1="Ta■²nan slider i ÷zel pan&scan de≡erine ayarla"
//Subtitle time correction
0="Altyaz² zaman dⁿzeltme"
1="Altyaz²lar τok erken g÷steriliyorsa pozitif (art²) de≡erleri kullan."
3="Zaman (san)"
0="BSPlayer tercihleri"
2="Dosya tⁿrleri"
4="DivX 3.11 ÷zellikler"
5="DivX 4+ ÷zellikler"
6="FFDshow ÷zellikler"
8="WinAmp2 DSP eklentileri"
11="Anahtar tan²mlar & WinLIRC"
14="InterVideo AC3"
//Preferences, General
1="╟oklu ÷rneklere izin ver"
1H="╟oklu ÷rneklere izin ver"
2="Otomatik oynat"
2H="Aτt²≡²n²zda seτilmi■ olan filmi oynatmaya ba■layacak, aksi takdirde Play dⁿ≡mesine basmal²s²n²z."
3="WinLIRC kullanma"
3H="Aktif durumdaki BSPlayer WinLIRC sunucusuna ba≡lanam²yorsa. Ba■lang²τta biraz daha h²zl²."
4="Tek t²klatmayla filmi duraklat"
4H="If enabled movie will be paused when you click on video window."
5="╟ift t²klatmayla tam ekran moduna geτi■"
5H="Switch full screen mode on double click."
6="Mouse t²klat²ld²≡²nda ana pencereyi g÷ster"
6H="If enabled main player window will be automaticaly shown on mouse move. (Only in full screen mode)."
7="Tek t²klatmada ana pencereyi g÷ster"
7H="If enabled main player window will be shown when you click on video window. (Only in full screen mode)."
8="Ana pencereyi otomatik gizle"
8H="If enabled main window will be automaticaly hidden after few seconds. (Only in full screen mode)."
9="Oynatma penceresini ana pencereye yasla"
9H="If enabled video window will 'follow' main window."
10="Player penceresini ekran²n kenarlar²na yasla"
10H="If enabled BSPlayer will be snaped to screen edges."
11="Son film konumunu hat²rla"
12="Film ayarlar²n² hat²rla"
12H="If checked player will remeber all settings for every movie played (aspect ratio, subtitles, font...)."
13="Dosya bitti≡inde kapat"
14="Bitti≡inde bilgisayar² kapat"
14H="Film bitti≡inde bilgisayar² kapat."
100="At start switch to"
100H="Switches to specified resolution on startup."
101="For full screen mode switch to"
101H="Switches to specified resolution when full screen mode is choosen."
102="╓ncelik i■lemi"
102H="Adjusts the priority class of BSPlayer."
103="Saniye atlama"
103H="How many seconds to seek forward/backward (for Jump forward/backward option)."
104="Yakalanan g÷rⁿntⁿleri τevirme yaz²l²m²"
104H="If you get 'scrambled' captured image then check this options.\nIf one of format bellow is checked, player will convert specified format to RGB,\notherwise hardware will be used.\nUsually YV12 format should be checked."
105="YV12 format²"
106="YUY2 format²"
107="Yakalanan g÷rⁿntⁿ dizini"
108="G÷rⁿntⁿ biτimi"
109="Dosya yakalama isim format²"
109H="Format for file name:\n%F - Dosya ad² (mymovie)\n%E - Dosya uzant²s² (.avi)\n%T - Film zaman² (sa-dk-sn)\n%FR - Movie Time in frames\n%TS - System time\n%DD - Tarih gⁿn\n%DM - Tarih ay\n%DY - Tarih y²l\n%A0 - Otomatik numara, with no leading zeros\n%A1 - Auto number, with 1 leading zero (01,02,03...)\n%A2 - Auto number, with 2 leading zeros (001,002,003...)\n%A3\n%A4"
//Preferences, File types
100="Ortak uzant²lar"
101="Tⁿmⁿnⁿ seτ"
102="Hiτbirini seτme"
103="Uzant² ekle"
104="Uzant² kald²r"
105="Player ba■lat²ld²≡²nda uzant²lar² kaydet"
106="Dosya ikonu"
107="Tray ikonu"
//Preferences, Video
1="Her zaman tam ekran modunda ba■lat"
1H="If checked player will always start movie in full screen mode"
2="Kenars²z oynatma penceresi"
2H="If checked play window will be without border"
3="Pan-Scan ayarlar²n² hat²rla"
3H="Remembers Pan-Scan option and custom pan-scan settings."
