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Copyright (C) 2002 Amir Szekely <kichik@netvision.net.il>
This software is provided 'as-is', without any express or implied
warranty. In no event will the authors be held liable for any damages
arising from the use of this software.
Permission is granted to anyone to use this software for any purpose,
including commercial applications, and to alter it and redistribute it
freely, subject to the following restrictions:
1. The origin of this software must not be misrepresented; you must not
claim that you wrote the original software. If you use this software
in a product, an acknowledgment in the product documentation would be
appreciated but is not required.
2. Altered source versions must be plainly marked as such, and must not be
misrepresented as being the original software.
3. This notice may not be removed or altered from any source distribution.
#include "ResourceEditor.h"
// Utilities
#define ALIGN(dwToAlign, dwAlignOn) dwToAlign = (dwToAlign%dwAlignOn == 0) ? dwToAlign : dwToAlign - (dwToAlign%dwAlignOn) + dwAlignOn
#define RALIGN(dwToAlign, dwAlignOn) ((dwToAlign%dwAlignOn == 0) ? dwToAlign : dwToAlign - (dwToAlign%dwAlignOn) + dwAlignOn)
// CResourceEditor
// Construction/Destruction
CResourceEditor::CResourceEditor(BYTE* pbPE, int iSize) {
// Copy the data pointer
m_pbPE = pbPE;
m_iSize = iSize;
// Get dos header
m_dosHeader = (PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER)m_pbPE;
if (m_dosHeader->e_magic != IMAGE_DOS_SIGNATURE)
throw runtime_error("PE file contains invalid DOS header");
// Get NT headers
m_ntHeaders = (PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS)(m_pbPE + m_dosHeader->e_lfanew);
if (m_ntHeaders->Signature != IMAGE_NT_SIGNATURE)
throw runtime_error("PE file missing NT signature");
// No check sum support yet...
if (m_ntHeaders->OptionalHeader.CheckSum)
throw runtime_error("CResourceEditor doesn't yet support check sum");
// Get resource section virtual address
m_dwResourceSectionVA = m_ntHeaders->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_RESOURCE].VirtualAddress;
// Pointer to the sections headers array
m_dwResourceSectionIndex = -1;
// Find resource section index in the array
for (int i = 0; i < m_ntHeaders->FileHeader.NumberOfSections; i++) {
if (m_dwResourceSectionVA == sectionHeadersArray[i].VirtualAddress) {
// Remember resource section index
m_dwResourceSectionIndex = i;
// Check for invalid resource section pointer
if (!sectionHeadersArray[i].PointerToRawData)
throw runtime_error("Invalid resource section pointer");
// Invalid section pointer (goes beyond the PE image)
if (sectionHeadersArray[i].PointerToRawData > (unsigned int)m_iSize)
throw runtime_error("Invalid section pointer");
// No resource section...
if (m_dwResourceSectionIndex == m_ntHeaders->FileHeader.NumberOfSections)
throw runtime_error("PE file doesn't contain any resource section");
// Pointer to section data, the first resource directory
PRESOURCE_DIRECTORY rdRoot = PRESOURCE_DIRECTORY(m_pbPE + sectionHeadersArray[m_dwResourceSectionIndex].PointerToRawData);
// Scan the resource directory
m_cResDir = ScanDirectory(rdRoot, rdRoot);
CResourceEditor::~CResourceEditor() {
if (m_cResDir) {
delete m_cResDir;
// Methods
// Adds/Replaces/Removes a resource.
// If lpData is 0 UpdateResource removes the resource.
