home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
Text File | 2005-02-06 | 30.1 KB | 1,195 lines |
- inherited ScpCommanderForm: TScpCommanderForm
- Left = 319
- Top = 10
- Width = 661
- Height = 651
- HelpType = htKeyword
- HelpKeyword = 'ui_commander'
- Caption = 'ScpCommanderForm'
- OldCreateOrder = True
- PixelsPerInch = 96
- TextHeight = 13
- object Splitter: TSplitter [0]
- Left = 313
- Top = 170
- Width = 5
- Height = 307
- Cursor = crHSplit
- ResizeStyle = rsUpdate
- OnCanResize = SplitterCanResize
- OnMoved = SplitterMoved
- end
- inherited QueueSplitter: TSplitter
- Top = 498
- Width = 653
- end
- inherited TopCoolBar: TCoolBar
- Width = 653
- Height = 170
- Bands = <
- item
- Control = MenuToolBar
- ImageIndex = -1
- MinHeight = 22
- Width = 649
- end
- item
- Control = SessionToolbar
- ImageIndex = -1
- MinHeight = 22
- Width = 649
- end
- item
- Control = PreferencesToolbar
- ImageIndex = -1
- MinHeight = 22
- Width = 649
- end
- item
- Control = SelectionToolbar
- ImageIndex = -1
- MinHeight = 22
- Width = 649
- end
- item
- Control = CommandToolBar
- ImageIndex = -1
- MinHeight = 22
- Width = 649
- end
- item
- Control = SortToolbar
- ImageIndex = -1
- MinHeight = 22
- Width = 649
- end
- item
- Control = CommandsToolbar
- ImageIndex = -1
- MinHeight = 22
- Width = 649
- end>
- FixedSize = False
- object MenuToolBar: TToolBar
- Left = 9
- Top = 0
- Width = 343
- Height = 22
- Hint = '|E'
- Align = alLeft
- AutoSize = True
- ButtonHeight = 21
- ButtonWidth = 65
- Caption = 'MenuToolBar'
- EdgeBorders = []
- Flat = True
- ShowCaptions = True
- TabOrder = 0
- Wrapable = False
- object LeftMenuButton: TToolButton
- Left = 0
- Top = 0
- Hint = 'Change local panel layout or change displayed directory/drive'
- AutoSize = True
- Caption = '&Local'
- Grouped = True
- MenuItem = NonVisualDataModule.CommanderLocalMenu
- end
- object ToolButton1: TToolButton
- Left = 37
- Top = 0
- Hint = 'Mark commands'
- AutoSize = True
- Caption = '&Mark'
- Grouped = True
- MenuItem = NonVisualDataModule.CommonMarkMenu
- end
- object ToolButton4: TToolButton
- Left = 72
- Top = 0
- Hint = 'File operation commands'
- AutoSize = True
- Caption = '&Files'
- Grouped = True
- MenuItem = NonVisualDataModule.CommanderFilesMenu
- end
- object ToolButton49: TToolButton
- Left = 104
- Top = 0
- Hint = 'Other commands'
- AutoSize = True
- Caption = '&Commands'
- Grouped = True
- MenuItem = NonVisualDataModule.CommanderCommandsMenu
- end
- object ToolButton19: TToolButton
- Left = 167
- Top = 0
- Hint = 'Session commands'
- AutoSize = True
- Caption = '&Session'
- Grouped = True
- MenuItem = NonVisualDataModule.CommonSessionMenu
- end
- object ToolButton7: TToolButton
- Left = 215
- Top = 0
- Hint = 'Change program layout/preferences'
- AutoSize = True
- Caption = '&Options'
- Grouped = True
- MenuItem = NonVisualDataModule.CommanderOptionsMenu
- end
- object RightMenuButton: TToolButton
- Left = 262
- Top = 0
- Hint = 'Change remote panel layout or change displayed directory'
- AutoSize = True
- Caption = '&Remote'
- Grouped = True
- MenuItem = NonVisualDataModule.CommanderRemoteMenu
- end
