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INI File | 2005-04-25 | 9.8 KB | 527 lines |
- [Main]
- lang=English
- comments=translated by...
- version=01 sept 2004
- traits=traits.ini
- ptypes=ptypes.ini
- [Strings]
- 1051=Displays a Tip of the Day
- 1540=Open picture file
- 2000=Men/Women
- 2010=Run (Ctrl+R)
- 2020=Find Face with Traits You Select
- 2021=Find Face|Find Face
- 2030=To assemble an identical image of face, use keyboard shortcuts
- 2040=Clears an identical image|Clear
- 2050=Default (Ctrl+C)
- 2100=Forehead Shapes(Ctrl+1)
- 2110=Cheek-bone Shapes(Ctrl+2)
- 2120=Chin Shapes(Ctrl+3)
- 2130=Eyes (Ctrl+4)
- 2140=Eyebrows (Ctrl+5)
- 2150=Noses (Ctrl+6)
- 2160=Lips (Ctrl+7)
- 2170=Ears (Ctrl+8)
- 2180=Hair (Ctrl+H)
- 2190=Moustache (Ctrl+U)
- 2200=Beards (Ctrl+B)
- 2310=Add to List (Ctrl+'+')
- 2320=Delete from List (Ctrl+'-')
- 2330=Read to List (Ctrl+O)
- 2340=Save List (Ctrl+S)
- 2350=Options
- 2351=Print Report
- 2352=Save Report As HTML Page
- 2353=Save Face As Bitmap
- 2360=Fate
- 2361=Text
- 2362=Face Traits
- 2363=PTypes
- 2380=Add Picture
- 2390=Background Face
- 2391=Black and White
- 2392=Invert
- 2393=To Grayscale
- 2394=Median Filter
- 2395=Edge
- 2397=Smooth
- 2399=Smooth
- 2400=Open the Purchase Information Page
- 2552=Conformist
- 2554=Adventurist
- 2562=Egoist
- 2564=Altruist
- 2572=Philanthropist
- 2574=Hostile
- 2582=Optimist
- 2584=Pessimist
- 2592=Self-confident
- 2622=Weak-willed
- 2624=Volitional
- 2632=Lazy
- 2634=Diligent
- 2642=Silly
- 2644=Clever
- 2654=Merrymaker
- 2664=Lucky
- 2672=Slyness
- 2674=Honest
- 2690=Phlegmatic
- 2692=Sanguine
- 2694=Choleric
- 2696=Melancholy
- 2802=Not recognized
- 2900=Melancholy
- 2901=Nervous
- 2902=Choleric
- 2903=Unrecognized
- 2904=Sanguine
- 2905=Good nerves
- 2906=Phlegmatic
- 2907=-
- 2908=-
- 2920=Artist, Actor
- 2921=Scientist
- 2922=Physician, Teacher
- 2923=Boss
- 2924=Travellier
- 2925=Military
- 2926=Worker, Official
- 2927=-
- 2928=-
- 21000=Round
- 21001=Oval
- 21002=Square
- 21003=Triangular
- 21004=With Small M
- 21005=M - Symmetrical
- 21006=Partially Bald
- 21007=Bald
- 21008=Empty
- 21020=Wide
- 21021=Average
- 21022=Narrow
- 21099=Forehead:
- 21100=Wide Round
- 21101=Thick
- 21102=Puffy
- 21103=Very Express
- 21104=Raised Upper Eyes
- 21105=Below Eyes
- 21106=Hardly Express
- 21107=Round Oval
- 21108=Oval
- 21109=Straight-forward
- 21110=Rectangular
- 21111=Lean
- 21112=Slightly Sunken Cheeks
- 21113=Sunken Cheeks
- 21114=Very Sunken Cheeks
- 21115=Empty
- 21199=Cheek-bones:
- 21200=Square Jaw
- 21201=Oval Jaw
- 21202=Average Jaw
- 21203=Round Jaw
- 21204=Pointed Jaw
- 21205=Empty
- 21220=Narrow Chin
- 21221=Narrow Chin with a Dimple
- 21222=Average Chin
- 21223=Average Chin with a Dimple
- 21224=Wide Chin
- 21225=Wide Chin with a Dimple
- 21300=Large Eyes
- 21301=Almond-shaped
- 21302=Oval with Angles
- 21303=Oval Eyes
- 21304=Heavy Lids
- 21305=Round Small
- 21306=Triangular
- 21307=Narrow
- 21308=Very Narrow
- 21309=Small eyes
- 21310=Empty
- 21320=No Incline
- 21321=Raised Outside
- 21322=Lowered Outside
- 21323=No Incline 2
- 21324=No Incline 3
- 21325=No Incline 4
- 21399=Eyes:
- 21400=Short Thin
- 21401=Short
- 21402=Short Wide
- 21403=Average Thin
- 21404=Average Straight
- 21405=Average Arched
- 21406=Average Curved
- 21407=Average Broken
- 21408=Widen to Temples
- 21409=Narrowed down to Temples
- 21410=Heavy Arched
- 21411=Long Thin
- 21412=Long Arched
- 21413=Long Wide
- 21414=Empty
- 21420=No Incline
- 21421=Raised Outside
- 21422=Lowered Outside
- 21423=No Incline 2
- 21424=No Incline 3
- 21425=No Incline 4
