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- In the .xml files of the skin you can use the list of tags (see below) to show info about the current
- playing file. These special tags currently work for the following controls:
- - button
- - label
- - fadelabel
- - textboxscrollup
- - progress
- - image
- - tvprogress
- These special tags are placed in the <label></label> field of the controls and contain the
- tagname and any other text you want.
- example of an label control :
- <control>
- <description>example label control showwing the current play time </description>
- <type>label</type>
- <id>2</id>
- <posX>575</posX>
- <posY>45</posY>
- <label>playtime:#currentplaytime</label>
- <align>left</align>
- <font>font13</font>
- <textcolor>FFB2D4F5</textcolor>
- </control>
- example of an fadelabel:
- (note that \r means a new line in the fadelabel control)
- <control>
- <description>example fadelabel control showing & scrolling title, genre, year & director tag</description>
- <type>fadelabel</type>
- <width>220</width>
- <height>30</height>
- <posX>520</posX>
- <posY>45</posY>
- <align>right</align>
- <font>font13</font>
- <textcolor>FFB2D4F5</textcolor>
- <label>#title\r#genre\r#year\r#director</label>
- <id>5</id>
- </control>
- List of special tags:
- Tagname description
- ---------------------------------------------------------
- Metadata of the currently playing movie / song
- #title title
- #artist artist
- #album albumname
- #track tracknumber
- #year release year
- #comment comment
- #director Director
- #genre genre/movie
- #cast cast
- #dvdlabel dvd#
- #imdbnumber imdbnumber
- #file filename
- #plot plot
- #plotoutline plotoutline
- #rating rating
- #tagline tagline
- #votes votes
- #credits credits
- #thumb filename of the thumbnail containg the movie/song art
- #currentplaytime current playtime in HH:MM:SS
- #shortcurrentplaytime current playtime in HH:MM
- #duration duration in seconds of in HH:MM:SS
- #shortduration duration in seconds of in HH:MM
- #playlogo contains the filename of the logo which shows the current status (FF/RW/PAUSE/PLAY)
- #playspeed playspeed (-2x, 1x, 2x, 4x,...)/song
- #percentage % (0-100/song)
- Metadata of the listcontrol/thumbnail panel controls
- #selecteditem text of current selected item
- #selecteditem2 2nd text of for current selected item
- #selectedthumb filename of thumbnail for current selected item
- #itemcount number of items
- Various:
- #currentmodule contains the name of the current window (like My Movies or My Pictures)
- Metadata of My TV & recorder
- #channel current TV channel
- #TV.start start time of the current tvprogram you're watching/recording
- #TV.stop stop time of the current tvprogram you're watching/recording
- #TV.current current time of the current tvprogram you're watching/recording
- metadata of My TV/recorder:
- #TV.Record.channel TV channel of the current tvprogram which gets recorded
- #TV.Record.start start time of the current tvprogram which gets recorded
- #TV.Record.stop stop time of the current tvprogram which gets recorded
- #TV.Record.genre genre of the current tvprogram which gets recorded
- #TV.Record.title title of the current tvprogram which gets recorded
- #TV.Record.description description of the current tvprogram which gets recorded
- #TV.Record.thumb thumbnail filename of the current tvprogram which gets recorded
- metadata of My TV/ tv viewing:
- #TV.View.channel TV channel of the current tvprogram you're watching
- #TV.View.thumb thumbnail of the current tvprogram you're watching
- #TV.View.start start time of the current tvprogram you're watching
- #TV.View.stop stop time of the current tvprogram you're watching
- #TV.View.genre genre of the current tvprogram you're watching
- #TV.View.title title of the current tvprogram you're watching
- #TV.View.description description of the current tvprogram you're watching
- #TV.View.Percentage contains how much percent (0%-100%) of the current tvprogram has past
- metadata of My TV/TVGuide:
- #TV.Guide.Day contains the day you're browsing
- #TV.Guide.thumb thumbnail of current selected tv channel
- #TV.Guide.Title title of current selected program
- #TV.Guide.Time start-endtime of current selected program
- #TV.Guide.Description description of current selected program
- #TV.Guide.Genre genre of current selected program
- metadata of My TV/ Recorded TV:
- #TV.RecordedTV.Title title of current selected recording
- #TV.RecordedTV.Time time of current selected recording
- #TV.RecordedTV.Description description of current selected recording
- #TV.RecordedTV.thumb thumbnail of current selected recording
- #TV.RecordedTV.Genre genre of current selected recording
- meta data of current recording/program
- #TV.Record.percent1 total percentage of show not recorded
- #TV.Record.percent2 total percentage of show recorded
- #TV.Record.percent3 total percentage of show viewed
- #TV.Record.duration duration of current program (recording of viewing)
- #TV.Record.current position we're currently viewing