PleaseFillAllTheFields = Please fill all the fields
YouHaveAlreadyThisFeedInTheFolder = You have already this feed (same url) in the folder
YouHaveAlreadyAFolderWithThisName = You have already a folder with this name
YouHaveToFillTheFolderName = You have to fill the folder name
InvalidName = Invalid name, choose another one
ThisNameAlreadyExistsPleaseChooseAnotherOne = This name already exists, please choose another one
PleaseRelaunchTheApplication = Please relaunch the application in order to apply fully your modifications
PleaseEnterANewName = Please enter a new name
AFeedAlreadyExistsWithThisTitleInTheSameFolder = A feed already exists with this title in the same folder. Please choose another name.
YouHaveToEnterAtLeastOneKeyWord = You have to enter at least one key word
YouHaveToSelectAtLeastOneFeedInTheList = You have to select at least one feed in the list
NoNewsFound = No news found
UnableToLookForNewVersion = Unable to look for new version. Please verify your Internet connection status. Another reason could be that the official website is unavailable. Do you want to try going to the official website now?
ErrorOccurredWhileInitialisingNotifier = An error has occurred while initialising your notifier. The default one has been reactivated
ErrorOccurredWhileInitialisingNewsPreview = An error has occurred while initialising your news preview. The default one has been reactivated
ErrorOccurredWhileImportingFeeds = An error has occured while importing these feeds
ErrorOccurredWhileOpeningOPML = An error has occured while opening your OPML file. Please verify that the xml syntax is respected
ImpossibleToDeleteProtectedNews = Impossible to delete protected news, unprotect them and retry
PopupDetected = Popup detected
DoYouWantToAllowThisPopup = Do you want to allow this popup?
KeepAllNewsAlertMessage = It is highly recommended if you activate this option to delete from time to time the news manually. Otherwise, this would slow down the application.
CheckForNewVersion = Check for new version
Version = Version
OfficialForums = Official forums
OfficialWebsite = Official website
IntroText = RSS Xpress is a computer software which is made available free of charge. You are invited to share it with your friends and colleagues, but you have to distribute the original install files without modifying them.
ChangeLog = Change Log
Coding = Coding
Designing = Designing
BetaTesters = Testers and friends
Translation = English translation
TranslationAuthors = Bull
AboutRSSXpress = About RSS Xpress
Title = Title
FeedURL = Feed URL
Description = Description
FeedProperties = Feed properties
RefreshAutomaticallyThisFeed = Refresh automatically this feed
Title = Title
FolderProperties = Folder properties
RefreshAutomatically = Refresh automatically all the feeds in this folder
FeedURL = Feed URL
NewFolder = New folder:
ExistingFolder = Existing folder:
Description = Description
Title = Title
Folder = Folder
NewFeed = New feed
NewFolder = New folder
NewFolderName = Folder name:
Activate = Activate
Change = Change
YouHaveToTypeAnInteger> = You have to type an Integer >
YouHaveToTypeAnInteger>50 = You have to type an Integer > 50
YouHaveToTypeAnInteger = You have to type an Integer
YouHaveToTypeAnAddressForTheProxy = You have to type an address for the proxy
YouHaveToTypeAPortForTheProxy = You have to type a port for the proxy
Actions = Actions
MinimizedInSystrayOnClose = Minimized in systray on close
ActivateTheNewTab = Activate the new tab
ConfirmWhenExiting = Confirm when exiting
RunRSSXpressOnStartup = Run RSS Xpress on startup
StartMinimizedToTray = Start minimized to tray
CheckMessagesOnStartup = Check messages on startup
PopupNotifications = Popup notifications
SoundNotifications = Sound notifications
RefreshFrequency = Refresh frequency
minutes = minutes
KeepTheNewsOfThe = Keep the news of the
LastDays = last days
DeleteReadNewsWhenExiting = Delete read news when exiting
TimeBeforeClosing = Time before closing
seconds = seconds
Appearance = Appearance
Test = Test
File = File:
PlayASoundWhenNewMessagesArrive = Play a sound when new messages arrive
Connection = Connection
ProxySetting = Proxy setting
Port = Port
Address = Address
UseAProxyForMyConnection = Use a proxy for my connection
Startup = Startup
CheckForNewVersionOfRSSXpress = Check for new version of RSS Xpress
ExpandAllTheNodes = Expand all the nodes
Advanced = Advanced
OpenFullNewsClicking = Open directly the full news when clicking
OpenInDefaultBrowserWhenDoubleClickingOnAnItem = Open in default browser when double clicking on an item
TimeBeforeMarkingANewsAsRead = Time before marking a news as read
Parameters = Parameters
Language = Language
NewsRemoval = News removal
KeepAllTheNewsInTheDatabase = Keep all the news in the database
ChooseASoundFile = Choose a sound file
ChooseAFileName = Choose a file name
TreeviewFont = Treeview font
ListviewFont = Listview font
ChangeTheFont = Change the font
NewsPreview = News preview
MoreNewsPreview = More news preview
Notifier = Notifier
ChooseANotifierFile = Choose a notifier file
Default = Default
MoreNotifiers = More notifiers
RefreshPriority = Refresh Priority
Lowest = Lowest
Highest = Highest
AnonymousStats = Anonymous stats
MouseClicks = Mouse clicks
WhenDescriptionLessThan = when description is less than
Characters = characters
Antipopup = Anti-popup
AdviseMeWhenApopupIsTryingToOpen = Advise me when a popup is trying to open
Message = Please wait. The operation can take up to few minutes...
NewName = New name
Rename = Rename
Name = Name
EnterKeywords = Enter Keyword(s)
SelectFeedsForYourSearch = Select feed(s) for your search
AtLeastOneWord = At least one word
AllTheWords = All the words
Search = Search
SearchInAllFeeds = Search in all feeds
SearchEngine = Search engine
DoYouWantToDownloadItNow = Do you want to download it now?
NoUpdateAvailable = No update available
ANewVersionOfRSSXpressIsAvailable = A new version of RSS XPress is available. It will bring bug fixes and new features. So it is highly recommended to install it now. Click on the button "Download" to install the new version.
ReadyToDownload = Ready to download
Downloading = Downloading
DownloadFinishedClickOnInstallButton = Download finished. Click on install button
Download = Download
Install = Install
Later = Later
Subject=Tell a friend about the new freeware RSS Xpress
Message=Hi,#newline#I have found a very good freeware called RSS Xpress.#newline#It is a RSS reader which allows supervising more easily the news of your favourite sites. You do not need anymore going to the websites regularly, it is the information which comes to you!#newline#The official website is: #website# #newline#Give it a try, you will not be disappointed!#newline#See you
MessageInformNews=A new free RSS reader is available: RSS XPress. Give it a try!
CloseTheTab = Close the tab
ProtectThisNews = Protect this news
CloseAllTheTabs = Close all the tabs
GoBackOnePage = Go back one page
GoForwardOnePage = Go forward one page
ReloadCurrentPage = Reload current page
AreYouSureYouWantToQuit = Are you sure you want to quit?
ExitRSSXpress = Exit RSS Xpress
DoNotAskAgainThisQuestion = Do not ask me again this question