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- [Fields]
- %ps_ads_key_count%=╩εδΦ≈σ±≥Γε
- %ps_content_key_count%=╩εδΦ≈σ±≥Γε
- %ps_content_url_count%=╩εδΦ≈σ±≥Γε
- %ps_dns_count%=╩εδΦ≈σ±≥Γε
- %ps_attach_file_count%=╩εδΦ≈σ±≥Γε
- %ps_act_cont_event_count%=╩εδΦ≈σ±≥Γε
- [PresetCaptions]
- %Last 10 Ads blocked%=╧ε±δσΣφΦσ 10 ταßδεΩΦ≡εΓαφφ√⌡
- %Most popular keywords%=╧ε∩≤δ ≡φ√σ Ωδ■≈σΓ√σ ±δεΓα
- %Most often keywords used for blocking%=╫α±≥ε ßδεΩΦ≡≤σ∞√σ ±δεΓα
- %Most often sites blocked%=╫α±≥ε ßδεΩΦ≡≤σ∞√σ ±αΘ≥√
- %Last 10 sites blocked%=╧ε±δσΣφΦσ 10 ταßδεΩΦ≡εΓαφφ√⌡ ±αΘ≥εΓ
- %Most used records%=═αΦßεδσσ ∩ε∩≤δ ≡φ√σ τα∩Φ±Φ
- %Last 10 used records%=╧ε±δσΣφΦσ 10 τα∩Φ±σΘ
- %Last 10 new records%=╧ε±δσΣφΦσ 10 φεΓ√⌡ τα∩Φ±σΘ
- %Most often renamed file types%=╫α±≥ε ∩σ≡σΦ∞σφ≤σ∞√σ ≥Φ∩√ ⌠αΘδεΓ
- %Last 10 e-mails with attachments%=╧ε±δσΣφΦσ 10 ∩Φ±σ∞ ± ΓδεµσφΦ ∞Φ
- %Suspicious packets%=╧εΣετ≡Φ≥σδⁿφ√σ ∩αΩσ≥√
- %Last 10 Attacks detected%=╧ε±δσΣφΦσ 10 α≥αΩ
- %Most often active elements blocked%=╫α±≥ε ßδεΩΦ≡≤σ∞√σ ²δσ∞σφ≥√
- %Sites with a lot of active elements%=└Ω≥ΦΓφ√σ ²δσ∞σφ≥√ φα ±αΘ≥α⌡
- %Last 10 active elements blocked%=╧ε±δσΣφΦσ 10 ταßδεΩΦ≡εΓαφφ√⌡
- %Allowed Today%='╨ατ≡σ°σφφ√σ' ±σπεΣφ
- %Allowed during last 10 min%='╨ατ≡σ°σφφ√σ' τα ∩ε±δσΣφΦσ 10 ∞Φφ≤≥
- %Blocked Today%='╟αßδεΩΦ≡εΓαφφ√σ' ±σπεΣφ
- %Blocked during last 10 min%='╟αßδεΩΦ≡εΓαφφ√σ' τα ∩ε±δσΣφΦσ 10 ∞Φφ≤≥
- %NetBios history Allow%=╚±≥ε≡Φ NetBios
- %Web history Allow%=╚±≥ε≡Φ Web
- %Email history Allow%=╚±≥ε≡Φ ∩Φ±σ∞