Provides the basic functionality for a backing store, such as a disk or memory.
An implementation of <b>IBackingStore</b> provides methods to create and
open <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/> objects bound to a specific backing store.
Implementations of <b>IBackingStore</b> provide a way to store and recall decoded
<see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart"/> bodies or entire Mime messages through <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/> objects.
Both, the <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore.Create(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart)"/> and the <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore.Open(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart)"/>
method take an instance of <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart"/>. The <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart.UniqueID"/>
property can be used to associate a call to <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore.Open(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart)"/> to a
previous call to <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore.Create(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart)"/>.
The implementation of <b>IBackingStore</b> may decide upon certain header values
of the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart"/> whether to serve a call to <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore.Create(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart)"/>
or not. It may, e.g. only serve requests on <b>Create</b> for <b>MimeParts</b>, whose
'<i>content-type</i>' header value is '<i>text/html</i>'.
If an <b>IBackingStore</b> implementation cannot serve a call to <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore.Create(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart)"/>
or <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore.Open(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart)"/> it must return null
Opens the previously created and closed <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/>.
</summary><param name="mimePart">
An instance of <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart"/> that was passed to <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore.Create(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart)"/>
A <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/> object.
The returned <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/> is required to contain the same data that was written
to the <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/> returned by a previous call to <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore.Create(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart)"/>.
Opens the previously created and closed <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/>.
</summary><param name="mimePart">
An instance of <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart"/> that was passed to <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore.Create(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart)"/>
A <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/> object.
The returned <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/> is required to contain the same data that was written
to the <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/> returned by a previous call to <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore.Create(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart)"/>.
Opens the previously created and closed <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/>.
</summary><param name="mimePart">
An instance of <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart"/> that was passed to <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore.Create(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart)"/>
A <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/> object.
The returned <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/> is required to contain the same data that was written
to the <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/> returned by a previous call to <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore.Create(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart)"/>.
<!-- No matching elements were found for the following include tag --><include file="TempFileBackingStore.cs.xml" path="Doc/Member[@name="TempFileBackingStore.TempFileBackingStore1"]/*"/>
Opens the previously created and closed <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/>.
</summary><param name="mimePart">
An instance of <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart"/> that was passed to <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore.Create(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart)"/>
A <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/> object.
The returned <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/> is required to contain the same data that was written
to the <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/> returned by a previous call to <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore.Create(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart)"/>.
Represents an <a href="">RFC 2822</a> address.
<b>Address</b> is the base class for every address in a MIME message.
An instance of <b>Address</b> is either a <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Mailbox"/> or a <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Group"/>.
The <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Address.Display"/> property of an <b>Address</b> returns the
user-friendly name in an address header, if specified.
A <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Mailbox"/> contains exactly one email-address and optionally a
user-friendly display name, while a <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Group"/> can contain multiple
mailboxes and a user-friendly display name. <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Address.Display"/> returns
the user-friendly name or, in case of a <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Mailbox"/>, the email address itself
Represents a read-only collection of <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Address"/> objects.
An <b>AddressCollection</b> contains all addresses from an address header, such as '<i>from</i>' or
'<i>to</i>'. An <b>AddressCollection</b> can contain <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Mailbox"/> and <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Group"/>
objects, while a <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.MailboxCollection"/> can only contain <b>Mailbox</b> objects, and is used
Represents a collection of <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Address"/> objects. This is the base class for <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.AddressCollection"/> and <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.MailboxCollection"/>.
Returns a string of all items in this <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.AddressCollectionBase"/> separated by <paramref name="separator"/>.
Gets an <see cref="T:System.Collections.ArrayList"/> containing the list of elements in the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.AddressCollectionBase"/> instance.
</summary><value>An <see cref="T:System.Collections.ArrayList"/> representing the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.AddressCollectionBase"/> itself.</value><remarks>
<b>Notes to Implementers:</b>
This class makes the underlying collection available through the <b>InnerList</b> property,
which is intended for use only by classes that are derived directly from <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.AddressCollectionBase"/>.
