
  67.             <summary>
  68.    An <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore"/> implementation that can switch between memory and disk usage.
  69.   </summary>
  70.         </member>
  71.         <member name="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.HybridBackingStore.#ctor">
  72.             <summary>
  73.    Initializes a new instance of the <b>HybridBackingStore</b> class.
  74.   </summary><remarks>
  75.    Using this constructor the memory buffer size is set to 8192 bytes.
  76.   </remarks>
  77.         </member>
  78.         <member name="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.HybridBackingStore.#ctor(System.Int32)">
  79.             <summary>
  80.    Initializes a new instance of the <b>HybridBackingStore</b> class with the specified
  81.    initial size for the memory buffer.
  82.   </summary><param name="size">
  83.    The memory buffer size. If the amount of data written to the <b>HybridBackingStore</b>
  84.    exceeds <paramref name="size"/>, the data is written to disk.
  85.   </param>
  86.         </member>
  87.         <member name="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.HybridBackingStore.Create(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart)">
  88.             <summary>
  89.    Creates a new <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/> instance associated with the specified <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart"/>. 
  90.   </summary><param name="mimePart">
  91.    An instance of <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart"/> whose body is to be stored to the <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/>
  92.    returned by this method.
  93.   </param><returns>
  94.    A <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/> object.
  95.   </returns><remarks>
  96.    <para>
  97.     An implementation of <b>IBackingStore</b> should use the <b>UniqueID</b> property of
  98.     <paramref name="mimePart"/> to clearly identify a <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart"/>.
  99.    </para>
  100.    <para>
  101.     The <see cref="P:System.IO.Stream.CanWrite"/> property of the returned <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/> must be <b>true</b>.
  102.    </para>
  103.   </remarks>
  104.         </member>
  105.         <member name="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.HybridBackingStore.Open(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart)">
  106.             <summary>
  107.    Opens the previously created and closed <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/>.
  108.   </summary><param name="mimePart">
  109.    An instance of <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart"/> that was passed to <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore.Create(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart)"/>
  110.    previously.
  111.   </param><returns>
  112.    A <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/> object.
  113.   </returns><remarks>
  114.    <para>
  115.     The returned <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/> is required to contain the same data that was written
  116.     to the <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/> returned by a previous call to <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore.Create(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart)"/>.
  117.    </para>
  118.   </remarks>
  119.         </member>
  120.         <member name="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.HybridBackingStore.Dispose">
  121.             <summary>
  122.    Releases the unmanaged resources used by the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MessageView"/> and optionally 
  123.    releases the managed resources.
  124.   </summary>
  125.         </member>
  126.         <member name="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.HybridBackingStore.Finalize">
  127.             <summary>
  128.    Releases unmanaged resources and performs other cleanup operations before the
  129.    <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.HybridBackingStore"/> is reclaimed by garbage collection. 
  130.   </summary>
  131.         </member>
  132.         <member name="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.MemoryBackingStore">
  133.             <summary>
  134.    An <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore"/> implementation that uses memory as backing store.
  135.   </summary>
  136.         </member>
  137.         <member name="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.MemoryBackingStore.#ctor">
  138.             <summary>
  139.    Initializes a new instance of the <b>MemoryBackingStore</b> class.
  140.   </summary>
  141.         </member>
  142.         <member name="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.MemoryBackingStore.Create(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart)">
  143.             <summary>
  144.    Creates a new <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/> instance associated with the specified <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart"/>. 
  145.   </summary><param name="mimePart">
  146.    An instance of <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart"/> whose body is to be stored to the <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/>
  147.    returned by this method.
  148.   </param><returns>
  149.    A <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/> object.
  150.   </returns><remarks>
  151.    <para>
  152.     An implementation of <b>IBackingStore</b> should use the <b>UniqueID</b> property of
  153.     <paramref name="mimePart"/> to clearly identify a <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart"/>.
  154.    </para>
  155.    <para>
  156.     The <see cref="P:System.IO.Stream.CanWrite"/> property of the returned <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/> must be <b>true</b>.
  157.    </para>
  158.   </remarks>
  159.         </member>
  160.         <member name="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.MemoryBackingStore.Open(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart)">
  161.             <summary>
  162.    Opens the previously created and closed <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/>.
  163.   </summary><param name="mimePart">
  164.    An instance of <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart"/> that was passed to <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore.Create(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart)"/>
  165.    previously.
  166.   </param><returns>
  167.    A <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/> object.
  168.   </returns><remarks>
  169.    <para>
  170.     The returned <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/> is required to contain the same data that was written
  171.     to the <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/> returned by a previous call to <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore.Create(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart)"/>.
  172.    </para>
  173.   </remarks>
  174.         </member>
  175.         <member name="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.MemoryBackingStore.Dispose">
  176.             <summary>
  177.    Releases the unmanaged resources used by the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MessageView"/> and optionally 
  178.    releases the managed resources.
  179.   </summary>
  180.         </member>
  181.         <member name="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.MemoryBackingStore.Finalize">
  182.             <summary>
  183.    Releases unmanaged resources and performs other cleanup operations before the
  184.    <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.MemoryBackingStore"/> is reclaimed by garbage collection. 
  185.   </summary>
  186.         </member>
  187.         <member name="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.TempFileBackingStore">
  188.             <summary>
  189.    An <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore"/> implementation that uses temporary files as backing store.
  190.   </summary>
  191.         </member>
  192.         <member name="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.TempFileBackingStore.#ctor">
  193.             <!-- No matching elements were found for the following include tag --><include file="TempFileBackingStore.cs.xml" path="Doc/Member[@name="TempFileBackingStore.TempFileBackingStore1"]/*"/>
  194.         </member>
  195.         <member name="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.TempFileBackingStore.Create(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart)">
  196.             <summary>
  197.    Creates a new <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/> instance associated with the specified <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart"/>. 
  198.   </summary><param name="mimePart">
  199.    An instance of <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart"/> whose body is to be stored to the <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/>
  200.    returned by this method.
  201.   </param><returns>
  202.    A <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/> object.
  203.   </returns><remarks>
  204.    <para>
  205.     An implementation of <b>IBackingStore</b> should use the <b>UniqueID</b> property of
  206.     <paramref name="mimePart"/> to clearly identify a <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart"/>.
  207.    </para>
  208.    <para>
  209.     The <see cref="P:System.IO.Stream.CanWrite"/> property of the returned <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/> must be <b>true</b>.
  210.    </para>
  211.   </remarks>
  212.         </member>
  213.         <member name="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.TempFileBackingStore.Open(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart)">
  214.             <summary>
  215.    Opens the previously created and closed <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/>.
  216.   </summary><param name="mimePart">
  217.    An instance of <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart"/> that was passed to <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore.Create(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart)"/>
  218.    previously.
  219.   </param><returns>
  220.    A <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/> object.
  221.   </returns><remarks>
  222.    <para>
  223.     The returned <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/> is required to contain the same data that was written
  224.     to the <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/> returned by a previous call to <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore.Create(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart)"/>.
  225.    </para>
  226.   </remarks>
  227.         </member>
  228.         <member name="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.TempFileBackingStore.Dispose">
  229.             <summary>
  230.    Releases the unmanaged resources used by the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MessageView"/> and optionally 
  231.    releases the managed resources.
  232.   </summary>
  233.         </member>
  234.         <member name="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.TempFileBackingStore.Finalize">
  235.             <summary>
  236.    Releases unmanaged resources and performs other cleanup operations before the
  237.    <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.TempFileBackingStore"/> is reclaimed by garbage collection. 
  238.   </summary>
  239.         </member>
  240.         <member name="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MessageViewException">
  241.             <summary>
  242.    Represents the <see cref="T:System.Exception"/> that is thrown when an unexpected error occurs
  243.    in <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MessageView"/>. 
  244.   </summary><remarks>
  245.    A <b>MessageViewException</b> is never thrown by design and should not
  246.    be thrown at alll under normal circumstances. However, it provides a way
  247.    to catch possible bugs and send an error report to <a href="http://www.dcwSolutions.com">dcw solutions</a>
  248.    through the <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MessageViewException.Send"/> method.
  249.   </remarks>
  250.         </member>
  251.         <member name="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MessageViewException.Send">
  252.             <summary>
  253.    Sends the Exception to <a href="http://www.dcwSolutions.com">dcw solutions</a>.
  254.   </summary><remarks>
  255.    Through this method, unexpected errors can be reported. The exception is serialized
  256.    and sent through a HTTP POST request. No sensitive data is sent. Alternatively,
  257.    the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MessageViewException"/> can be sent using the following code, which is
  258.    also used by the <b>Send</b> method itself:
  259.    <code>
  260. private static void SendException(MessageViewException e)
  261. {
  262.     try
  263.     {
  264.         System.Net.WebClient client = new System.Net.WebClient();
  265.         System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection nameValues = new System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection();
  267.         nameValues.Add("Product", "MessageView");
  268.         nameValues.Add("Exception", System.Convert.ToBase64String(Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(e.InnerException.ToString())));
  270.         client.UploadValues("www.dcwsolutions.com/support/reporterror.php", "POST", nameValues);
  271.     }
  272.     catch{}
  273. }
  274.    </code>   
  275.   </remarks>
  276.         </member>
  277.         <member name="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MessageViewException.GetObjectData(System.Runtime.Serialization.SerializationInfo,System.Runtime.Serialization.StreamingContext)">
  278.             <summary>
  279.    Populates a <see cref="!:SerializationInfo"/> with the data needed to serialize
  280.    the target object.
  281.   </summary><param name="info">
  282.    The <see cref="!:SerializationInfo"/> to populate with data. 
  283.   </param><param name="context">
  284.    The destination (see <see cref="!:StreamingContext"/>) for this serialization.
  285.   </param><exception cref="!:SecurityException">
  286.    The caller does not have the required permission.
  287.   </exception>
  288.         </member>
  289.         <member name="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Address">
  290.             <summary>
  291.    Represents an <a href="http://www.isi.edu/in-notes/rfc2822.txt">RFC 2822</a> address.
  292.   </summary><remarks>
  293.    <para>
  294.     <b>Address</b> is the base class for every address in a MIME message.
  295.     An instance of <b>Address</b> is either a <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Mailbox"/> or a <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Group"/>.
  296.    </para>
  297.    <para>
  298.     The <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Address.Display"/> property of an <b>Address</b> returns the
  299.     user-friendly name in an address header, if specified.
  300.    </para>
  301.    <para>
  302.     A <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Mailbox"/> contains exactly one email-address and optionally a
  303.     user-friendly display name, while a <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Group"/> can contain multiple
  304.     mailboxes and a user-friendly display name. <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Address.Display"/> returns
  305.     the user-friendly name or, in case of a <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Mailbox"/>, the email address itself
  306.     if no such name was specified.    
  307.    </para>
  308.   </remarks>
  309.         </member>
  310.         <member name="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Address.ToString">
  311.             <summary>
  312.    Returns the <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Address.Display"/> property of the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Address"/>.
  313.   </summary><returns>
  314.    The <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Address.Display"/> property of the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Address"/>.
  315.   </returns>
  316.         </member>
  317.         <member name="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Address.Display">
  318.             <summary>
  319.    Gets the user-friendly representation of the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Address"/>.
  320.   </summary><remarks>
  321.    This property usually returns the real name of the sender or recipient, or the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Group"/>
  322.    name. In case of <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Mailbox"/>, if no real name was specified, this property returns the
  323.    email address itself.
  324.   </remarks><value>
  325.    A <see cref="T:System.String"/> containing the user-friendly representation of the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Address"/>.
  326.   </value>
  327.         </member>
  328.         <member name="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.AddressCollection">
  329.             <summary>
  330.    Represents a read-only collection of <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Address"/> objects.
  331.   </summary><remarks>
  332.    <para>
  333.     An <b>AddressCollection</b> contains all addresses from an address header, such as '<i>from</i>' or
  334.     '<i>to</i>'. An <b>AddressCollection</b> can contain <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Mailbox"/> and <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Group"/>
  335.     objects, while a <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.MailboxCollection"/> can only contain <b>Mailbox</b> objects, and is used
  336.     within <b>Groups</b>.
  337.    </para>
  338.   </remarks>
  339.         </member>
  340.         <member name="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.AddressCollectionBase">
  341.             <summary>
  342.    Represents a collection of <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Address"/> objects. This is the base class for <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.AddressCollection"/> and <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.MailboxCollection"/>.
  343.   </summary>
  344.         </member>
  345.         <member name="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.AddressCollectionBase.ToString">
  346.             <overload>
  347.    Overloaded. Returns a string that contains the string representations of  all items in this <b>AddressCollection</b>.
  348.   </overload><summary>
  349.    Returns a comma separated string of all items in this <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.AddressCollectionBase"/>.
  350.   </summary><returns>
  351.    A <see cref="T:System.String"/>.
  352.   </returns>
  353.         </member>
  354.         <member name="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.AddressCollectionBase.ToString(System.String)">
  355.             <summary>
  356.    Returns a string of all items in this <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.AddressCollectionBase"/> separated by <paramref name="separator"/>.
  357.   </summary><param name="separator">
  358.    A <see cref="T:System.String"/>.
  359.   </param><exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
  360.    <paramref name="separator"/> is a null reference (<b>Nothing</b> in Visual Basic).
  361.   </exception><returns>
  362.    A <see cref="T:System.String"/>.
  363.   </returns>
  364.         </member>
  365.         <member name="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.AddressCollectionBase.CopyTo(System.Array,System.Int32)">
  366.             <summary>
  367.    Copies the entire <b>AddressCollection</b> to a compatible one-dimensional 
  368.    <see cref="T:System.Array"/>, starting at the specified index of the target array.
  369.   </summary>
  370.             <param name="array">
  371.    The one-dimensional <see cref="T:System.Array"/> that ist the destination of the elements copied
  372.    from the current collection.
  373.   </param><param name="index">
  374.    A 32-bit integer that represents the index in <paramref name="array"/> at which copying begins. 
  375.   </param><exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
  376.    <paramref name="array"/> is a null reference (<b>Nothing</b> in Visual Basic).  
  377.   </exception><exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
  378.    <paramref name="index"/> is less than the lower bound of <paramaref name="array"/>.
  379.   </exception><exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
  380.    <paramref name="array"/> is multidimensional.
  381.    <para>
  382.     -or-
  383.    </para>
  384.    <para>
  385.     <paramref name="index"/> is equal to or greater than the length of <paramref name="array"/>.
  386.    </para>
  387.    <para>
  388.     -or-
  389.    </para>
  390.    <para>
  391.     The number of elements in the source <b>Array</b> is greater than the 
  392.     available space from <paramref name="index"/> to the end of the destination <paramref name="array"/>.
  393.    </para>
  394.   </exception>
  395.         </member>
  396.         <member name="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.AddressCollectionBase.CopyTo(dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Address[],System.Int32)">
  397.             <summary>
  398.    Copies the entire <b>AddressCollection</b> to a compatible one-dimensional 
  399.    <see cref="T:System.Array"/>, starting at the specified index of the target array.
  400.   </summary>
  401.             <param name="array">
  402.    The one-dimensional <see cref="T:System.Array"/> that ist the destination of the elements copied
  403.    from the current collection.
  404.   </param><param name="index">
  405.    A 32-bit integer that represents the index in <paramref name="array"/> at which copying begins. 
  406.   </param><exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
  407.    <paramref name="array"/> is a null reference (<b>Nothing</b> in Visual Basic).  
  408.   </exception><exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
  409.    <paramref name="index"/> is less than the lower bound of <paramaref name="array"/>.
  410.   </exception><exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
  411.    <paramref name="array"/> is multidimensional.
  412.    <para>
  413.     -or-
  414.    </para>
  415.    <para>
  416.     <paramref name="index"/> is equal to or greater than the length of <paramref name="array"/>.
  417.    </para>
  418.    <para>
  419.     -or-
  420.    </para>
  421.    <para>
  422.     The number of elements in the source <b>Array</b> is greater than the 
  423.     available space from <paramref name="index"/> to the end of the destination <paramref name="array"/>.
  424.    </para>
  425.   </exception>
  426.         </member>
  427.         <member name="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.AddressCollectionBase.GetEnumerator">
  428.             <summary>
  429.    Returns an enumerator that can iterate through the <b>AddressCollectionBase</b> instance.
  430.   </summary><returns>
  431.    An <see cref="T:System.Collections.IEnumerator"/> for the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.AddressCollection"/>.
  432.   </returns>
  433.         </member>
  434.         <member name="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.AddressCollectionBase.Count">
  435.             <summary>
  436.    Gets the number of elements contained in the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.AddressCollectionBase"/>. 
  437.   </summary><value>
  438.    The number of elements contained in the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.AddressCollectionBase"/>.
  439.   </value>
  440.         </member>
  441.         <member name="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.AddressCollectionBase.InnerList">
  442.             <summary>
  443.    Gets an <see cref="T:System.Collections.ArrayList"/> containing the list of elements in the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.AddressCollectionBase"/> instance.
  444.   </summary><value>An <see cref="T:System.Collections.ArrayList"/> representing the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.AddressCollectionBase"/> itself.</value><remarks>
  445.    <b>Notes to Implementers:</b>
  446.    <para>
  447.     This class makes the underlying collection available through the <b>InnerList</b> property,
  448.     which is intended for use only by classes that are derived directly from <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.AddressCollectionBase"/>.
  449.     The derived class must ensure that its own users cannot modify the underlying collection.
  450.    </para>
  451.   </remarks>
  452.         </member>
  453.         <member name="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.AddressCollectionBase.IsSynchronized">
  454.             <summary>
  455.    Gets a value indicating whether access to the <b>AddressCollectionBase</b> is 
  456.    synchronized (thread-safe).  
  457.   </summary><value>
  458.    <b>false</b>.
  459.   </value>
  460.         </member>
  461.         <member name="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.AddressCollectionBase.SyncRoot">
  462.             <summary>
  463.    Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the 
  464.    <b>AddressCollectionBase</b>.
  465.   </summary><value>
  466.    The <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.AddressCollectionBase"/> itself.  
  467.   </value>
  468.         </member>
  469.         <member name="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.AddressCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  470.             <summary>
  471.    Gets the element at the specified index. In C#, this property is the indexer for the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.AddressCollection"/> class. 
  472.   </summary>
  473.             <param name="index">
  474.    The zero-based index of the element to get.
  475.   </param><value>
  476.    The element at the specified index.
  477.   </value><exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
  478.    <paramref name="index"/> is less than zero. 
  479.    <para>
  480.     -or-
  481.    </para>
  482.    <para>
  483.     <paramref name="index"/> is equal or greater than <b>Count</b>
  484.    </para>
  485.   </exception>
  486.         </member>
  487.         <member name="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Group">
  488.             <summary>
  489.    Represents an <a href="http://www.isi.edu/in-notes/rfc2822.txt">RFC 2822</a> Group. 
  490.   </summary><remarks>
  491.    A <b>Group</b> represents several <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Mailbox"/> objects which are treated
  492.    as a single unit.