- 21499=Eyebrows:
- 21500=Short Nose
- 21501=Narrow Nose
- 21502=Straight
- 21503=Widen Down
- 21504=Pointed
- 21505=Rhombic
- 21506=Wide
- 21507=Large
- 21508=Empty
- 21520=Narrow Base
- 21521=Short Base
- 21522=Average Base
- 21523=Hooked, Nostrils Showing
- 21524=High Base
- 21525=Wide Base
- 21599=Nose:
- 21600=Thin Lips
- 21601=Even Lips
- 21602=Thick Upper Lip
- 21603=Thick Lower Lip
- 21604=Wide Lips
- 21605=Empty
- 21620=Without Shape
- 21621=Average Shape
- 21622=Arched downwards
- 21623=Heart-shaped
- 21700=Adpressed Ears
- 21701=Average Ears
- 21702=Sticked out Ears
- 21703=Sticked out Down Ears
- 21704=Sticked out Curved Ears
- 21705=Sticked out Round Ears
- 21706=Without ears
- 21720=Without Lobe
- 21721=With Lobe
- 21722=With Large Lobe
- 32010=In trial version of Digital Physiognomy Beards, Moustache, Whiskers, and Hair are not included in photo robot.
- 32600=Save physiognomy report as HTML page|Create HTML Page
- 32602=Save face image as bitmap|Save Face
- 32612=Copy face image as bitmap and put it on the Clipboard|Copy As Bitmap
- 32772=Show or hide the interpretation window|Toggle Interpretation
- 32773=Show or hide the faces list|Toggle Faces List
- 32777=Change options|Options
- 32780=Enter registration key|Buy It Now and Register
- 32782=Options
- 32783=Unregistered program determines <b>only 3 psychological characteristics</b>.
- 32784=Unregistered program determines personality type and astrological type <b>inaccurately</b>.
- 32785=Order Digital Physiognomy now, and begin enjoying the benefits immediately.
- 32786=We are not a big corporation and the fee you pay for the registration will be used directly for future software development.
- 32790=Open the UNIPHIZ Lab products home page|Home page
- 32792=Open the purchase information page|Purchase
- 32794=Mail to support|Support
- 32799=www.uniphiz.com
- [Dialog_140]
- Dialog_140=
- 1029=www.uniphiz.com
- [Dialog_152]
- Dialog_152=
- 2310=Add
- 2330=Read
- 2340=Save
- 2320=Del
- 2000=Men
- 2353=Img
- 2030=Keys
- [Dialog_150]
- Dialog_150=
- 1001=Face Wnd
- 2100=Head
- 2110=Scul
- 2120=Chin
- 2130=Eyes
- 2140=Brov
- 2150=Nous
- 2160=Mout
- 2170=Ears
- 2180=Hair
- 2190=Must
- 2200=Bear
- 1008=Slider1
- 1010=Slider1
- 2010=Run
- 1009=Slider1
- 1012=Slider1
- 1011=Slider1
- 2050=Cent
- 2399=Eff
- 1090= â
- 1091= ä
- [Dialog_153]
- Dialog_153=
- 2362=Pict
- 2360=Hist
- 2361=Text
- 2351=Print
- 2352=Web
- 2350=Prop
- 2363=PType
- [Dialog_160]
- Dialog_160=
- 21099=Forehead
- 21199=Cheek-bone
- 21299=Chin
- 21399=Eyes
- 21599=Nose
- 21699=Lips
- 21799=Ears
- 1001=Face Wnd
- 65535=Drag and Drop picture here or click button
- 2380=Pict
- 21000=Forehead
- 21100=Cheek-bone
- 21200=Chin
- 21300=Eyes
- 21500=Nose
- 21600=Lips
- 21700=Ears
- 1082=Drag and Drop picture here or click button
- 2391=BW
- 2392=Inv
- 2393=Gray
- 2394=Emb
- 2395=Edg
- 2397=Eff
- 1012=Slider1
- 1011=Slider1
- 1009=Slider1
- 2390=BK
- [Dialog_162]
- Dialog_162=
- [Dialog_161]
- Dialog_161=
- 2534=Extrovert
- 2532=Introvert
- 2542=Depression
- 2544=Activity
- 2696=Melancholy
- 2694=Choleric
- 2692=Sanguine
- 2690=Phlegmatic
- 2680=Temp
- 2582=Optimism
- 2580=50
- 2584=Pessimism
- 2552=Conformism
- 2550=50
- 2554=Adventurism
- 2562=Egoism
- 2560=50
- 2564=Altruism
- 2572=Philanthropy
- 2570=50
- 2574=Hostility
- 2632=Laziness
- 2630=50
- 2634=Diligence
- 2672=Slyness
- 2670=50
- 2674=Honesty
- 2642=Intellect
- 2640=50
- 2592=Self-confidence
- 2590=50
- 2622=Will power
- 2620=50
- 2652=Humor
- 2650=50
- 2662=Lucky
- 2660=50
- 2522=Sex activity
- 2520=50
- 2702=Profession
- 2700=?
