home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- //{$DEFINE DEBUG} // Uncomment this string if you want to debug plugin
- library TestPlugin;
- uses
- windows,
- plug in 'plug.pas';
- const
- PluginName : PChar = 'Test Plugin'; // plugin name
- BenchName : PChar = 'Plugin Bench'; // if plugin is "benchmark" plugin this const is a name for bench
- InfoName : PChar = 'Plugin Info'; // if plugin is "info" plugin this const is a name for info
- //=============================================================================
- // For smaller DLL size
- //=============================================================================
- Function IntToStr( int : Integer ) : String;
- begin
- Str(int, Result);
- end;
- //=============================================================================
- // This functions transmite plugin's information, so main app can decide how
- // to use this plugin properly
- //=============================================================================
- Function GetPluginInfo : TPlugunInfo;
- begin
- Result.Name:= PluginName;
- Result.IsBench:= true;
- Result.IsInfo:= true;
- Result.BenchName:= BenchName;
- Result.InfoName:= InfoName;
- Result.IsUseOpenGL:= false; // use or not default opengl window?
- end;
- //=============================================================================
- // This proc is called from main app at load time and transmite application's
- // handle.
- // After that we initialize all functions, exported by main application
- //=============================================================================
- Procedure InitPlugin(_Owner : Cardinal);
- begin
- Owner:= _Owner;
- InitializePlugin;
- end;
- //=============================================================================
- // This Procedure calls after main window create.
- // hwnd - handle of main window
- //=============================================================================
- Procedure PluginAfterStart(hwnd : Cardinal);
- begin
- h_wnd := hwnd;
- MessageBox(h_wnd, 'Plugin AfterStart', PluginName, MB_OK);
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- //=============================================================================
- // This Procedure calls after benchmark is started. (shift+f3 or normal start)
- //=============================================================================
- Procedure PluginStartBenchmark;
- begin
- MessageBox(h_wnd, 'Benchmark started', PluginName, MB_OK);
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- //=============================================================================
- // This Procedure calls in case of benchmark aborted.
- //=============================================================================
- Procedure PluginEndBenchmark;
- begin
- MessageBox(h_wnd, 'Benchmark Aborted', PluginName, MB_OK);
- {$ENDIF}
- end;
- //=============================================================================
- // This Procedure calls in case info draws
- //=============================================================================
- Procedure PluginDrawInfo;
- var
- PluginVersion : TplugInVersion;
- begin
- PluginVersion:= beGetPluginVersion;
- {$ENDIF}
- beDrawInfoText(17, 9, 10, 'Plugin API version');
- beDrawInfoText(17, 41, 10, 'Plugin API revision');
- beDrawInfoText(17, 73, 10, 'Plugin API comment');
- beDrawInfoText(17, 105, 10, 'Plugins Loaded');
- beDrawInfoText(17, 155, 9, 'This is just simple info plugin');
- beDrawInfoText(9, 25, 7, PChar(inttostr(PluginVersion.Major) + '.' + inttostr(PluginVersion.Minor)));
- beDrawInfoText(9, 57, 7, PChar(inttostr(PluginVersion.Revision)));
- beDrawInfoText(9, 89, 7, PluginVersion.Comment);
- beDrawInfoText(9, 121, 7,PChar(inttostr( PluginVersion.plugins)));
- end;
- //=============================================================================
- // Exports Section
- //=============================================================================
- exports
- GetPluginInfo, // this two procs must be exported
- InitPlugin, // this two procs must be exported
- PluginAfterStart,
- PluginStartBenchmark,
- PluginEndBenchmark,
- PluginDrawInfo;
- end.