121 Not enough free space on disk!\nFree: %I64u bytes\nRequired: %I64u bytes\nDelete unused files then click retry.
122 Day
123 Weekday
124 Weekend day
125 %s has been removed from the pattern.
126 %s has been added to the pattern.
127 plus
128 minus
200 Incoming: %s
201 Outgoing: %s
204 In Speed: %s
205 Out Speed: %s
206 Connected
207 Disconnected
208 Dialing...
209 Waiting for Redial...
210 Logon to Network...
211 Authenticate...
212 Authenticated
213 Start Authentication...
214 Connecting Device...
215 Device Connected
218 Failed
219 Aborted
220 Aborting
221 Not enough space on server
222 Server is not available
223 Server is down
224 Server is busy
225 Connection failed
226 Login failed
227 Permission denied
228 Destination disk is full
229 File and/or Directory not found
230 Host not found
231 Connecting
232 Login
233 Waiting
234 Waiting to retry
235 Read Directory
236 Server -> Server sending
237 Speed: %s
238 Transfered: %s
239 Total: %s
240 Aborted by user.
241 Idle.
242 Working... (Threads %ld of %ld running).
243 Items: %ld
244 Server -> Server receiving
245 Not connected
246 Selected: %s
249 %ld Object(s) selected
253 %ld Object(s)
254 Resume is supported for ASCII and binary files.
255 Resume is not supported.
256 %I64u bytes
257 No file associated with this type.
259 %d Skipping file "%s": file size greater or equal.
261 %.2f KB/s
262 Connection to %s
263 Connected to %s
264 Download
265 Upload
266 Read Directory
267 Stopped
268 Total: %s [%s DL, %s UL]
271 Selected: %s [%s DL, %s UL]
272 Resume is supported for ASCII files only.
273 Resume is supported for binary files only.
274 System Error
275 Local directory not found.
278 Local file not found.
400 Host
401 Name
402 Path
403 Last Connect
404 Default Path
405 Size
406 Owner
407 Group
408 Type/Description
409 Date
410 Type
411 Attributes
412 Permission
413 Current Path
414 User
415 Remote Path
416 Local Path
417 Reply Time
418 Source
419 Destination
420 Status
421 Last Error
422 Average Speed
423 Percent
424 File
425 Module
426 Language
427 Creator
428 Version
429 Elapsed - Left
430 Current Speed
431 Speed
432 Port
433 Last Connected
434 All
435 Upload
436 Download
437 FXP
438 Create Time
439 Total Connections
440 Common
441 Transfers
442 Upload
443 Download
444 FXP
445 Files
11005 %d Unknown Socket Error.
32801 Start Transfer
32803 Select destination
32809 Save
32810 Enable/Disable Auto Dial
32811 Close SmartFTP
32812 Close Local Browser
32813 Close Remote Window
32814 Disconnect
32815 Reconnect
32816 Delete File(s) or Folder(s)
32817 Delete History Item
32818 Delete History
32819 Delete Favorites Item
32820 Delete Favorites Folder
32821 Delete Custom Command
32822 Delete Custom Command Folder
32823 Delete Queue Item
32824 Empty Cache
32825 Delete Quick Folders Folder
32826 Delete Quick Folders Item
32827 Create Folder
32828 Overwrite existing Files
32829 On URL catch
32830 Delete Bookmark(s)
40018 Cascading
40019 Tile Horizontally
40020 Tile Vertically
40030 View List
40031 View Details
40032 View Large Icons
40033 View Small Icons
40034 Connect
40035 Disconnect
40036 Add to Favorites
40038 Edit Favorites
40046 Reload
40047 Abort
40049 About
40050 Properties / CHMOD
40051 Stop
40055 Delete
40056 Save As
40057 Open
40082 Settings
40083 ASCII Transfer Type
40084 Binary Transfer Type
40085 Auto Transfer Type
40093 Local Browser
40489 Disables Proxy Support!
40490 Enables Socks 5 Support. (needs PASV Mode)
40491 Enables Socks 4 Support. (needs PASV Mode)
40492 Wingate«, WinProxy«, CSM« and others.\nuser@host
40493 Wingate«, WinProxy«, CSM« and others.\nuser@host:port
40494 CSM« and others.\nuser@host
40495 CSM« and others.\nuser@host:port
40496 SITE host
40497 OPEN host
40498 SOCKS4A can resolve domain names. Use this proxy server\ntype if the client machine is unable to resolve domain names to\nIP addresses. MS Proxy« 2.0. (needs PASV Mode)
40534 One command per line. Seperate it with "Enter".\n\nVariables\n=======\n%d working directory\n%ft time of selected file/directory \n%fs size of selected file\n%fo owner of selected file/directory\n%fg group of selected file/directory\n%ff selected file(s)\n%fd selected directory\n%fa selected file(s)/directories\n%lf local file\n%ld local directory\n%lt local file time\n%ls local file size\n%a input dialog\n %a<type>[<Dialog Title>[<Command Description>]]\n <type>\n none text input field\n n number input field\n p password input field\n%u login username\n%p login password\n%t local time\n output: YYYYMMDDHHMMSS\n%t<fmt> local time with format string\n%ta prompt for time\n output: YYYYMMDDHHMMSS\n%ta<fmt> prompt for time with format string\n <fmt> time format\n Y year YYYY\n M month MM\n D day DD\n h hour hh\n m minutes mm\n s seconds ss\n
40535 %d Unknown error.