- object ToolButton20: TToolButton
- Left = 310
- Top = 0
- Hint = 'Help'
- AutoSize = True
- Caption = '&Help'
- Grouped = True
- MenuItem = NonVisualDataModule.CommonHelpMenu
- end
- end
- object SelectionToolbar: TToolBar
- Left = 9
- Top = 72
- Width = 123
- Height = 22
- Hint = '|E'
- Align = alLeft
- AutoSize = True
- Caption = 'SelectionToolbar'
- DisabledImages = NonVisualDataModule.ExplorerDisabledImages
- EdgeBorders = []
- Flat = True
- Images = NonVisualDataModule.ExplorerImages
- ParentShowHint = False
- ShowHint = True
- TabOrder = 1
- Transparent = True
- Wrapable = False
- object ToolButton23: TToolButton
- Left = 0
- Top = 0
- Action = NonVisualDataModule.SelectAction
- end
- object ToolButton24: TToolButton
- Left = 23
- Top = 0
- Action = NonVisualDataModule.UnselectAction
- end
- object ToolButton25: TToolButton
- Left = 46
- Top = 0
- Width = 8
- Hint = 'E'
- Caption = 'ToolButton25'
- ImageIndex = 24
- Style = tbsSeparator
- end
- object ToolButton26: TToolButton
- Left = 54
- Top = 0
- Action = NonVisualDataModule.SelectAllAction
- end
- object ToolButton28: TToolButton
- Left = 77
- Top = 0
- Action = NonVisualDataModule.InvertSelectionAction
- end
- object ToolButton29: TToolButton
- Left = 100
- Top = 0
- Action = NonVisualDataModule.ClearSelectionAction
- end
- end
- object PreferencesToolbar: TToolBar
- Left = 9
- Top = 48
- Width = 90
- Height = 22
- Hint = '|E'
- Align = alLeft
- AutoSize = True
- Caption = 'PreferencesToolbar'
- DisabledImages = NonVisualDataModule.ExplorerDisabledImages
- EdgeBorders = []
- Flat = True
- Images = NonVisualDataModule.ExplorerImages
- ParentShowHint = False
- ShowHint = True
- TabOrder = 2
- Transparent = True
- Wrapable = False
- object ToolButton33: TToolButton
- Left = 0
- Top = 0
- Action = NonVisualDataModule.PreferencesAction
- end
- object ToolButton35: TToolButton
- Left = 23
- Top = 0
- Width = 8
- Hint = 'E'
- Caption = 'ToolButton35'
- ImageIndex = 28
- Style = tbsSeparator
- end
- object ToolButton36: TToolButton
- Left = 31
- Top = 0
- Action = NonVisualDataModule.ViewLogAction
- Style = tbsCheck
- end
- object ToolButton50: TToolButton
- Left = 54
- Top = 0
- Action = NonVisualDataModule.QueueToggleShowAction
- DropdownMenu = NonVisualDataModule.QueueShowPopup
- Style = tbsDropDown
- end
- end
- object SessionToolbar: TToolBar
- Left = 9
- Top = 24
- Width = 242
- Height = 22
- Hint = '|E'
- Align = alLeft
- AutoSize = True
- Caption = 'SessionToolbar'
- DisabledImages = NonVisualDataModule.ExplorerDisabledImages
- EdgeBorders = []
- Flat = True
- Images = NonVisualDataModule.ExplorerImages
- ParentShowHint = False
- ShowHint = True
- TabOrder = 3
- Transparent = True
- Wrapable = False
- object ToolButton30: TToolButton
- Left = 0
- Top = 0
- Action = NonVisualDataModule.NewSessionAction
- end
- object ToolButton48: TToolButton
- Left = 23
- Top = 0
- Width = 8
- Caption = 'ToolButton48'
- ImageIndex = 44
- Style = tbsSeparator
- end
- object SessionCombo: TComboBox
- Left = 31
- Top = 0
- Width = 114
- Height = 21
- Style = csOwnerDrawFixed
- DropDownCount = 15
- ItemHeight = 15
- TabOrder = 0
- TabStop = False
