1="Mova o cursor para ajustar o valor do pan&scan"
//Subtitle time correction
0="Tempo de Correτπo da Legenda"
1="Use valores positivos de as Legenas estπo aparecendo depois e valore negativos\nse as legendas estπi aparecendo antes."
3="Tempo (seg)"
0="Configuraτ⌡es do BSPlayer"
2="Tipos de Arquivos"
4="Propiedades do DivX 3.11"
5="Propiedades do DivX 4+"
6="Propiedades do FFDshow"
8="Plugins do WinAmp2 DSP"
11="Configuraτ⌡es de chaves & WinLIRC"
//Preferences, General
1="Permitir InstΓncias M·ltiplas"
1H="Permite InstΓncias M·ltiplas"
2="Rodar Automßtico"
2H="Se marcado o filme irß comeτar depois de vocΩ selecionar, nπo precisa dar o play depois."
3="Nπo usar WinLIRC"
3H="Se marcado o BSPlayer nπo irß tentar se conectar ao servidor WinLIRC. O programa abre mais rßpido."
4="Pausar o filme em um clique simples"
4H="Se marcado o filme irß pausar quando vocΩ clicar em cima."
5="Mudar para tela cheia com dois cliques"
5H="Se marcado muda para tela cheia se vocΩ clicar em cima do filme duas vezes."
6="Mostrar janela pricipal com o mover do mouse"
6H="Se marcado a janela principal aparecerß com o mover do mouse. (Somente em tela cheia)."
7="Mostrar janela principal com um clique simples"
7H="Se marcado a janela principal aparecerß com o clique do mouse. (Somente em tela cheia)."
8="Esconder automßtico a jenal principal"
8H="Se marcado a janela principal se esconderß em alguns segundos. (Somente em tela cheia)."
9="Ligar a janela do filme com a janela principal"
9H="Se marcado as duas janelas irπo 'caminhar' juntas."
10="Ligar a janela do filme as janelas laterais"
10H="Se marcado a janela do filme ira se juntar as janelas laterais."
11="Lembrar a posiτπo do ·ltimo filme"
12="Lembrar as configuraτ⌡es de vφdeo"
12H="Se marcado o BSPlayer mudarß as configuraτ⌡es para todos os filmes (tamanho da tela, legendas, fontes...)."
13="Fechar o arquivo quando terminar"
14="Desligar o computador quando terminar"
14H="Desliga o computador no final do filme."
100="No comeτo mude para:"
100H="Muda para uma resuloτπo especφfica no comeτo."
101="Para tela cheia mude para:"
101H="Muda a resoluτπo quando o tela cheia for acionado."
102="Prioridade do processo"
102H="Ajusta a prioridade das classes do BSPlayer."
103="Segundos de pulo"
103H="Quantos segundos pular nas opτ⌡es para a frente e para trßs."
104="Converter imagens capturadas pelo software"
104H="Se vocΩ pega imagens dos filmes marque essa opτπo.\nResumindo: essa opτπo pega as imagens desconhecidas e transforma para formatos conhecidos."
105="Formato YV12"
106="Formato YUY2"
107="Diret≤rio das imagens capturadas"
108="Formato da imagem capturada"
109="Nome do formato da imagem capturada"
109H="Nome do formato da imagem capturada:\n%F - Nome do arquivo (meufilme)\n%E - Extensπo do arquivo (.avi)\n%T - Tempo do filme (hh-mm-ss)\n%FR - Tempo do filme em frames\n%TS - Tempo do sistema\n%DD - Dia\n%DM - MΩs\n%DY - Ano\n%A0 - N·mero automßtico, sem zeros\n%A1 - N·mero automßtico, com 1 zero (01,02,03...)\n%A2 - N·mero automßtico, com 2 zeros (001,002,003...)\n%A3\n%A4"
//Preferences, File types
100="Extens⌡es associadas"
101="Todas Selecionadas"
102="Nenhuma selecionada"
103="Adicionar extensπo"
104="Remover extensπo"
105="Registrar extens⌡es"
106="═cone de arquivo"
107="Tray icon"
//Preferences, Video
1="Always start in full screen mode"
1H="If checked player will always start movie in full screen mode"
2="Borderless play window"
2H="If checked play window will be without border"
3="Remember Pan-Scan settings"
3H="Remembers Pan-Scan option and custom pan-scan settings."