4="Zoomu hat²rla"
4H="Remembers zoom"
5="Film pencere boyutunu hat²rla"
5H="Remembers movie window size.\nFor ex. If movie is 352x288 and you resize window to 690x566,\nthen when you play next movie\nwindow will stay resized to 690x566."
6="Dikey bo■luk iτin bekle"
6H="Waits for vertical-blank interval."
7="Tam ekranda videoyu yeniden boyutland²rma"
7H="If enabled video won't be resized in full screen just centered."
8="YV12 format²n² devreden τ²kar"
8H="Some graphics cards have problems with YV12 color space. If this option is enabled YV12 format won't be used."
9="RGB modunu zorla"
9H="If Overlay mode is not enabled player still uses YUV color space, if graphics card spport YUV->RGB conversion.\nIf this option is enabled RGB mode will be used instead.\nDecoder must also support RGB samples for this to work."
10="Overlay Mode 1 kullan"
11="Overlay Mode 2 (Overlay mixer) kullan"
12="RGB Overlay kullan"
12H="If checked RGB overlay will be used instead YUV"
13="VMR-9 kullan"
102="╓zel en boy oran²"
105="OSD fontu"
106="Font rengi"
107="OSD arkaplan"
108="OSD etkinle■tir"
110="Kaplamaya OSD mesajlar² τiz"
111="Alfa kar²■t²rma de≡eri (sadece VMR9)"
112="OSD konumu"
113="Sol sapma"
114="Sa≡ sapma"
115="▄st sapma"
116="Alt sapma"
//Preferences, Video, DivX 3.11
//Preferences, Video, DivX 4+
1="▌■leme sonras² dⁿzeyi"
2="Film Efekti"
3="Resim ÷zellikleri"
//Preferences, Video, ffdshow
1="▌■leme sonras² dⁿzeyi"
2="Resim ÷zellikleri"
3="Parlakl²k kazanc²"
4="Parlakl²k sapmas²"
5="Gama dⁿzeltmesi"
//Preferences, Audio
1="Dinamik filtre kullan"
2="AC3 ■ifre τ÷zⁿcⁿ kullan"
3="╟²kt² ayg²t²"
//Preferences, Audio, winamp 2 DSP
1="Winamp DSP eklentisini etkinle■tir"
2="Geli■mi■ eklenti deste≡ini etkinle■tir"
2H="Enable advanced support for Winamp DSP plugins.\nAll Winamp DSP plugins should work in this mode, but it uses a little more CPU."
5="Winamp eklenti dizini"
//Preferences, Audio, InterVideo AC3
1="2 Hoparl÷r modu"
4="Dolby surround"
5="3D ses"
6="4 Hoparl÷r modu"
7="6 Hoparl÷r modu (5.1 kanal)"
8="S/PDIF τ²kt²s²n² Etkinle■tir"
9="Vokal seτenekleri"
9_1="Vokal yok"
9_2="Sol vokal"
9_3="Sa≡ vokal"
9_4="Her iki vokal"
10="Selecting for ex. 3D ses veya\nS/PDIF will have no effect if \nyou don't have hardware that\nsupports this."
//Preferences, Audio, EQ
//Preferences, Subtitles
1="Altyaz²lar etkin de≡il"
2="Draw subtiles to Overlay surface"
2H="Useful for Matrox cards to get subtitles on TV"
7H="If checked Subtitle Mixer DirectShow filter will be used for displaying subtitles in OGG files.\nOtherwise they will be handled by player like any other subtitle."
8="Sat²rlar τok uzun ise fontu otomatik yeniden boyutland²r"
8H="Auto resize font if line is too long"
9="Auto load any subtitles in current directory"
9H="If checked first subtitle file that is found in current directory will bo automaticaly loaded."
100="Maksimum altyaz² g÷sterme sⁿresi (msan)"
100H="This is how long should be subtitles, that don't have defined end time, displayed."
101="Altyaz² dizini"
101H="If subtitle file can't be find in current directory, player will try to load it from directory specified here."
//Preferences, Keydefs
6="Player fonksiyonlar²"
1="Tahsis edilmi■ tu■/fare dⁿ≡mesi"
2="Temizlemek iτin iki kere geri al\n tu■una bas²n"