- OnCloseUp = SessionComboCloseUp
- end
- object SessionComboResizer: TSplitter
- Left = 145
- Top = 0
- Width = 4
- Height = 22
- Cursor = crSizeWE
- Hint = 'Drag to resize session drop down menu'
- AutoSnap = False
- ResizeStyle = rsUpdate
- OnCanResize = SessionComboResizerCanResize
- OnMoved = SessionComboResizerMoved
- end
- object ToolButton2: TToolButton
- Left = 149
- Top = 0
- Width = 3
- Caption = 'ToolButton2'
- ImageIndex = 44
- Style = tbsSeparator
- end
- object ToolButton31: TToolButton
- Left = 152
- Top = 0
- Action = NonVisualDataModule.CloseSessionAction
- end
- object ToolButton32: TToolButton
- Left = 175
- Top = 0
- Width = 8
- Hint = 'E'
- Caption = 'ToolButton32'
- ImageIndex = 27
- Style = tbsSeparator
- end
- object SavedSessionsButton: TToolButton
- Left = 183
- Top = 0
- Action = NonVisualDataModule.SavedSessionsAction
- MenuItem = NonVisualDataModule.SavedSessionsMenu
- Style = tbsDropDown
- end
- object ToolButton21: TToolButton
- Left = 219
- Top = 0
- Action = NonVisualDataModule.SaveCurrentSessionAction
- end
- end
- object CommandToolBar: TToolBar
- Left = 9
- Top = 96
- Width = 223
- Height = 22
- Hint = '|E'
- Align = alLeft
- AutoSize = True
- Caption = 'CommandToolBar'
- DisabledImages = NonVisualDataModule.ExplorerDisabledImages
- EdgeBorders = []
- Flat = True
- Images = NonVisualDataModule.ExplorerImages
- ParentShowHint = False
- ShowHint = True
- TabOrder = 4
- Transparent = True
- Wrapable = False
- object ToolButton6: TToolButton
- Left = 0
- Top = 0
- Action = NonVisualDataModule.CurrentCopyAction
- end
- object ToolButton17: TToolButton
- Left = 23
- Top = 0
- Action = NonVisualDataModule.CurrentMoveAction
- end
- object ToolButton38: TToolButton
- Left = 46
- Top = 0
- Width = 8
- Hint = 'E'
- Caption = 'ToolButton38'
- ImageIndex = 6
- Style = tbsSeparator
- end
- object ToolButton43: TToolButton
- Left = 54
- Top = 0
- Action = NonVisualDataModule.CurrentEditAction
- end
- object ToolButton44: TToolButton
- Left = 77
- Top = 0
- Action = NonVisualDataModule.CurrentOpenAction
- end
- object ToolButton5: TToolButton
- Left = 100
- Top = 0
- Action = NonVisualDataModule.CurrentRenameAction
- end
- object ToolButton27: TToolButton
- Left = 123
- Top = 0
- Action = NonVisualDataModule.CurrentDeleteAction
- end
- object ToolButton16: TToolButton
- Left = 146
- Top = 0
- Action = NonVisualDataModule.CurrentPropertiesAction
- end
- object ToolButton37: TToolButton
- Left = 169
- Top = 0
- Width = 8
- Hint = 'E'
- Caption = 'ToolButton37'
- ImageIndex = 6
- Style = tbsSeparator
- end
- object ToolButton34: TToolButton
- Left = 177
- Top = 0
- Action = NonVisualDataModule.CurrentCreateDirAction
- end
- object ToolButton47: TToolButton
- Left = 200
- Top = 0
- Action = NonVisualDataModule.AddEditLinkAction
- end
- end
- object SortToolbar: TToolBar
- Left = 9
- Top = 120
- Width = 215
- Height = 22
- Hint = '|E'
- Align = alLeft
- AutoSize = True
- Caption = 'SortToolbar'
- DisabledImages = NonVisualDataModule.ExplorerDisabledImages
- EdgeBorders = []
- Flat = True
- Images = NonVisualDataModule.ExplorerImages
- ParentShowHint = False