The derived class must ensure that its own users cannot modify the underlying collection.
Gets the element at the specified index. In C#, this property is the indexer for the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.AddressCollection"/> class.
Gets the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.MailboxCollection"/> that contains the mailboxes of the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Group"/>.
A <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.MailboxCollection"/>.
Gets the element at the specified index. In C#, this property is the indexer for the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.MailboxCollection"/> class.
Represents a collection of parameters of a MIME header.
Structured MIME headers can have parameters. These parameters can be accessed through the
<see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.StructuredHeader.Params"/> property of the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.StructuredHeader"/> class.
For the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.ContentTypeHeader"/> and the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.ContentDispositionHeader"/> class,
this property returns an instance of a <b>ParameterCollection</b> derived class:
Gets the element at the specified index. In C#, this property is the indexer for the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Params.ParameterCollection"/> class.
</summary><param name="parameterName">
The name of the parameter to get.
The element with the specified <paramref name="parameterName"/> if it could be found, null otherwise.
Gets an <see cref="T:System.Collections.Specialized.ListDictionary"/> containing the list of elements in the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Params.ParameterCollection"/> instance.
</summary><value>An <see cref="T:System.Collections.Specialized.ListDictionary"/> representing the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Params.ParameterCollection"/> itself.</value><remarks>
<b>Notes to Implementers:</b>
This class makes the underlying collection available through the <b>InnerList</b> property,
which is intended for use only by classes that are derived directly from <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Params.ParameterCollection"/>.
The derived class must ensure that its own users cannot modify the underlying collection.
Represents the value of the '<i>content-disposition</i>' header field.
The <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.ContentDispositionType"/> value specifies the way that the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart"/>
is intended to be displayed to the user. A value of <b>ContentDispositionType.Inline</b> specifies
that the <b>MimePart</b> is for example referenced by HTML content while a value of <b>ContentDispositionType.Attachment</b>
specifies that the <b>MimePart</b> should be treated as an attachment to the message.
The default value for this property is <b>ContentDispositionType.Inline</b>.
Gets the value of the header represented by this instance.
A <see cref="T:System.String"/> containing the value of the header represented by the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.StructuredHeader"/>.
Gets the parameters of the header represented by this instance.
A <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Params.ParameterCollection"/> containing the parameters of the header represented by the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.StructuredHeader"/>.
Gets the <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.ContentDispositionHeader.ContentDispositionType"/> that represents the value of the '<i>content-disposition</i>' header.
The <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.ContentDispositionHeader.ContentDispositionType"/> value specifies the way that the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart"/>
is intended to be displayed to the user. A value of <b>ContentDispositionType.Inline</b> specifies
that the <b>MimePart</b> is for example referenced by HTML content while a value of <b>ContentDispositionType.Attachment</b>
specifies that the <b>MimePart</b> should be treated as an attachment to the message.
The default value for this property is <b>ContentDispositionType.Inline</b>.
A <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.ContentDispositionHeader.ContentDispositionType"/> value.
If a content-type is not recognized by <b>MessageView</b> and the MIME part is
a subpart in a <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.Multipart.MimeMultipartDigest"/> construct, <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeMessageRFC822"/> is used,
Gets an <see cref="T:System.Collections.ICollection"/> containing the headers in the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.HeaderCollection"/>.
An <see cref="T:System.Collections.ICollection"/> containing the headers in the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.HeaderCollection"/>.
Copies the elements of this <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.AttachmentCollection"/> to an <see cref="T:System.Array"/>, starting at a particular <B>Array</B> index.
<param name="array">
The one-dimensional <see cref="T:System.Array"/> that ist the destination of the elements copied
from the current collection.
</param><param name="index">
A 32-bit integer that represents the index in <paramref name="array"/> at which copying begins.
Copies the elements of this <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.AttachmentCollection"/> to an <see cref="T:System.Array"/>, starting at a particular <B>Array</B> index.
<param name="array">
The one-dimensional <see cref="T:System.Array"/> that ist the destination of the elements copied
from the current collection.