bool CResourceEditor::UpdateResource(char* szType, char* szName, LANGID wLanguage, BYTE* lpData, DWORD dwSize) {
CResourceDirectory* nameDir = 0;
CResourceDirectory* langDir = 0;
CResourceDataEntry* data = 0;
IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY rd = {0, /*time(0),*/};
int iTypeIdx, iNameIdx, iLangIdx;
iTypeIdx = m_cResDir->Find(szType);
if (iTypeIdx > -1) {
nameDir = m_cResDir->GetEntry(iTypeIdx)->GetSubDirectory();
iNameIdx = nameDir->Find(szName);
if (iNameIdx > -1) {
langDir = nameDir->GetEntry(iNameIdx)->GetSubDirectory();
iLangIdx = langDir->Find(wLanguage);
if (iLangIdx > -1) {
data = langDir->GetEntry(iLangIdx)->GetDataEntry();
if (lpData) {
// Replace/Add the resource
if (data) {
data->SetData(lpData, dwSize);
return true;
if (!nameDir) {
// Type doesn't yet exist
nameDir = new CResourceDirectory(&rd);
m_cResDir->AddEntry(new CResourceDirectoryEntry(szType, nameDir));
if (!langDir) {
// Name doesn't yet exist
langDir = new CResourceDirectory(&rd);
nameDir->AddEntry(new CResourceDirectoryEntry(szName, langDir));
if (!data) {
// Language doesn't yet exist, hence data nither
data = new CResourceDataEntry(lpData, dwSize);
langDir->AddEntry(new CResourceDirectoryEntry(MAKEINTRESOURCE(wLanguage), data));
else if (data) {
// Delete the resource
delete data;
// Delete directories holding the resource if empty
if (!langDir->CountEntries()) {
delete langDir;
if (!nameDir->CountEntries()) {
delete nameDir;
else return false;
return true;
bool CResourceEditor::UpdateResource(WORD szType, char* szName, LANGID wLanguage, BYTE* lpData, DWORD dwSize) {
return UpdateResource(MAKEINTRESOURCE(szType), szName, wLanguage, lpData, dwSize);
bool CResourceEditor::UpdateResource(char* szType, WORD szName, LANGID wLanguage, BYTE* lpData, DWORD dwSize) {
return UpdateResource(szType, MAKEINTRESOURCE(szName), wLanguage, lpData, dwSize);
bool CResourceEditor::UpdateResource(WORD szType, WORD szName, LANGID wLanguage, BYTE* lpData, DWORD dwSize) {
return UpdateResource(MAKEINTRESOURCE(szType), MAKEINTRESOURCE(szName), wLanguage, lpData, dwSize);
// Returns a copy of the resource requested
// Returns 0 if resource can't be found
BYTE* CResourceEditor::GetResource(char* szType, char* szName, LANGID wLanguage) {
CResourceDirectory* nameDir = 0;
CResourceDirectory* langDir = 0;
CResourceDataEntry* data = 0;
int i = m_cResDir->Find(szType);
if (i > -1) {
nameDir = m_cResDir->GetEntry(i)->GetSubDirectory();
i = nameDir->Find(szName);
if (i > -1) {
langDir = nameDir->GetEntry(i)->GetSubDirectory();
i = langDir->Find(wLanguage);
if (i > -1) {
data = langDir->GetEntry(i)->GetDataEntry();
if (data) {
BYTE* toReturn = new BYTE[data->GetSize()];
CopyMemory(toReturn, data->GetData(), data->GetSize());
return toReturn;
return 0;
void CResourceEditor::FreeResource(BYTE* pbResource)
if (pbResource)
delete [] pbResource;
// Saves the edited PE into a buffer and returns it.
DWORD CResourceEditor::Save(BYTE* pbBuf, DWORD &dwSize) {
unsigned int i;
DWORD dwReqSize;
DWORD dwRsrcSize = m_cResDir->GetSize(); // Size of new resource section
DWORD dwRsrcSizeAligned = RALIGN(dwRsrcSize, m_ntHeaders->OptionalHeader.FileAlignment); // Align it to FileAlignment
// Calculate the total new PE size
dwReqSize = m_iSize - IMAGE_FIRST_SECTION(m_ntHeaders)[m_dwResourceSectionIndex].SizeOfRawData + dwRsrcSizeAligned;
if (!pbBuf || dwSize < dwReqSize)
return dwReqSize;
// Use buffer
BYTE* pbNewPE = pbBuf;
dwSize = dwReqSize;
// Fill buffer with zeros
ZeroMemory(pbNewPE, dwSize);
BYTE* seeker = pbNewPE;
BYTE* oldSeeker = m_pbPE;
PIMAGE_SECTION_HEADER old_sectionHeadersArray = IMAGE_FIRST_SECTION(m_ntHeaders);
// Copy everything until the resource section (including headers and everything that might come after them)
// We don't use SizeOfHeaders because sometimes (using VC6) it can extend beyond the first section
// or (Borland) there could be some more information between the headers and the first section.