40536 Auto Dial Enabled
40537 Auto Dial Disabled
40538 Delete selected item(s)?
40539 02:02:CREDITS\nS:45\n01:02:PRODUCT AND DESIGN\nS:5\n00:03:Mike Walter\n00:03:Mathias Berchtold\nS:15\n01:02:GRAPHICS\nS:10\n00:03:Andrzej Kowalik\nS:15\n01:02:WEB DESIGN\nS:5\n00:03:Mathias Berchtold\nS:15\n01:02:TECH SUPPORT\nS:5\n00:03:Luis R. Muniz\nS:15\n01:02:SPECIAL THANKS\nS:5\n00:03:Devin Jenson\n00:03:Erik Thompson\n00:03:AndrΘ Vaysse\n00:03:many others ...\nS:15
40540 Play Sound
40541 Select File
40542 Local Folder
40543 Start
40544 Auto Dial
40545 Queue Timer
40546 %s File
40547 Unknown
40548 Symbolic Link
40549 Close
40550 Parent Folder
40551 Invalid File or Folder name!
40552 Close current connection and reconnect?
40553 Close current connection?
40554 Reconnect
40555 Close current Local Browser?
40556 Close current Remote Window?
40557 Exit SmartFTP?
40558 Script
40559 Local Browser %d
40560 URL not supported!
40561 URL not valid!
40562 Please enter a valid URL or host/path before trying to connect.
40563 Favorites
40564 Local Folders
40565 Transfers
40566 Wrong Permission
40567 Last changed %s %s
40568 Delete select Group(s)?
40570 No File(s) selected.
40571 No Folder(s) selected.
40572 Edit Custom Commands
40573 Custom Commands
40574 Session Queue
40575 Log
40797 Normal FTP
40798 FTP over SSL Implicit
40799 FTP over SSL Explicit
40987 Windows Commander Site File (wcx_ftp.ini)|wcx_ftp.ini|All Files (*.*)|*.*||
40988 CuteFTP 4.0-5.0 Site File (sm.dat)|sm.dat|All Files (*.*)|*.*||
40989 HTML File (*.html)|*.html|All Files (*.*)|*.*||
40990 CuteFTP Pro Site File (sm.dat)|sm.dat|All Files (*.*)|*.*||
40991 CuteFTP 2.6-3.5 Site File (smdata.dat)|smdata.dat|All Files (*.*)|*.*||
41051 HTTP proxy - Connection Tunnel.\nCONNECT command must be enabled on the proxy.
41052 HTTP Proxy - Connection Tunnel
41054 SSL Secured\n\nCipher Strength: %d bit\nExchange Key Strength: %d bit
41055 Connection Info
41057 %d Detected Server Software: %s
41058 SmartFTP %d.%d.%d
41059 %d SSL opening secure connection.
41060 %d Connected. Exchanging encryption keys...
41061 %d SSL encrypted session established.
41062 %d SSL Error
41063 Local Secure
41064 Normal
41065 SSL Implicit
41066 SSL Explicit
41067 Private Data Connection
41068 Clear Data Connection
41069 %d Resolving host name %s...
41070 HTTP Proxy: Request failed.
41072 SmartFTP will automatically be closed before the update is started.\nDo you want to continue updating SmartFTP?
41073 Continue
41074 Online version check aborted.
41075 SmartFTP Updater (update.exe) not found.
41076 Getting update information...
41077 Failed to get update information.\nPlease try again later...
41078 Failed
41079 &Customize...
41080 &Select Buttons
41081 Insert Folder
41082 Select Directory
41083 Failed to open favorites file '%s'!\n\nPossible Reason:\n- File not found\n- No read/write access
41084 This change will not take effect until you restart SmartFTP.
41085 Info
41086 Click\nhere
41087 Due to the fact that lycos closed their ftpsearch and reliz.ru went commercial the SmartFTP FTPSearch has temporary been disabled.\nThank you for your appreciation.
41089 SmartFTP
41090 This version of SmartFTP hasn't been updated for %d days.\n\nPlease download the latest build at http://www.smartftp.com or\n update over the Menu: Tools->Update.