- ShowHint = True
- TabOrder = 5
- Transparent = True
- Wrapable = False
- object ToolButton8: TToolButton
- Left = 0
- Top = 0
- Action = NonVisualDataModule.CurrentSortAscendingAction
- Style = tbsCheck
- end
- object ToolButton10: TToolButton
- Left = 23
- Top = 0
- Width = 8
- Hint = 'E'
- Caption = 'ToolButton10'
- ImageIndex = 6
- Style = tbsSeparator
- end
- object ToolButton9: TToolButton
- Left = 31
- Top = 0
- Action = NonVisualDataModule.CurrentSortByNameAction
- Grouped = True
- Style = tbsCheck
- end
- object ToolButton22: TToolButton
- Left = 54
- Top = 0
- Action = NonVisualDataModule.CurrentSortByExtAction
- Grouped = True
- Style = tbsCheck
- end
- object ToolButton11: TToolButton
- Left = 77
- Top = 0
- Action = NonVisualDataModule.CurrentSortByTypeAction
- Grouped = True
- Style = tbsCheck
- end
- object ToolButton13: TToolButton
- Left = 100
- Top = 0
- Action = NonVisualDataModule.CurrentSortByChangedAction
- Grouped = True
- Style = tbsCheck
- end
- object ToolButton15: TToolButton
- Left = 123
- Top = 0
- Action = NonVisualDataModule.CurrentSortBySizeAction
- Grouped = True
- Style = tbsCheck
- end
- object ToolButton12: TToolButton
- Left = 146
- Top = 0
- Action = NonVisualDataModule.CurrentSortByRightsAction
- Grouped = True
- Style = tbsCheck
- end
- object ToolButton14: TToolButton
- Left = 169
- Top = 0
- Action = NonVisualDataModule.CurrentSortByOwnerAction
- Style = tbsCheck
- end
- object ToolButton18: TToolButton
- Left = 192
- Top = 0
- Action = NonVisualDataModule.CurrentSortByGroupAction
- Style = tbsCheck
- end
- end
- object CommandsToolbar: TToolBar
- Left = 9
- Top = 144
- Width = 131
- Height = 22
- Hint = '|E'
- Align = alLeft
- AutoSize = True
- Caption = 'CommandsToolbar'
- DisabledImages = NonVisualDataModule.ExplorerDisabledImages
- EdgeBorders = []
- Flat = True
- Images = NonVisualDataModule.ExplorerImages
- ParentShowHint = False
- ShowHint = True
- TabOrder = 6
- Transparent = True
- Wrapable = False
- object ToolButton39: TToolButton
- Left = 0
- Top = 0
- Action = NonVisualDataModule.CompareDirectoriesAction
- end
- object ToolButton40: TToolButton
- Left = 23
- Top = 0
- Action = NonVisualDataModule.SynchronizeAction
- end
- object ToolButton51: TToolButton
- Left = 46
- Top = 0
- Action = NonVisualDataModule.FullSynchronizeAction
- end
- object ToolButton41: TToolButton
- Left = 69
- Top = 0
- Width = 8
- Hint = 'E'
- Caption = 'ToolButton41'
- ImageIndex = 54
- Style = tbsSeparator
- end
- object ToolButton42: TToolButton
- Left = 77
- Top = 0
- Action = NonVisualDataModule.ConsoleAction
- end
- object ToolButton45: TToolButton
- Left = 100
- Top = 0
- Width = 8
- Hint = 'E'
- Caption = 'ToolButton45'
- ImageIndex = 56
- Style = tbsSeparator
- end
- object ToolButton46: TToolButton
- Left = 108
- Top = 0
- Action = NonVisualDataModule.SynchronizeBrowsingAction
- Style = tbsCheck
- end
- end
- end
- inherited RemotePanel: TPanel
- Left = 318
- Top = 170
- Width = 335
- Height = 307
- Constraints.MinHeight = 220
- Constraints.MinWidth = 185
- TabOrder = 1
- object RemotePathLabel: TPathLabel [0]
- Left = 0
- Top = 72
- Width = 335