CopyMemory(seeker, oldSeeker, old_sectionHeadersArray[m_dwResourceSectionIndex].PointerToRawData);
// Skip the headers and whatever comes after them
seeker += old_sectionHeadersArray[m_dwResourceSectionIndex].PointerToRawData;
oldSeeker += old_sectionHeadersArray[m_dwResourceSectionIndex].PointerToRawData;
// Get new nt headers pointer
// Get a pointer to the new section headers
// Skip the resource section in the old PE seeker.
oldSeeker += sectionHeadersArray[m_dwResourceSectionIndex].SizeOfRawData;
// Save the old virtual size of the resource section
DWORD dwOldVirtualSize = sectionHeadersArray[m_dwResourceSectionIndex].Misc.VirtualSize;
// Set the new size of the resource section (size aligned to FileAlignment)
sectionHeadersArray[m_dwResourceSectionIndex].SizeOfRawData = dwRsrcSizeAligned;
// Set the virtual size as well (in memory)
sectionHeadersArray[m_dwResourceSectionIndex].Misc.VirtualSize = RALIGN(dwRsrcSize, ntHeaders->OptionalHeader.SectionAlignment);
ntHeaders->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_RESOURCE].Size = sectionHeadersArray[m_dwResourceSectionIndex].Misc.VirtualSize;
// Set the new virtual size of the image
DWORD old = ntHeaders->OptionalHeader.SizeOfImage;
ntHeaders->OptionalHeader.SizeOfImage = RALIGN(ntHeaders->OptionalHeader.SizeOfHeaders, ntHeaders->OptionalHeader.SectionAlignment);
for (i = 0; i < ntHeaders->FileHeader.NumberOfSections; i++)
ntHeaders->OptionalHeader.SizeOfImage += RALIGN(sectionHeadersArray[i].Misc.VirtualSize, ntHeaders->OptionalHeader.SectionAlignment);
// Set the new AddressOfEntryPoint if needed
if (ntHeaders->OptionalHeader.AddressOfEntryPoint > sectionHeadersArray[m_dwResourceSectionIndex].VirtualAddress)
ntHeaders->OptionalHeader.AddressOfEntryPoint += sectionHeadersArray[m_dwResourceSectionIndex].Misc.VirtualSize - dwOldVirtualSize;
// Set the new BaseOfCode if needed
if (ntHeaders->OptionalHeader.BaseOfCode > sectionHeadersArray[m_dwResourceSectionIndex].VirtualAddress)
ntHeaders->OptionalHeader.BaseOfCode += sectionHeadersArray[m_dwResourceSectionIndex].Misc.VirtualSize - dwOldVirtualSize;
// Set the new BaseOfData if needed
if (ntHeaders->OptionalHeader.BaseOfData > sectionHeadersArray[m_dwResourceSectionIndex].VirtualAddress)
ntHeaders->OptionalHeader.BaseOfData += sectionHeadersArray[m_dwResourceSectionIndex].Misc.VirtualSize - dwOldVirtualSize;
// Refresh the headers of the sections that come after the resource section, and the data directory
for (i = m_dwResourceSectionIndex + 1; i < ntHeaders->FileHeader.NumberOfSections; i++) {
if (sectionHeadersArray[i].PointerToRawData) {
sectionHeadersArray[i].PointerToRawData -= IMAGE_FIRST_SECTION(m_ntHeaders)[m_dwResourceSectionIndex].SizeOfRawData;
sectionHeadersArray[i].PointerToRawData += dwRsrcSizeAligned;
// We must find the right data directory entry before we change the virtual address
unsigned int uDataDirIdx = 0;
for (unsigned int j = 0; j < ntHeaders->OptionalHeader.NumberOfRvaAndSizes; j++)
if (ntHeaders->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[j].VirtualAddress == sectionHeadersArray[i].VirtualAddress)
uDataDirIdx = j;
sectionHeadersArray[i].VirtualAddress -= RALIGN(dwOldVirtualSize, ntHeaders->OptionalHeader.SectionAlignment);
sectionHeadersArray[i].VirtualAddress += RALIGN(sectionHeadersArray[m_dwResourceSectionIndex].Misc.VirtualSize, ntHeaders->OptionalHeader.SectionAlignment);
