2H="If checked movie will start playing after you open it, if not you must press Play button."
3="Ne uporabljaj WinLIRC"
3H="Ob izbiri se BSPlayer ne bo poskuÜal povezati na WinLIRC stre₧nik(malenkost hitrejÜi zagon)."
4="Pause movie on single click"
4H="If enabled movie will be paused when you click on video window."
5="Switch full screen mode on double click"
5H="Switch full screen mode on double click."
6="Show main window on mouse move"
6H="If checked main player window will be automaticaly shown on mouse move."
7="Show main window on single click"
7H="If enabled main player window will be shown when you click on video window. (Only in full screen mode)."
8="Auto hide main window"
8H="If enabled main window will be automaticaly hidden after few seconds. (Only in full screen mode)."
9="Snap play window to main window"
9H="If enabled video window will 'follow' main window."
10="Snap player window to screen edges"
10H="If enabled BSPlayer will be snaped to screen edges."
11="Remember last movie position"
12="Zapomni si nastavitve filma"
12H="╚e je obkljukano si bo program zapomnil vse nastavitve vseh predvajanih filmov (razmerje slike, podnapise, pisavo...)."
13="Close file when finished"
14="Shutdown computer when finished"
14H="Shutdown computer at the end of the movie."
100="Ob zagonu programa preklopi na"
100H="Ob zagonu programa BSPlayer preklopi na izbrano loΦljivost"
101="Za celozaslonski naΦin preklopi na"
101H="Ob prehodu v celozasonski naΦin preklopi na izbrano loΦljivost"
102="Process priority"
102H="Adjusts the priority class of BSPlayer."
103="Seconds to jump"
103H="How many seconds to seek forward/backward (for Jump forward/backward option)."
104="Convert captured images in software"
104H="If you get 'scrambled' captured image then check this options.\nIf one of format bellow is checked, player will convert specified format to RGB,\notherwise hardware will be used.\nUsually YV12 format should be checked."
105="YV12 formats"
106="YUY2 formats"
107="Directory for captured images"
108="Image format"
109="Capture file name format"
109H="%F - File name (my movie)\n%E - File extension (.avi)\n%T - Movie Time (hh-mm-ss)\n%FR - Movie Time in frames\n%TS - System time\n%DD - Date day\n%DM - Date month\n%DY - Date year\n%A0 - Auto number, with no leading zeros\n%A1 - Auto number, with 1 leading zero (01,02,03...)\n%A2 - Auto number, with 2 leading zeros (001,002,003...)\n%A3\n%A4"
//Preferences, File types
100="Associated extensions"
101="Select all"
102="Select none"
103="Add extension"
104="Remove extension"
105="Register extensions on player start"
106="File icon"
107="Tray icon"
//Preferences, Video
1="Always start in full screen mode"
1H="If checked player will always start movie in full screen mode"
2="Borderless play window"
2H="If checked play window will be without border"
3="Zapomni si nastavitve za Pan-Scan"
3H="Zapomni si, kako sta nastavljena Pan-Scan in Pan-scan po meri.\nSamo za seznam."
4="Zapomni si poveΦavo(zoom)"
4H="Program si zapomni poveΦavo(zoom)"
5="Zapomni si velikost okna"
5H="Zapomni si velikost predvajalnega okna.\nNaprimer:\nFilm je v loΦljivosti 352x288, vi pa ga raztegnete na 690x566.\nNaslednjiΦ, ko boste predvajali film z enako loΦljivostjo,\nbo okno spet veliko 690x566 pikslov."
6="PoΦakaj na vertical blank (Shift+V)"
6H="PoΦaka na vertical-blank premor"
7="Don't resize video in full screen"
7H="If enabled video won't be resized in full screen just centered."
8="Disable YV12 format"
8H="Some graphics cards have problems with YV12 color space. If this option is enabled YV12 format won't be used."
9="Force RGB mode"
9H="If Overlay mode is not enabled player still uses YUV color space, if graphics card spport YUV->RGB conversion.\nIf this option is checked RGB mode will be used instead."
10="Use overlay Mode 1"
11="Use overlay Mode 2 (Overlay mixer)"
12="Use RGB Overlay"
12H="If checked RGB overlay will be used instead YUV"
13="Use VMR-9"
102="Custom aspect ratios"
105="OSD font"
106="Font color"
107="OSD background"
108="Enable OSD"
110="Draw OSD messages to overlay"
111="Alpha blending value (VMR9 only)"
112="OSD position"
113="Left offset"
114="Right offset"
115="Top offset"
116="Bottom offset"
//Preferences, Video, DivX 3.11
//Preferences, Video, DivX 4+
1="Postprocessing Level"
2="Film Effect"
3="Picture properties"
//Preferences, Video, ffdshow
1="Postprocessing Level"
2="Picture properties"
3="Luminance gain"
4="Luminance offset"
5="Gamma correction"
//Preferences, Audio
1="Use Dedynamic filter"
2="For AC3 decoding use"
3="Output device"
1H="Use Dedynamic filter"
//Preferences, Audio, winamp 2 DSP
1="Enable Winamp DSP plugins1"
2="Enable advanced plugins support1"
2H="Enable advanced support for Winamp DSP plugins.\nAll Winamp DSP plugins should work in this mode, but it uses a little more CPU."
5="Winamp plugin directory"
//Preferences, Audio, EQ
//Preferences, Subtitles
1="Subtitles disabled"
2="Draw subtiles to Overlay surface"
2H="Useful for Matrox cards to get subtitles on TV"
3="Use 'shadow' effect for subtitles"
4="Use outline font"
5="Use anti-aliased font"
6="Transparent background"
7="Use Subtitle Mixer for subtitles in OGG files"
7H="If checked Subtitle Mixer DirectShow filter will be used for displaying subtitles in OGG files.\nOtherwise they will be handled by player like any other subtitle."
8="Auto resize font if line is too long"
8H="Auto resize font if line is too long"
100="Maximum subtitle display time (msec)"
100H="This is how long should be subtitles, that don't have defined end time, displayed."
101="Mapa s podnapisi"
101H="╚e datoteke z podnapisi ni mogoΦe najti v trenutni mapi, naj jo program poiÜΦe v spodaj navedeni mapi."
//Preferences, Keydefs
1="Assigned key/mouse button"
2="Press Backspace twice to clear"
3="WinLIRC button name\n(ENTER to confirm)\nOr press button on remote"
4="WinLIRC address and port"
5="Reset to default"
1=Exit Full Screen
2=Volume Up
3=Volume Down
4=Dedynmic filter increase amplification
5=Dedynmic filter increase pre-amplification
6=Dedynamic filter decrease amplification
7=Dedynamic filter decrease pre-amplification
9=Capture frame - original image size
10=Capture frame - "What you see"
11=Full screen switch
12=Subtitles on/off
14=Audio stream volume cycle
15=Seek backward
16=Seek forward
17=Subtitles time correction + / Vobsub inc delay
18=Subtitles time correction - / Vobsub dec delay)
19=Subtitles time correction + (small steps) / Vobsub inc speed
20=Subtitles time correction - (small steps) / Vobsub dec speed