</param><param name="index">
A 32-bit integer that represents the index in <paramref name="array"/> at which copying begins.
Returns a <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/> where the decoded content of the body of this <b>MimePart</b>
can be read from.
When <b>GetStream</b> is called on a <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart"/>, it first tries to acquire the
data by calling <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore.Open(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart)"/> on <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart.DecodedBackingStore"/>, passing
its <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart.UniqueID"/> property to it. If the request cannot be served by the
<see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore"/>, <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart"/> tries to access the unprocessed data
by calling <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore.Open(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart)"/> on the superior <b>MimeMessageRFC822's</b> <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeMessageRFC822.EncodedBackingStore"/>.
If <paramref name="encodedBackingStore"/> was not specified upon the creation of the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeMessageRFC822"/>,
or the <b>MimePart</b> was created through a call on <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MessageView.ShowMessage(System.IO.Stream)"/> with
<see cref="F:dcwsolutions.MessageView.CacheMode.None"/>, it is tried to access the source stream.
A <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/> object if it could be aquired, null otherwise.
Gets a <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.ContentDispositionHeader"/> instance that represents the '<i>Content-Disposition</i>' header of this instance.
Gets a <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.TransferEncoding"/> value that represents the '<i>Content-Transfer-Encoding</i>' header value of this instance.
A <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.TransferEncoding"/> value.
<param name="stream">A <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/> where the message will be read from.</param><remarks>
Bytes read from <paramref name="stream"/> <b> must</b> map to 'us-ascii' encoding, that is,
one byte per character. Lines <b>must</b> be terminated by a carriage return,
followed by a line feed ("\r\n").
Normally, a <b>Stream</b> returned by <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore.Create(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart)"/>
is closed before another call to <b>Create</b> or <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore.Open(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart)"/>
is made. This might not be the case when UUEncoded data is detected in a MIME message.
UUEncoded data is nested in text parts of messages. When it is detected, a new <b>MimeApplication</b>
is created to represent the UUEncoded data as an attachment. The <b>Stream</b> created by the
<see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimeText"/> object is still open when the <b>MimeApplication</b> object calls
<b>IBackingStore.Create</b>. If an <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore"/> implementation cannot serve two
open <b>Stream</b> objects at the same time, it must return <b>null</b>.
This method does not use the input <b>Stream</b> as data source for subsequent calls to
<param name="stream">A <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/> where the message will be read from.</param><param name="useOriginalStream">If <b>true</b>, the <b>MimeMessageRFC822</b> will use
<paramref name="stream"/> to serve requests for MimePart data.</param><remarks>
Bytes read from <paramref name="stream"/> <b> must</b> map to 'us-ascii' encoding, that is,
one byte per character. Lines <b>must</b> be terminated by a carriage return,
followed by a line feed ("\r\n").
Normally, a <b>Stream</b> returned by <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore.Create(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart)"/>
is closed before another call to <b>Create</b> or <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore.Open(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart)"/>
is made. This might not be the case when UUEncoded data is detected in a MIME message.
UUEncoded data is nested in text parts of messages. When it is detected, a new <b>MimeApplication</b>
is created to represent the UUEncoded data as an attachment. The <b>Stream</b> created by the
<see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimeText"/> object is still open when the <b>MimeApplication</b> object calls
<b>IBackingStore.Create</b>. If an <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore"/> implementation cannot serve two
open <b>Stream</b> objects at the same time, it must return <b>null</b>.
<b class="le">Note:</b>
Using the original input stream instead of BackingStores is only encouraged if
the user has complete control over the stream and can guarantee for availability
and integrity of the stream.
An input stream that is to be used as data source for subsequent calls to
<see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart.GetStream"/> <b> must</b> meet the following requirements:
<p>1. The message <b>must</b> be encoded in 'us-ascii'.</p>
<p>2. Each line in the input stream <b>must</b> be terminated by "\r\n".</p>
<p>3. The input stream <b>must</b> support seeking.</p>
<p>4. The initial position of the input stream <b>must not</b> be changed.</p>
<p>5. The stream contents <b>must not</b> be changed.</p>
If any of the above requirements is not met, a stream requested by
<see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart.GetStream"/> may not contain the original entity of
the MimePart, or any data at all. Be careful when using this method.
