10 Warn when multiple ports or ports with particular numbers are scanned
11 Warn when one port is scanned
12 Warn when system exactly identifies attack on your computer
13 Count
14 Attacker DNS
15 Attack Time
16 Action
17 Count
18 Current Session
19 Today
20 All
21 Event Log for %s (%s)
22 Click Show Detailed Log for more information
23 &Show Log Preset
24 Show &Detailed Log
25 Create a &New Filter
26 Attacks Detected
27 Portscans Detected
28 Connection Requests Detected
31 Information About %s
32 Last Event
100 Port scanned
101 Denial Of Service
102 Connection request
103 Fragmented ICMP
104 Fragmented IGMP
105 Short Fragments
106 My address
107 WinNuke attack
108 Teardrop attack
109 Nestea attack
110 Iceping attack
111 Moyari13 attack
112 Opentear attack
113 Nuke attack
114 Rst attack
115 1234 attack
116 IGMP syn attack
117 FAWX attack
118 FAWX2 attack
119 KOX attack
120 TIDCMP attack
121 RFPOISON attack
122 RFPARALYZE attack
123 Win95Handlers attack
124 Overlapped fragments
125 here
464 Date/Time
500 Attack Detection Report
501 Attack was detected
502 Connection Request to port %s from %s
503 Port Scanning has been detected from %s (scanned ports:%s)
504 %s attack detected from %s
505 Denial Of Service attack detected
506 Time
507 Attack
508 IP
509 Action
510 Intruder blocked for %d min. (#unblock#)
511 Address %d.%d.%d.%d blocked because an attack was detected
512 Network %d.%d.%d.%d blocked because an attack was detected
513 Intruder network blocked for %d min. (#unblock#)
514 Port scanning
515 Denial Of Service
516 Fragmented ICMP
517 Fragmented IGMP
518 Short Fragments
519 My Address attack
520 Overlapped Fragments
521 Winnuke attack
522 Teardrop attack
523 Nestea attack
524 Iceping attack
525 ICMP attack
526 Unblocking...
527 Opentear attack
528 Nuke attack
529 IGMP attack
530 Port139 attack
531 Attacker queries TCP and UDP ports on your system to determine to which port he can connect in an attempt to gain control.
532 Large amount of bulk data sent to a port on your system in an attempt to cause an error or crash.
533 Case when an ICMP packet sent as number of fragments exceeds 1472 bytes after assembly. This may result in TCP stack failures and system crashes.
534 Case when an IGMP packet sent as number of fragments exceeds 1472 bytes after assembly. This may result in TCP stack failures and system crashes.
535 Case when packet is split into several fragments which are then altered so that packet causes system crash after assembly.
536 A common attack aimed to take over the IP address of your system, then impersonate it on the network, and take over its connections.
537 Case when packet is split into several fragments which are then altered so that fragments leap over each other and then cause system crash because of a memory errors.
538 The source of the problem is TCP Out-of-Band feature that has an exploit which leads some versions of Microsoft Windows to crash if they receive specific packets.
539 Another codename to refer to Short Fragments attack.
540 Dangerous IP fragment overlap generated by the Nestea program that can cause your system to become unstable or crash.
541 Case when large ICMP packet is split into large number of fragments. After assembly causes system crash.
542 The Windows TCP/IP stack does not handle fragmented ICMP packets well. Windows that receives such packets is likely to crash.
543 Blocked IP List
544 Opentear utilizes fragmented UDP packets to cause victim's computer to reboot.
545 An attempt to hijack a TCP connection and bypass installed firewall and other intrusion detection systems.
546 The Windows TCP/IP stack does not handle fragmented IGMP packets well. Windows that receives such packets is likely to crash.
547 An SMB frame with a NULL name field that can cause \nWindows 95 or 98 systems to become unstable or crash.
548 Attack duration time, msec
549 Duration of blocking IP, msec
550 Disconnecting ignore time, msec
551 Number of different hosts (DoS)
552 Maximum number of remote hosts
553 Minimum fragment size
554 Time to assemble packets from fragments, msec
555 Number of unassembled packets
556 Fragmented packets will be blocked, msec
557 Time for protecting from disconnection, msec
558 The number of RST packets
559 <PRODUCT> will report Port Scanning if specified number of suspicious packets are detected from one host within the specified time interval. (min:%d, max:%d)
560 After a Port Scanning is detected, the plug-in will ignore the attacking host for the specified time. This interval is needed to protect from a great number of "Port Scan detected" messages if someone is scanning all your ports. (min:%d, max:%d)
561 After disconnecting from a valid remote host it might try to send another packet to the same local port not knowing that the port was closed. To prevent false alarms, plug-in will stop monitoring these ports for the specified time. (min:%d, max:%d)
562 The number of different remote hosts detected in a distributed DOS attack. An attack will be detected if the number of remote hosts sending suspicious packets to one port on your system exceeds specified number during the specified time interval. (min:%d, max:%d)
563 The maximum number of remote hosts detected in an attack after which the attack is ignored for the specified time. This setting is needed to prevent a great number of "Attack detected" messages if an attacker uses IP spoofing or different remote hosts. (min:%d, max:%d)
564 This is the minimum fragment size for detecting the Short Fragments attack. Fragments (excluding the last one in a packet) smaller than specified size will be considered as an attack. (min:%d, max:%d)
565 During this time interval the plug-in will try to assemble packets from fragments. After the this time interval has been exceeded the plug-in will abort the task. (min:%d, max:%d)
566 Maximum number of unassembled packets for an OPENTEAR exploit detection. (min:%d, max:%d)
567 During this time after an OPENTEAR attack is detected, all fragmented packets will be blocked. (min:%d, max:%d)
568 During this time after NUKE packets are received, the connection will be protected from disconnection. (min:%d, max:%d)
569 This is the number of RST packets for an RST attack detection. (min:%d, max:%d)
570 Attack Detection Properties
571 Protocol
572 Weight
573 Port
574 Comment
575 Packet Type
576 Bind
577 Vulnerable Ports
578 Trojan Ports
579 System Ports
582 Please specify protocol.
583 Please specify the port number.
584 Port number must be in range between 1 and 65535.
585 Trusted Hosts
586 Trusted Ports
587 WAV File\n*.wav\n
588 Unblock
1018 Block intruder IP
4400 Show visual alerts when attack is detected
4403 Copy\nCopy
4500 Comments are too long. Max length is %d characters.