- Height = 15
- UnixPath = True
- HotTrack = True
- OnGetStatus = RemotePathLabelGetStatus
- OnPathClick = RemotePathLabelPathClick
- AutoSize = False
- PopupMenu = NonVisualDataModule.RemotePanelPopup
- OnDblClick = PathLabelDblClick
- end
- inherited RemotePanelSplitter: TSplitter
- Left = 0
- Top = 153
- Width = 335
- Height = 3
- Cursor = crVSplit
- Align = alTop
- end
- inherited RemoteStatusBar: TAssociatedStatusBar
- Top = 288
- Width = 335
- Hint = ''
- end
- inherited RemoteDirView: TUnixDirView
- Left = 0
- Top = 156
- Width = 335
- Height = 132
- Constraints.MinHeight = 70
- RowSelect = True
- NortonLike = True
- PathComboBox = RemotePathComboBox
- PathLabel = RemotePathLabel
- AddParentDir = True
- OnLoaded = DirViewLoaded
- OnDDFileOperationExecuted = RemoteFileControlDDFileOperationExecuted
- end
- inherited RemoteDriveView: TUnixDriveView
- Top = 87
- Width = 335
- Height = 66
- Align = alTop
- Constraints.MinHeight = 30
- HideSelection = False
- TabStop = False
- end
- object RemoteCoolBar: TCoolBar
- Left = 0
- Top = 0
- Width = 335
- Height = 72
- AutoSize = True
- BandMaximize = bmDblClick
- Bands = <
- item
- Control = ToolBar6
- ImageIndex = -1
- MinHeight = 22
- MinWidth = 50
- Width = 331
- end
- item
- Control = ToolBar3
- ImageIndex = -1
- MinHeight = 22
- Width = 331
- end
- item
- Control = ToolBar4
- ImageIndex = -1
- MinHeight = 22
- Width = 331
- end>
- EdgeBorders = [ebLeft, ebRight, ebBottom]
- FixedSize = True
- PopupMenu = NonVisualDataModule.RemotePanelPopup
- object ToolBar3: TToolBar
- Left = 9
- Top = 24
- Width = 72
- Height = 22
- Hint = '|E'
- Align = alLeft
- AutoSize = True
- Caption = 'ToolBar3'
- DisabledImages = NonVisualDataModule.ExplorerDisabledImages
- EdgeBorders = []
- Flat = True
- Images = NonVisualDataModule.ExplorerImages
- ParentShowHint = False
- ShowHint = True
- TabOrder = 0
- Transparent = True
- Wrapable = False
- object RemoteBackButton: TToolButton
- Left = 0
- Top = 0
- Action = NonVisualDataModule.RemoteBackAction
- Style = tbsDropDown
- end
- object RemoteForwardButton: TToolButton
- Left = 36
- Top = 0
- Action = NonVisualDataModule.RemoteForwardAction
- Style = tbsDropDown
- end
- end
- object ToolBar4: TToolBar
- Left = 9
- Top = 48
- Width = 146
- Height = 22
- Hint = '|E'
- Align = alLeft
- AutoSize = True
- Caption = 'ToolBar4'
- DisabledImages = NonVisualDataModule.ExplorerDisabledImages
- EdgeBorders = []
- Flat = True
- Images = NonVisualDataModule.ExplorerImages
- ParentShowHint = False
- ShowHint = True
- TabOrder = 1
- Transparent = True
- Wrapable = False
- object ToolButton87: TToolButton
- Left = 0
- Top = 0
- Action = NonVisualDataModule.RemoteParentDirAction
- end
- object ToolButton88: TToolButton
- Left = 23
- Top = 0
- Action = NonVisualDataModule.RemoteRootDirAction
- end
- object ToolButton89: TToolButton
- Left = 46
- Top = 0
- Action = NonVisualDataModule.RemoteHomeDirAction
- end
- object ToolButton90: TToolButton
- Left = 69
- Top = 0
- Action = NonVisualDataModule.RemoteRefreshAction
- end
- object ToolButton91: TToolButton
- Left = 92
- Top = 0
- Width = 8
- Hint = 'E'
- Caption = 'ToolButton91'