Initializes a new instance of the <b>MimeMessageRFC8222</b> class using input from the specified <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/>.
<param name="stream">A <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/> where the message will be read from.</param><param name="decodedBackingStore">An implementation of <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore"/> where
on-the-fly-decoded MIME part bodies will be written to.
Bytes read from <paramref name="stream"/> <b> must</b> map to 'us-ascii' encoding, that is,
one byte per character. Lines <b>must</b> be terminated by a carriage return,
followed by a line feed ("\r\n").
If <paramref name="decodedBackingStore"/> is not null, every
<see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart"/> created during the parsing process that is not a <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.Multipart.MimeMultipart"/>
will request a <b>Stream</b> from <paramref name="decodedBackingStore"/> by calling
<see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore.Create(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart)"/>. The body of the <b>MimePart</b> is then decoded
on-the-fly and written to the acquired <b>Stream</b>. When the <b>MimePart</b> is finished
it calls <see cref="M:System.IO.Stream.Close"/> on the <b>Stream</b>. Any requests to <b>MimePart</b>
data through <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart.GetStream"/> at a later time will request a <b>Stream</b> from
<paramref name="decodedBackingStore"/> by calling <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore.Open(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart)"/>.
Normally, a <b>Stream</b> returned by <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore.Create(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart)"/>
is closed before another call to <b>Create</b> or <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore.Open(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart)"/>
is made. This might not be the case when UUEncoded data is detected in a MIME message.
UUEncoded data is nested in text parts of messages. When it is detected, a new <b>MimeApplication</b>
is created to represent the UUEncoded data as an attachment. The <b>Stream</b> created by the
<see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimeText"/> object is still open when the <b>MimeApplication</b> object calls
<b>Create</b>. If an <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore"/> implementation cannot serve two
open <b>Stream</b> objects at the same time, it must return <b>null</b>
Initializes a new instance of the <b>MimeMessageRFC822</b> class using input from the specified <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/>.
<param name="stream">A <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/> where the message will be read from.</param><param name="decodedBackingStore">An implementation of <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore"/> where on-the-fly-decoded MIME part bodies will be written to.</param><param name="encodedBackingStore">An implementation of <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore"/> where the encoded (unprocessed) message will be copied to.</param><remarks>
Bytes read from <paramref name="stream"/> <b> must</b> map to 'us-ascii' encoding, that is,
one byte per character. Lines <b>must</b> be terminated by a carriage return,
followed by a line feed ("\r\n").
If <paramref name="encodedBackingStore"/> is not null, a copy of the RFC 2822 message read from
<paramref name="stream"/> is stored to it.
If <paramref name="decodedBackingStore"/> is null or a call to <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore.Create(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart)"/> or
<see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore.Open(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart)"/> cannot be served by the <paramref name="decodedBackingStore"/>
at a subsequent request for data on a <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart"/>, the <b>MimeMessageRFC822</b> will
try to get the data from <paramref name="encodedBackingStore"/>.
A Stream returned by the <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore.Create(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart)"/> method of the <paramref name="encodedBackingStore"/>
does not need to support seeking. If it does, the <b>MimeMessageRFC822</b> will save <b>Stream</b> positions
internally, and such positions <b>must not</b> change. If the <b>Stream</b> does not support seeking,
<b>MimeMessageRFC822</b> will only save relative positions internally. A <b>Stream</b> returned by
<see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore.Open(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart)"/> must support seeking and is required to translate such
relative positions into the absolute values.
If <paramref name="decodedBackingStore"/> is not null, every
<b>MimePart</b> created during the parsing process that is not a <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.Multipart.MimeMultipart"/>
will request a <b>Stream</b> from <paramref name="decodedBackingStore"/> by calling
<b>Create</b>. The body of the <b>MimePart</b> is then decoded
on-the-fly and written to the aquired <b>Stream</b>. When the <b>MimePart</b> is finished
it calls <see cref="M:System.IO.Stream.Close"/> on the <b>Stream</b>. Any requests to <b>MimePart</b>
data through <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart.GetStream"/> at a later time will request a <b>Stream</b> from
<paramref name="decodedBackingStore"/> by calling <b>Open</b>.