// Change the virtual address in the data directory too
if (uDataDirIdx)
ntHeaders->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[uDataDirIdx].VirtualAddress = sectionHeadersArray[i].VirtualAddress;
// Write the resource section
// Advance the pointer
seeker += dwRsrcSizeAligned;
// Copy everything that comes after the resource section (other sections and tacked data)
DWORD dwLeft = m_iSize - (oldSeeker - m_pbPE);
if (dwLeft)
CopyMemory(seeker, oldSeeker, dwLeft);
seeker += dwLeft;
oldSeeker += dwLeft;
* To add checksum to the header use MapFileAndCheckSum
// From now on, we are working on the new PE
// Freeing the old PE memory is up to the user
m_pbPE = pbNewPE;
m_iSize = dwSize;
m_dosHeader = PIMAGE_DOS_HEADER(m_pbPE);
m_ntHeaders = ntHeaders;
// We just wrote the resource section according to m_cResDir, so we don't need to rescan
// m_dwResourceSectionIndex and m_dwResourceSectionVA have also been left unchanged as
// we didn't move the resources section
return 0;
// This function scans exe sections and after find a match with given name
// increments it's virtual size (auto fixes image size based on section alignment, etc)
bool CResourceEditor::AddExtraVirtualSize2PESection(const char* pszSectionName, int addsize)
// Refresh the headers of the sections that come after the resource section, and the data directory
for (int i =0; i < m_ntHeaders->FileHeader.NumberOfSections; i++) {
if ( !strcmp((LPCSTR)sectionHeadersArray[i].Name, pszSectionName) ) {
sectionHeadersArray[i].Misc.VirtualSize += addsize;
sectionHeadersArray[i].Characteristics &= ~IMAGE_SCN_MEM_DISCARDABLE;
sectionHeadersArray[i].Misc.VirtualSize = RALIGN(sectionHeadersArray[i].Misc.VirtualSize, m_ntHeaders->OptionalHeader.SectionAlignment);
// now fix any section after
for (int k=i+1; k< m_ntHeaders->FileHeader.NumberOfSections; k++, i++) {
sectionHeadersArray[k].VirtualAddress = sectionHeadersArray[i].VirtualAddress + sectionHeadersArray[i].Misc.VirtualSize;
sectionHeadersArray[k].VirtualAddress = RALIGN(sectionHeadersArray[k].VirtualAddress, m_ntHeaders->OptionalHeader.SectionAlignment);
if ( m_dwResourceSectionIndex == k )
// fix the resources virtual address if it changed
m_dwResourceSectionVA = m_ntHeaders->OptionalHeader.DataDirectory[IMAGE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY_RESOURCE].VirtualAddress = sectionHeadersArray[k].VirtualAddress;
return true;
return false;
// Private Methods
// This function scans a give resource directory and return a CResourceDirectory object
// rdRoot must point to the root directory of the resource section
CResourceDirectory* CResourceEditor::ScanDirectory(PRESOURCE_DIRECTORY rdRoot, PRESOURCE_DIRECTORY rdToScan) {
// Create CResourceDirectory from rdToScan
CResourceDirectory* rdc = new CResourceDirectory(PIMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY(rdToScan));
char* szName;
// Go through all entries of this resource directory
for (int i = 0; i < rdToScan->Header.NumberOfNamedEntries + rdToScan->Header.NumberOfIdEntries; i++) {
// If this entry points to data entry get a pointer to it
if (!rdToScan->Entries[i].DataIsDirectory)
rde = PIMAGE_RESOURCE_DATA_ENTRY(rdToScan->Entries[i].OffsetToData + (BYTE*)rdRoot);
// If this entry has a name, translate it from Unicode
if (rdToScan->Entries[i].NameIsString) {
PIMAGE_RESOURCE_DIR_STRING_U rds = PIMAGE_RESOURCE_DIR_STRING_U(rdToScan->Entries[i].NameOffset + (char*)rdRoot);