41113 FTP URL in clipboard detected, connecting to (%s)?
41114 Foreground Color
41115 Background Color
41116 Automatic
41117 More Colors
41118 Idle
41119 Disconnect
41120 Close Application
41121 Shutdown
41122 Logoff
41123 Stop Queue
41124 Lock Workstation
41125 Transfer Successful
41126 Transfer Failed
41127 Login Successful
41128 Login Failed
41129 Event
41130 File
41131 (None)
41132 Default
41133 Question
41134 Stop
41135 Exclamation
41136 Asterisk
41137 Beep (PC Speaker)
41138 On Queue Complete
41139 Hibernate
41143 Pause
41145 Local folder not specified and default download folder not set.
41146 Auto
41147 ANSI
41148 UTF8
41149 %d Failed to create '%s'.
41150 Active Mode (PORT)
41151 Passive Mode (PASV)
41153 Enter the name of your city, town, or other locality.
41154 Enter the full name of your state or province.
41155 Enter the name of your organization.
41156 Enter the common name.\ne.g. user name for client certs.
41157 Enter your E-Mail address.
41158 Enter the name of your unit within the organization.
41159 Enter the two-letter code of your country.
41160 Please enter a Common Name.
41161 Please enter a Town/City or other Locality.
41162 Please enter a State/Provinz.
41163 Please enter an Organization.
41164 Please enter an E-Mail address.
41165 Please enter a Organization Unit.
41166 Please enter a two-letter Country Code.
41167 Failed to create self signed cert.
41168 URL Watcher
41170 Restore Defaults
41171 All of your custom commands will be lost. Do you really want to restore the defaults?
41173 http://www.smartftp.com/purchase/
41174 Registration
41175 A key already exists. Do you want to overwrite it with the new one?
41176 SmartFTP must be restarted to validate the key!
41177 Invalid key.
41178 Please set the "Default Download Path" in the Settings->General before you can use this function.
41179 Grid
41180 Background
41181 SmartFTP Statistics
41182 Local
41183 Manual
41184 Auto
41185 Unknown
41186 Unknown
41187 http://www.smartftp.com/purchase/lost.php
41188 %d Connecting IP Repeater "%s" ...
41189 %d IP Repeater returned: "%s"
41190 %d IP Repeater error. Using "default" IP.
41191 Open on demand
41192 Open in existing Localbrowser
41193 Open in new Localbrowser
41194 Use Global Setting
41195 Enable
41196 Disable
41197 Enable
41198 Disable
41199 Use Favorite Setting
41200 Enable
41201 Disable
41202 Enable
41203 Disable
41204 Enable
41205 Disable
41206 Warning
41207 When using an URL in the address bar, the login and password input boxes are ignored.
41208 Info: URL and Login & Password
41209 Error while reading file:\n%s\n\nSmartFTP will start with a new file. Do you want to backup the current file?
41210 Queue Error
41211 History Error
41212 Favorites Error
41213 Quick Folders Error
41214 The password you typed does not match. Type the same password in both input boxes.
41215 Please specify a valid password.
41216 Import failed.\n%s
41217 Invalid favorites file format:\n%s
41218 Unknown favorites file format:\n%s
41219 Please enter a name for the favorite item.
41220 Do you want to set a password for the exported favorites file?
41221 Set Password
41222 Never
41224 Error creating default favorites file '%s' from resource!
41225 Error creating default custom commands file '%s' from resource!
41226 File not found.
41227 %d Session Cipher: %d bit %s
41228 This function requires the "Microsoft Enhanced Cryptographic Provider v1.0".\nThe "High Encryption Pack" for IE 5.0 or the latest IE version includes the required update.
41229 Corrupt file. Group end char '\x1E' not found.
41230 Delete all Items?
41231 SmartFTP (Favorites.dat)
41232 FlashFXP 2.x (Sites.dat)
41233 CuteFTP 2.6 - 3.5 (smdata.dat)
41234 CuteFTP 4.0 - 5.0 (SM.dat)
41235 CuteFTP Pro 1.0 - 3.1 (sm.dat)
41236 Total Commander (wcx_ftp.ini)
41237 WS_FTP 5.0 or lower (ws_ftp.ini)
41238 WS_FTP 6.0 or higher (ws_ftp.ini)
41239 FTP Explorer 1.0 (Registry)
41240 LeapFTP (sites.ini)
41241 Please select a favorite folder where you want to import the sites to.
41242 Please select a file.
41243 File '%s' not found.
41244 FTP Explorer sites found. They will be imported from registry.
41245 FTP Explorer sites not found.
41246 Incomplete URL.
41247 The file you want to import seems to be encrypted. Please unprotect it and try again.
41248 SmartFTP
41249 Text File
41250 HTML File
41251 Please select a favorite folder you want to export.