Normally, a <b>Stream</b> returned by <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore.Create(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart)"/>
is closed before another call to <b>Create</b> or <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore.Open(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart)"/>
is made. This might not be the case when UUEncoded data is detected in a MIME message.
UUEncoded data is nested in text parts of messages. When it is detected, a new <b>MimeApplication</b>
is created to represent the UUEncoded data as an attachment. The <b>Stream</b> created by the
<see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimeText"/> object is still open when the <b>MimeApplication</b> object calls
<b>IBackingStore.Create</b>. If an <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore"/> implementation cannot serve two
open <b>Stream</b> objects at the same time, it must return <b>null</b>
Initializes a new instance of the <b>MimeMessageRFC8222</b> class using input from the specified <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/>.
<param name="stream">A <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/> where the message will be read from.</param><remarks>
Bytes read from <paramref name="stream"/> <b> must</b> map to 'us-ascii' encoding, that is,
one byte per character. Lines <b>must</b> be terminated by a carriage return,
followed by a line feed ("\r\n").
Normally, a <b>Stream</b> returned by <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore.Create(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart)"/>
is closed before another call to <b>Create</b> or <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore.Open(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart)"/>
is made. This might not be the case when UUEncoded data is detected in a MIME message.
UUEncoded data is nested in text parts of messages. When it is detected, a new <b>MimeApplication</b>
is created to represent the UUEncoded data as an attachment. The <b>Stream</b> created by the
<see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimeText"/> object is still open when the <b>MimeApplication</b> object calls
<b>IBackingStore.Create</b>. If an <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore"/> implementation cannot serve two
open <b>Stream</b> objects at the same time, it must return <b>null</b>.
This method does not use the input <b>Stream</b> as data source for subsequent calls to
Initializes a new instance of the <b>MimeMessageRFC8222</b> class using input from the specified <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/>
with the specified <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Security.MimeSecurityPlugin"/>.
</summary><param name="securityPlugin">The <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Security.MimeSecurityPlugin"/> that is used during message parsing.</param>
<param name="stream">A <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/> where the message will be read from.</param><param name="useOriginalStream">If <b>true</b>, the <b>MimeMessageRFC822</b> will use
<paramref name="stream"/> to serve requests for MimePart data.</param><remarks>
Bytes read from <paramref name="stream"/> <b> must</b> map to 'us-ascii' encoding, that is,
one byte per character. Lines <b>must</b> be terminated by a carriage return,
followed by a line feed ("\r\n").
Normally, a <b>Stream</b> returned by <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore.Create(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart)"/>
is closed before another call to <b>Create</b> or <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore.Open(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart)"/>
is made. This might not be the case when UUEncoded data is detected in a MIME message.
UUEncoded data is nested in text parts of messages. When it is detected, a new <b>MimeApplication</b>
is created to represent the UUEncoded data as an attachment. The <b>Stream</b> created by the
<see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimeText"/> object is still open when the <b>MimeApplication</b> object calls
<b>IBackingStore.Create</b>. If an <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore"/> implementation cannot serve two
open <b>Stream</b> objects at the same time, it must return <b>null</b>.
<b class="le">Note:</b>
Using the original input stream instead of BackingStores is only encouraged if
the user has complete control over the stream and can guarantee for availability
and integrity of the stream.
An input stream that is to be used as data source for subsequent calls to
<see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart.GetStream"/> <b> must</b> meet the following requirements:
<p>1. The message <b>must</b> be encoded in 'us-ascii'.</p>
<p>2. Each line in the input stream <b>must</b> be terminated by "\r\n".</p>
<p>3. The input stream <b>must</b> support seeking.</p>
<p>4. The initial position of the input stream <b>must not</b> be changed.</p>
<p>5. The stream contents <b>must not</b> be changed.</p>
If any of the above requirements is not met, a stream requested by
<see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart.GetStream"/> may not contain the original entity of
the MimePart, or any data at all. Be careful when using this method.