  493.   </remarks>
  494.         </member>
  495.         <member name="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Group.Mailboxes">
  496.             <summary>
  497.    Gets the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.MailboxCollection"/> that contains the mailboxes of the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Group"/>.
  498.   </summary><value>
  499.    A <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.MailboxCollection"/>.
  500.   </value>
  501.         </member>
  502.         <member name="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Mailbox">
  503.             <summary>
  504.    Represents an <a href="http://www.isi.edu/in-notes/rfc2822.txt">RFC 2822</a> mailbox.
  505.   </summary><remarks>
  506.    A mailbox is comprised of two parts:
  507.    <list type="bullet">
  508.     <item>
  509.      <description>
  510.       An optional display name that indicates the name of the recipient that can be
  511.       displayed to the user of a mail application. 
  512.      </description>
  513.     </item>
  514.     <item>
  515.      <description>
  516.       An email address.
  517.      </description>
  518.     </item>
  519.    </list>
  520.   </remarks>
  521.         </member>
  522.         <member name="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Mailbox.Address">
  523.             <summary>
  524.    Gets the email address of the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Mailbox"/>.
  525.   </summary><value>
  526.    A <see cref="T:System.String"/> containing the email address of the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Mailbox"/>.
  527.   </value>
  528.         </member>
  529.         <member name="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.MailboxCollection">
  530.             <summary>
  531.    Represents a read-only collection of <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Mailbox"/> objects.
  532.   </summary>
  533.         </member>
  534.         <member name="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.MailboxCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  535.             <summary>
  536.    Gets the element at the specified index. In C#, this property is the indexer for the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.MailboxCollection"/> class.
  537.   </summary>
  538.             <param name="index">
  539.    The zero-based index of the element to get.
  540.   </param><value>
  541.    The element at the specified index.
  542.   </value><exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
  543.    <paramref name="index"/> is less than zero. 
  544.    <para>
  545.     -or-
  546.    </para>
  547.    <para>
  548.     <paramref name="index"/> is equal or greater than <b>Count</b>
  549.    </para>
  550.   </exception>
  551.         </member>
  552.         <member name="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Params.MessageExternalBodyParams">
  553.             <summary>
  554.    Represents the parameters of a <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.ContentTypeHeader"/>, whose value is
  555.    '<i>message/external-body</i>'. 
  556.   </summary><remarks>
  557.    The following parameter values can directly be accessed through their corresponding properties:
  558.    <list type="table">
  559.     <listheader>
  560.      <term>
  561.       Parameter
  562.      </term>
  563.      <description>
  564.       Property
  565.      </description>
  566.     </listheader>
  567.     <item>
  568.      <term>
  569.       <i>access-type</i>
  570.      </term>
  571.      <description>
  572.       <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Params.MessageExternalBodyParams.AccessType"/>
  573.      </description>
  574.     </item>
  575.     <item>
  576.      <term>
  577.       <i>expiration</i>
  578.      </term>
  579.      <description>
  580.       <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Params.MessageExternalBodyParams.Expiration"/>
  581.      </description>
  582.     </item>
  583.     <item>
  584.      <term>
  585.       <i>size</i>
  586.      </term>
  587.      <description>
  588.       <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Params.MessageExternalBodyParams.Size"/>
  589.      </description>
  590.     </item>
  591.     <item>
  592.      <term>
  593.       <i>site</i>
  594.      </term>
  595.      <description>
  596.       <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Params.MessageExternalBodyParams.Site"/>
  597.      </description>
  598.     </item>
  599.     <item>
  600.      <term>
  601.       <i>name</i>
  602.      </term>
  603.      <description>
  604.       <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Params.ContentTypeParams.Name"/>
  605.      </description>
  606.     </item>
  607.     <item>
  608.      <term>
  609.       <i>charset</i>
  610.      </term>
  611.      <description>
  612.       <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Params.ContentTypeParams.Charset"/>
  613.      </description>
  614.     </item>
  615.    </list>
  616.   </remarks>
  617.         </member>
  618.         <member name="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Params.MessageParams">
  619.             <summary>
  620.    Represents the parameters of a <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.ContentTypeHeader"/>, whose type is
  621.    '<i>message</i>'. 
  622.   </summary>
  623.         </member>
  624.         <member name="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Params.ContentTypeParams">
  625.             <summary>
  626.    Represents the parameters of a <i>'content-type'</i> header field.
  627.   </summary><remarks>
  628.    Several content types specify typical parameters in their '<i>content-type</i>' header.
  629.    For some content types, the parameters are represented by special descendants of the
  630.    <b>ContentTypeParams</b> class:
  631.    <list type="table">
  632.     <listheader>
  633.      <term>
  634.       Content-Type
  635.      </term>
  636.      <description>
  637.       ContentTypeParams class
  638.      </description>
  639.     </listheader>
  640.     <item>
  641.      <term>
  642.       <i>multipart/*</i>
  643.      </term>
  644.      <description>
  645.       <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Params.MultipartParams"/>
  646.      </description>
  647.     </item>
  648.     <item>
  649.      <term>
  650.       <i>multipart/related</i>
  651.      </term>
  652.      <description>
  653.       <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Params.MultipartRelatedParams"/>
  654.      </description>
  655.     </item>
  656.     <item>
  657.      <term>
  658.       <i>multipart/encrypted</i>
  659.      </term>
  660.      <description>
  661.       <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Params.MultipartEncryptedParams"/>
  662.      </description>
  663.     </item>
  664.     <item>
  665.      <term>
  666.       <i>multipart/signed</i>
  667.      </term>
  668.      <description>
  669.       <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Params.MultipartSignedParams"/>
  670.      </description>
  671.     </item>
  672.     <item>
  673.      <term>
  674.       <i>message/*</i>
  675.      </term>
  676.      <description>
  677.       <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Params.MessageParams"/>
  678.      </description>
  679.     </item>
  680.     <item>
  681.      <term>
  682.       <i>message/partial</i>
  683.      </term>
  684.      <description>
  685.       <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Params.MessagePartialParams"/>
  686.      </description>
  687.     </item>
  688.     <item>
  689.      <term>
  690.       <i>message/external-body</i>
  691.      </term>
  692.      <description>
  693.       <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Params.MessageExternalBodyParams"/>
  694.      </description>
  695.     </item>
  696.    </list>
  697.   </remarks>
  698.         </member>
  699.         <member name="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Params.ParameterCollection">
  700.             <summary>
  701.    Represents a collection of parameters of a MIME header. 
  702.   </summary><remarks>
  703.    Structured MIME headers can have parameters. These parameters can be accessed through the
  704.    <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.StructuredHeader.Params"/> property of the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.StructuredHeader"/> class.
  705.    <para>
  706.     For the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.ContentTypeHeader"/> and the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.ContentDispositionHeader"/> class,
  707.     this property returns an instance of a <b>ParameterCollection</b> derived class:
  708.     <list type="table">
  709.      <listheader>
  710.       <term>
  711.        Header class
  712.       </term>
  713.       <description>
  714.        ParameterCollection class
  715.       </description>
  716.      </listheader>
  717.      <item>
  718.       <term>
  719.        <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.ContentTypeHeader"/>
  720.       </term>
  721.       <description>
  722.        <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Params.ContentTypeParams"/>
  723.       </description>
  724.      </item>
  725.      <item>
  726.       <term>
  727.        <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.ContentDispositionHeader"/>
  728.       </term>
  729.       <description>
  730.        <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Params.ContentDispositionParams"/>
  731.       </description>
  732.      </item>
  733.     </list>
  734.    </para>
  735.    <para>
  736.     In case of <b>ContentTypeHeader</b>, the <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.StructuredHeader.Params"/> property may
  737.     return an even more specialized descendant of the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Params.ContentTypeParams"/> class, depending on
  738.     the content-type.
  739.    </para>
  740.   </remarks>
  741.         </member>
  742.         <member name="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Params.ParameterCollection.Item(System.String)">
  743.             <summary>
  744.    Gets the element at the specified index. In C#, this property is the indexer for the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Params.ParameterCollection"/> class.
  745.   </summary><param name="parameterName">
  746.    The name of the parameter to get.
  747.   </param><value>
  748.    The element with the specified <paramref name="parameterName"/> if it could be found, null otherwise.
  749.   </value><exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
  750.    <paramref name="index"/> is less than zero. 
  751.    <para>
  752.     -or-
  753.    </para>
  754.    <para>
  755.     <paramref name="index"/> is equal or greater than <see cref="P:System.Collections.Specialized.NameObjectCollectionBase.Count"/>.
  756.    </para>
  757.   </exception>
  758.         </member>
  759.         <member name="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Params.ParameterCollection.InnerListDictionary">
  760.             <summary>
  761.    Gets an <see cref="T:System.Collections.Specialized.ListDictionary"/> containing the list of elements in the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Params.ParameterCollection"/> instance.
  762.   </summary><value>An <see cref="T:System.Collections.Specialized.ListDictionary"/> representing the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Params.ParameterCollection"/> itself.</value><remarks>
  763.    <b>Notes to Implementers:</b>
  764.    <para>
  765.     This class makes the underlying collection available through the <b>InnerList</b> property,
  766.     which is intended for use only by classes that are derived directly from <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Params.ParameterCollection"/>.
  767.     The derived class must ensure that its own users cannot modify the underlying collection.
  768.    </para>
  769.   </remarks>
  770.         </member>
  771.         <member name="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Params.ContentTypeParams.Charset">
  772.             <summary>
  773.    Gets the <i>charset</i> parameter value of a '<i>content-type</i>' header. 
  774.   </summary><value>
  775.    A <see cref="T:System.String"/> containing the <i>charset</i> parameter value of a '<i>content-type</i>' header. 
  776.   </value>
  777.         </member>
  778.         <member name="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Params.ContentTypeParams.Name">
  779.             <summary>
  780.    Gets the <i>name</i> parameter value of a '<i>content-type</i>' header. 
  781.   </summary><value>
  782.    A <see cref="T:System.String"/> containing the <i>name</i> parameter value of a '<i>content-type</i>' header. 
  783.   </value>
  784.         </member>
  785.         <member name="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Params.MessageExternalBodyParams.AccessType">
  786.             <summary>
  787.    Gets the '<i>access-type</i>' parameter value of a '<i>content-type</i>' header.
  788.   </summary><value>
  789.    A <see cref="T:System.String"/> containing the '<i>access-type</i>' parameter value of a '<i>content-type</i>' header if specified, null otherwise.
  790.   </value>
  791.         </member>
  792.         <member name="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Params.MessageExternalBodyParams.Expiration">
  793.             <summary>
  794.    Gets the '<i>expiration</i>' parameter value of a '<i>content-type</i>' header.
  795.   </summary><value>
  796.    A <see cref="T:System.DateTime"/> representing the '<i>expiration</i>' parameter value of a '<i>content-type</i>' header if specified, null otherwise.
  797.   </value>
  798.         </member>
  799.         <member name="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Params.MessageExternalBodyParams.Size">
  800.             <summary>
  801.    Gets the '<i>size</i>' parameter value of a '<i>content-type</i>' header.
  802.   </summary><value>
  803.    A <see cref="T:System.String"/> containing the '<i>size</i>' parameter value of a '<i>content-type</i>' header if specified, null otherwise.
  804.   </value>
  805.         </member>
  806.         <member name="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Params.MessageExternalBodyParams.Permission">
  807.             <summary>
  808.    Gets the <i>permission</i> parameter value of a '<i>content-type</i>' header.
  809.   </summary><value>
  810.    A <see cref="T:System.String"/> containing the '<i>permission</i>' parameter value of a '<i>content-type</i>' header if specified, null otherwise.
  811.   </value>
  812.         </member>
  813.         <member name="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Params.MessageExternalBodyParams.Site">
  814.             <summary>
  815.    Gets the '<i>site</i>' parameter value of a '<i>content-type</i>' header.
  816.   </summary><value>
  817.    A <see cref="T:System.String"/> containing the '<i>site</i>' parameter value of a '<i>content-type</i>' header if specified, null otherwise.
  818.   </value>
  819.         </member>
  820.         <member name="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Params.MessagePartialParams">
  821.             <summary>
  822.    Represents the parameters of a <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.ContentTypeHeader"/>, whose value is
  823.    '<i>message/partial</i>'. 
  824.   </summary><remarks>
  825.    The following parameter values can directly be accessed through their corresponding properties:
  826.    <list type="table">
  827.     <listheader>
  828.      <term>
  829.       Parameter
  830.      </term>
  831.      <description>
  832.       Property
  833.      </description>
  834.     </listheader>
  835.     <item>
  836.      <term>
  837.       <i>id</i>
  838.      </term>
  839.      <description>
  840.       <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Params.MessagePartialParams.ID"/>
  841.      </description>
  842.     </item>
  843.     <item>
  844.      <term>
  845.       <i>number</i>
  846.      </term>
  847.      <description>
  848.       <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Params.MessagePartialParams.Number"/>
  849.      </description>
  850.     </item>
  851.     <item>
  852.      <term>
  853.       <i>total</i>
  854.      </term>
  855.      <description>
  856.       <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Params.MessagePartialParams.Total"/>
  857.      </description>
  858.     </item>
  859.     <item>
  860.      <term>
  861.       <i>name</i>
  862.      </term>
  863.      <description>
  864.       <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Params.ContentTypeParams.Name"/>
  865.      </description>
  866.     </item>
  867.     <item>
  868.      <term>
  869.       <i>charset</i>
  870.      </term>
  871.      <description>
  872.       <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Params.ContentTypeParams.Charset"/>
  873.      </description>
  874.     </item>
  875.    </list>
  876.   </remarks>
  877.         </member>
  878.         <member name="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Params.MessagePartialParams.ID">
  879.             <summary>
  880.    Gets the '<i>id</i>' parameter value of a '<i>content-type</i>' header.
  881.   </summary><value>
  882.    A <see cref="T:System.String"/> containing the '<i>id</i>' parameter value of a '<i>content-type</i>' header, null otherwise.
  883.   </value>
  884.         </member>
  885.         <member name="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Params.MessagePartialParams.Number">
  886.             <summary>
  887.    Gets the '<i>number</i>' parameter value of a '<i>content-type</i>' header.
  888.   </summary><value>
  889.    A <see cref="T:System.String"/> containing the '<i>number</i>' parameter value of a '<i>content-type</i>' header, null otherwise.
  890.   </value>
  891.         </member>
  892.         <member name="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Params.MessagePartialParams.Total">
  893.             <summary>
  894.    Gets the '<i>total</i>' parameter value of a '<i>content-type</i>' header.
  895.   </summary><value>
  896.    A <see cref="T:System.String"/> containing the '<i>total</i>' parameter value of a '<i>content-type</i>' header if specified, null otherwise.
  897.   </value>
  898.         </member>
  899.         <member name="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Params.MultipartEncryptedParams">
  900.             <summary>
  901.    Represents the parameters of a <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.ContentTypeHeader"/> whose value is <i>'multipart/encrpyted'</i>. 
  902.   </summary>>
  903.         </member>
  904.         <member name="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Params.MultipartSecurityParams">
  905.             <summary>
  906.    Represents the parameters of a <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.ContentTypeHeader"/> whose type is either
  907.    <i>'multipart/encrypted'</i> or <i>'multipart/signed'</i>.
  908.   </summary><remarks>
  909.     The following parameter values can directly be accessed through their corresponding properties:
  910.    <list type="table">
  911.     <listheader>
  912.      <term>
  913.       Parameter
  914.      </term>
  915.      <description>
  916.       Property
  917.      </description>
  918.     </listheader>
  919.     <item>
  920.      <term>
  921.       <i>protocol</i>
  922.      </term>
  923.      <description>
  924.       <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Params.MultipartSecurityParams.Protocol"/>
  925.      </description>
  926.     </item>
  927.     <item>
  928.      <term>
  929.       <i>name</i>
  930.      </term>
  931.      <description>
  932.       <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Params.ContentTypeParams.Name"/>
  933.      </description>
  934.     </item>
  935.     <item>
  936.      <term>
  937.       <i>charset</i>
  938.      </term>
  939.      <description>
  940.       <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Params.ContentTypeParams.Charset"/>
  941.      </description>
  942.     </item>
  943.    </list>
  944.   </remarks>
  945.         </member>
  946.         <member name="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Params.MultipartParams">
  947.             <summary>
  948.    Represents the parameters of a <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.ContentTypeHeader"/> whose type is '<i>multipart</i>'.
  949.   </summary><remarks>
  950.    The following parameter values can directly be accessed through their corresponding properties:
  951.    <list type="table">
  952.     <listheader>
  953.      <term>
  954.       Parameter
  955.      </term>
  956.      <description>
  957.       Property
  958.      </description>
  959.     </listheader>
  960.     <item>
  961.      <term>
  962.       <i>boundary</i>
  963.      </term>
  964.      <description>
  965.       <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Params.MultipartParams.Boundary"/>
  966.      </description>
  967.     </item>
  968.     <item>
  969.      <term>
  970.       <i>name</i>
  971.      </term>
  972.      <description>
  973.       <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Params.ContentTypeParams.Name"/>
  974.      </description>
  975.     </item>
  976.     <item>
  977.      <term>
  978.       <i>charset</i>
  979.      </term>
  980.      <description>
  981.       <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Params.ContentTypeParams.Charset"/>
  982.      </description>
  983.     </item>
  984.    </list>
  985.   </remarks>
  986.         </member>
  987.         <member name="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Params.MultipartParams.Boundary">
  988.             <summary>
  989.    Gets the '<i>boundary</i>' parameter value of a '<i>content-type</i>' header.
  990.   </summary><value>
  991.    A <see cref="T:System.String"/> containing the '<i>boundary</i>' parameter value of a '<i>content-type</i>' header.
  992.   </value>
  993.         </member>
  994.         <member name="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Params.MultipartSecurityParams.Protocol">
  995.             <summary>
  996.    Gets the '<i>protocol</i>' parameter value of a '<i>content-type</i>' header. 
  997.   </summary><value>
  998.    A <see cref="T:System.String"/> the '<i>protocol</i>' parameter value of a '<i>content-type</i>' header.
  999.   </value>
  1000.         </member>
  1001.         <member name="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Params.MultipartSignedParams">
  1002.             <summary>
  1003.    Represents the parameters of a <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.ContentTypeHeader"/>, whose value is <i>'multipart/signed'</i>. 
