melancholiac=The minor causing can call offence and teardrops. Quite often timidity, uneasiness.
choleric=Having initiated to business the choleric often gets tired and throws. In dialogue he/she is loud.
sanguine=The sanguine is productive in activity only then, when there are a lot of interesting business.
phlegmatic=The phlegmatic slowly gets used to the new people, differs by a constancy of dialogue.
1=Steep introvert. Excessive daydreaming and careful consideration before reaching decisions are also typical aspects of introverted personality.
2=Introvert is closed-up in terms of behavior, often fails to make contact with others. Men - are often logy, pedantic. Women - are retiring and timid.
3=A person is more self-contained and unsociable rather than open to discovery. Strict control of feelings, avoidance of conflict-like situations.
4=This person is equally both self-contained and willing to be discovered. Good social adaptation, latitude of concerns. Some shyness is possible.
5=Good communication skills, sometimes emotional and free in behavior. Talkative and sociabile. He/she easily makes contact with strangers.
6=Extrovert. Easily makes new contacts. A person is also impulsive. In company he/she usually makes a good impression, but misuses a friendship.
7=Bright extrovert is characterized by outgoingness, activity, and the ability to make quick decisions. He/she is often too talkative.
1=A susceptibility to casualties. The destiny has turned away from this person.
2=Bad luck practically in all.
3=The infrequent gifts of destiny give hope.
4=The period of failures and penalties is replaced by a band of victories.
5=Seldom will miss the chance.
6=Good luck in all - in business and love. The chance will not miss.
7=Never will miss the chance. The favorite of destiny attracts good luck.
1=Modesty and shyness at the level of infantilism.
2=Highly conformist. Compliance, disciplined behavior. Such person often changes his/her opinion.
3=Conformity expressed in modesty and shyness, as well as a tendency to avoid disputes. Disciplined and assiduous.
4=A balance between conformity, judiciousness and modesty. Predilection to order and accuracy.
5=Seldom changes his/her inclining. Often brave and aggressive. In family life he/she is on the maiden roles.
6=Predilection to disputes and adventures, aggressiveness and light-mindedness.
7=An extremaly low level of conformity. Predilection to adventures and adventurism, bravery.
1=Intellectual untidiness, impudence in acts, violation of promises, devilry. Quite often betrayal. Dishonesty.
2=Immorality, dishonesty, devilry. Quite often impudence in acts, violation of promises. Betrayal is possible.
3=Sometimes dishonesty, violation of promises. This person does not follow the generally accepted moral standards.
4=Ruse, slyness. Conscientious. Sometimes the person does not follow the generally accepted moral standards.
5=Fairness. Sometimes ruse, slyness. Usually executes his/her promeses, and is not capable on betrayal.
6=This person of stringent intellectual canons always follows the generally accepted standards of behavior.