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- ==============================================================
- = = = = = = = = = = Mozilla Read Me = = = = = = = = = = =
- ==============================================================
- Mozilla is subject to the terms detailed in the license
- agreement accompanying it.
- This Read Me file contains information about system
- requirements and installation instructions for the Windows,
- Mac OS, and Linux builds of Mozilla.
- For more info on Mozilla, see www.mozilla.org. To submit bugs
- or other feedback, see the Navigator QA menu and check out
- Bugzilla at http://bugzilla.mozilla.org for links to known
- bugs, bug-writing guidelines, and more. You can also get help
- with Bugzilla by pointing your IRC client to #mozillazine
- at irc.mozilla.org.
- ==============================================================
- Getting Mozilla
- ==============================================================
- You can download nightly builds of Mozilla from the
- Mozilla.org FTP site at
- ftp://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla/nightly/
- For the very latest builds, see
- ftp://ftp.mozilla.org/pub/mozilla/nightly/latest
- Keep in mind that nightly builds, which are used by
- Mozilla.org developers for testing, may be buggy. If you are
- looking for a more polished version of Mozilla, Mozilla.org
- releases Milestone builds of Mozilla every six weeks or so
- that you can download from
- http://www.mozilla.org/releases
- Be sure to read the Mozilla release notes for information
- on known problems and installation issues with Mozilla.
- The release notes can be found at the preceding URL along
- with the milestone releases themselves.
- Note: Please use Talkback builds whenever possible. These
- builds allow transmission of crash data back to Mozilla
- developers, improved crash analysis, and posting of crash
- information to our crash-data newsgroup.
- ==============================================================
- System Requirements
- ==============================================================
- *All Platforms
- To view and use the new streamlined "Modern" theme,
- your display monitor should be set to display
- thousands of colors. For users who cannot set their
- displays to use more than 256 colors, Mozilla.org
- recommends using the "Classic" theme for Mozilla.
- To select the Modern theme after you have installed
- Mozilla, from the Navigator browser, open the View
- menu, and then open then open the Apply Theme submenu
- and choose Modern.
- *Mac OS
- -Mac OS X or later
- -PowerPC processor (266 MHz or faster recommended)
- -64 MB RAM
- -36 MB of free hard disk space
- *Windows
- -Windows 95, 98, Me, NT4, 2000 or XP
- -Intel Pentium class processor (233 MHz or faster
- recommended)
- -64 MB RAM
- -26 MB free hard disk space
- *Linux
- -The following library versions (or compatible) are
- required: glibc 2.1, XFree86 3.3.x, GTK 1.2.x, Glib
- 1.2.x, Libstdc++ 2.9.0. Red Hat Linux 6.0,
- Debian 2.1, and SuSE 6.2 (or later) installations
- should work.
- -Red Hat 6.x users who want to install the Mozilla
- RPM must have at least version 4.0.2 of rpm
- installed.
- -Intel Pentium class processor (233 MHz or faster
- recommended)
- -64MB RAM
- -26MB free hard disk space
- ==============================================================
- Installation Instructions
- ==============================================================
- For Mac OS and Windows users, it is strongly recommended that
- you exit all programs before running the setup program. Also,
- you should temporarily disable virus-detection software.
- For Linux users, note that the installation instructions use
- the bash shell. If you're not using bash, adjust the commands
- accordingly.
- For all platforms, install into a clean (new) directory.
- Installing on top of previously released builds may cause
- problems.
- Note: These instructions do not tell you how to build Mozilla.
- For info on building the Mozilla source, see
- http://www.mozilla.org/source.html
- Windows Installation Instructions
- ---------------------------------
- Note: For Windows NT/2000/XP systems, you need Administrator
- privileges to install Mozilla. If you see an "Error 5" message
- during installation, make sure you're running the installation
- with Administrator privileges.
- To install Mozilla by downloading the Mozilla installer,
- follow these steps:
- 1. Click the the mozilla-win32-installer.exe link on
- the site you're downloading Mozilla from to download
- the installer file to your machine.
- 2. Navigate to where you downloaded the file and
- double-click the Mozilla program icon on your machine
- to begin the Setup program.
- 3. Follow the on-screen instructions in the setup
- program. The program starts automatically the first
- time.
- To install Mozilla by downloading the .zip file and
- installing manually, follow these steps:
- 1. Click the mozilla-win32-talkback.zip link or the
- mozilla-win32.zip link on the site you're down-
- loading Mozilla from to download the .zip file to
- your machine.