4="Remember zoom"
4H="Remembers zoom"
5="Remember movie window size"
5H="Remembers movie window size.\nFor ex. If movie is 352x288 and you resize window to 690x566,\nthen when you play next movie\nwindow will stay resized to 690x566."
6="Wait for vertical blank"
6H="Waits for vertical-blank interval."
7="Don't resize video in full screen"
7H="If enabled video won't be resized in full screen just centered."
8="Disable YV12 format"
8H="Some graphics cards have problems with YV12 color space. If this option is enabled YV12 format won't be used."
9="Force RGB mode"
9H="If Overlay mode is not enabled player still uses YUV color space, if graphics card spport YUV->RGB conversion.\nIf this option is enabled RGB mode will be used instead.\nDecoder must also support RGB samples for this to work."
10="Use overlay Mode 1"
11="Use overlay Mode 2 (Overlay mixer)"
12="Use RGB Overlay"
12H="If checked RGB overlay will be used instead YUV"
13="Use VMR-9"
102="Custom aspect ratios"
105="OSD font"
106="Font color"
107="OSD background"
108="Enable OSD"
110="Draw OSD messages to overlay"
111="Alpha blending value (VMR9 only)"
112="OSD position"
113="Left offset"
114="Right offset"
115="Top offset"
116="Bottom offset"
//Preferences, Video, DivX 3.11
//Preferences, Video, DivX 4+
1="Postprocessing Level"
2="Film Effect"
3="Picture properties"
//Preferences, Video, ffdshow
1="Postprocessing Level"
2="Picture properties"
3="Luminance gain"
4="Luminance offset"
5="Gamma correction"
//Preferences, Audio
1="Use Dedynamic filter"
2="For AC3 decoding use"
3="Output device"
//Preferences, Audio, winamp 2 DSP
1="Enable Winamp DSP plugins"
2="Enable advanced plugins support"
2H="Enable advanced support for Winamp DSP plugins.\nAll Winamp DSP plugins should work in this mode, but it uses a little more CPU."
5="Winamp plugin directory"
//Preferences, Audio, EQ
//Preferences, Subtitles
1="Subtitles disabled"
2="Draw subtiles to Overlay surface"
2H="Useful for Matrox cards to get subtitles on TV"
3="Use 'shadow' effect for subtitles"
4="Use outline font"
5="Use anti-aliased font"
6="Transparent background"
7="Use Subtitle Mixer for subtitles in OGG files"
7H="If checked Subtitle Mixer DirectShow filter will be used for displaying subtitles in OGG files.\nOtherwise they will be handled by player like any other subtitle."
8="Auto resize font if line is too long"
8H="Auto resize font if line is too long"
9="Auto load any subtitles in current directory"
9H="If checked first subtitle file that is found in current directory will bo automaticaly loaded."
100="Maximum subtitle display time (msec)"
100H="This is how long should be subtitles, that don't have defined end time, displayed."
101="Subtitles directory"
101H="If subtitle file can't be find in current directory, player will try to load it from directory specified here."
//Preferences, Keydefs
1="Assigned key/mouse button"
2="Press Backspace twice to clear"
3="WinLIRC button name\n(ENTER to confirm)\nOr press button on remote"
4="WinLIRC address and port"
5="Reset to default"
1=Exit Full Screen
2=Volume Up
3=Volume Down
4=Dedynamic filter increase amplification
5=Dedynamic filter increase pre-amplification
6=Dedynamic filter decrease amplification
7=Dedynamic filter decrease pre-amplification
9=Capture frame - original image size
10=Capture frame - "What you see"
11=Full screen switch
12=Subtitles on/off
14=Audio stream volume cycle
15=Seek backward
16=Seek forward
17=Subtitles time correction + / Vobsub inc delay
18=Subtitles time correction - / Vobsub dec delay)
19=Subtitles time correction + (small steps) / Vobsub inc speed
20=Subtitles time correction - (small steps) / Vobsub dec speed