  1004.   </summary><remarks>
  1005.    The following parameter values can directly be accessed through their corresponding properties:
  1006.    <list type="table">
  1007.     <listheader>
  1008.      <term>
  1009.       Parameter
  1010.      </term>
  1011.      <description>
  1012.       Property
  1013.      </description>
  1014.     </listheader>
  1015.     <item>
  1016.      <term>
  1017.       <i>micalg</i>
  1018.      </term>
  1019.      <description>
  1020.       <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Params.MultipartSignedParams.Micalg"/>
  1021.      </description>
  1022.     </item>
  1023.     <item>
  1024.      <term>
  1025.       <i>protocol</i>
  1026.      </term>
  1027.      <description>
  1028.       <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Params.MultipartSecurityParams.Protocol"/>
  1029.      </description>
  1030.     </item>
  1031.     <item>
  1032.      <term>
  1033.       <i>name</i>
  1034.      </term>
  1035.      <description>
  1036.       <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Params.ContentTypeParams.Name"/>
  1037.      </description>
  1038.     </item>
  1039.     <item>
  1040.      <term>
  1041.       <i>charset</i>
  1042.      </term>
  1043.      <description>
  1044.       <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Params.ContentTypeParams.Charset"/>
  1045.      </description>
  1046.     </item>
  1047.    </list>
  1048.   </remarks>>
  1049.         </member>
  1050.         <member name="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Params.MultipartSignedParams.#ctor(System.Collections.Specialized.ListDictionary)">
  1051.             <summary>
  1052.    Represents the parameters of a <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.ContentTypeHeader"/>, whose value is <i>'multipart/signed'</i>. 
  1053.   </summary><remarks>
  1054.    The following parameter values can directly be accessed through their corresponding properties:
  1055.    <list type="table">
  1056.     <listheader>
  1057.      <term>
  1058.       Parameter
  1059.      </term>
  1060.      <description>
  1061.       Property
  1062.      </description>
  1063.     </listheader>
  1064.     <item>
  1065.      <term>
  1066.       <i>micalg</i>
  1067.      </term>
  1068.      <description>
  1069.       <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Params.MultipartSignedParams.Micalg"/>
  1070.      </description>
  1071.     </item>
  1072.     <item>
  1073.      <term>
  1074.       <i>protocol</i>
  1075.      </term>
  1076.      <description>
  1077.       <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Params.MultipartSecurityParams.Protocol"/>
  1078.      </description>
  1079.     </item>
  1080.     <item>
  1081.      <term>
  1082.       <i>name</i>
  1083.      </term>
  1084.      <description>
  1085.       <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Params.ContentTypeParams.Name"/>
  1086.      </description>
  1087.     </item>
  1088.     <item>
  1089.      <term>
  1090.       <i>charset</i>
  1091.      </term>
  1092.      <description>
  1093.       <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Params.ContentTypeParams.Charset"/>
  1094.      </description>
  1095.     </item>
  1096.    </list>
  1097.   </remarks>>
  1098.         </member>
  1099.         <member name="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Params.MultipartSignedParams.Micalg">
  1100.             <summary>
  1101.    Gets the '<i>micalg</i>' parameter value of a '<i>content-type</i>' header. 
  1102.   </summary><value>
  1103.    A <see cref="T:System.String"/> containing the '<i>micalg</i>' parameter value of a '<i>content-type</i>' header.
  1104.   </value>>
  1105.         </member>
  1106.         <member name="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Params.MultipartRelatedParams">
  1107.             <summary>
  1108.    Represents the parameters of a <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.ContentTypeHeader"/> whose value is
  1109.    '<i>multipart/related</i>'. 
  1110.   </summary><remarks>
  1111.    The following parameter values can directly be accessed through their corresponding properties:
  1112.    <list type="table">
  1113.     <listheader>
  1114.      <term>
  1115.       Parameter
  1116.      </term>
  1117.      <description>
  1118.       Property
  1119.      </description>
  1120.     </listheader>
  1121.     <item>
  1122.      <term>
  1123.       <i>start</i>
  1124.      </term>
  1125.      <description>
  1126.       <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Params.MultipartRelatedParams.Start"/>
  1127.      </description>
  1128.     </item>
  1129.     <item>
  1130.      <term>
  1131.       <i>start-info</i>
  1132.      </term>
  1133.      <description>
  1134.       <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Params.MultipartRelatedParams.StartInfo"/>
  1135.      </description>
  1136.     </item>
  1137.     <item>
  1138.      <term>
  1139.       <i>type</i>
  1140.      </term>
  1141.      <description>
  1142.       <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Params.MultipartRelatedParams.Type"/>
  1143.      </description>
  1144.     </item>
  1145.     <item>
  1146.      <term>
  1147.       <i>name</i>
  1148.      </term>
  1149.      <description>
  1150.       <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Params.ContentTypeParams.Name"/>
  1151.      </description>
  1152.     </item>
  1153.     <item>
  1154.      <term>
  1155.       <i>charset</i>
  1156.      </term>
  1157.      <description>
  1158.       <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Params.ContentTypeParams.Charset"/>
  1159.      </description>
  1160.     </item>
  1161.    </list>
  1162.   </remarks>
  1163.         </member>
  1164.         <member name="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Params.MultipartRelatedParams.Type">
  1165.             <summary>
  1166.    Gets the '<i>type</i>' parameter value of a '<i>content-type</i>' header. 
  1167.   </summary><value>
  1168.    A <see cref="T:System.String"/> containing the '<i>type</i>' parameter value of a '<i>content-type</i>' header.
  1169.   </value>
  1170.         </member>
  1171.         <member name="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Params.MultipartRelatedParams.Start">
  1172.             <summary>
  1173.    Gets the '<i>start</i>' parameter value of a '<i>content-type</i>' header. 
  1174.   </summary><value>
  1175.    A <see cref="T:System.String"/> containing the '<i>start</i>' parameter value of a '<i>content-type</i>' header.
  1176.   </value>
  1177.         </member>
  1178.         <member name="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Params.MultipartRelatedParams.StartInfo">
  1179.             <summary>
  1180.    Gets the '<i>startInfo</i>' parameter value of a '<i>content-type</i>' header. 
  1181.   </summary><value>
  1182.    A <see cref="T:System.String"/> containing the '<i>startInfo</i>' parameter value of a '<i>content-type</i>' header.
  1183.   </value>
  1184.         </member>
  1185.         <member name="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Params.ContentDispositionParams">
  1186.             <summary>
  1187.    Represents the parameters of a '<i>content-disposition</i>' header.
  1188.   </summary>
  1189.         </member>
  1190.         <member name="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Params.ContentDispositionParams.Filename">
  1191.             <summary>
  1192.    Gets the '<i>filename</i>' parameter value of a '<i>content-type</i>' header. 
  1193.   </summary><value>
  1194.    A <see cref="T:System.String"/> containing the <i>filename</i> parameter value of a '<i>content-type</i>' header. 
  1195.   </value>
  1196.         </member>
  1197.         <member name="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Params.ContentDispositionParams.Size">
  1198.             <summary>
  1199.    Gets the '<i>size</i>' parameter value of a '<i>content-type</i>' header.
  1200.   </summary><value>
  1201.    A <see cref="T:System.String"/> containing the '<i>size</i>' parameter value of a '<i>content-type</i>' header.
  1202.   </value>
  1203.         </member>
  1204.         <member name="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.ContentDispositionType">
  1205.             <summary>
  1206.    Represents the value of the '<i>content-disposition</i>' header field.
  1207.   </summary><remarks>
  1208.    The <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.ContentDispositionType"/> value specifies the way that the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart"/>
  1209.    is intended to be displayed to the user. A value of <b>ContentDispositionType.Inline</b> specifies
  1210.    that the <b>MimePart</b> is for example referenced by HTML content while a value of <b>ContentDispositionType.Attachment</b>
  1211.    specifies that the <b>MimePart</b> should be treated as an attachment to the message.
  1212.    <para>
  1213.     The default value for this property is <b>ContentDispositionType.Inline</b>.
  1214.    </para>
  1215.   </remarks>
  1216.         </member>
  1217.         <member name="F:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.ContentDispositionType.Inline">
  1218.             <summary>
  1219.    The content is referenced by another part (in example, a <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart"/> containing HTML-data).
  1220.   </summary>
  1221.         </member>
  1222.         <member name="F:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.ContentDispositionType.Attachment">
  1223.             <summary>
  1224.    The content is an attachment to the message.
  1225.   </summary>
  1226.         </member>
  1227.         <member name="F:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.ContentDispositionType.Other">
  1228.             <summary>
  1229.    Specifies an unknown value.
  1230.   </summary><remarks>
  1231.    The actual value of the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.ContentDispositionHeader"/> can be get by the
  1232.    <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.StructuredHeader.Value"/> property.
  1233.   </remarks>
  1234.         </member>
  1235.         <member name="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.ContentDispositionHeader">
  1236.             <summary>
  1237.    Represents a '<i>content-disposition</i>' header.
  1238.   </summary><remarks>
  1239.    A '<i>content-disposition</i>' header specifies the way that the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart"/>
  1240.    is intended to be displayed to the user. A header value of '<i>inline</i>' specifies
  1241.    that the <b>MimePart</b> is for example referenced by HTML content while a header value of
  1242.    '<i>attachment</i>' specifies that the <b>MimePart</b> should be treated as an attachment to the message.
  1243.    <para>
  1244.     The default value for this property is <b>ContentDispositionType.Inline</b>.
  1245.    </para>
  1246.   </remarks>
  1247.         </member>
  1248.         <member name="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.StructuredHeader">
  1249.             <summary>
  1250.    Represents a structured <a href="http://www.isi.edu/in-notes/rfc2822.txt">RFC 2822</a> header.
  1251.    <unused>
  1252.     This is the base class for every header-class.
  1253.    </unused>
  1254.   </summary>
  1255.         </member>
  1256.         <member name="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.StructuredHeader.op_Implicit(dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.StructuredHeader)~System.String">
  1257.             <summary>
  1258.    Returns the <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.StructuredHeader.Value"/> property of this instance.
  1259.   </summary><param name="header">A <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.StructuredHeader"/>.</param><returns>
  1260.    A <see cref="T:System.String"/>.
  1261.   </returns>
  1262.         </member>
  1263.         <member name="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.StructuredHeader.ToString">
  1264.             <summary>
  1265.    Returns the <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.StructuredHeader.Value"/> property of this instance.
  1266.   </summary><returns>
  1267.    The <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.StructuredHeader.Value"/> property of this instance.
  1268.   </returns>
  1269.         </member>
  1270.         <member name="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.StructuredHeader.Value">
  1271.             <summary>
  1272.    Gets the value of the header represented by this instance.
  1273.   </summary><value>
  1274.    A <see cref="T:System.String"/> containing the value of the header represented by the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.StructuredHeader"/>.
  1275.   </value>
  1276.         </member>
  1277.         <member name="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.StructuredHeader.Params">
  1278.             <summary>
  1279.    Gets the parameters of the header represented by this instance.
  1280.   </summary><value>
  1281.    A <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Params.ParameterCollection"/> containing the parameters of the header represented by the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.StructuredHeader"/>.
  1282.   </value>
  1283.         </member>
  1284.         <member name="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.ContentDispositionHeader.ContentDispositionType">
  1285.             <summary>
  1286.    Gets the <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.ContentDispositionHeader.ContentDispositionType"/> that represents the value of the '<i>content-disposition</i>' header.
  1287.   </summary><remarks>
  1288.    The <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.ContentDispositionHeader.ContentDispositionType"/> value specifies the way that the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart"/>
  1289.    is intended to be displayed to the user. A value of <b>ContentDispositionType.Inline</b> specifies
  1290.    that the <b>MimePart</b> is for example referenced by HTML content while a value of <b>ContentDispositionType.Attachment</b>
  1291.    specifies that the <b>MimePart</b> should be treated as an attachment to the message.
  1292.    <para>
  1293.     The default value for this property is <b>ContentDispositionType.Inline</b>.
  1294.    </para>
  1295.   </remarks><value>
  1296.    A <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.ContentDispositionHeader.ContentDispositionType"/> value.
  1297.   </value>
  1298.         </member>
  1299.         <member name="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.ContentMD5Header">
  1300.             <summary>
  1301.    Represents a '<i>content-md5</i>' header. 
  1302.   </summary>
  1303.         </member>
  1304.         <member name="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.ContentMD5Header.ToGuid">
  1305.             <summary>
  1306.    Gets a <see cref="T:System.Guid"/> representing the value of this header, which is a 128 bit hash value.
  1307.   </summary><returns>
  1308.    A <b>Guid</b>.
  1309.   </returns>
  1310.         </member>
  1311.         <member name="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.ContentMD5Header.IsValid">
  1312.             <summary>
  1313.    Gets a value indicating whether the hash is valid.
  1314.   </summary><returns>
  1315.    <b>true</b> if the computed hash value matches the value specified in the header, <b>false</b>
  1316.    otherwise.
  1317.   </returns>
  1318.         </member>
  1319.         <member name="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.ContentTypeHeader">
  1320.             <summary>
  1321.    Represents a '<i>content-type</i>' header.
  1322.   </summary><remarks>
  1323.    The '<i>content-type</i>' header of a MIME part specifies the MIME type and subtype of data
  1324.    contained in the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart"/>.
  1325.    <para>
  1326.     When parsing a message, a <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart"/> derived class is created for every
  1327.     MIME part whose content-type is recognized by <b>MessageView</b>.
  1328.    </para>
  1329.    <para>
  1330.     The following list shows the '<i>content-type</i>' header values recognized by <b>MessageView</b>,
  1331.     and their matching <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart"/> descendant.
  1332.    </para>
  1333.    <list type="table">
  1334.     <listheader>
  1335.      <term>
  1336.       Content-Type
  1337.      </term>
  1338.      <description>
  1339.       MimePart
  1340.      </description>
  1341.     </listheader>
  1342.     <item>
  1343.      <term>
  1344.       <i>text/*</i>
  1345.      </term>
  1346.      <description>
  1347.       <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimeText"/>
  1348.      </description>
  1349.     </item>
  1350.     <item>
  1351.      <term>
  1352.       <i>image/*</i>
  1353.      </term>
  1354.      <description>
  1355.       <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimeImage"/>
  1356.      </description>
  1357.     </item>
  1358.     <item>
  1359.      <term>
  1360.       <i>audio/*</i>
  1361.      </term>
  1362.      <description>
  1363.       <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimeAudio"/>
  1364.      </description>
  1365.     </item>
  1366.     <item>
  1367.      <term>
  1368.       <i>video/*</i>
  1369.      </term>
  1370.      <description>
  1371.       <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimeVideo"/>
  1372.      </description>
  1373.     </item>
  1374.     <item>
  1375.      <term>
  1376.       <i>application/*</i>
  1377.       <para>
  1378.        <i>message/*</i>
  1379.       </para>
  1380.      </term>
  1381.      <description>
  1382.       <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimeApplication"/>
  1383.      </description>
  1384.     </item>
  1385.     <item>
  1386.      <term>
  1387.       <i>multipart/*</i>
  1388.       <para>
  1389.        <i>multipart/mixed</i>
  1390.       </para>
  1391.      </term>
  1392.      <description>
  1393.       <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.Multipart.MimeMultipartMixed"/>
  1394.      </description>
  1395.     </item>
  1396.     <item>
  1397.      <term>
  1398.       <i>multipart/alternative</i>
  1399.      </term>
  1400.      <description>
  1401.       <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.Multipart.MimeMultipartAlternative"/>
  1402.      </description>
  1403.     </item>
  1404.     <item>
  1405.      <term>
  1406.       <i>multipart/parallel</i>
  1407.      </term>
  1408.      <description>
  1409.       <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.Multipart.MimeMultipartParallel"/>
  1410.      </description>
  1411.     </item>
  1412.     <item>
  1413.      <term>
  1414.       <i>multipart/digest</i>
  1415.      </term>
  1416.      <description>
  1417.       <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.Multipart.MimeMultipartDigest"/>
  1418.      </description>
  1419.     </item>
  1420.     <item>
  1421.      <term>
  1422.       <i>message/rfc822</i>
  1423.      </term>
  1424.      <description>
  1425.       <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeMessageRFC822"/>
  1426.      </description>
  1427.     </item>
  1428.     <item>
  1429.      <term>
  1430.       <i>message/partial</i>
  1431.      </term>
  1432.      <description>
  1433.       <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.Message.MimeMessagePartial"/>
  1434.      </description>
  1435.     </item>
  1436.     <item>
  1437.      <term>
  1438.       <i>message/external-body</i>
  1439.      </term>
  1440.      <description>
  1441.       <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.Message.MimeMessageExternalBody"/>
  1442.      </description>
  1443.     </item>
  1444.    </list>
  1445.    <para>
  1446.     If a content-type is not recognized by <b>MessageView</b> and the MIME part is
  1447.     a subpart in a <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.Multipart.MimeMultipartDigest"/> construct, <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeMessageRFC822"/> is used,
  1448.     <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimeText"/> otherwise.
  1449.    </para>
  1450.   </remarks>
  1451.         </member>
  1452.         <member name="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.ContentTypeHeader.Type">
  1453.             <summary>
  1454.    Gets the type of the '<i>content-type</i>' header value, for example "text".
  1455.   </summary><value>
  1456.    A <cee cref="T:System.String"/> containing the media type of the data in a MIME body.
  1457.   </value>
  1458.         </member>
  1459.         <member name="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.ContentTypeHeader.SubType">
  1460.             <summary>
  1461.    Gets the subtype of the '<i>content-type</i>' header value, for example "html".
  1462.   </summary><value>
  1463.    A <cee cref="T:System.String"/> containing the sub media type of the data in a MIME body.
  1464.   </value>
  1465.         </member>
  1466.         <member name="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.TransferEncoding">
  1467.             <summary>
  1468.    Specifies the encoding of a MIME body.
  1469.   </summary>
  1470.         </member>
  1471.         <member name="F:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.TransferEncoding.SevenBit">
  1472.             <summary>
  1473.    Represents "7-bit" encoding.
  1474.   </summary>
  1475.         </member>
  1476.         <member name="F:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.TransferEncoding.EightBit">
  1477.             <summary>
  1478.    Represents "8-bit" encoding.
  1479.   </summary>
  1480.         </member>
  1481.         <member name="F:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.TransferEncoding.Binary">
  1482.             <summary>
  1483.    Represents "binary" encoding.
  1484.   </summary>
  1485.         </member>
  1486.         <member name="F:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.TransferEncoding.Base64">
  1487.             <summary>
  1488.    Represents "base64" encoding.
  1489.   </summary>
  1490.         </member>
  1491.         <member name="F:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.TransferEncoding.QuotedPrintable">
  1492.             <summary>
  1493.    Represents "quoted-printable" encoding.
  1494.   </summary>
  1495.         </member>
  1496.         <member name="F:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.TransferEncoding.Uue">
  1497.             <summary>
  1498.    Represents "x-uue" or "x-uuencode" encoding.
  1499.   </summary>
  1500.         </member>
  1501.         <member name="F:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.TransferEncoding.Xxe">
  1502.             <summary>
  1503.    Represents "x-xxe" or "x-xxencode" encoding.
  1504.   </summary>
  1505.         </member>
  1506.         <member name="F:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.TransferEncoding.Other">
  1507.             <summary>
  1508.    Represents an unknown Encoding.
  1509.   </summary>
  1510.         </member>
  1511.         <member name="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.HeaderCollection">
  1512.             <summary>
  1513.    Represents a collection of MIME part headers.
  1514.   </summary><remarks>
  1515.    A <b>HeaderCollection</b> contains every header value of a <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart"/>.