Initializes a new instance of the <b>MimeMessageRFC8222</b> class using input from the specified <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/>
with the specified <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Security.MimeSecurityPlugin"/>.
</summary><param name="securityPlugin">The <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Security.MimeSecurityPlugin"/> that is used during message parsing.</param>
<param name="stream">A <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/> where the message will be read from.</param><param name="decodedBackingStore">An implementation of <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore"/> where
on-the-fly-decoded MIME part bodies will be written to.
Bytes read from <paramref name="stream"/> <b> must</b> map to 'us-ascii' encoding, that is,
one byte per character. Lines <b>must</b> be terminated by a carriage return,
followed by a line feed ("\r\n").
If <paramref name="decodedBackingStore"/> is not null, every
<see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart"/> created during the parsing process that is not a <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.Multipart.MimeMultipart"/>
will request a <b>Stream</b> from <paramref name="decodedBackingStore"/> by calling
<see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore.Create(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart)"/>. The body of the <b>MimePart</b> is then decoded
on-the-fly and written to the acquired <b>Stream</b>. When the <b>MimePart</b> is finished
it calls <see cref="M:System.IO.Stream.Close"/> on the <b>Stream</b>. Any requests to <b>MimePart</b>
data through <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart.GetStream"/> at a later time will request a <b>Stream</b> from
<paramref name="decodedBackingStore"/> by calling <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore.Open(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart)"/>.
Normally, a <b>Stream</b> returned by <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore.Create(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart)"/>
is closed before another call to <b>Create</b> or <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore.Open(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart)"/>
is made. This might not be the case when UUEncoded data is detected in a MIME message.
UUEncoded data is nested in text parts of messages. When it is detected, a new <b>MimeApplication</b>
is created to represent the UUEncoded data as an attachment. The <b>Stream</b> created by the
<see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimeText"/> object is still open when the <b>MimeApplication</b> object calls
<b>Create</b>. If an <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore"/> implementation cannot serve two
open <b>Stream</b> objects at the same time, it must return <b>null</b>
Initializes a new instance of the <b>MimeMessageRFC822</b> class using input from the specified <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/>
with the specified <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Security.MimeSecurityPlugin"/>.
</summary><param name="securityPlugin">The <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Security.MimeSecurityPlugin"/> that is used during message parsing.</param>
<param name="stream">A <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/> where the message will be read from.</param><param name="decodedBackingStore">An implementation of <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore"/> where on-the-fly-decoded MIME part bodies will be written to.</param><param name="encodedBackingStore">An implementation of <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore"/> where the encoded (unprocessed) message will be copied to.</param><remarks>
Bytes read from <paramref name="stream"/> <b> must</b> map to 'us-ascii' encoding, that is,
one byte per character. Lines <b>must</b> be terminated by a carriage return,
followed by a line feed ("\r\n").
If <paramref name="encodedBackingStore"/> is not null, a copy of the RFC 2822 message read from
<paramref name="stream"/> is stored to it.
If <paramref name="decodedBackingStore"/> is null or a call to <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore.Create(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart)"/> or
<see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore.Open(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart)"/> cannot be served by the <paramref name="decodedBackingStore"/>
at a subsequent request for data on a <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart"/>, the <b>MimeMessageRFC822</b> will
try to get the data from <paramref name="encodedBackingStore"/>.
A Stream returned by the <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore.Create(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart)"/> method of the <paramref name="encodedBackingStore"/>
does not need to support seeking. If it does, the <b>MimeMessageRFC822</b> will save <b>Stream</b> positions
internally, and such positions <b>must not</b> change. If the <b>Stream</b> does not support seeking,
<b>MimeMessageRFC822</b> will only save relative positions internally. A <b>Stream</b> returned by
<see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore.Open(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart)"/> must support seeking and is required to translate such
relative positions into the absolute values.