- ImageIndex = 9
- Style = tbsSeparator
- end
- object ToolButton92: TToolButton
- Left = 100
- Top = 0
- Action = NonVisualDataModule.RemoteOpenDirAction
- end
- object ToolButton69: TToolButton
- Left = 123
- Top = 0
- Action = NonVisualDataModule.RemoteTreeAction
- end
- end
- object ToolBar6: TToolBar
- Tag = 1
- Left = 9
- Top = 0
- Width = 318
- Height = 22
- Hint = '|E'
- Align = alClient
- Caption = 'ToolBar6'
- DisabledImages = NonVisualDataModule.ExplorerDisabledImages
- EdgeBorders = []
- Flat = True
- Images = NonVisualDataModule.ExplorerImages
- ParentShowHint = False
- ShowHint = True
- TabOrder = 2
- Transparent = True
- Wrapable = False
- OnResize = ToolBarResize
- object RemotePathComboBox: TUnixPathComboBox
- Left = 0
- Top = 0
- Width = 316
- Height = 21
- OnCloseUp = PathComboBoxCloseUp
- Align = alClient
- DropDownCount = 20
- TabOrder = 0
- end
- end
- end
- end
- inherited QueuePanel: TPanel
- Top = 501
- Width = 653
- Height = 75
- TabOrder = 5
- inherited QueueView: TListView
- Width = 653
- Height = 49
- TabStop = False
- end
- inherited QueueCoolBar: TCoolBar
- Width = 653
- Bands = <
- item
- Control = QueueToolBar
- ImageIndex = -1
- MinHeight = 22
- Width = 649
- end>
- inherited QueueToolBar: TToolBar
- Width = 636
- PopupMenu = NonVisualDataModule.CommanderBarPopup
- end
- end
- end
- object LocalPanel: TPanel
- Left = 0
- Top = 170
- Width = 313
- Height = 307
- Align = alLeft
- BevelOuter = bvNone
- Constraints.MinHeight = 220
- Constraints.MinWidth = 185
- TabOrder = 0
- object LocalPathLabel: TPathLabel
- Left = 0
- Top = 72
- Width = 313
- Height = 15
- HotTrack = True
- OnGetStatus = LocalPathLabelGetStatus
- OnPathClick = LocalPathLabelPathClick
- AutoSize = False
- PopupMenu = NonVisualDataModule.LocalPanelPopup
- OnDblClick = PathLabelDblClick
- end
- object LocalPanelSplitter: TSplitter
- Left = 0
- Top = 153
- Width = 313
- Height = 3
- Cursor = crVSplit
- Align = alTop
- AutoSnap = False
- MinSize = 70
- ResizeStyle = rsUpdate
- end
- object LocalStatusBar: TAssociatedStatusBar
- Left = 0
- Top = 288
- Width = 313
- Height = 19
- Panels = <
- item
- Text = '0 b of 0 b in 0 of 0'
- Width = 50
- end>
- ParentFont = True
- ParentShowHint = False
- PopupMenu = NonVisualDataModule.LocalPanelPopup
- ShowHint = True
- SimplePanel = False
- UseSystemFont = False
- OnResize = StatusBarResize
- FocusControl = LocalDirView
- end
- object LocalDirView: TDirView
- Left = 0
- Top = 156
- Width = 313
- Height = 132
- Align = alClient
- Constraints.MinHeight = 70
- FullDrag = True
- HideSelection = False
- RowSelect = True
- ParentFont = False
- PopupMenu = NonVisualDataModule.LocalDirViewPopup
- TabOrder = 1
- ViewStyle = vsReport
- OnColumnRightClick = DirViewColumnRightClick
- OnEnter = LocalDirViewEnter
- DirColProperties.ExtVisible = False
- PathComboBox = LocalPathComboBox
- PathLabel = LocalPathLabel
- StatusBar = LocalStatusBar
- OnGetSelectFilter = RemoteDirViewGetSelectFilter
- HeaderImages = NonVisualDataModule.ArrowImages
- AddParentDir = True
- OnLoaded = DirViewLoaded
- OnDDDragEnter = LocalFileControlDDDragEnter