  1516.    Some processed header values are represented by properties of the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart"/>
  1517.    class itself, for example the '<i>content-type</i>' header.
  1518.   </remarks>
  1519.         </member>
  1520.         <member name="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.HeaderCollection.Contains(System.String)">
  1521.             <summary>
  1522.    Determines whether the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.HeaderCollection"/> contains a specific header.
  1523.   </summary><returns>
  1524.    <b>true</b> if the header could be found in the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.HeaderCollection"/>, false otherwise.
  1525.   </returns>
  1526.         </member>
  1527.         <member name="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.HeaderCollection.CopyTo(System.Array,System.Int32)">
  1528.             <summary>
  1529.    Copies the entire <b>HeaderCollection</b> to a compatible one-dimensional 
  1530.    <see cref="T:System.Array"/>, starting at the specified index of the target array.
  1531.   </summary><param name="array">
  1532.    The one-dimensional <see cref="T:System.Array"/> that ist the destination of the elements copied
  1533.    from the current <b>HeaderCollection</b>. 
  1534.   </param><param name="index">
  1535.    A 32-bit integer that represents the index in <paramref name="array"/> at which copying begins. 
  1536.   </param><exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
  1537.    <paramref name="array"/> is a null reference (<b>Nothing</b> in Visual Basic).  
  1538.   </exception><exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
  1539.    <paramref name="index"/> is less than the lower bound of <paramaref name="array"/>.
  1540.   </exception><exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
  1541.    <paramref name="array"/> is multidimensional.
  1542.    <para>
  1543.     -or-
  1544.    </para>
  1545.    <para>
  1546.     <paramref name="index"/> is equal to or greater than the length of <paramref name="array"/>.
  1547.    </para>
  1548.    <para>
  1549.     -or-
  1550.    </para>
  1551.    <para>
  1552.     The number of elements in the source <b>Array</b> is greater than the 
  1553.     available space from <paramref name="index"/> to the end of the destination <paramref name="array"/>.
  1554.    </para>
  1555.   </exception>
  1556.         </member>
  1557.         <member name="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.HeaderCollection.CopyTo(System.String[],System.Int32)">
  1558.             <summary>
  1559.    Copies the entire <b>HeaderCollection</b> to a compatible one-dimensional 
  1560.    <see cref="T:System.Array"/>, starting at the specified index of the target array.
  1561.   </summary><param name="array">
  1562.    The one-dimensional <see cref="T:System.Array"/> that ist the destination of the elements copied
  1563.    from the current <b>HeaderCollection</b>. 
  1564.   </param><param name="index">
  1565.    A 32-bit integer that represents the index in <paramref name="array"/> at which copying begins. 
  1566.   </param><exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
  1567.    <paramref name="array"/> is a null reference (<b>Nothing</b> in Visual Basic).  
  1568.   </exception><exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
  1569.    <paramref name="index"/> is less than the lower bound of <paramaref name="array"/>.
  1570.   </exception><exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
  1571.    <paramref name="array"/> is multidimensional.
  1572.    <para>
  1573.     -or-
  1574.    </para>
  1575.    <para>
  1576.     <paramref name="index"/> is equal to or greater than the length of <paramref name="array"/>.
  1577.    </para>
  1578.    <para>
  1579.     -or-
  1580.    </para>
  1581.    <para>
  1582.     The number of elements in the source <b>Array</b> is greater than the 
  1583.     available space from <paramref name="index"/> to the end of the destination <paramref name="array"/>.
  1584.    </para>
  1585.   </exception>
  1586.         </member>
  1587.         <member name="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.HeaderCollection.GetEnumerator">
  1588.             <summary>
  1589.    Returns an enumerator that can iterate through the <b>HeaderCollection</b> instance.
  1590.   </summary><returns>
  1591.    An <see cref="T:System.Collections.IEnumerator"/> for the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.HeaderCollection"/>.
  1592.   </returns>
  1593.         </member>
  1594.         <member name="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.HeaderCollection.Item(System.String)">
  1595.             <summary>
  1596.    Gets the value associated with the specified header.
  1597.   </summary><param name="header">
  1598.    The name of the header whose value is to get.
  1599.   </param><value>
  1600.    A <see cref="T:System.String"/> containing the header value if it could be found
  1601.    in the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.HeaderCollection"/>, a null reference (<B>Nothing</B> in Visual Basic)
  1602.    otherwise.
  1603.   </value><exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
  1604.    <I>key</I> is a null reference (<B>Nothing</B> in Visual Basic).
  1605.   </exception>
  1606.         </member>
  1607.         <member name="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.HeaderCollection.Count">
  1608.             <summary>
  1609.    Gets the number of elements contained in the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.HeaderCollection"/>. 
  1610.   </summary><value>
  1611.    The number of elements contained in the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.HeaderCollection"/>.
  1612.   </value>
  1613.         </member>
  1614.         <member name="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.HeaderCollection.Headers">
  1615.             <summary>
  1616.    Gets an <see cref="T:System.Collections.ICollection"/> containing the headers in the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.HeaderCollection"/>.
  1617.   </summary><value>
  1618.    An <see cref="T:System.Collections.ICollection"/> containing the headers in the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.HeaderCollection"/>.
  1619.   </value>
  1620.         </member>
  1621.         <member name="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.HeaderCollection.Values">
  1622.             <summary>
  1623.    Gets an <see cref="T:System.Collections.ICollection"/> containing the values in the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.HeaderCollection"/>.
  1624.   </summary><value>
  1625.    An <see cref="T:System.Collections.ICollection"/> containing the values in the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.HeaderCollection"/>.
  1626.   </value>
  1627.         </member>
  1628.         <member name="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.HeaderCollection.IsSynchronized">
  1629.             <summary>
  1630.    Gets a value indicating whether access to the <b>HeaderCollection</b> is 
  1631.    synchronized (thread-safe).  
  1632.   </summary><value>
  1633.    <b>false</b>.
  1634.   </value>
  1635.         </member>
  1636.         <member name="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.HeaderCollection.SyncRoot">
  1637.             <summary>
  1638.    Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the 
  1639.    <b>HeaderCollection</b>.
  1640.   </summary><value>
  1641.    The <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.HeaderCollection"/> itself.  
  1642.   </value>
  1643.         </member>
  1644.         <member name="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.AttachmentCollection">
  1645.             <summary>
  1646.    Represents a collection of <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart"/> objects that represent attachments of a MIME Message. 
  1647.   </summary>
  1648.         </member>
  1649.         <member name="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.AttachmentCollection.CopyTo(System.Array,System.Int32)">
  1650.             <summary>
  1651.    Copies the elements of this <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.AttachmentCollection"/> to an <see cref="T:System.Array"/>, starting at a particular <B>Array</B> index.
  1652.   </summary>
  1653.             <param name="array">
  1654.    The one-dimensional <see cref="T:System.Array"/> that ist the destination of the elements copied
  1655.    from the current collection.
  1656.   </param><param name="index">
  1657.    A 32-bit integer that represents the index in <paramref name="array"/> at which copying begins. 
  1658.   </param><exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
  1659.    <paramref name="array"/> is a null reference (<b>Nothing</b> in Visual Basic).  
  1660.   </exception><exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
  1661.    <paramref name="index"/> is less than the lower bound of <paramaref name="array"/>.
  1662.   </exception><exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
  1663.    <paramref name="array"/> is multidimensional.
  1664.    <para>
  1665.     -or-
  1666.    </para>
  1667.    <para>
  1668.     <paramref name="index"/> is equal to or greater than the length of <paramref name="array"/>.
  1669.    </para>
  1670.    <para>
  1671.     -or-
  1672.    </para>
  1673.    <para>
  1674.     The number of elements in the source <b>Array</b> is greater than the 
  1675.     available space from <paramref name="index"/> to the end of the destination <paramref name="array"/>.
  1676.    </para>
  1677.   </exception>
  1678.         </member>
  1679.         <member name="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.AttachmentCollection.CopyTo(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart[],System.Int32)">
  1680.             <summary>
  1681.    Copies the elements of this <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.AttachmentCollection"/> to an <see cref="T:System.Array"/>, starting at a particular <B>Array</B> index.
  1682.   </summary>
  1683.             <param name="array">
  1684.    The one-dimensional <see cref="T:System.Array"/> that ist the destination of the elements copied
  1685.    from the current collection.
  1686.   </param><param name="index">
  1687.    A 32-bit integer that represents the index in <paramref name="array"/> at which copying begins. 
  1688.   </param><exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
  1689.    <paramref name="array"/> is a null reference (<b>Nothing</b> in Visual Basic).  
  1690.   </exception><exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
  1691.    <paramref name="index"/> is less than the lower bound of <paramaref name="array"/>.
  1692.   </exception><exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
  1693.    <paramref name="array"/> is multidimensional.
  1694.    <para>
  1695.     -or-
  1696.    </para>
  1697.    <para>
  1698.     <paramref name="index"/> is equal to or greater than the length of <paramref name="array"/>.
  1699.    </para>
  1700.    <para>
  1701.     -or-
  1702.    </para>
  1703.    <para>
  1704.     The number of elements in the source <b>Array</b> is greater than the 
  1705.     available space from <paramref name="index"/> to the end of the destination <paramref name="array"/>.
  1706.    </para>
  1707.   </exception>
  1708.         </member>
  1709.         <member name="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.AttachmentCollection.GetEnumerator">
  1710.             <summary>
  1711.    Returns an IEnumerator for the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.AttachmentCollection"/>.
  1712.   </summary><returns>
  1713.    An <see cref="T:System.Collections.IEnumerator"/> for the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.AddressCollection"/>.
  1714.   </returns><see cref="T:System.Collections.IEnumerator"/>
  1715.         </member>
  1716.         <member name="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.AttachmentCollection.Item(System.Int32)">
  1717.             <summary>
  1718.    Gets the <b>MimePart</b> at the specified index.
  1719.   </summary><value>
  1720.    The <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart"/> at the specified index.
  1721.   </value>
  1722.             <param name="index">
  1723.    The zero-based index of the element to get.
  1724.   </param><value>
  1725.    The element at the specified index.
  1726.   </value><exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
  1727.    <paramref name="index"/> is less than zero. 
  1728.    <para>
  1729.     -or-
  1730.    </para>
  1731.    <para>
  1732.     <paramref name="index"/> is equal or greater than <b>Count</b>
  1733.    </para>
  1734.   </exception>
  1735.         </member>
  1736.         <member name="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.AttachmentCollection.Item(System.String)">
  1737.             <summary>
  1738.    Gets the <b>MimePart</b> associated with the specified Content-ID.
  1739.   </summary><value>
  1740.    The <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart"/> associated with <paramref name="contentID"/> if it could be found, null otherwise.
  1741.   </value>
  1742.         </member>
  1743.         <member name="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.AttachmentCollection.IsSynchronized">
  1744.             <summary>
  1745.    Gets a value indicating whether access to the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.AttachmentCollection"/> is synchronized (thread-safe). 
  1746.   </summary><value>
  1747.    <b>false</b>.
  1748.   </value>
  1749.         </member>
  1750.         <member name="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.AttachmentCollection.Count">
  1751.             <summary>
  1752.    Gets the number of elements contained in the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.AttachmentCollection"/>. 
  1753.   </summary><value>
  1754.    The number of elements contained in the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.AttachmentCollection"/>.
  1755.   </value>
  1756.         </member>
  1757.         <member name="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.AttachmentCollection.SyncRoot">
  1758.             <summary>
  1759.    Returns the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.AttachmentCollection"/> instance itself. 
  1760.   </summary><value>
  1761.    The <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.AttachmentCollection"/> itself.
  1762.   </value>
  1763.         </member>
  1764.         <member name="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.Message.MimeMessage">
  1765.             <summary>
  1766.    Represents a '<i>message/*</i>' MIME part.
  1767.   </summary>
  1768.         </member>
  1769.         <member name="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart">
  1770.             <summary>
  1771.    Represents a MIME part. This is the base class for every MIME part.
  1772.   </summary>
  1773.         </member>
  1774.         <member name="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart.GetStream">
  1775.             <summary>
  1776.    Returns a <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/> where the decoded content of the body of this <b>MimePart</b>
  1777.    can be read from.  
  1778.   </summary><remarks>
  1779.    When <b>GetStream</b> is called on a <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart"/>, it first tries to acquire the
  1780.    data by calling <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore.Open(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart)"/> on <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart.DecodedBackingStore"/>, passing
  1781.    its <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart.UniqueID"/> property to it. If the request cannot be served by the
  1782.    <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore"/>, <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart"/> tries to access the unprocessed data
  1783.    by calling <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore.Open(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart)"/> on the superior <b>MimeMessageRFC822's</b> <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeMessageRFC822.EncodedBackingStore"/>.
  1784.    If <paramref name="encodedBackingStore"/> was not specified upon the creation of the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeMessageRFC822"/>,
  1785.    or the <b>MimePart</b> was created through a call on <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MessageView.ShowMessage(System.IO.Stream)"/> with
  1786.    <see cref="F:dcwsolutions.MessageView.CacheMode.None"/>, it is tried to access the source stream.
  1787.   </remarks><returns>
  1788.    A <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/> object if it could be aquired, null otherwise.
  1789.   </returns>
  1790.         </member>
  1791.         <member name="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart.Headers">
  1792.             <summary>
  1793.    Gets the <see cref="T:System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection"/> that holds all headers of this instance.
  1794.   </summary><value>
  1795.    A <see cref="T:System.Collections.Specialized.NameValueCollection"/>.
  1796.   </value>
  1797.         </member>
  1798.         <member name="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart.ContentID">
  1799.             <summary>
  1800.    Gets the '<i>content-id</i>' header value of this instance.
  1801.   </summary><value>
  1802.    A <see cref="T:System.String"/> containing the '<i>content-id</i>' header value of this instance.
  1803.   </value>
  1804.         </member>
  1805.         <member name="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart.ContentMD5">
  1806.             <summary>
  1807.    Gets the '<i>content-md5</i>' header value of this instance.
  1808.   </summary><value>
  1809.    A <see cref="T:System.String"/> containing the '<i>content-md5</i>' header value of this instance.
  1810.   </value>
  1811.         </member>
  1812.         <member name="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart.ContentType">
  1813.             <summary>
  1814.    Gets a <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.ContentTypeHeader"/> instance that represents the '<i>Content-Type</i>' header of this instance.
  1815.   </summary><value>
  1816.    A <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.ContentTypeHeader"/> object that represents the '<i>Content-Type</i>' header of this instance.
  1817.   </value>
  1818.         </member>
  1819.         <member name="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart.ContentDisposition">
  1820.             <summary>
  1821.    Gets a <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.ContentDispositionHeader"/> instance that represents the '<i>Content-Disposition</i>' header of this instance.
  1822.   </summary>
  1823.         </member>
  1824.         <member name="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart.ContentTransferEncoding">
  1825.             <summary>
  1826.    Gets a <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.TransferEncoding"/> value that represents the '<i>Content-Transfer-Encoding</i>' header value of this instance.
  1827.   </summary><returns>
  1828.    A <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.TransferEncoding"/> value.
  1829.   </returns>
  1830.         </member>
  1831.         <member name="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart.UniqueID">
  1832.             <summary>
  1833.    Returns a unique ID associated with this instance.
  1834.   </summary><remarks>
  1835.    This property is assigned by the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart"/> itself when it is created.
  1836.    It does not represent any header value of the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart"/>.
  1837.    Different <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart"/> objects can be distinguished by their <paramref name="uniqueID"/>
  1838.    value.
  1839.   </remarks><value>
  1840.    A <see cref="T:System.Guid"/>.
  1841.   </value>
  1842.         </member>
  1843.         <member name="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart.DecodedBackingStore">
  1844.             <summary>
  1845.    Gets or sets the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore"/> implementation that holds the decoded content of this
  1846.    <b>MimePart</b>.
  1847.   </summary><remarks>
  1848.    <b>Note:</b><br/>
  1849.    This property is not serialized during serialization of a <b>MimePart</b> object.
  1850.    The user must take care of the serialization of this property himself if serialization is required,
  1851.    and set this property after deserialization of a <b>MimePart</b>.
  1852.   </remarks><value>
  1853.    An implementation of <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore"/>.
  1854.   </value>
  1855.         </member>
  1856.         <member name="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart.Filename">
  1857.             <summary>
  1858.    Returns the file name specified in the <i>content-disposition</i> header or a generic
  1859.    file name corresponding to the MIME type if no such parameter is given.
  1860.   </summary><NIXremarks>
  1862.   </NIXremarks><value>
  1863.    A <see cref="T:System.String"/> representing the file name.
  1864.   </value>
  1865.         </member>
  1866.         <member name="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.Message.MimeMessageExternalBody">
  1867.             <summary>
  1868.    Represents a '<i>message/external-body</i>' MIME part.
  1869.   </summary>
  1870.         </member>
  1871.         <member name="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.Message.MimeMessagePartial">
  1872.             <summary>
  1873.    Represents a '<i>message/partial</i>' MIME part.
  1874.   </summary>
  1875.         </member>
  1876.         <member name="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeMessageRFC822">
  1877.             <summary>
  1878.    Represents a MIME message as well as a '<i>message/rfc822</i>' MIME part in multipart constructs.
  1879.   </summary><remarks>
  1880.    A <b>MimeMessageRFC822</b> is the top level MIME part for every message.
  1881.    When a <b>MimeMessageRFC822</b> is created, it populates a MIME part hierarchy from the data
  1882.    read from the input stream. 
  1883.   </remarks>
  1884.         </member>
  1885.         <member name="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeMessageRFC822.#ctor(System.IO.Stream)">
  1886.             <param name="stream">A <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/> where the message will be read from.</param><remarks>
  1887.    <para>
  1888.     Bytes read from <paramref name="stream"/> <b> must</b> map to 'us-ascii' encoding, that is,
  1889.     one byte per character. Lines <b>must</b> be terminated by a carriage return,
  1890.     followed by a line feed ("\r\n").
  1891.    </para>
  1892.    <para>
  1893.        Normally, a <b>Stream</b> returned by <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore.Create(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart)"/>
  1894.     is closed before another call to <b>Create</b> or <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore.Open(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart)"/>
  1895.     is made. This might not be the case when UUEncoded data is detected in a MIME message.
  1896.     UUEncoded data is nested in text parts of messages. When it is detected, a new <b>MimeApplication</b>
  1897.     is created to represent the UUEncoded data as an attachment. The <b>Stream</b> created by the
  1898.     <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimeText"/> object is still open when the <b>MimeApplication</b> object calls
  1899.     <b>IBackingStore.Create</b>. If an <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore"/> implementation cannot serve two
  1900.     open <b>Stream</b> objects at the same time, it must return <b>null</b>.    