int mbsSize = WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, rds->NameString, rds->Length, 0, 0, 0, 0);
szName = new char[mbsSize+1];
WideCharToMultiByte(CP_ACP, 0, rds->NameString, rds->Length, szName, mbsSize, 0, 0);
szName[mbsSize] = 0;
// Else, set the name to this entry's id
szName = MAKEINTRESOURCE(rdToScan->Entries[i].Id);
if (rdToScan->Entries[i].DataIsDirectory)
new CResourceDirectoryEntry(
PRESOURCE_DIRECTORY(rdToScan->Entries[i].OffsetToDirectory + (BYTE*)rdRoot)
new CResourceDirectoryEntry(
new CResourceDataEntry(
(BYTE*)rdRoot + rde->OffsetToData - m_dwResourceSectionVA,
// Delete the dynamicly allocated name if it is a name and not an id
if (!IS_INTRESOURCE(szName))
delete [] szName;
return rdc;
// This function writes into a given place in memory (pbRsrcSec) the edited resource section
void CResourceEditor::WriteRsrcSec(BYTE* pbRsrcSec) {
BYTE* seeker = pbRsrcSec;
queue<CResourceDirectory*> qDirs; // Used to scan the tree by level
queue<CResourceDataEntry*> qDataEntries; // Used for writing the data entries
queue<CResourceDataEntry*> qDataEntries2; // Used for writing raw resources data
queue<CResourceDirectoryEntry*> qStrings; // Used for writing resources' names
while (!qDirs.empty()) {
CResourceDirectory* crd = qDirs.front();
CopyMemory(seeker, &crd->GetInfo(), sizeof(IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY));
crd->m_dwWrittenAt = DWORD(seeker);
for (int i = 0; i < crd->CountEntries(); i++) {
if (crd->GetEntry(i)->HasName())
if (crd->GetEntry(i)->IsDataDirectory())
else {
rDirE.DataIsDirectory = crd->GetEntry(i)->IsDataDirectory();
rDirE.Id = (crd->GetEntry(i)->HasName()) ? 0 : crd->GetEntry(i)->GetId();
rDirE.NameIsString = (crd->GetEntry(i)->HasName()) ? 1 : 0;
CopyMemory(seeker, &rDirE, sizeof(IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY));
crd->GetEntry(i)->m_dwWrittenAt = DWORD(seeker);
while (!qDataEntries.empty()) {
CResourceDataEntry* cRDataE = qDataEntries.front();
rDataE.CodePage = cRDataE->GetCodePage();
rDataE.Size = cRDataE->GetSize();
CopyMemory(seeker, &rDataE, sizeof(IMAGE_RESOURCE_DATA_ENTRY));
cRDataE->m_dwWrittenAt = DWORD(seeker);
seeker += sizeof(IMAGE_RESOURCE_DATA_ENTRY);
* Write strings
while (!qStrings.empty()) {
CResourceDirectoryEntry* cRDirE = qStrings.front();
PIMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY(cRDirE->m_dwWrittenAt)->NameOffset = DWORD(seeker) - DWORD(pbRsrcSec);
char* szName = cRDirE->GetName();
WORD iLen = lstrlen(szName);
WCHAR* szwName = new WCHAR[iLen+1];
// MultiByteToWideChar return value includes the null char, so -1
iLen = MultiByteToWideChar(CP_ACP, 0, szName, iLen, szwName, iLen) - 1;
*(WORD*)seeker = iLen;
seeker += sizeof(WORD);
CopyMemory(seeker, szwName, iLen*sizeof(WCHAR));
seeker += iLen*sizeof(WCHAR);
// Even though the number of chars is predefined a null termination is required
*(WORD*)seeker = 0;
seeker += sizeof(WORD);
delete [] szName;
delete [] szwName;
* Write raw resource data and set offsets in IMAGE_RESOURCE_DATA_ENTRYs.
while (!qDataEntries2.empty()) {
CResourceDataEntry* cRDataE = qDataEntries2.front();
CopyMemory(seeker, cRDataE->GetData(), cRDataE->GetSize());
PIMAGE_RESOURCE_DATA_ENTRY(cRDataE->m_dwWrittenAt)->OffsetToData = seeker - pbRsrcSec + m_dwResourceSectionVA;
seeker += RALIGN(cRDataE->GetSize(), 8);
* Set all of the directory entries offsets.