- OnDDDragLeave = FileControlDDDragLeave
- OnDDDragOver = LocalFileControlDDDragOver
- OnDDTargetHasDropHandler = LocalDirViewDDTargetHasDropHandler
- OnDDFileOperation = LocalFileControlDDFileOperation
- OnDDMenuPopup = LocalFileControlDDMenuPopup
- OnExecFile = LocalDirViewExecFile
- OnMatchMask = DirViewMatchMask
- OnGetOverlay = RemoteDirViewGetOverlay
- ConfirmDelete = False
- ConfirmOverwrite = False
- WatchForChanges = True
- OnFileIconForName = LocalDirViewFileIconForName
- end
- object LocalCoolBar: TCoolBar
- Left = 0
- Top = 0
- Width = 313
- Height = 72
- AutoSize = True
- BandMaximize = bmDblClick
- Bands = <
- item
- Control = ToolBar5
- ImageIndex = -1
- MinHeight = 22
- MinWidth = 50
- Width = 309
- end
- item
- Control = ToolBar1
- ImageIndex = -1
- MinHeight = 22
- Width = 309
- end
- item
- Control = ToolBar2
- ImageIndex = -1
- MinHeight = 22
- Width = 309
- end>
- EdgeBorders = [ebLeft, ebRight, ebBottom]
- FixedSize = True
- PopupMenu = NonVisualDataModule.LocalPanelPopup
- object ToolBar1: TToolBar
- Left = 9
- Top = 24
- Width = 72
- Height = 22
- Hint = '|E'
- Align = alLeft
- AutoSize = True
- Caption = 'ToolBar1'
- DisabledImages = NonVisualDataModule.ExplorerDisabledImages
- EdgeBorders = []
- Flat = True
- Images = NonVisualDataModule.ExplorerImages
- ParentShowHint = False
- ShowHint = True
- TabOrder = 0
- Transparent = True
- Wrapable = False
- object LocalBackButton: TToolButton
- Left = 0
- Top = 0
- Action = NonVisualDataModule.LocalBackAction
- Style = tbsDropDown
- end
- object LocalForwardButton: TToolButton
- Left = 36
- Top = 0
- Action = NonVisualDataModule.LocalForwardAction
- Style = tbsDropDown
- end
- end
- object ToolBar2: TToolBar
- Left = 9
- Top = 48
- Width = 146
- Height = 22
- Hint = '|E'
- Align = alLeft
- AutoSize = True
- Caption = 'ToolBar2'
- DisabledImages = NonVisualDataModule.ExplorerDisabledImages
- EdgeBorders = []
- Flat = True
- Images = NonVisualDataModule.ExplorerImages
- ParentShowHint = False
- ShowHint = True
- TabOrder = 1
- Transparent = True
- Wrapable = False
- object ToolButton57: TToolButton
- Left = 0
- Top = 0
- Action = NonVisualDataModule.LocalParentDirAction
- end
- object ToolButton58: TToolButton
- Left = 23
- Top = 0
- Action = NonVisualDataModule.LocalRootDirAction
- end
- object ToolButton59: TToolButton
- Left = 46
- Top = 0
- Action = NonVisualDataModule.LocalHomeDirAction
- end
- object ToolButton60: TToolButton
- Left = 69
- Top = 0
- Action = NonVisualDataModule.LocalRefreshAction
- end
- object ToolButton61: TToolButton
- Left = 92
- Top = 0
- Width = 8
- Hint = 'E'
- Caption = 'ToolButton61'
- ImageIndex = 9
- Style = tbsSeparator
- end
- object ToolButton62: TToolButton
- Left = 100
- Top = 0
- Action = NonVisualDataModule.LocalOpenDirAction
- end
- object ToolButton68: TToolButton
- Left = 123
- Top = 0
- Action = NonVisualDataModule.LocalTreeAction
- end
- end
- object ToolBar5: TToolBar
- Tag = 1
- Left = 9
- Top = 0
- Width = 296
- Height = 22
- Hint = '|E'
- Align = alClient
- Caption = 'ToolBar5'
- DisabledImages = NonVisualDataModule.ExplorerDisabledImages
- EdgeBorders = []
- Flat = True