If <paramref name="decodedBackingStore"/> is not null, every
<b>MimePart</b> created during the parsing process that is not a <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.Multipart.MimeMultipart"/>
will request a <b>Stream</b> from <paramref name="decodedBackingStore"/> by calling
<b>Create</b>. The body of the <b>MimePart</b> is then decoded
on-the-fly and written to the aquired <b>Stream</b>. When the <b>MimePart</b> is finished
it calls <see cref="M:System.IO.Stream.Close"/> on the <b>Stream</b>. Any requests to <b>MimePart</b>
data through <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart.GetStream"/> at a later time will request a <b>Stream</b> from
<paramref name="decodedBackingStore"/> by calling <b>Open</b>.
Normally, a <b>Stream</b> returned by <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore.Create(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart)"/>
is closed before another call to <b>Create</b> or <see cref="M:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore.Open(dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart)"/>
is made. This might not be the case when UUEncoded data is detected in a MIME message.
UUEncoded data is nested in text parts of messages. When it is detected, a new <b>MimeApplication</b>
is created to represent the UUEncoded data as an attachment. The <b>Stream</b> created by the
<see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimeText"/> object is still open when the <b>MimeApplication</b> object calls
<b>IBackingStore.Create</b>. If an <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore"/> implementation cannot serve two
open <b>Stream</b> objects at the same time, it must return <b>null</b>
Initializes a new instance of the <b>MimeMessageRFC8222</b> class using input from the specified <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/>
with the specified <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Security.MimeSecurityPlugin"/>.
</summary><param name="securityPlugin">The <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Security.MimeSecurityPlugin"/> that is used during message parsing.</param>
Gets a value indicating whether a <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart"/> associated with <paramref name="contentID"/>
can be found in this message.
</summary><param name="contentID">A <see cref="T:System.String"/> containig the <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart.ContentID"/> property of the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart"/> that is searched.</param><returns>
<b>true</b> if a <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart"/> associated with <paramref name="contentID"/>
could be found in this <b>MimeMessageRFC822</b>, <b>false</b> otherwise
Gets the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart"/> associated with the specified <paramref name="contentID"/>.
</summary><param name="contentID">A <see cref="T:System.String"/> containig the <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart.ContentID"/> property of the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart"/> that is searched.</param><value>
A <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart"/> object whose <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart.ContentID"/> property equals <paramref name="contentID"/> if
found in this <b>MimeMessageRFC822</b>, null otherwise.
Gets an <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.AddressCollection"/> that contains the addresses from the '<i>From</i>' header value of this message.
An <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.AddressCollection"/> that is a read-only collection of <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Address"/> objects.
Gets an <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.AddressCollection"/> that contains the addresses from the '<i>To</i>' header value of this message.
An <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.AddressCollection"/> that is a read-only collection of <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Address"/> objects.
Gets an <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.AddressCollection"/> that contains the addresses from the '<i>Cc</i>' header value of this message.
An <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.AddressCollection"/> that is a read-only collection of <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Address"/> objects.
Gets an <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.AddressCollection"/> that contains the addresses from the '<i>Bcc</i>' header value of this message.
An <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.AddressCollection"/> that is a read-only collection of <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Address"/> objects.
Gets an <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.AddressCollection"/> that contains the addresses from the '<i>Reply-To</i>' header value of this message.
An <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.AddressCollection"/> that is a read-only collection of <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Headers.Address"/> objects.
Returns an <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.AttachmentCollection"/> containing the attachments if this message.
A <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart"/> is considered an attachment if it has a '<i>content-disposition</i>'
header value other than '<i>inline</i>', or the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart"/> is of type <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimeApplication"/>.
An <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.AttachmentCollection"/> that is a read-only collection of <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.MimePart"/> objects
Gets the <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.Multipart.MimeMultipartSigned.VerificationState"/> from the signed data inside this multipart entity.
A <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeParts.Multipart.MimeMultipartSigned.VerificationState"/> value.