  1901.    </para>
  1902.    <para>
  1903.     This method does not use the input <b>Stream</b> as data source for subsequent calls to
  1904.     <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart.GetStream"/>.
  1905.    </para>
  1906.   </remarks>
  1907.             <summary>
  1908.    Initializes a new instance of the <b>MimeMessageRFC8222</b> class using input from the specified <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/>.
  1909.   </summary>
  1910.         </member>
  1911.         <member name="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeMessageRFC822.#ctor(System.IO.Stream,System.Boolean)">
  1912.             <param name="stream">A <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/> where the message will be read from.</param><param name="useOriginalStream">If <b>true</b>, the <b>MimeMessageRFC822</b> will use
  1913.   <paramref name="stream"/> to serve requests for MimePart data.</param><remarks>
  1914.    <para>
  1915.     Bytes read from <paramref name="stream"/> <b> must</b> map to 'us-ascii' encoding, that is,
  1916.     one byte per character. Lines <b>must</b> be terminated by a carriage return,
  1917.     followed by a line feed ("\r\n").
  1918.    </para>
  1919.    <para>
  1920.        Normally, a <b>Stream</b> returned by <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore.Create(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart)"/>
  1921.     is closed before another call to <b>Create</b> or <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore.Open(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart)"/>
  1922.     is made. This might not be the case when UUEncoded data is detected in a MIME message.
  1923.     UUEncoded data is nested in text parts of messages. When it is detected, a new <b>MimeApplication</b>
  1924.     is created to represent the UUEncoded data as an attachment. The <b>Stream</b> created by the
  1925.     <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimeText"/> object is still open when the <b>MimeApplication</b> object calls
  1926.     <b>IBackingStore.Create</b>. If an <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore"/> implementation cannot serve two
  1927.     open <b>Stream</b> objects at the same time, it must return <b>null</b>.    
  1928.    </para>
  1929.    <para>
  1930.     <b class="le">Note:</b>
  1931.     Using the original input stream instead of BackingStores is only encouraged if
  1932.     the user has complete control over the stream and can guarantee for availability
  1933.     and integrity of the stream.
  1934.    </para>
  1935.    <para>
  1936.     An input stream that is to be used as data source for subsequent calls to
  1937.     <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart.GetStream"/> <b> must</b> meet the following requirements:
  1938.     <para>
  1939.      <p>1. The message <b>must</b> be encoded in 'us-ascii'.</p>
  1940.      <p>2. Each line in the input stream <b>must</b> be terminated by "\r\n".</p>
  1941.      <p>3. The input stream <b>must</b> support seeking.</p>
  1942.      <p>4. The initial position of the input stream <b>must not</b> be changed.</p>
  1943.      <p>5. The stream contents <b>must not</b> be changed.</p>
  1944.     </para>
  1945.     <para>
  1946.      If any of the above requirements is not met, a stream requested by
  1947.      <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart.GetStream"/> may not contain the original entity of
  1948.      the MimePart, or any data at all. Be careful when using this method. 
  1949.     </para>
  1950.    </para>
  1951.   </remarks>
  1952.             <summary>
  1953.    Initializes a new instance of the <b>MimeMessageRFC8222</b> class using input from the specified <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/>.
  1954.   </summary>
  1955.         </member>
  1956.         <member name="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeMessageRFC822.#ctor(System.IO.Stream,dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore)">
  1957.             <param name="stream">A <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/> where the message will be read from.</param><param name="decodedBackingStore">An implementation of <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore"/> where
  1958.    on-the-fly-decoded MIME part bodies will be written to.
  1959.   </param><remarks>
  1960.    <para>
  1961.     Bytes read from <paramref name="stream"/> <b> must</b> map to 'us-ascii' encoding, that is,
  1962.     one byte per character. Lines <b>must</b> be terminated by a carriage return,
  1963.     followed by a line feed ("\r\n").
  1964.    </para>
  1965.    <para>
  1966.     If <paramref name="decodedBackingStore"/> is not null, every
  1967.     <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart"/> created during the parsing process that is not a <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.Multipart.MimeMultipart"/>
  1968.     will request a <b>Stream</b> from <paramref name="decodedBackingStore"/> by calling
  1969.     <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore.Create(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart)"/>. The body of the <b>MimePart</b> is then decoded
  1970.     on-the-fly and written to the acquired <b>Stream</b>. When the <b>MimePart</b> is finished
  1971.     it calls <see cref="M:System.IO.Stream.Close"/> on the <b>Stream</b>. Any requests to <b>MimePart</b>
  1972.     data through <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart.GetStream"/> at a later time will request a <b>Stream</b> from
  1973.     <paramref name="decodedBackingStore"/> by calling <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore.Open(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart)"/>.
  1974.    </para>
  1975.    <para>
  1976.        Normally, a <b>Stream</b> returned by <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore.Create(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart)"/>
  1977.     is closed before another call to <b>Create</b> or <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore.Open(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart)"/>
  1978.     is made. This might not be the case when UUEncoded data is detected in a MIME message.
  1979.     UUEncoded data is nested in text parts of messages. When it is detected, a new <b>MimeApplication</b>
  1980.     is created to represent the UUEncoded data as an attachment. The <b>Stream</b> created by the
  1981.     <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimeText"/> object is still open when the <b>MimeApplication</b> object calls
  1982.     <b>Create</b>. If an <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore"/> implementation cannot serve two
  1983.     open <b>Stream</b> objects at the same time, it must return <b>null</b>    
  1984.    </para>
  1985.   </remarks>
  1986.             <summary>
  1987.    Initializes a new instance of the <b>MimeMessageRFC822</b> class using input from the specified <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/>.
  1988.   </summary>
  1989.         </member>
  1990.         <member name="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeMessageRFC822.#ctor(System.IO.Stream,dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore,dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore)">
  1991.             <param name="stream">A <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/> where the message will be read from.</param><param name="decodedBackingStore">An implementation of <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore"/> where on-the-fly-decoded MIME part bodies will be written to.</param><param name="encodedBackingStore">An implementation of <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore"/> where the encoded (unprocessed) message will be copied to.</param><remarks>
  1992.    <para>
  1993.     Bytes read from <paramref name="stream"/> <b> must</b> map to 'us-ascii' encoding, that is,
  1994.     one byte per character. Lines <b>must</b> be terminated by a carriage return,
  1995.     followed by a line feed ("\r\n").
  1996.    </para>
  1997.    <para>
  1998.     If <paramref name="encodedBackingStore"/> is not null, a copy of the RFC 2822 message read from
  1999.     <paramref name="stream"/> is stored to it.
  2000.     If <paramref name="decodedBackingStore"/> is null or a call to <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore.Create(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart)"/> or
  2001.     <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore.Open(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart)"/> cannot be served by the <paramref name="decodedBackingStore"/>
  2002.     at a subsequent request for data on a <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart"/>, the <b>MimeMessageRFC822</b> will
  2003.     try to get the data from <paramref name="encodedBackingStore"/>.
  2004.    </para>
  2005.    <para>
  2006.     A Stream returned by the <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore.Create(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart)"/> method of the <paramref name="encodedBackingStore"/>
  2007.     does not need to support seeking. If it does, the <b>MimeMessageRFC822</b> will save <b>Stream</b> positions
  2008.     internally, and such positions <b>must not</b> change. If the <b>Stream</b> does not support seeking,
  2009.     <b>MimeMessageRFC822</b> will only save relative positions internally. A <b>Stream</b> returned by
  2010.     <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore.Open(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart)"/> must support seeking and is required to translate such
  2011.     relative positions into the absolute values.
  2012.    </para>
  2013.    <para>
  2014.     If <paramref name="decodedBackingStore"/> is not null, every
  2015.     <b>MimePart</b> created during the parsing process that is not a <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.Multipart.MimeMultipart"/>
  2016.     will request a <b>Stream</b> from <paramref name="decodedBackingStore"/> by calling
  2017.     <b>Create</b>. The body of the <b>MimePart</b> is then decoded
  2018.     on-the-fly and written to the aquired <b>Stream</b>. When the <b>MimePart</b> is finished
  2019.     it calls <see cref="M:System.IO.Stream.Close"/> on the <b>Stream</b>. Any requests to <b>MimePart</b>
  2020.     data through <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart.GetStream"/> at a later time will request a <b>Stream</b> from
  2021.     <paramref name="decodedBackingStore"/> by calling <b>Open</b>.
  2022.    </para>
  2023.    <para>
  2024.        Normally, a <b>Stream</b> returned by <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore.Create(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart)"/>
  2025.     is closed before another call to <b>Create</b> or <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore.Open(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart)"/>
  2026.     is made. This might not be the case when UUEncoded data is detected in a MIME message.
  2027.     UUEncoded data is nested in text parts of messages. When it is detected, a new <b>MimeApplication</b>
  2028.     is created to represent the UUEncoded data as an attachment. The <b>Stream</b> created by the
  2029.     <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimeText"/> object is still open when the <b>MimeApplication</b> object calls
  2030.     <b>IBackingStore.Create</b>. If an <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore"/> implementation cannot serve two
  2031.     open <b>Stream</b> objects at the same time, it must return <b>null</b>  
  2032.    </para>
  2033.   </remarks>
  2034.             <summary>
  2035.    Initializes a new instance of the <b>MimeMessageRFC8222</b> class using input from the specified <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/>.
  2036.   </summary>
  2037.         </member>
  2038.         <member name="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeMessageRFC822.#ctor(System.IO.Stream,dcwsolutions.MessageView.Security.MimeSecurityPlugin)">
  2039.             <param name="stream">A <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/> where the message will be read from.</param><remarks>
  2040.    <para>
  2041.     Bytes read from <paramref name="stream"/> <b> must</b> map to 'us-ascii' encoding, that is,
  2042.     one byte per character. Lines <b>must</b> be terminated by a carriage return,
  2043.     followed by a line feed ("\r\n").
  2044.    </para>
  2045.    <para>
  2046.        Normally, a <b>Stream</b> returned by <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore.Create(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart)"/>
  2047.     is closed before another call to <b>Create</b> or <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore.Open(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart)"/>
  2048.     is made. This might not be the case when UUEncoded data is detected in a MIME message.
  2049.     UUEncoded data is nested in text parts of messages. When it is detected, a new <b>MimeApplication</b>
  2050.     is created to represent the UUEncoded data as an attachment. The <b>Stream</b> created by the
  2051.     <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimeText"/> object is still open when the <b>MimeApplication</b> object calls
  2052.     <b>IBackingStore.Create</b>. If an <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore"/> implementation cannot serve two
  2053.     open <b>Stream</b> objects at the same time, it must return <b>null</b>.    
  2054.    </para>
  2055.    <para>
  2056.     This method does not use the input <b>Stream</b> as data source for subsequent calls to
  2057.     <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart.GetStream"/>.
  2058.    </para>
  2059.   </remarks>
  2060.             <summary>
  2061.    Initializes a new instance of the <b>MimeMessageRFC8222</b> class using input from the specified <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/>
  2062.    with the specified <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Security.MimeSecurityPlugin"/>.
  2063.   </summary><param name="securityPlugin">The <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Security.MimeSecurityPlugin"/> that is used during message parsing.</param>
  2064.         </member>
  2065.         <member name="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeMessageRFC822.#ctor(System.IO.Stream,System.Boolean,dcwsolutions.MessageView.Security.MimeSecurityPlugin)">
  2066.             <param name="stream">A <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/> where the message will be read from.</param><param name="useOriginalStream">If <b>true</b>, the <b>MimeMessageRFC822</b> will use
  2067.   <paramref name="stream"/> to serve requests for MimePart data.</param><remarks>
  2068.    <para>
  2069.     Bytes read from <paramref name="stream"/> <b> must</b> map to 'us-ascii' encoding, that is,
  2070.     one byte per character. Lines <b>must</b> be terminated by a carriage return,
  2071.     followed by a line feed ("\r\n").
  2072.    </para>
  2073.    <para>
  2074.        Normally, a <b>Stream</b> returned by <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore.Create(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart)"/>
  2075.     is closed before another call to <b>Create</b> or <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore.Open(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart)"/>
  2076.     is made. This might not be the case when UUEncoded data is detected in a MIME message.
  2077.     UUEncoded data is nested in text parts of messages. When it is detected, a new <b>MimeApplication</b>
  2078.     is created to represent the UUEncoded data as an attachment. The <b>Stream</b> created by the
  2079.     <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimeText"/> object is still open when the <b>MimeApplication</b> object calls
  2080.     <b>IBackingStore.Create</b>. If an <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore"/> implementation cannot serve two
  2081.     open <b>Stream</b> objects at the same time, it must return <b>null</b>.    
  2082.    </para>
  2083.    <para>
  2084.     <b class="le">Note:</b>
  2085.     Using the original input stream instead of BackingStores is only encouraged if
  2086.     the user has complete control over the stream and can guarantee for availability
  2087.     and integrity of the stream.
  2088.    </para>
  2089.    <para>
  2090.     An input stream that is to be used as data source for subsequent calls to
  2091.     <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart.GetStream"/> <b> must</b> meet the following requirements:
  2092.     <para>
  2093.      <p>1. The message <b>must</b> be encoded in 'us-ascii'.</p>
  2094.      <p>2. Each line in the input stream <b>must</b> be terminated by "\r\n".</p>
  2095.      <p>3. The input stream <b>must</b> support seeking.</p>
  2096.      <p>4. The initial position of the input stream <b>must not</b> be changed.</p>
  2097.      <p>5. The stream contents <b>must not</b> be changed.</p>
  2098.     </para>
  2099.     <para>
  2100.      If any of the above requirements is not met, a stream requested by
  2101.      <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart.GetStream"/> may not contain the original entity of
  2102.      the MimePart, or any data at all. Be careful when using this method. 
  2103.     </para>
  2104.    </para>
  2105.   </remarks>
  2106.             <summary>
  2107.    Initializes a new instance of the <b>MimeMessageRFC8222</b> class using input from the specified <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/>
  2108.    with the specified <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Security.MimeSecurityPlugin"/>.
  2109.   </summary><param name="securityPlugin">The <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Security.MimeSecurityPlugin"/> that is used during message parsing.</param>
  2110.         </member>
  2111.         <member name="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeMessageRFC822.#ctor(System.IO.Stream,dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore,dcwsolutions.MessageView.Security.MimeSecurityPlugin)">
  2112.             <param name="stream">A <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/> where the message will be read from.</param><param name="decodedBackingStore">An implementation of <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore"/> where
  2113.    on-the-fly-decoded MIME part bodies will be written to.
  2114.   </param><remarks>
  2115.    <para>
  2116.     Bytes read from <paramref name="stream"/> <b> must</b> map to 'us-ascii' encoding, that is,
  2117.     one byte per character. Lines <b>must</b> be terminated by a carriage return,
  2118.     followed by a line feed ("\r\n").
  2119.    </para>
  2120.    <para>
  2121.     If <paramref name="decodedBackingStore"/> is not null, every
  2122.     <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart"/> created during the parsing process that is not a <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.Multipart.MimeMultipart"/>
  2123.     will request a <b>Stream</b> from <paramref name="decodedBackingStore"/> by calling
  2124.     <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore.Create(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart)"/>. The body of the <b>MimePart</b> is then decoded
  2125.     on-the-fly and written to the acquired <b>Stream</b>. When the <b>MimePart</b> is finished
  2126.     it calls <see cref="M:System.IO.Stream.Close"/> on the <b>Stream</b>. Any requests to <b>MimePart</b>
  2127.     data through <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart.GetStream"/> at a later time will request a <b>Stream</b> from
  2128.     <paramref name="decodedBackingStore"/> by calling <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore.Open(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart)"/>.
  2129.    </para>
  2130.    <para>
  2131.        Normally, a <b>Stream</b> returned by <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore.Create(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart)"/>
  2132.     is closed before another call to <b>Create</b> or <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore.Open(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart)"/>
  2133.     is made. This might not be the case when UUEncoded data is detected in a MIME message.
  2134.     UUEncoded data is nested in text parts of messages. When it is detected, a new <b>MimeApplication</b>
  2135.     is created to represent the UUEncoded data as an attachment. The <b>Stream</b> created by the
  2136.     <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimeText"/> object is still open when the <b>MimeApplication</b> object calls
  2137.     <b>Create</b>. If an <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore"/> implementation cannot serve two
  2138.     open <b>Stream</b> objects at the same time, it must return <b>null</b>    
  2139.    </para>
  2140.   </remarks>
  2141.             <summary>
  2142.    Initializes a new instance of the <b>MimeMessageRFC822</b> class using input from the specified <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/>
  2143.    with the specified <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Security.MimeSecurityPlugin"/>.
  2144.   </summary><param name="securityPlugin">The <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Security.MimeSecurityPlugin"/> that is used during message parsing.</param>
  2145.         </member>
  2146.         <member name="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeMessageRFC822.#ctor(System.IO.Stream,dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore,dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore,dcwsolutions.MessageView.Security.MimeSecurityPlugin)">
  2147.             <param name="stream">A <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/> where the message will be read from.</param><param name="decodedBackingStore">An implementation of <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore"/> where on-the-fly-decoded MIME part bodies will be written to.</param><param name="encodedBackingStore">An implementation of <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore"/> where the encoded (unprocessed) message will be copied to.</param><remarks>
  2148.    <para>
  2149.     Bytes read from <paramref name="stream"/> <b> must</b> map to 'us-ascii' encoding, that is,
  2150.     one byte per character. Lines <b>must</b> be terminated by a carriage return,
  2151.     followed by a line feed ("\r\n").
  2152.    </para>
  2153.    <para>
  2154.     If <paramref name="encodedBackingStore"/> is not null, a copy of the RFC 2822 message read from
  2155.     <paramref name="stream"/> is stored to it.
  2156.     If <paramref name="decodedBackingStore"/> is null or a call to <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore.Create(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart)"/> or
  2157.     <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore.Open(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart)"/> cannot be served by the <paramref name="decodedBackingStore"/>
  2158.     at a subsequent request for data on a <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart"/>, the <b>MimeMessageRFC822</b> will
  2159.     try to get the data from <paramref name="encodedBackingStore"/>.
  2160.    </para>
  2161.    <para>
  2162.     A Stream returned by the <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore.Create(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart)"/> method of the <paramref name="encodedBackingStore"/>
  2163.     does not need to support seeking. If it does, the <b>MimeMessageRFC822</b> will save <b>Stream</b> positions
  2164.     internally, and such positions <b>must not</b> change. If the <b>Stream</b> does not support seeking,
  2165.     <b>MimeMessageRFC822</b> will only save relative positions internally. A <b>Stream</b> returned by
  2166.     <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore.Open(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart)"/> must support seeking and is required to translate such
  2167.     relative positions into the absolute values.
