32883 Display windows as thumbnails and align.\nThumbnails
32896 Close all windows.\nClose All
32904 Show system information\nSystem Info
32905 Close all windows (without saving).\nDiscard All
32913 %s (%s) Now painting.
32914 %s Now painting.
32915 Now batch processing: %d/%d %s is being applied to %s using the filter settings in %s. %d%%
32916 Now batch processing: %d/%d %s is being applied to %s. %d%%
32917 Now painting. %d%%
32918 Pasting. Right-click to confirm.
32919 Inserting text. Right-click to confirm.
32921 Full %d%%
32922 Actual
32923 All
32924 %d x %d (%d, %d)
32925 %d x %d
32926 %s (%s)
32927 Copying file ...
32928 Saving file ...
32929 Openning file ...
32930 Processing. Please wait ...
32931 Requesting TWAIN device. Please wait.
32944 Action cancelled due to insufficient memory.
32945 Pasting is not complete.\nPlease right-click and choose Confirm or Cancel.
32946 Text insertion is not complete.\nPlease right-click and choose Confirm or Cancel.
32947 Cannot start agent.\nThe executable file appears to be corrupted.
32948 With the current settings, print area exceeds paper size.\nUse larger paper or adjust the page layout settings.
32949 Error in folder designation.
32950 Cannot create folder.
32951 Cannot save file in the output folder.\nPlease check whether you have permission to write to this folder.
32952 Cannot save file in the output folder.\nPlease check whether you have permission to write to this folder.
32953 Print area exceeds paper size.
32954 This image is too large. (%d x %d pixels)\nThe maximum size that this program can handle is %d x %d pixels. \nDo you want to reduce the size and continue?
32955 This image is too small. (%d x %d pixels)\nThe minimum size that this program can handle is %d x %d pixels. \nDo you want to increase the size and continue?
32956 Image is too large. (%s: %d x %dpixels)\nThe maximum size that this program can handle is %d x %d pixels. \nPlease reduce the size first.
32957 This image is too small. (%s: %d x %d pixels)\nThe minimum size that this program can handle is %d x %d pixels. \nPlease increase the size first.
32958 The TWAIN32-compatible device is not ready.
32959 Open image file.
32960 Choose batch job settings.
32961 Save batch job settings.
32962 Choose image file to add.
32963 Choose adjust file to add.
32964 Choose folder.
32972 Available space :\n
32973 %c: %s %s byte\n
32978 Save changes to %s ?
32979 All windows will be closed, discarding their contents. Proceed?
32980 An attempt was made to open an image of 0 bytes.
32981 Part 1
32982 Part 2
32983 License
32984 Support
32985 Batch Processing
32986 File Operations
32987 New
32988 Resize
32989 Page Layout
32990 Text
32991 Processing was interrupted. Do you want to resume?
32994 The output folder does not exist.\n%s\nDo you want to create it ?
32995 Unable to proceed. Please adjust settings.
32996 A total of %d files, totaling %s bytes, will be processed.\n
32997 * The maximum number of output files has been reached.\n
32998 The results of processing will be saved in the %s folder using the same format as the source files. JPEG files will be saved at a quality setting of %d.\n
32999 The results of processing will be saved in the %s folder in the BMP format.\n
33000 The results of processing will be saved in the %s folder in the JPEG format with a quality setting of %d.\n
33001 The results of processing will be saved in the %s folder in the TIFF format.\n
33002 When saving, if a file of the same name exists Virtual Painter will append _Dup1, _Dup2 etc. to the new filename, so as to prevent the overwriting of existing files.\n
33003 * Space currently available on the drive chosen for saving files is %s bytes.\n
33004 * Estimated space needed to save file(s) is %s bytes.\n
33005 * Saving file(s) may not be possible due to insufficient disk space.\n
33006 Each file will be closed after saving.\n
33007 Ultimately %d files will be open.\n
33008 * With all of the designated files open, this software will use approximately %s bytes.\n
33009 To avoid problems caused by insufficient memory, it is advisable to check Close Files after Saving.\n
33010 As soon as the batch job starts, Virtual Painter will be reduced to an icon on the task bar and processing will take place in the background.\n
33011 * As soon as the batch job starts, Virtual Painter will be reduced to an icon on the task bar and an hourglass will be displayed. Once processing is completed, the normal icon will be displayed. Clicking this will once again display the main application window.\n
33012 During background processing you can use other applications, but do not use these to edit any of the files being used for the batch job.\n
33013 To cancel batch processing once it is underway, first click on the * Virtual Painter 4 icon on the task bar. After the Virtual Painter window reappears, press the Escape key. The software will not respond immediately, so after performing the required actions please wait.\n
33014 * To cancel batch processing once it is underway, click the Cancel button in the Batch Processing dialog box or press the Escape key.\n
33015 An audible alert will sound when all processing has been completed.\n
33016 * No files have been selected.\n
33017 * %s does not exist.\n
33018 * You have not picked an output folder.\n
33019 * The output folder is not ready.\n
33020 * There is insufficient disk space for the output folder.\nRequired space: %s bytes\nAvailable space: %s bytes\n\n
33021 padding
33022 padding
33023 padding
33024 Last used value
33025 %d x %d
33026 %d x ?
33027 ? x %d
57344 Virtual Painter 4
57345 Ready
57600 Create new file.\nNew
57601 Open image file.\nOpen
57602 Close current file.\nClose
57603 Save current file using the same filename.\nSave
57604 Save image file with a new filename.\nSave
57605 Change printing page layout.\nPage Layout
57606 Change printer or printing options.\nPrinter Options
57607 Print image.\nPrint
57609 Print preview.\nPreview.
57616 Open specified file.
57617 Open specified file.
57618 Open specified file.
57619 Open specified file.
57620 Open specified file.
57621 Open specified file.
57622 Open specified file.
57623 Open specified file.
57624 Open specified file.
57625 Open specified file.
57626 Open specified file.
57627 Open specified file.
57628 Open specified file.
57629 Open specified file.
57630 Open specified file.
57631 Open specified file.
57632 Clear selection\nClear
57633 Clear entire selection\nClear All
57634 Copy selection to the clipboard.\nCopy
57635 Cut selection to the clipboard.\nCut
57636 Find strings\nFind
57637 Paste image from the clipboard.\nPaste
57640 Repeat previous operation.\nRepeat
57641 Replace strings\nReplace
57642 Select entire image.\nSelect All
57643 Undo previous operation.\nUndo
57644 Redo previous operation.\nRedo
57648 Copy the current window.\nNew Window
57649 Arrange icons\nArrange
57650 Cascade all windows.\nCascade
57651 Tile all windows.\nTile
57652 Tile all windows.\nTile
57653 Split window\nSplit
57664 Show application, version, and copyright information.\nVersion
57665 Terminate application and save files.\nExit
57666 Show top page of instruction manual.\nTop Page