<!-- No matching elements were found for the following include tag --><include file="EncryptedMimePart.cs.xml" path="Doc/Member[@name="EncryptedMimePart.EncryptedMimePart"]/*"/>
<!-- No matching elements were found for the following include tag --><include file="EncryptedMimePart.cs.xml" path="Doc/Member[@name="EncryptedMimePart.EnclosedMimePart"]/*"/>
<!-- No matching elements were found for the following include tag --><include file="SignedMimePart.cs.xml" path="Doc/Member[@name="SignedMimePart.EnclosedMimePart"]/*"/>
<!-- No matching elements were found for the following include tag --><include file="MimeSecurityPlugin.cs.xml" path="Doc/Member[@name="MimeSecurityPlugin.MimeSecurityPlugin"]/*"/>
Requests a <see cref="T:System.Security.Cryptography.ICryptoTransform"/> from the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Security.MimeSecurityPlugin"/>.
When encrypted data is discovered within a message, the parsing engine tries to
decrypt the contents by requesting an <see cref="T:System.Security.Cryptography.ICryptoTransform"/> from the
<b>MimeSecurityPlugin</b> implementation. See <a href="MessageViewMimeSecurityPlugin.html">Implementing
Specifies the way the background image is repeated.
To have the background image of MessageView displayed only once, use <see cref="F:dcwsolutions.MessageView.RepeatMode.NoRepeat"/>.
To use the background image as wallpaper, use <see cref="F:dcwsolutions.MessageView.RepeatMode.Repeat"/>.
The <see cref="F:dcwsolutions.MessageView.RepeatMode.RepeatX"/> and <see cref="F:dcwsolutions.MessageView.RepeatMode.RepeatY"/> values causes MessageView to repeat the
background image only in horizontal or vertical direction.
Specifies the mode that is used to cache on-the-fly decoded body parts in Mime messages.
When MessageView parses a Mime Message, an implementation of <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore"/>
will be passed as <paramref name="decodedBackingStore"/> parameter to the constructor of
<see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeMessageRFC822"/>. The <b>CacheMode</b> enum specifies the type of backing store.
<list type="bullet">
MessageView will create a <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.MemoryBackingStore"/> for the <paramref name="decodedBackingStore"/>
parameter of the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeMessageRFC822"/> constructor.
MessageView will create a <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.TempFileBackingStore"/> for the
<paramref name="decodedBackingStore"/> parameter of the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeMessageRFC822"/> constructor.
<description>MessageView will create a <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.HybridBackingStore"/> for the <paramref name="decodedBackingStore"/> parameter of the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeMessageRFC822"/> constructor.</description>
<description>No implementation of <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore"/> will be created. <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MessageView"/> will try to aquire
needed data from the message source.
In most cases, <b>CacheMode.Hybrid</b> will be the best choice for performance reasons.
The created <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.HybridBackingStore"/> uses the default buffer size of 8192 bytes in memory for
each created <see cref="T:System.IO.Stream"/>. If the capacity is exceeded, the data is written to disk.
The use of <b>CacheMode.None</b> is strongly discouraged when reading from unreliable data
To use your own way to cache data, consider creating a <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MimeMessageRFC822"/> directly
with a class that implements <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.Storage.IBackingStore"/>.
Gets or sets the <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MessageView.DownloadControlSet"/> instance associated with the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MessageView"/>
A <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MessageView.DownloadControlSet"/>.
</value><exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"><paramref name="value"/> is a null reference (<b>Nothing</b> in Visual Basic).</exception><remarks>
When displaying messages with unknown content it is strongly recommended to use at least
the security settings from <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MessageView.DownloadControlSet"/><b>.MediumTemplate</b>.
<see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MessageView.DownloadControlSet"/><b>.MediumTemplate</b> is the default value of the
Gets or sets the <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MessageView.ContextMenuMode"/> associated with the <see cref="T:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MessageView"/>.
The <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MessageView.ContextMenuMode"/>.
The <b>ContextMenuMode</b> value specifies the mode that <b>MessageView</b>
handles right-cliks. See <see cref="P:dcwsolutions.MessageView.MessageView.ContextMenuMode"/> for details.