  2168.    </para>
  2169.    <para>
  2170.     If <paramref name="decodedBackingStore"/> is not null, every
  2171.     <b>MimePart</b> created during the parsing process that is not a <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.Multipart.MimeMultipart"/>
  2172.     will request a <b>Stream</b> from <paramref name="decodedBackingStore"/> by calling
  2173.     <b>Create</b>. The body of the <b>MimePart</b> is then decoded
  2174.     on-the-fly and written to the aquired <b>Stream</b>. When the <b>MimePart</b> is finished
  2175.     it calls <see cref="M:System.IO.Stream.Close"/> on the <b>Stream</b>. Any requests to <b>MimePart</b>
  2176.     data through <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart.GetStream"/> at a later time will request a <b>Stream</b> from
  2177.     <paramref name="decodedBackingStore"/> by calling <b>Open</b>.
  2178.    </para>
  2179.    <para>
  2180.        Normally, a <b>Stream</b> returned by <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore.Create(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart)"/>
  2181.     is closed before another call to <b>Create</b> or <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore.Open(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart)"/>
  2182.     is made. This might not be the case when UUEncoded data is detected in a MIME message.
  2183.     UUEncoded data is nested in text parts of messages. When it is detected, a new <b>MimeApplication</b>
  2184.     is created to represent the UUEncoded data as an attachment. The <b>Stream</b> created by the
  2185.     <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimeText"/> object is still open when the <b>MimeApplication</b> object calls
  2186.     <b>IBackingStore.Create</b>. If an <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore"/> implementation cannot serve two
  2187.     open <b>Stream</b> objects at the same time, it must return <b>null</b>  
  2188.    </para>
  2189.   </remarks>
  2190.             <summary>
  2191.    Initializes a new instance of the <b>MimeMessageRFC8222</b> class using input from the specified <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/>
  2192.    with the specified <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Security.MimeSecurityPlugin"/>.
  2193.   </summary><param name="securityPlugin">The <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Security.MimeSecurityPlugin"/> that is used during message parsing.</param>
  2194.         </member>
  2195.         <member name="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeMessageRFC822.ContainsMimePart(System.String)">
  2196.             <summary>
  2197.    Gets a value indicating whether a <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart"/> associated with <paramref name="contentID"/>
  2198.    can be found in this message.
  2199.   </summary><param name="contentID">A <see cref="T:System.String"/> containig the <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart.ContentID"/> property of the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart"/> that is searched.</param><returns>
  2200.    <b>true</b> if a <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart"/> associated with <paramref name="contentID"/>
  2201.    could be found in this <b>MimeMessageRFC822</b>, <b>false</b> otherwise
  2202.   </returns>
  2203.         </member>
  2204.         <member name="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeMessageRFC822.Item(System.String)">
  2205.             <summary>
  2206.    Gets the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart"/> associated with the specified <paramref name="contentID"/>.
  2207.   </summary><param name="contentID">A <see cref="T:System.String"/> containig the <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart.ContentID"/> property of the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart"/> that is searched.</param><value>
  2208.    A <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart"/> object whose <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart.ContentID"/> property equals <paramref name="contentID"/> if
  2209.    found in this <b>MimeMessageRFC822</b>, null otherwise.
  2210.   </value>
  2211.         </member>
  2212.         <member name="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeMessageRFC822.From">
  2213.             <summary>
  2214.    Gets an <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.AddressCollection"/> that contains the addresses from the '<i>From</i>' header value of this message.
  2215.   </summary><value>
  2216.    An <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.AddressCollection"/> that is a read-only collection of <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Address"/> objects. 
  2217.   </value>
  2218.         </member>
  2219.         <member name="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeMessageRFC822.To">
  2220.             <summary>
  2221.    Gets an <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.AddressCollection"/> that contains the addresses from the '<i>To</i>' header value of this message.
  2222.   </summary><value>
  2223.    An <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.AddressCollection"/> that is a read-only collection of <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Address"/> objects. 
  2224.   </value>
  2225.         </member>
  2226.         <member name="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeMessageRFC822.Cc">
  2227.             <summary>
  2228.    Gets an <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.AddressCollection"/> that contains the addresses from the '<i>Cc</i>' header value of this message.
  2229.   </summary><value>
  2230.    An <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.AddressCollection"/> that is a read-only collection of <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Address"/> objects. 
  2231.   </value>
  2232.         </member>
  2233.         <member name="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeMessageRFC822.Bcc">
  2234.             <summary>
  2235.    Gets an <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.AddressCollection"/> that contains the addresses from the '<i>Bcc</i>' header value of this message.
  2236.   </summary><value>
  2237.    An <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.AddressCollection"/> that is a read-only collection of <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Address"/> objects. 
  2238.   </value>
  2239.         </member>
  2240.         <member name="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeMessageRFC822.ReplyTo">
  2241.             <summary>
  2242.    Gets an <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.AddressCollection"/> that contains the addresses from the '<i>Reply-To</i>' header value of this message.
  2243.   </summary><value>
  2244.    An <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.AddressCollection"/> that is a read-only collection of <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Address"/> objects. 
  2245.   </value>
  2246.         </member>
  2247.         <member name="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeMessageRFC822.Subject">
  2248.             <summary>
  2249.    Gets the '<i>Subject</i>' header value of this message.
  2250.   </summary><value>
  2251.    A <see cref="T:System.String"/> containing the '<i>Subject</i>' header value of this message.
  2252.   </value>
  2253.         </member>
  2254.         <member name="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeMessageRFC822.Date">
  2255.             <summary>
  2256.    Gets a <see cref="T:System.DateTime"/> representing the '<i>Date</i>' header value of this message.
  2257.   </summary><value>
  2258.    A <see cref="T:System.DateTime"/> value. If no '<i>Date</i>' header was found in the message, this
  2259.    value is equal to <see cref="F:System.DateTime.MinValue"/>.
  2260.   </value>
  2261.         </member>
  2262.         <member name="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeMessageRFC822.Body">
  2263.             <summary>
  2264.    Returns the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart"/> that represents the body of this message.
  2265.   </summary><value>
  2266.    A <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart"/> object. For non-MIME messages, this is usually an instance of
  2267.    <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimeText"/>.
  2268.   </value>
  2269.         </member>
  2270.         <member name="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeMessageRFC822.Attachments">
  2271.             <summary>
  2272.    Returns an <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.AttachmentCollection"/> containing the attachments if this message.
  2273.   </summary><remarks>
  2274.    A <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart"/> is considered an attachment if it has a '<i>content-disposition</i>'
  2275.    header value other than '<i>inline</i>', or the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart"/> is of type <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimeApplication"/>.
  2276.   </remarks><value>
  2277.    An <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.AttachmentCollection"/> that is a read-only collection of <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart"/> objects
  2278.    regarded as attachments.
  2279.   </value>
  2280.         </member>
  2281.         <member name="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeMessageRFC822.EncodedBackingStore">
  2282.             <summary>
  2283.    Gets or sets the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore"/> implementation that holds a copy of the complete message
  2284.    represented by the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeMessageRFC822"/>
  2285.   </summary><remarks>
  2286.    <b>Note:</b><br/>
  2287.    This property is not serialized during serialization of a <b>MimePart</b> object.
  2288.    The user must take care of the serialization of this property himself if serialization is required,
  2289.    and set this property after deserialization of a <b>MimePart</b>.
  2290.   </remarks><value>
  2291.    An implementation of <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore"/>
  2292.   </value>
  2293.         </member>
  2294.         <member name="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.Multipart.MimeMultipart">
  2295.             <summary>
  2296.    Represents a '<i>multipart/*</i>' MIME part. This is the base class for every Multipart class.
  2297.   </summary>
  2298.         </member>
  2299.         <member name="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.Multipart.MimeMultipart.GetStream">
  2300.             <summary>
  2301.    This member overrides <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart.GetStream"/>.
  2302.   </summary><returns>
  2303.    A <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/>. 
  2304.   </returns>
  2305.         </member>
  2306.         <member name="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.Multipart.MimeMultipart.GetEnumerator">
  2307.             <summary>
  2308.    Returns an IEnumerator for the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.Multipart.MimeMultipart"/>.
  2309.   </summary><returns>
  2310.    An <see cref="T:System.Collections.IEnumerator"/>.
  2311.   </returns>
  2312.         </member>
  2313.         <member name="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.Multipart.MimeMultipart.CopyTo(System.Array,System.Int32)">
  2314.             <summary>
  2315.    Copies the entire <b>MimeMultipart</b> to a compatible one-dimensional 
  2316.    <see cref="T:System.Array"/>, starting at the specified index of the target array.
  2317.   </summary>
  2318.             <param name="array">
  2319.    The one-dimensional <see cref="T:System.Array"/> that ist the destination of the elements copied
  2320.    from the current collection.
  2321.   </param><param name="index">
  2322.    A 32-bit integer that represents the index in <paramref name="array"/> at which copying begins. 
  2323.   </param><exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
  2324.    <paramref name="array"/> is a null reference (<b>Nothing</b> in Visual Basic).  
  2325.   </exception><exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
  2326.    <paramref name="index"/> is less than the lower bound of <paramaref name="array"/>.
  2327.   </exception><exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
  2328.    <paramref name="array"/> is multidimensional.
  2329.    <para>
  2330.     -or-
  2331.    </para>
  2332.    <para>
  2333.     <paramref name="index"/> is equal to or greater than the length of <paramref name="array"/>.
  2334.    </para>
  2335.    <para>
  2336.     -or-
  2337.    </para>
  2338.    <para>
  2339.     The number of elements in the source <b>Array</b> is greater than the 
  2340.     available space from <paramref name="index"/> to the end of the destination <paramref name="array"/>.
  2341.    </para>
  2342.   </exception>
  2343.         </member>
  2344.         <member name="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.Multipart.MimeMultipart.CopyTo(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart[],System.Int32)">
  2345.             <summary>
  2346.    Copies the entire <b>MimeMultipart</b> to a compatible one-dimensional 
  2347.    <see cref="T:System.Array"/>, starting at the specified index of the target array.
  2348.   </summary>
  2349.             <param name="array">
  2350.    The one-dimensional <see cref="T:System.Array"/> that ist the destination of the elements copied
  2351.    from the current collection.
  2352.   </param><param name="index">
  2353.    A 32-bit integer that represents the index in <paramref name="array"/> at which copying begins. 
  2354.   </param><exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
  2355.    <paramref name="array"/> is a null reference (<b>Nothing</b> in Visual Basic).  
  2356.   </exception><exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
  2357.    <paramref name="index"/> is less than the lower bound of <paramaref name="array"/>.
  2358.   </exception><exception cref="T:System.ArgumentException">
  2359.    <paramref name="array"/> is multidimensional.
  2360.    <para>
  2361.     -or-
  2362.    </para>
  2363.    <para>
  2364.     <paramref name="index"/> is equal to or greater than the length of <paramref name="array"/>.
  2365.    </para>
  2366.    <para>
  2367.     -or-
  2368.    </para>
  2369.    <para>
  2370.     The number of elements in the source <b>Array</b> is greater than the 
  2371.     available space from <paramref name="index"/> to the end of the destination <paramref name="array"/>.
  2372.    </para>
  2373.   </exception>
  2374.         </member>
  2375.         <member name="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.Multipart.MimeMultipart.Item(System.Int32)">
  2376.             <summary>
  2377.    Gets a <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart"/> specified by its index.
  2378.   </summary><value>
  2379.    The <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart"/> at the specified index.
  2380.   </value>
  2381.             <param name="index">
  2382.    The zero-based index of the element to get.
  2383.   </param><value>
  2384.    The element at the specified index.
  2385.   </value><exception cref="T:System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException">
  2386.    <paramref name="index"/> is less than zero. 
  2387.    <para>
  2388.     -or-
  2389.    </para>
  2390.    <para>
  2391.     <paramref name="index"/> is equal or greater than <b>Count</b>
  2392.    </para>
  2393.   </exception>
  2394.         </member>
  2395.         <member name="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.Multipart.MimeMultipart.IsSynchronized">
  2396.             <summary>
  2397.    Gets a value indicating whether access to the <b>MimeMultipart</b> is 
  2398.    synchronized (thread-safe).  
  2399.   </summary><value>
  2400.    <b>false</b>.
  2401.   </value>
  2402.         </member>
  2403.         <member name="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.Multipart.MimeMultipart.Count">
  2404.             <summary>
  2405.    Gets the number of elements contained in the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.Multipart.MimeMultipart"/>. 
  2406.   </summary><value>
  2407.    The number of elements contained in the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.Multipart.MimeMultipart"/>.
  2408.   </value>
  2409.         </member>
  2410.         <member name="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.Multipart.MimeMultipart.SyncRoot">
  2411.             <summary>
  2412.    Gets an object that can be used to synchronize access to the 
  2413.    <b>MimeMultipart</b>.
  2414.   </summary><value>
  2415.    The <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.Multipart.MimeMultipart"/> itself.  
  2416.   </value>
  2417.         </member>
  2418.         <member name="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.Multipart.MimeMultipartAlternative">
  2419.             <summary>
  2420.    Represents a '<i>multipart/alternative</i>' Mime part.
  2421.   </summary>
  2422.         </member>
  2423.         <member name="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.Multipart.MimeMultipartDigest">
  2424.             <summary>
  2425.    Represents a '<i>multipart/digest</i>' MIME part.
  2426.   </summary>
  2427.         </member>
  2428.         <member name="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.Multipart.MimeMultipartEncrypted">
  2429.             <summary>
  2430.    Represents a '<i>multipart/encrypted</i>' MIME part.
  2431.   </summary>
  2432.         </member>
  2433.         <member name="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.Multipart.MimeMultipartEncrypted.EncryptedPart">
  2434.             <summary>
  2435.    Gets the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart"/> that was encrypted. 
  2436.   </summary><value>
  2437.    A <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart"/> object.
  2438.   </value>
  2439.         </member>
  2440.         <member name="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.Multipart.MimeMultipartEncrypted.ControlPart">
  2441.             <summary>
  2442.    Gets the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart"/> that holds control information for the encryption. 
  2443.   </summary><value>
  2444.    A <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart"/> object.
  2445.   </value>
  2446.         </member>
  2447.         <member name="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.Multipart.MimeMultipartMixed">
  2448.             <summary>
  2449.    Represents a '<i>multipart/mixed</i>' MIME part.
  2450.   </summary>
  2451.         </member>
  2452.         <member name="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.Multipart.MimeMultipartParallel">
  2453.             <summary>
  2454.    Represents a '<i>multipart/parallel</i>' MIME part.
  2455.   </summary>
  2456.         </member>
  2457.         <member name="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.Multipart.MimeMultipartRelated">
  2458.             <summary>
  2459.    Represents a '<i>multipart/related</i>' MIME part.
  2460.   </summary>
  2461.         </member>
  2462.         <member name="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.Multipart.MimeMultipartSigned">
  2463.             <summary>
  2464.    Represents a '<i>multipart/signed</i>' MIME part.
  2465.   </summary>
  2466.         </member>
  2467.         <member name="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.Multipart.MimeMultipartSigned.SignedPart">
  2468.             <summary>
  2469.    Gets the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart"/> that the signature was takes from. 
  2470.   </summary><value>
  2471.    A <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart"/> object.
  2472.   </value>
  2473.         </member>
  2474.         <member name="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.Multipart.MimeMultipartSigned.ControlPart">
  2475.             <summary>
  2476.    Gets the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart"/> that holds control information for the signature. 
  2477.   </summary><value>
  2478.    A <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart"/> object.
  2479.   </value>
  2480.         </member>
  2481.         <member name="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.Multipart.MimeMultipartSigned.VerificationState">
  2482.             <summary>
  2483.    Gets the <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.Multipart.MimeMultipartSigned.VerificationState"/> from the signed data inside this multipart entity.
  2484.   </summary><value>
  2485.    A <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.Multipart.MimeMultipartSigned.VerificationState"/> value.
  2486.   </value>
  2487.         </member>
  2488.         <member name="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimeApplication">
  2489.             <summary>
  2490.    Represents an '<i>application/*</i>' MIME part.
  2491.   </summary>
  2492.         </member>
  2493.         <member name="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimeAudio">
  2494.             <!-- No matching elements were found for the following include tag --><include file="MimeAudio.cs.xml" path="Doc/Member[@name="MimeAudio"]/*"/>
  2495.         </member>
  2496.         <member name="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimeImage">
  2497.             <!-- No matching elements were found for the following include tag --><include file="MimeImage.cs.xml" path="Doc/Member[@name="MimeImage"]/*"/>
  2498.         </member>
  2499.         <member name="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimeText">
  2500.             <summary>
  2501.    Represents a '<i>text/*</i>' MIME part.
  2502.   </summary>
  2503.         </member>
  2504.         <member name="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimeVideo">
  2505.             <!-- No matching elements were found for the following include tag --><include file="MimeVideo.cs.xml" path="Doc/Member[@name="MimeVideo"]/*"/>
  2506.         </member>
  2507.         <member name="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.EncryptedMimePart">
  2508.             <summary>
  2509.    Represents a wrapper around a MIME part that has been encrypted by the message originator.
  2510.   </summary>
  2511.         </member>
  2512.         <member name="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.EncryptedMimePart.#ctor(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.Multipart.MimeMultipartEncrypted,dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeMessageRFC822,dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart)">
  2513.             <!-- No matching elements were found for the following include tag --><include file="EncryptedMimePart.cs.xml" path="Doc/Member[@name="EncryptedMimePart.EncryptedMimePart"]/*"/>
  2514.         </member>
  2515.         <member name="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.EncryptedMimePart.EnclosedMimePart">
  2516.             <!-- No matching elements were found for the following include tag --><include file="EncryptedMimePart.cs.xml" path="Doc/Member[@name="EncryptedMimePart.EnclosedMimePart"]/*"/>
  2517.         </member>
  2518.         <member name="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.SignedMimePart">
  2519.             <summary>
  2520.    Represents a wrapper around a MIME part that has been signed by the message originator.
  2521.   </summary>
  2522.         </member>
  2523.         <member name="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.SignedMimePart.GetStream">
  2524.             <summary>
  2525.    Gets a <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/> that can be used to verify a signature taken
  2526.    from the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart"/> that is wrapped.
  2527.   </summary><remarks>
  2528.    When a signature is taken from a mime part in a <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.Multipart.MimeMultipartSigned"/>
  2529.    construct, the signature is computed on the headers and the encoded data.
  2530.    When no <i>decodedBackingStore</i> has been specified during the
  2531.    message creation, it is required that the underlying <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart"/> has access to
  2532.    unprocessed data, that can be either from the original source or from data passed
  2533.    to a <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeMessageRFC822.EncodedBackingStore"/>.