- Images = NonVisualDataModule.ExplorerImages
- ParentShowHint = False
- ShowHint = True
- TabOrder = 2
- Transparent = True
- Wrapable = False
- OnResize = ToolBarResize
- object LocalPathComboBox: TIEPathComboBox
- Left = 0
- Top = 0
- Width = 296
- Height = 21
- DirectoryToSelect = dsLast
- OnCloseUp = PathComboBoxCloseUp
- Align = alClient
- DropDownCount = 30
- TabOrder = 0
- TabStop = False
- end
- end
- end
- object LocalDriveView: TDriveView
- Left = 0
- Top = 87
- Width = 313
- Height = 66
- WatchDirectory = True
- DirView = LocalDirView
- OnDDDragEnter = LocalFileControlDDDragEnter
- OnDDDragLeave = FileControlDDDragLeave
- OnDDDragOver = LocalFileControlDDDragOver
- OnDDFileOperation = LocalFileControlDDFileOperation
- OnDDMenuPopup = LocalFileControlDDMenuPopup
- Align = alTop
- Constraints.MinHeight = 30
- HideSelection = False
- Indent = 19
- ParentColor = False
- TabOrder = 3
- TabStop = False
- OnEnter = LocalDriveViewEnter
- end
- end
- object ToolbarPanel: TToolbarPanel
- Left = 0
- Top = 576
- Width = 653
- Height = 22
- Category = 'Toolbar Operation (selected + rename + mkdir + close)'
- ActionList = NonVisualDataModule.ExplorerActions
- Stretch = True
- DisabledImages = NonVisualDataModule.ExplorerDisabledImages
- PopupMenu = NonVisualDataModule.CommanderBarPopup
- TabOrder = 4
- end
- object StatusBar: TStatusBar
- Left = 0
- Top = 598
- Width = 653
- Height = 19
- Panels = <
- item
- Alignment = taCenter
- Width = 100
- end
- item
- Alignment = taCenter
- Width = 100
- end
- item
- Alignment = taCenter
- Style = psOwnerDraw
- Width = 35
- end
- item
- Alignment = taCenter
- Style = psOwnerDraw
- Width = 35
- end
- item
- Style = psOwnerDraw
- Width = 100
- end
- item
- Alignment = taCenter
- Width = 80
- end
- item
- Alignment = taCenter
- Width = 80
- end
- item
- Alignment = taCenter
- Width = 50
- end>
- ParentFont = True
- ParentShowHint = False
- PopupMenu = NonVisualDataModule.CommanderBarPopup
- ShowHint = True
- SimplePanel = False
- UseSystemFont = False
- OnDblClick = StatusBarDblClick
- OnMouseMove = SessionStatusBarMouseMove
- OnDrawPanel = SessionStatusBarDrawPanel
- OnResize = StatusBarResize
- end
- object CommandLinePanel: TPanel
- Left = 0
- Top = 477
- Width = 653
- Height = 21
- Align = alBottom
- BevelOuter = bvNone
- PopupMenu = NonVisualDataModule.CommanderBarPopup
- TabOrder = 2
- DesignSize = (
- 653
- 21)
- object CommandLineLabel: TPathLabel
- Left = 4
- Top = 4
- Width = 159
- Height = 15
- IndentHorizontal = 0
- IndentVertical = 0
- Align = alNone
- Alignment = taRightJustify
- AutoSize = False
- end
- object CommandLinePromptLabel: TLabel
- Left = 164
- Top = 4
- Width = 6
- Height = 13
- Caption = '>'
- end
- object CommandLineCombo: THistoryComboBox
- Left = 173
- Top = 0
- Width = 477
- Height = 21
- AutoComplete = False
- Anchors = [akLeft, akTop, akRight, akBottom]
- ItemHeight = 13
- MaxLength = 250
- TabOrder = 0
- TabStop = False
- Text = 'CommandLineCombo'
- OnDropDown = CommandLineComboDropDown
- OnEnter = CommandLineComboEnter
- OnExit = CommandLineComboExit
- OnKeyDown = CommandLineComboKeyDown
- SaveOn = []
- end
- end
- end