- 2802=Confidence factor
- 2800=50
- 65535=%
- 1045=Registered program determines 15 psychological characteristics.
- 2400=Get Now!
- [Dialog_165]
- Dialog_165=
- 2802=Confidence factor
- 2800=50
- 65535=Digital Physiognomy, (C) UNIPHIZ Lab, 2002
- 1045=Unregistered program determines only 3 psychological characteristics.
- 1040=%
- 1168=Digital Physiognomy, (C) UNIPHIZ Lab, 2002-2003
- 2020=Find
- 2552=Find Face factor
- 2550=0
- 1118=www.uniphiz.com
- 2000=Men
- [Dialog_172]
- Dialog_172=Face
- 65535=Smooth
- 1033=No
- 1070=Information
- 1071=Gradient fill
- 1202=Color Info
- 1222=Color Fill
- 1210=Face
- 1038=Yellow
- 1110=Default
- [Dialog_171]
- Dialog_171=Fate
- 1082=Diagram
- 1080=Color...
- 1085=Background
- 1083=Color...
- 1088=Text
- 1086=Color...
- 1101=Min
- 1102=Color...
- 1103=Max
- 1104=Color...
- 1110=Default
- [Dialog_100]
- Dialog_100=About
- 1167=For comments and bug reports please write to:
- 1117=serg@uniphiz.com
- 1118=www.uniphiz.com
- 1168=Download the latest version here:
- 276=www.uniphiz.com
- 65535= Ç
- 1120=Digital Physiognomy Version 1.1
- 1165=Copyright (C) UNIPHIZ Lab, 2003
- 1119=Trial beta version
- 275=animation
- [Dialog_136]
- 1120=Enter the registration number you have from us.
- 1170=The best way not to make a mistake entering this data is to use copy and paste.
- 1175=Paste
- 9=Help
- 1=OK
- 2=Cancel
- Dialog_136=Register
- [Dialog_180]
- Dialog_180=Find Face
- 2532=Introvert
- 2530=Slider1
- 2534=Extrovert
- 2542=Depression
- 2540=Slider1
- 2544=Activity
- 2582=Optimism
- 2580=Slider1
- 2584=Pessimism
- 2552=Conformism
- 2550=Slider1
- 2554=Adventurism
- 2562=Egoism
- 2560=Slider1
- 2564=Altruism
- 2572=Philanthropy
- 2570=Slider1
- 2574=Hostility
- 2632=Laziness
- 2630=Slider1
- 2634=Diligence
- 2672=Slyness
- 2670=Slider1
- 2674=Honesty
- 2642=Intellect
- 2640=Slider1
- 2592=Self-confidence
- 2590=Slider1
- 2622=Will power
- 2620=Slider1
- 2652=Humor
- 2650=Slider1
- 2662=Lucky
- 2660=Slider1
- 2522=Sex activity
- 2520=Slider1
- 2512=Sex activity
- 2510=Slider1
- 1014=Progress1
- 9=Help
- 1110=Default
- 2010=Start
- 2=Cancel
- [Dialog_173]
- Dialog_173=Misc
- 1049=Language:
- 1053=English
- 1082=Restart the program to install the language you selected!
- 2802=Note:
- [Dialog_191]
- Dialog_191=Tip of the Day
- 1051=Show tips at startup
- 1050=Next Tip
- 2=Close
- [Menu_0]
- 0=&File
- 57601=&Open...
- 57604=&Save As...
- 57607=&Print...
- 57609=Print Pre&view
- 57605=P&age Setup...
- 32600=Save As WEB Page
- 32602=Save Face Image...
- 57665=Exit
- 1=&Edit
- 32777=&Options...
- 2040=Clear
- 32612=Copy As Bitmap
- 2=&View
- 32772=Interpretation
- 59393=&Status Bar
- 2362=Face Traits
- 2360=Diagram
- 2361=Text
- 2363=PType
- 3=&Find
- 2021=F&ind Face...
- 4=&Help
- 57670=Help Topics
- 1051=Ti&p of the Day...
- 32790=Web Site
- 32794=Technical Support
- 32792=Purchase Program On-line
- 32780=Register...
- 57664=&About Program...
- [Dialog_263]
- Dialog_263=Please take a moment to get Digital Physiognomy.
- 1110= Ç
- 22003=After purchasing on-line you will receive your Registration code immediately to your mail box.
- 22001=You will get all the future versions free of charge.
- 1023=Get Now.
- 1024=Buy later.
- 22002=You can always buy from the
- 32792=Click here to buy on-line and receive your Registration code.
- 1=&OK
- 22004="Help | Purchase Program On-line" menu item.
- 22005=Only $17.00