  2534.   </remarks>
  2535.         </member>
  2536.         <member name="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.SignedMimePart.EnclosedMimePart">
  2537.             <!-- No matching elements were found for the following include tag --><include file="SignedMimePart.cs.xml" path="Doc/Member[@name="SignedMimePart.EnclosedMimePart"]/*"/>
  2538.         </member>
  2539.         <member name="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MessageViewPanel">
  2540.             <summary>
  2541.    Represents a control to view <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeMessageRFC822"/> information like sender, recipient and
  2542.    attachments.
  2543.   </summary>
  2544.         </member>
  2545.         <member name="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MessageViewPanel.#ctor">
  2546.             <summary>
  2547.    Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MessageViewPanel"/> class.
  2548.   </summary>
  2549.         </member>
  2550.         <member name="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MessageViewPanel.Dispose(System.Boolean)">
  2551.             <summary>
  2552.    Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MessageViewPanel"/> class.
  2553.   </summary>
  2554.         </member>
  2555.         <member name="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MessageViewPanel.InitializeComponent">
  2556.             <summary> 
  2557.             Required method for Designer support - do not modify 
  2558.             the contents of this method with the code editor.
  2559.             </summary>
  2560.         </member>
  2561.         <member name="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MessageViewPanel.Show(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeMessageRFC822)">
  2562.             <summary>
  2563.    Shows the sender, recipient, subject and attachments of the specified <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeMessageRFC822"/>.
  2564.   </summary><param name="message">
  2565.    The <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeMessageRFC822"/> whose sender, recipient, subject and attachments are to be
  2566.    displayed on this instance.
  2567.   </param>
  2568.         </member>
  2569.         <member name="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MessageViewPanel.BoundMessageView">
  2570.             <summary>
  2571.    Specifies a <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MessageView"/> instance to be connected with this instance.
  2572.    This instance subscribes to the <see cref="E:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MessageView.CurrentMessageChanged"/> event
  2573.    and updates its information when a new message is shown in the specified <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MessageView"/>.
  2574.   </summary><value>
  2575.    An instance of the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MessageView"/> class.
  2576.   </value>
  2577.         </member>
  2578.         <member name="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.SaveAttachmentMenuItem">
  2579.             <summary>
  2580.             Summary description for SaveAttachmentMenuItem.
  2581.             </summary>
  2582.         </member>
  2583.         <member name="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Security.DownloadControlSet">
  2584.             <summary>
  2585.    Represents a set of security settings to be used by <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MessageView"/> control.
  2586.   </summary><remarks>
  2587.    A <b>DownloadControlSet</b> specifies the security settings for <b>MessageView</b>.
  2588.    MIME Messages can contain HTML content. HTML documents can contain scripts and
  2589.    other active content (such as ActiveX controls). A <b>DownloadControlSet</b> specifies
  2590.    which content may be downloaded and executed by <b>MessageView</b>.
  2591.    It is recommended that you use <b>at least </b> <see cref="F:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Security.DownloadControlSet.MediumTemplate"/>
  2592.    for your security settings when displaying messages with unknown origin and content.
  2593.   </remarks>
  2594.         </member>
  2595.         <member name="F:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Security.DownloadControlSet.LowTemplate">
  2596.             <summary>
  2597.    A <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Security.DownloadControlSet"/> template for low security.
  2598.   </summary><value>
  2599.    A <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Security.DownloadControlSet"/> instance.
  2600.   </value><remarks>
  2601.    <b>LowTemplate</b> uses the following settings:<br/>
  2602.     <list type="table">
  2603.      <listheader>
  2604.       <term>
  2605.        Property
  2606.       </term>
  2607.       <description>
  2608.        Value
  2609.       </description>
  2610.      </listheader>
  2613.      <item>
  2614.       <term>
  2615.        <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Security.DownloadControlSet.DownloadImages"/>
  2616.       </term>
  2617.       <description>
  2618.        <b>true</b>
  2619.       </description>
  2620.      </item>
  2623.      <item>
  2624.       <term>
  2625.        <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Security.DownloadControlSet.DownloadVideos"/>
  2626.       </term>
  2627.       <description>
  2628.        <b>true</b>
  2629.       </description>
  2630.      </item>
  2633.      <item>
  2634.       <term>
  2635.        <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Security.DownloadControlSet.DownloadSounds"/>
  2636.       </term>
  2637.       <description>
  2638.        <b>true</b>
  2639.       </description>
  2640.      </item>
  2643.      <item>
  2644.       <term>
  2645.        <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Security.DownloadControlSet.ExecuteScripts"/>
  2646.       </term>
  2647.       <description>
  2648.        <b>true</b>
  2649.       </description>
  2650.      </item>
  2653.      <item>
  2654.       <term>
  2655.        <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Security.DownloadControlSet.ExecuteJavaApplets"/>
  2656.       </term>
  2657.       <description>
  2658.        <b>true</b>
  2659.       </description>
  2660.      </item>
  2664.      <item>
  2665.       <term>
  2666.        <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Security.DownloadControlSet.DownloadActiveX"/>
  2667.       </term>
  2668.       <description>
  2669.        <b>true</b>
  2670.       </description>
  2671.      </item>
  2675.      <item>
  2676.       <term>
  2677.        <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Security.DownloadControlSet.ExecuteActiveX"/>
  2678.       </term>
  2679.       <description>
  2680.        <b>true</b>
  2681.       </description>
  2682.      </item>
  2685.      <item>
  2686.       <term>
  2687.        <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Security.DownloadControlSet.DownloadFrames"/>
  2688.       </term>
  2689.       <description>
  2690.        <b>true</b>
  2691.       </description>
  2692.      </item>
  2693.     </list>   
  2694.    </remarks>
  2695.         </member>
  2696.         <member name="F:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Security.DownloadControlSet.MediumTemplate">
  2697.             <summary>
  2698.    A <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Security.DownloadControlSet"/> template for medium security.
  2699.   </summary><value>
  2700.    A <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Security.DownloadControlSet"/> instance.
  2701.   </value><remarks>
  2702.    <b>MediumTemplate</b> uses the following settings:<br/>
  2703.     <list type="table">
  2704.      <listheader>
  2705.       <term>
  2706.        Property
  2707.       </term>
  2708.       <description>
  2709.        Value
  2710.       </description>
  2711.      </listheader>
  2714.      <item>
  2715.       <term>
  2716.        <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Security.DownloadControlSet.DownloadImages"/>
  2717.       </term>
  2718.       <description>
  2719.        <b>true</b>
  2720.       </description>
  2721.      </item>
  2724.      <item>
  2725.       <term>
  2726.        <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Security.DownloadControlSet.DownloadVideos"/>
  2727.       </term>
  2728.       <description>
  2729.        <b>true</b>
  2730.       </description>
  2731.      </item>
  2734.      <item>
  2735.       <term>
  2736.        <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Security.DownloadControlSet.DownloadSounds"/>
  2737.       </term>
  2738.       <description>
  2739.        <b>true</b>
  2740.       </description>
  2741.      </item>
  2744.      <item>
  2745.       <term>
  2746.        <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Security.DownloadControlSet.ExecuteScripts"/>
  2747.       </term>
  2748.       <description>
  2749.        <b>false</b>
  2750.       </description>
  2751.      </item>
  2754.       <item>
  2755.        <term>
  2756.         <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Security.DownloadControlSet.ExecuteJavaApplets"/>
  2757.        </term>
  2758.        <description>
  2759.         <b>false</b>
  2760.        </description>
  2761.       </item>
  2765.      <item>
  2766.       <term>
  2767.        <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Security.DownloadControlSet.DownloadActiveX"/>
  2768.       </term>
  2769.       <description>
  2770.        <b>false</b>
  2771.       </description>
  2772.      </item>
  2776.      <item>
  2777.       <term>
  2778.        <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Security.DownloadControlSet.ExecuteActiveX"/>
  2779.       </term>
  2780.       <description>
  2781.        <b>false</b>
  2782.       </description>
  2783.      </item>
  2786.      <item>
  2787.       <term>
  2788.        <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Security.DownloadControlSet.DownloadFrames"/>
  2789.       </term>
  2790.       <description>
  2791.        <b>true</b>
  2792.       </description>
  2793.      </item>
  2794.     </list>   
  2795.   </remarks>
  2796.         </member>
  2797.         <member name="F:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Security.DownloadControlSet.HighTemplate">
  2798.             <summary>
  2799.    A <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Security.DownloadControlSet"/> template for high security.
  2800.   </summary><value>
  2801.    A <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Security.DownloadControlSet"/> instance.
  2802.   </value><remarks>
  2803.    <b>HighTemplate</b> uses the following settings:<br/>
  2804.    <list type="table">
  2805.     <listheader>
  2806.      <term>
  2807.       Property
  2808.      </term>
  2809.      <description>
  2810.       Value
  2811.      </description>
  2812.     </listheader>
  2815.     <item>
  2816.      <term>
  2817.       <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Security.DownloadControlSet.DownloadImages"/>
  2818.      </term>
  2819.      <description>
  2820.       <b>false</b>
  2821.      </description>
  2822.     </item>
  2825.     <item>
  2826.      <term>
  2827.       <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Security.DownloadControlSet.DownloadVideos"/>
  2828.      </term>
  2829.      <description>
  2830.       <b>false</b>
  2831.      </description>
  2832.     </item>
  2835.     <item>
  2836.      <term>
  2837.       <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Security.DownloadControlSet.DownloadSounds"/>
  2838.      </term>
  2839.      <description>
  2840.       <b>false</b>
  2841.      </description>
  2842.     </item>
  2845.     <item>
  2846.      <term>
  2847.       <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Security.DownloadControlSet.ExecuteScripts"/>
  2848.      </term>
  2849.      <description>
  2850.       <b>false</b>
  2851.      </description>
  2852.     </item>
  2855.     <item>
  2856.      <term>
  2857.       <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Security.DownloadControlSet.ExecuteJavaApplets"/>
  2858.      </term>
  2859.      <description>
  2860.       <b>false</b>
  2861.      </description>
  2862.     </item>
  2866.     <item>
  2867.      <term>
  2868.       <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Security.DownloadControlSet.DownloadActiveX"/>
  2869.      </term>
  2870.      <description>
  2871.       <b>false</b>
  2872.      </description>
  2873.     </item>
  2877.     <item>
  2878.      <term>
  2879.       <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Security.DownloadControlSet.ExecuteActiveX"/>
  2880.      </term>
  2881.      <description>
  2882.       <b>false</b>
  2883.      </description>
  2884.     </item>
  2887.     <item>
  2888.      <term>
  2889.       <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Security.DownloadControlSet.DownloadFrames"/>
  2890.      </term>
  2891.      <description>
  2892.       <b>false</b>
  2893.      </description>
  2894.     </item>
  2895.    </list>
  2896.   </remarks>
  2897.         </member>
  2898.         <member name="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Security.DownloadControlSet.#ctor">
  2899.             <summary>
  2900.    Overloaded. Initializes a new instance of the DownloadControlSet class.
  2901.   </summary>
  2902.         </member>
  2903.         <member name="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Security.DownloadControlSet.#ctor(dcwsolutions.MessageView.Security.DownloadControlSet)">
  2904.             <summary>
  2905.    Overloaded. Initializes a new instance of the DownloadControlSet class using the specified template.
  2906.   </summary><param name="template">
  2907.    A <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Security.DownloadControlSet"/>.
  2908.   </param>
  2909.         </member>
  2910.         <member name="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Security.DownloadControlSet.DownloadImages">
  2911.             <summary>
  2912.    Gets or sets a value indicating whether images may be downloaded by the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MessageView"/> control. 
  2913.   </summary><value>
  2914.    <b>true</b> if images may be downloaded, <b>false</b> otherwise.
  2915.   </value>
  2916.         </member>
  2917.         <member name="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Security.DownloadControlSet.DownloadVideos">
  2918.             <summary>
  2919.    Gets or sets a value indicating whether videos may be downloaded by the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MessageView"/> control. 
  2920.   </summary><value>
  2921.    <b>true</b> if video files may be downloaded, <b>false</b> otherwise.
  2922.   </value>
  2923.         </member>
  2924.         <member name="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Security.DownloadControlSet.DownloadSounds">
  2925.             <summary>
  2926.    Gets or sets a value indicating whether sounds may be downloaded by the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MessageView"/> control. 
  2927.   </summary><value>
  2928.    <b>true</b> if sound files may be downloaded, <b>false</b> otherwise.
  2929.   </value>
  2930.         </member>
  2931.         <member name="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Security.DownloadControlSet.ExecuteScripts">
  2932.             <summary>
  2933.    Gets or sets a value indicating whether scripts may be executed by the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MessageView"/> control.
  2934.   </summary><value>
  2935.    <b>true</b> if scripts may be executed, <b>false</b> otherwise.
  2936.   </value>
  2937.         </member>
  2938.         <member name="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Security.DownloadControlSet.ExecuteJavaApplets">
  2939.             <summary>
  2940.    Gets or sets a value indicating whether java-applets may be executed by the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MessageView"/> control. 
  2941.   </summary><value>
  2942.    <b>true</b> if Java applets may be executed, <b>false</b> otherwise.
  2943.   </value>
  2944.         </member>
  2945.         <member name="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Security.DownloadControlSet.DownloadActiveX">
  2946.             <summary>
  2947.    Gets or sets a value indicating whether ActiveX controls may be downloaded by the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MessageView"/> control. 
  2948.   </summary><value>
  2949.    <b>true</b> if ActiveX controls may be downloaded, <b>false</b> otherwise.
  2950.   </value>
  2951.         </member>
  2952.         <member name="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Security.DownloadControlSet.ExecuteActiveX">
  2953.             <summary>
  2954.    Gets or sets a value indicating whether ActiveX controls may be executed by the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MessageView"/> control.   
  2955.   </summary><value>
  2956.    <b>true</b> if ActiveX controls may be executed, <b>false</b> otherwise.
  2957.   </value>
  2958.         </member>
  2959.         <member name="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Security.DownloadControlSet.DownloadFrames">
  2960.             <summary>
  2961.    Gets or sets a value indicating whether frames may be downloaded by the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MessageView"/> control. 
  2962.   </summary><value>
  2963.    <b>true</b> if frames may be displayed, <b>false</b> otherwise.
  2964.   </value>
  2965.         </member>
  2966.         <member name="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Security.VerificationState">
  2967.             <summary>
  2968.    Specifies whether data contained within a signed MIME part has been verified.
  2969.   </summary>
  2970.         </member>
  2971.         <member name="F:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Security.VerificationState.NotVerified">
  2972.             <summary>
  2973.    The signature has not been verified.
  2974.   </summary>
  2975.         </member>
  2976.         <member name="F:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Security.VerificationState.Invalid">
  2977.             <summary>
  2978.    The signature is invalid.
  2979.   </summary>
  2980.         </member>
  2981.         <member name="F:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Security.VerificationState.Verified">
  2982.             <summary>
  2983.    The signature is valid.
  2984.   </summary>
  2985.         </member>
  2986.         <member name="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Security.MimeSecurityPlugin">
  2987.             <summary>
  2988.    Represents the base class for classes that extend the security model of <b>MessageView</b>.
  2989.   </summary><remarks>
  2990.    A <b>MimeSecurityPlugin</b> is used when encrypted or signed data is present in a MIME body
  2991.    part. See <a href="MessageViewMimeSecurityPlugin.html">Implementing a MimeSecurityPlugin</a>.
  2992.   </remarks>
  2993.         </member>
  2994.         <member name="F:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Security.MimeSecurityPlugin.Standard">
  2995.             <summary>
  2996.    Gets the standard <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Security.MimeSecurityPlugin"/> class.
  2997.   </summary><remarks>
  2998.    When no <b>MimeSecurityPlugin</b> has been specified during message creation, this
  2999.    instance of <b>MimeSecurityPlugin</b> is used. It does not perform any validation or
  3000.    encryption nor does it access external resources as this might pose security risks.
  3001.   </remarks>
  3002.         </member>
  3003.         <member name="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Security.MimeSecurityPlugin.#ctor">
  3004.             <!-- No matching elements were found for the following include tag --><include file="MimeSecurityPlugin.cs.xml" path="Doc/Member[@name="MimeSecurityPlugin.MimeSecurityPlugin"]/*"/>
  3005.         </member>
  3006.         <member name="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Security.MimeSecurityPlugin.CreateDecryptor(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.Multipart.MimeMultipartEncrypted)">
  3007.             <summary>
  3008.    Requests a <see cref="T:System.Security.Cryptography.ICryptoTransform"/> from the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Security.MimeSecurityPlugin"/>.
  3009.   </summary><remarks>
  3010.    When encrypted data is discovered within a message, the parsing engine tries to
  3011.    decrypt the contents by requesting an <see cref="T:System.Security.Cryptography.ICryptoTransform"/> from the
  3012.    <b>MimeSecurityPlugin</b> implementation. See <a href="MessageViewMimeSecurityPlugin.html">Implementing
  3013.    a MimeSecurityPlugin</a> for more details.
  3014.   </remarks>
  3015.         </member>
  3016.         <member name="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Security.MimeSecurityPlugin.Verify(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.Multipart.MimeMultipartSigned)">
  3017.             <summary>
  3018.    Requests that the contents of a signed MIME part is verified by the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Security.MimeSecurityPlugin"/>.
  3019.   </summary><remarks>
  3020.    When data signed by the message originator is discovered within a message, the parsing engine
  3021.    tries to verify the signature. See <a href="MessageViewMimeSecurityPlugin.html">Implementing
  3022.    a MimeSecurityPlugin</a> for more details.
  3023.   </remarks>
  3024.         </member>
  3025.         <member name="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Security.MimeSecurityPlugin.GetExternalBodyStream(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.Message.MimeMessageExternalBody)">
  3026.             <summary>
  3027.    Requests a <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/> containing the resource that is specified by
  3028.    <paramref name="messageExternalBody"/>. The inner MIME part of a <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.Message.MimeMessageExternalBody"/>
  3029.    is created from such a <b>Stream</b>.
  3030.   </summary><remarks>
  3031.    This method allows implementors to handle the details of external resource retrieval,
  3032.    such as proxy servers etc, and to define rules for accessing such resources.
  3033.   </remarks>
  3034.         </member>
  3035.         <member name="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.DisplayMode">
  3036.             <summary>
  3037.    Specifies the content that is displayed.
  3038.   </summary><remarks>
  3039.    Most Mime messages contain two alternative versions of the same content, one in plain text format
  3040.    and another in HTML format. If <b>DisplayMode.Text</b> is specified but only HTML content can
  3041.    be found, nothing is displayed.