SetOffsets(m_cResDir, DWORD(pbRsrcSec));
// Sets the offsets in directory entries
void CResourceEditor::SetOffsets(CResourceDirectory* resDir, DWORD newResDirAt) {
for (int i = 0; i < resDir->CountEntries(); i++) {
if (resDir->GetEntry(i)->IsDataDirectory()) {
PIMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY(resDir->GetEntry(i)->m_dwWrittenAt)->DataIsDirectory = 1;
PIMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY(resDir->GetEntry(i)->m_dwWrittenAt)->OffsetToDirectory = resDir->GetEntry(i)->GetSubDirectory()->m_dwWrittenAt - newResDirAt;
SetOffsets(resDir->GetEntry(i)->GetSubDirectory(), newResDirAt);
else {
PIMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY_ENTRY(resDir->GetEntry(i)->m_dwWrittenAt)->OffsetToData = resDir->GetEntry(i)->GetDataEntry()->m_dwWrittenAt - newResDirAt;
// CResourceDirectory
// Construction/Destruction
CResourceDirectory::CResourceDirectory(PIMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY prd) {
m_rdDir = *prd;
m_rdDir.NumberOfIdEntries = 0;
m_rdDir.NumberOfNamedEntries = 0;
CResourceDirectory::~CResourceDirectory() {
// Methods
IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIRECTORY CResourceDirectory::GetInfo() {
return m_rdDir;
CResourceDirectoryEntry* CResourceDirectory::GetEntry(unsigned int i) {
if (m_vEntries.size() < i)
return 0;
return m_vEntries[i];
// This function inserts a new directory entry
// It also keeps the directory entries sorted
void CResourceDirectory::AddEntry(CResourceDirectoryEntry* entry) {
int i = 0;
if (entry->HasName()) {
char* szEntName = entry->GetName();
for (i = 0; i < m_rdDir.NumberOfIdEntries; i++) {
char* szName = m_vEntries[i]->GetName();
int cmp = lstrcmp(szName, szEntName);
delete [] szName;
if (cmp == 0) {
delete [] szEntName;
if (cmp > 0)
delete [] szEntName;
else {
for (i = m_rdDir.NumberOfNamedEntries; i < m_rdDir.NumberOfNamedEntries+m_rdDir.NumberOfIdEntries; i++) {
if (m_vEntries[i]->GetId() == entry->GetId())
if (m_vEntries[i]->GetId() > entry->GetId())
m_vEntries.insert(m_vEntries.begin() + i, entry);
void CResourceDirectory::RemoveEntry(int i) {
if (m_vEntries[i]->HasName())
delete m_vEntries[i];
m_vEntries.erase(m_vEntries.begin() + i);
int CResourceDirectory::CountEntries() {
return m_vEntries.size();
// Returns the index of a directory entry with the specified name
// Name can be a string or an id
// Returns -1 if can not be found
int CResourceDirectory::Find(char* szName) {
return Find(WORD(szName));
if (szName[0] == '#')
return Find(WORD(atoi(szName+1)));
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_vEntries.size(); i++) {
if (!m_vEntries[i]->HasName())
char* szEntName = m_vEntries[i]->GetName();
int cmp = lstrcmp(szName, szEntName);
delete [] szEntName;
if (!cmp)
return i;
return -1;
// Returns the index of a directory entry with the specified id
// Returns -1 if can not be found
int CResourceDirectory::Find(WORD wId) {
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_vEntries.size(); i++) {
if (m_vEntries[i]->HasName())
if (wId == m_vEntries[i]->GetId())
return i;
return -1;
// Get the size of this resource directory (including all of its children)
DWORD CResourceDirectory::GetSize() {