- 2. Navigate to where you downloaded the file and
- double-click the compressed file.
- Note: This step assumes you already have a recent
- version of WinZip installed, and that you know how to
- use it. If not, you can get WinZip and information
- about the program at www.winzip.com.
- 3. Extract the .zip file to a directory such as
- C:\Program Files\mozilla.org\Mozilla.
- 4. To start Mozilla, navigate to the directory you
- extracted Mozilla to and double-click the Mozilla.exe
- icon.
- Mac OS X Installation Instructions
- ----------------------------------
- To install Mozilla by downloading the Mozilla disk image,
- follow these steps:
- 1. Click the mozilla-mac-MachO.dmg.gz link to download
- it to your machine. By default, the download file is
- downloaded to your desktop.
- 2. Once you have downloaded the .dmg.gz file, drag it
- onto Stuffit Expander to decompress it. If the disk
- image doesn't mount automatically, double-click on the
- .dmg file to mount it. If that fails, and the file
- does not look like a disk image file, do a "Show Info"
- on the file, and, in the "Open with application"
- category, choose Disk Copy. In Mac OS 10.2, you can
- use "Open with" from the context menu.
- 3. Once the disk image mounts, open it, and drag the
- Mozilla icon onto your hard disk.
- 4. We recommend that you copy it to the Applications
- folder.
- 5. Now Eject the disk image.
- 6. If you like, you can drag Mozilla to your dock to
- have it easily accessible at all times. You might also
- wish to select Mozilla as your default browser in the
- Internet system preferences pane (under the Web tab).
- Linux Installation Instructions
- -------------------------------
- Note: If you install in the default directory (which is
- usually /usr/local/mozilla), or any other directory where
- only the root user normally has write-access, you must
- start Mozilla first as root before other users can start
- the program. Doing so generates a set of files required
- for later use by other users.
- To install Mozilla by downloading the Mozilla installer,
- follow these steps:
- 1. Create a directory named mozilla (mkdir mozilla)
- and change to that directory (cd mozilla).
- 2. Click the link on the site you're downloading
- Mozilla from to download the installer file
- (called mozilla-1686-pc-linux-gnu-installer.tar.gz)
- to your machine.
- 3. Change to the mozilla directory (cd mozilla) and
- decompress the archive with the following command:
- tar zxvf moz*.tar.gz
- The installer is now located in a subdirectory of
- Mozilla named mozilla-installer.
- 4. Change to the mozilla-installer directory
- (cd mozilla-installer) and run the installer with the
- ./mozilla-installer command.
- 5. Follow the instructions in the install wizard for
- installing Mozilla.
- Note: If you have a slower machine, be aware that the
- installation may take some time. In this case, the
- installation progress may appear to hang indefinitely,
- even though the installation is still in process.
- 6. To start Mozilla, change to the directory where you
- installed it and run the ./mozilla command.
- To install Mozilla by downloading the tar.gz file:
- 1. Create a directory named "mozilla" (mkdir mozilla)
- and change to that directory (cd mozilla).
- 2. Click the link on the site you're downloading
- Mozilla from to download the non-installer
- (mozilla*.tar.gz) file into the mozilla directory.
- 3. Change to the mozilla directory (cd mozilla) and
- decompress the file with the following command:
- tar zxvf moz*.tar.gz
- This creates a "mozilla" directory under your mozilla
- directory.
- 4. Change to the mozilla directory (cd mozilla).
- 5. Run Mozilla with the following run script:
- ./mozilla
- To hook up Mozilla complete with icon to the GNOME Panel,
- follow these steps:
- 1. Click the GNOME Main Menu button, open the Panel menu,
- and then open the Add to Panel submenu and choose Launcher.
- 2. Right-click the icon for Mozilla on the Panel and
- enter the following command:
- directory_name./mozilla
- where directory_name is the name of the directory
- you downloaded mozilla to. For example, the default
- directory that Mozilla suggests is /usr/local/mozilla.
- 3. Type in a name for the icon, and type in a comment
- if you wish.
- 4. Click the icon button and type in the following as
- the icon's location:
- directory_name/icons/mozicon50.xpm
- where directory name is the directory where you
- installed Mozilla. For example, the default directory
- is /usr/local/mozilla/icons/mozicon50.xpm.