  3042.   </remarks>
  3043.         </member>
  3044.         <member name="F:dcwsolutions.MessageView.DisplayMode.Text">
  3045.             <summary>
  3046.    Only plain text parts of messaged are displayed.
  3047.   </summary><value>
  3048.    0
  3049.   </value>
  3050.         </member>
  3051.         <member name="F:dcwsolutions.MessageView.DisplayMode.Html">
  3052.             <summary>
  3053.    HTML parts of messages are displayed, if available.
  3054.   </summary><value>
  3055.    1
  3056.   </value>
  3057.         </member>
  3058.         <member name="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.RepeatMode">
  3059.             <summary>
  3060.    Specifies the way the background image is repeated.
  3061.   </summary><remarks>
  3062.    To have the background image of MessageView displayed only once, use <see cref="F:dcwsolutions.MessageView.RepeatMode.NoRepeat"/>.
  3063.    To use the background image as wallpaper, use <see cref="F:dcwsolutions.MessageView.RepeatMode.Repeat"/>.
  3064.    The <see cref="F:dcwsolutions.MessageView.RepeatMode.RepeatX"/> and <see cref="F:dcwsolutions.MessageView.RepeatMode.RepeatY"/> values causes MessageView to repeat the
  3065.    background image only in horizontal or vertical direction.
  3066.   </remarks>
  3067.         </member>
  3068.         <member name="F:dcwsolutions.MessageView.RepeatMode.Repeat">
  3069.             <summary>
  3070.    The background image is repeated horizontally and vertically.
  3071.   </summary>
  3072.         </member>
  3073.         <member name="F:dcwsolutions.MessageView.RepeatMode.NoRepeat">
  3074.             <summary>
  3075.    The background image is not repeated.
  3076.   </summary>
  3077.         </member>
  3078.         <member name="F:dcwsolutions.MessageView.RepeatMode.RepeatX">
  3079.             <summary>
  3080.   The background image is repeated horizontally.
  3081.   </summary>
  3082.         </member>
  3083.         <member name="F:dcwsolutions.MessageView.RepeatMode.RepeatY">
  3084.             <summary>
  3085.    The background image is repeated vertically.
  3086.   </summary>
  3087.         </member>
  3088.         <member name="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.CacheMode">
  3089.             <summary>
  3090.    Specifies the mode that is used┬áto cache on-the-fly decoded body parts in Mime messages. 
  3091.   </summary><remarks>
  3092.    When MessageView parses a Mime Message, an implementation of <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore"/>
  3093.    will be passed as <paramref name="decodedBackingStore"/> parameter to the constructor of
  3094.    <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeMessageRFC822"/>. The <b>CacheMode</b> enum specifies the type of backing store. 
  3095.    <list type="bullet">
  3096.     <item>
  3097.      <term>CacheMode.Memory:</term>
  3098.      <descrption>
  3099.       MessageView will┬ácreate a <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.MemoryBackingStore"/> for the <paramref name="decodedBackingStore"/>
  3100.       parameter┬áof the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeMessageRFC822"/> constructor.
  3101.      </descrption>
  3102.     </item>
  3103.     <item>
  3104.      <term>CacheMode.TempFile:</term>
  3105.      <description>
  3106.       MessageView will┬ácreate a <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.TempFileBackingStore"/> for the
  3107.       <paramref name="decodedBackingStore"/> parameter┬áof the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeMessageRFC822"/> constructor.
  3108.      </description>
  3109.     </item>
  3110.     <item>
  3111.      <term>CacheMode.Hybrid:</term>
  3112.      <description>MessageView will┬ácreate a <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.HybridBackingStore"/> for the <paramref name="decodedBackingStore"/> parameter┬áof the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeMessageRFC822"/> constructor.</description>
  3113.     </item>
  3114.     <item>
  3115.      <term>CacheMode.None:</term>
  3116.      <description>No implementation of <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore"/> will be created. <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MessageView"/> will try to aquire
  3117.       needed data from the message source.
  3118.      </description>
  3119.     </item>
  3120.    </list>
  3121.    <para>
  3122.     In most cases, <b>CacheMode.Hybrid</b> will be the best choice for performance reasons.
  3123.     The created <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.HybridBackingStore"/> uses the default buffer size of 8192 bytes in memory for
  3124.     each created <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/>. If the capacity is exceeded, the data is written to disk.
  3125.    </para>
  3126.    <para>
  3127.     The use of <b>CacheMode.None</b> is strongly discouraged when reading from unreliable data
  3128.     sources.
  3129.    </para>
  3130.    <para>
  3131.     To use your own way to cache data, consider creating a <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeMessageRFC822"/> directly
  3132.     with a class that implements <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore"/>.
  3133.    </para>
  3134.   </remarks>
  3135.         </member>
  3136.         <member name="F:dcwsolutions.MessageView.CacheMode.Memory">
  3137.             <summary>
  3138.    Data is cached in memory.
  3139.   </summary>
  3140.         </member>
  3141.         <member name="F:dcwsolutions.MessageView.CacheMode.TempFile">
  3142.             <summary>
  3143.    Data is cached in temporary files.
  3144.   </summary>
  3145.         </member>
  3146.         <member name="F:dcwsolutions.MessageView.CacheMode.Hybrid">
  3147.             <summary>
  3148.    Data is cached in memory and in temporary files. 
  3149.   </summary>
  3150.         </member>
  3151.         <member name="F:dcwsolutions.MessageView.CacheMode.None">
  3152.             <summary>
  3153.    No data is cached.  
  3154.   </summary>
  3155.         </member>
  3156.         <member name="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.ContextMenuMode">
  3157.             <summary>
  3158.    Specifies the mode right-clicks on <see cref="F:dcwsolutions.MessageView.ContextMenuMode.MessageView"/> are handled.
  3159.   </summary><remarks>
  3160.    <b>MessageView</b> can display a restricted context menu which allows
  3161.    only the following actions: <i>Copy, Print All, Select All</i>. Use <b>ContextMenuMode.MessageView</b>
  3162.    to show this context menu whenever the right mouse button is clicked.
  3163.    Alternatively, <b>MessageView</b> can show the standard Internet Explorer menu, or
  3164.    no context menu at all.
  3165.   </remarks>
  3166.         </member>
  3167.         <member name="F:dcwsolutions.MessageView.ContextMenuMode.Standard">
  3168.             <summary>
  3169.    The standard Internet Explorer menu is shown.
  3170.   </summary>
  3171.         </member>
  3172.         <member name="F:dcwsolutions.MessageView.ContextMenuMode.MessageView">
  3173.             <summary>
  3174.    A restricted context menu is shown.
  3175.   </summary>
  3176.         </member>
  3177.         <member name="F:dcwsolutions.MessageView.ContextMenuMode.None">
  3178.             <summary>
  3179.    No context menu is shown.
  3180.   </summary>
  3181.         </member>
  3182.         <member name="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MessageView">
  3183.             <summary>
  3184.    Represents a control to view MIME messages.
  3185.   </summary><remarks>
  3186.    <b>MessageView</b> displays MIME messages through a call on an overload of
  3187.    the <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MessageView.ShowMessage(System.IO.Stream)"/> method. You can either pass an instance of
  3188.    <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeMessageRFC822"/> to it or specify a data source.
  3189.    <para>
  3190.     <b>MessageView</b> can read from a <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/> or a file.
  3191.     The data read in by MessageView <b>must</b> be interpretable as 'us-ascii'-characters, that is,
  3192.     one byte per character, and lines <b>must</b> be terminated by a carriage return,
  3193.     followed by a line feed ("\r\n").
  3194.    </para>
  3195.    <para>
  3196.     When reading from such a data source, a <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.CacheMode"/> value can be defined. Data
  3197.     read from the body parts of the MIME message is decoded on-the-fly and can be cached in order
  3198.     to access it at a later time. When <b>CacheMode.None</b> is used, no data is cached.
  3199.     Instead, <b>MessageView</b> will try to gain the data it needs by accessing the original
  3200.     source passed in. In this case, the source must support seeking.
  3201.    </para>
  3202.   </remarks>
  3203.         </member>
  3204.         <member name="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MessageView.#ctor">
  3205.             <summary>
  3206.    Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MessageView"/> class.
  3207.   </summary>
  3208.         </member>
  3209.         <member name="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MessageView.Dispose(System.Boolean)">
  3210.             <summary>
  3211.    Releases the unmanaged resources used by the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MessageView"/> and optionally 
  3212.    releases the managed resources.
  3213.   </summary>
  3214.         </member>
  3215.         <member name="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MessageView.ShowMessage(System.IO.Stream)">
  3216.             <summary>
  3217.    Reads a MIME message from the specified <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/> and displays it. 
  3218.   </summary><param name="stream">
  3219.    A <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/> where the message can be read from.
  3220.   </param><exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
  3221.    <paramref name="stream"/> is a null reference (<b>Nothing</b> in Visual Basic).
  3222.   </exception><remarks>
  3223.    <para>
  3224.     This overload of ShowMessage uses a <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.HybridBackingStore"/> to cache data and performs
  3225.     synchronously (it blocks until the operation is finished).
  3226.    </para>
  3227.    <para>
  3228.     Bytes read from <paramref name="stream"/> <b> must</b> map to 'us-ascii' encoding, that is,
  3229.     one byte per character. Lines <b>must</b> be terminated by a carriage return,
  3230.     followed by a line feed ("\r\n").
  3231.    </para>
  3232.   </remarks>
  3233.         </member>
  3234.         <member name="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MessageView.ShowMessage(System.IO.Stream,System.Boolean)">
  3235.             <summary>
  3236.    Reads a MIME message from the specified stream and displays it. In this overload you
  3237.    can specify whether this method is to be performed asynchronously.
  3238.   </summary><param name="stream">
  3239.    A <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/> where the message can be read from.
  3240.   </param><param name="async">
  3241.    <b>true</b> to enable asynchrous operation of this method, <b>false</b> otherwise.
  3242.   </param><exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
  3243.    <paramref name="stream"/> is a null reference (<b>Nothing</b> in Visual Basic).
  3244.   </exception><remarks>
  3245.    <para>
  3246.     This overload of ShowMessage uses a <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.HybridBackingStore"/> to cache data.
  3247.    </para>
  3248.    <para>
  3249.     Bytes read from <paramref name="stream"/> <b> must</b> map to 'us-ascii' encoding, that is,
  3250.     one byte per character. Lines <b>must</b> be terminated by a carriage return,
  3251.     followed by a line feed ("\r\n").
  3252.    </para>
  3253.   </remarks>
  3254.         </member>
  3255.         <member name="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MessageView.ShowMessage(System.IO.Stream,dcwsolutions.MessageView.CacheMode)">
  3256.             <summary>
  3257.    Reads a MIME message from the specified <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/>, using the specified mode of caching data, and displays it.
  3258.   </summary><param name="stream">
  3259.    A <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/> where the message is read from.
  3260.   </param><param name="mode">
  3261.    One of the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.CacheMode"/> values.
  3262.   </param><exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
  3263.    <paramref name="stream"/> is a null reference (<b>Nothing</b> in Visual Basic).
  3264.   </exception><remarks>
  3265.    Bytes read from <paramref name="stream"/> <b> must</b> map to 'us-ascii' encoding, that is,
  3266.    one character per byte.
  3267.   </remarks>
  3268.         </member>
  3269.         <member name="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MessageView.ShowMessage(System.IO.Stream,dcwsolutions.MessageView.CacheMode,System.Boolean)">
  3270.             <summary>
  3271.    Reads a MIME message from the specified <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/>, using the specified mode of caching data, and displays it.
  3272.    In this overload you can specify whether this method is to be performed asynchronously.
  3273.   </summary><param name="stream">
  3274.    A <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/> where the message is read from.
  3275.   </param><param name="async">
  3276.    <b>true</b> to enable asynchrous operation of this method, <b>false</b> otherwise.
  3277.   </param><param name="mode">
  3278.    One of the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.CacheMode"/> values.
  3279.   </param><exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
  3280.    <paramref name="stream"/> is a null reference (<b>Nothing</b> in Visual Basic).
  3281.   </exception><remarks>
  3282.    Bytes read from <paramref name="stream"/> <b> must</b> map to 'us-ascii' encoding, that is,
  3283.    one character per byte.
  3284.   </remarks>
  3285.         </member>
  3286.         <member name="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MessageView.ShowMessage(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeMessageRFC822)">
  3287.             <summary>
  3288.    Displays the specified <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeMessageRFC822"/>.
  3289.   </summary><param name="message">
  3290.    The <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeMessageRFC822"/> instance to display.
  3291.   </param><exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException">
  3292.    <paramref name="message"/> is a null reference (<b>Nothing</b> in Visual Basic).
  3293.   </exception>
  3294.         </member>
  3295.         <member name="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MessageView.Abort">
  3296.             <summary>
  3297.    Aborts the current operation.
  3298.   </summary><remarks>
  3299.    The overloads of the <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MessageView.ShowMessage(System.IO.Stream)"/> method that take a data source create
  3300.    a separate thread for the creation of the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeMessageRFC822"/> object, so calling
  3301.    <b>Abort</b> just makes sense after calling one of these overloads.
  3302.   </remarks>
  3303.         </member>
  3304.         <member name="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MessageView.AmbientDlControl">
  3305.             <summary>
  3306.    This member supports the MessageView infrastructure and is not intended to be used directly from your code. 
  3307.   </summary>
  3308.         </member>
  3309.         <member name="E:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MessageView.Aborted">
  3310.             <summary>
  3311.    Occurs when <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MessageView.Abort"/> is called.
  3312.   </summary><remarks>
  3313.    <para>
  3314.     The <b>Aborted</b> event passes an <see cref="T:System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs"/> object to its event handler,
  3315.     so the request to abort the operation can be cancelled by setting <see cref="P:System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs.Cancel"/>
  3316.     to <b>true</b>.
  3317.    </para>
  3318.   </remarks>
  3319.         </member>
  3320.         <member name="E:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MessageView.CurrentMessageChanged">
  3321.             <summary>
  3322.    Occurs when <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MessageView.Abort"/> is called.
  3323.   </summary><remarks>
  3324.    <para>
  3325.     The <b>Aborted</b> event passes an <see cref="T:System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs"/> object to its event handler,
  3326.     so the request to abort the operation can be cancelled by setting <see cref="P:System.ComponentModel.CancelEventArgs.Cancel"/>
  3327.     to <b>true</b>.
  3328.    </para>
  3329.   </remarks>
  3330.         </member>
  3331.         <member name="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MessageView.DisplayMode">
  3332.             <summary>
  3333.    Specifies the content that is displayed.
  3334.   </summary><value>
  3335.    A <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MessageView.DisplayMode"/> value.
  3336.   </value><remarks>
  3337.    MessageView can display plain text messages as well as html messages. If <b>DisplayMode.Html</b>
  3338.    is used, it is strongly recommended to use at least the security settings from
  3339.    <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MessageView.DownloadControlSet"/><b>.MediumTemplate</b> when messages from an unknown source are displayed.
  3340.    <para>
  3341.     <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MessageView.DownloadControlSet"/><b>.MediumTemplate</b>  is the default value of the
  3342.     <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MessageView.DownloadControlSet"/> property.
  3343.    </para>
  3344.   </remarks>
  3345.         </member>
  3346.         <member name="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MessageView.DownloadControlSet">
  3347.             <summary>
  3348.    Gets or sets the <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MessageView.DownloadControlSet"/> instance associated with the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MessageView"/>
  3349.   </summary><value>
  3350.    A <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MessageView.DownloadControlSet"/>.
  3351.   </value><exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="value"/> is a null reference (<b>Nothing</b> in Visual Basic).</exception><remarks>
  3352.    When displaying messages with unknown content it is strongly recommended to use at least
  3353.    the security settings from <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MessageView.DownloadControlSet"/><b>.MediumTemplate</b>.
  3354.    <para>
  3355.     <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MessageView.DownloadControlSet"/><b>.MediumTemplate</b> is the default value of the
  3356.     <b>DownloadControlSet</b> property.
  3357.    </para>
  3358.   </remarks>
  3359.         </member>
  3360.         <member name="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MessageView.ContextMenuMode">
  3361.             <summary>
  3362.    Gets or sets the <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MessageView.ContextMenuMode"/> associated with the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MessageView"/>.
  3363.   </summary><value>
  3364.    The <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MessageView.ContextMenuMode"/>.
  3365.   </value><remarks>
  3366.    The <b>ContextMenuMode</b> value specifies the mode that <b>MessageView</b>
  3367.    handles right-cliks. See <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MessageView.ContextMenuMode"/> for details.
  3368.   </remarks>
  3369.         </member>
  3370.         <member name="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MessageView.OpenNewWindow">
  3371.             <summary>
  3372.    Gets a value indocating whether a new windows is opened when a link is clicked in <b>MessageView</b>
  3373.   </summary><value>
  3374.    <b>true</b> if a new window is opened when a link is cliked in <b>MessageView</b>, <b>false</b> otherwise.
  3375.   </value>
  3376.         </member>
  3377.         <member name="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MessageView.CurrentMessage">
  3378.             <summary>
  3379.    Gets the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeMessageRFC822"/> this instance is currently showing.
  3380.   </summary><value>
  3381.    A <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeMessageRFC822"/>, or <b>null</b> if this instance is currently not showing a message. 
  3382.   </value>
  3383.         </member>
  3384.         <member name="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MessageView.Show3DBorder">
  3385.             <summary>
  3386.    Gets or sets a value indicating whether the <b>MessageView</b> control shows a 3D Border.
  3387.   </summary><value>
  3388.    A <b>bool</b>.
  3389.   </value>
  3390.         </member>
  3391.         <member name="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MessageView.AutoScroll">
  3392.             <summary>
  3393.    Gets or sets a value indicating whether the <b>MessageView</b> control shows scroll bars.
  3394.   </summary><value>
  3395.    A <b>bool</b>.
  3396.   </value>
  3397.         </member>
  3398.         <member name="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MessageView.BackgroundImageRepeat">
  3399.             <summary>
  3400.    Gets or sets a <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.RepeatMode"/> value indicating the way the background image is displayed.
  3401.   </summary><value>
  3402.    A <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.RepeatMode"/>.
  3403.   </value>
  3404.         </member>
  3405.         <member name="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MessageView.BackgroundImage">
  3406.             <summary>
  3407.    Gets or sets the background image displayed in the control.
  3408.   </summary><remarks>
  3409.    An <see cref="T:System.Drawing.Image"/> that represents the image to display in the background of the control.
  3410.   </remarks>
  3411.         </member>
  3412.         <member name="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MessageView.Font">
  3413.             <summary>
  3414.    Overridden. See <see cref="P:System.Windows.Forms.Control.Font"/>.
  3415.   </summary>
  3416.         </member>
  3417.         <member name="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MessageView.ForeColor">
  3418.             <summary>
  3419.    Overridden. See <see cref="P:System.Windows.Forms.Control.ForeColor"/>.
  3420.   </summary>
  3421.         </member>
  3422.         <member name="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MessageView.BackColor">
  3423.             <summary>
  3424.    Overridden. See <see cref="P:System.Windows.Forms.Control.BackColor"/>.
  3425.   </summary>
  3426.         </member>
  3427.     </members>
  3428. </doc>