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_vEntries.size(); i++) {
if (m_vEntries[i]->HasName())
dwSize += sizeof(IMAGE_RESOURCE_DIR_STRING_U) + (m_vEntries[i]->GetNameLength()+1)*sizeof(WCHAR);
if (m_vEntries[i]->IsDataDirectory())
dwSize += m_vEntries[i]->GetSubDirectory()->GetSize();
else {
DWORD dwAligned = m_vEntries[i]->GetDataEntry()->GetSize();
ALIGN(dwAligned, 8);
dwSize += sizeof(IMAGE_RESOURCE_DATA_ENTRY) + dwAligned;
return dwSize;
// Destroys this directory and all of its children
void CResourceDirectory::Destroy() {
for (unsigned int i = 0; i < m_vEntries.size(); i++) {
if (m_vEntries[i]->IsDataDirectory()) {
delete m_vEntries[i]->GetSubDirectory();
delete m_vEntries[i]->GetDataEntry();
// CResourceDirectoryEntry
// Construction/Destruction
CResourceDirectoryEntry::CResourceDirectoryEntry(char* szName, CResourceDirectory* rdSubDir) {
if (IS_INTRESOURCE(szName)) {
m_bHasName = false;
m_szName = 0;
m_wId = WORD(szName);
else {
m_bHasName = true;
m_szName = new char[lstrlen(szName)+1];
lstrcpy(m_szName, szName);
m_bIsDataDirectory = true;
m_rdSubDir = rdSubDir;
CResourceDirectoryEntry::CResourceDirectoryEntry(char* szName, CResourceDataEntry* rdeData) {
if (IS_INTRESOURCE(szName)) {
m_bHasName = false;
m_szName = 0;
m_wId = WORD(szName);
else {
m_bHasName = true;
m_szName = new char[lstrlen(szName)+1];
lstrcpy(m_szName, szName);
m_bIsDataDirectory = false;
m_rdeData = rdeData;
CResourceDirectoryEntry::~CResourceDirectoryEntry() {
if (m_szName && m_bHasName)
delete [] m_szName;
// Methods
bool CResourceDirectoryEntry::HasName() {
return m_bHasName;
// Don't forget to free the memory used by the string after usage!
char* CResourceDirectoryEntry::GetName() {
if (!m_bHasName)
return 0;
char* szName = 0;
szName = new char[lstrlen(m_szName)+1];
lstrcpy(szName, m_szName);
return szName;
int CResourceDirectoryEntry::GetNameLength() {
return lstrlen(m_szName);
WORD CResourceDirectoryEntry::GetId() {
if (m_bHasName)
return 0;
return m_wId;
bool CResourceDirectoryEntry::IsDataDirectory() {
return m_bIsDataDirectory;
CResourceDirectory* CResourceDirectoryEntry::GetSubDirectory() {
if (!m_bIsDataDirectory)
return NULL;
return m_rdSubDir;
CResourceDataEntry* CResourceDirectoryEntry::GetDataEntry() {
if (m_bIsDataDirectory)
return NULL;
return m_rdeData;
// CResourceDataEntry
// Construction/Destruction
CResourceDataEntry::CResourceDataEntry(BYTE* pbData, DWORD dwSize, DWORD dwCodePage) {
m_pbData = 0;
SetData(pbData, dwSize, dwCodePage);
CResourceDataEntry::~CResourceDataEntry() {
if (m_pbData)
delete [] m_pbData;
// Methods
// To save memory this function doesn't give you a copy of the data
// Don't mess with the data returned from this function!
BYTE* CResourceDataEntry::GetData() {
return m_pbData;
void CResourceDataEntry::SetData(BYTE* pbData, DWORD dwSize) {
SetData(pbData, dwSize, m_dwCodePage);
void CResourceDataEntry::SetData(BYTE* pbData, DWORD dwSize, DWORD dwCodePage) {
if (m_pbData) delete [] m_pbData;
m_pbData = new BYTE[dwSize];
CopyMemory(m_pbData, pbData, dwSize);
m_dwSize = dwSize;
m_dwCodePage = dwCodePage;
DWORD CResourceDataEntry::GetSize() {
return m_dwSize;
DWORD CResourceDataEntry::GetCodePage() {
return m_dwCodePage;