home *** CD-ROM | disk | FTP | other *** search
- 166 Load Lo&g File...\nLoad Log File
- 167 Action
- 200 Error
- 201 Cannot load converter from '%s' module. Invalid converter '%s' for field '%s'
- 202 Cannot create rule '%s' for field '%s'
- 203 Invalid rule parameters '%s' for field '%s'
- 400 Agnitum Log Engine Error
- 401 Cannot open op_data.dll. Please install ODBC ver 3.0.
- 402 Would you like to reset filters to default?
- 403 <PRODUCT> Logs
- 1100 %02d:%02d:%02d
- 1101 %d day(s) %02d:%02d:%02d
- 10001 Field
- 10007 Copy &Selected Records\nCopy Selected Records
- 10008 Clear &Log...\nClear Log
- 10009 Ex&port Selected Records...\nExport Selected Records
- 10011 Cop&y All Records\nCopy All Records
- 10012 E&xport All Records...\nExport All Records
- 10013 Show S&QL...\nShow SQL
- 10014 &Export ...\nExport
- 10015 Auto Refresh\nAuto Refresh
- 10016 &Include Selection\nInclude Selection
- 10017 Excl&ude Selection\nExclude Selection
- 10018 Show &All\nShow All
- 10019 Customi&ze...\nCustomize
- 10020 Reset Filters\nReset Filters
- 10021 Re&fresh\nRefresh
- 20000 <PRODUCT>Logs
- 20001 <PRODUCT> logging database viewer
- 20002 <COMPANY>
- 20003 ver 1.0
- 20004 <COMPANY> <PRODUCT> Logs
- 20005 Firewall Logs
- 20006 Plugins
- 21000 Cannot generate SQL query
- 21001 Data table for this log is empty
- 21002 Cannot prepare log for opening because of a query syntax error.
- 21003 Opening...
- 21004 Cannot open log
- 21005 Open successful
- 21006 Cannot determine parent section
- 21007 Record %d of %d
- 21008 Closing...
- 21009 Highlight this line to show new records
- 21010 Open live
- 21011 Open text log
- 21012 Record %d of %d(%d)
- 21013 Cannot open text log
- 21014 Text log "%s" not available.
- 22008 Please wait while opening the log...
- 22009 There are no items to display in this view
- 22010 Please wait while closing the log...
- 23000 Are you sure you want to delete '%s'?
- 23001 Confirm Filter Deletion
- 30000 &Refresh
- 30001 &Filters\nFilters
- 30002 &Add filter
- 30003 &Edit filter
- 30004 &Remove filter
- 31000 &Add filter...\nAdd filter
- 31001 &Edit filter...\nEdit filter
- 31002 &Remove filter\nRemove filter
- 31003 &Delay add filter...\nDelay add filter
- 32000 Log files\n*.log\nComma Separated Value files\n*.csv\n\n
- 32001 Log write failed
- 32002 Export Log to File
- 32003 Export Log to Clipboard
- 32004 All files\n*.*\n\n
- 40002 Add/Remove Columns...\nAdd/Remove Columns
- 40003 %s Filter
- 40004 %s Filter
- 42000 Click here to add string
- 42001 n/a
- 42002 Reason
- 42100 undefined
- 42101 inbound
- 42102 outbound
- 42103 learning
- 42104 check modules
- 42105 refused %s
- 42200 undefined
- 42201 listen
- 42202 connected
- 45002 %d day(s)
- 45003 %d hour(s)
- 45004 %d minute(s)
- 45005 %d second(s)
- 45006
- 45007 Lower date range bound cannot be greater than upper.
- 45008 Error
- 46000 bytes
- 46001 KB
- 46002 MB
- 46003 /s
- 46500 Filter by size
- 46501 Please select the value of size to use as filter
- 46502 Size (KBytes)
- 46503 Filter by BPS
- 46504 Please select the value of BPS to use as filter
- 46505 BPS (KBytes/sec)
- 46506 Filter by Time Span
- 46507 Please select the value of time to use as filter
- 46508 Time (Minutes)
- 46600 equals (approx.) %d KB
- 46601 greater than %d KB
- 46602 less than %d Kb
- 46603 between %d and %d KB
- 46604 equals (approx.) %d KB/s
- 46605 greater than %d KB/s
- 46606 less than %d Kb/s
- 46607 between %d and %d Kb/s
- 46608 equals (approx.) %d Min
- 46609 greater than %d Min
- 46610 less than %d Min
- 46611 between %d and %d Min
- 47000 Protocol (%d)
- 48000 Application
- 48001 Extension
- 49000 Cannot add filter to the empty log.
- 49001 Error
- 50000 Defined
- 50001 Undefined
- 50101 Value
- 50500 Number Filter
- 50501 String Filter
- 50502 Protocol Filter
- 50503 File Name Filter
- 50504 Application
- 50505 Choose Reason
- 50506 Application Extension Filter
- 50550 &Check applications you want include:
- 50551 &Applications:
- 50552 &Check reasons you want include:
- 50553 &Reasons:
- 50554 &Check file names you want include:
- 50555 &File names:
- 50556 &Check application extensions you want to include:
- 50557 &Application extensions:
- 50600 last %s
- 50601 from %s to %s
- 50700 TCP
- 50701 UDP
- 50702 ICMP
- 50703 Other
- 50704 First choose protocol field
- 50706 and type is
- 50707 Cannot add port for IP protocol
- 51000 Name
- 51001 Path
- 52000 equals (approx.)\ngreater than\nless than\nbetween
- 55000 second
- 55001 seconds
- 55002 minute
- 55003 minutes
- 55004 hour
- 55005 hours
- 55006 day
- 55007 days
- 55008 week
- 55009 weeks
- 55010 today
- 60000 Where
- 60001 and
- 60002 is
- 60003 the
- 60010 Some information is missing or incorrect. Please correct the highlighted items.
- 60011 Error
- 60012 You must select at least one rule
- 60013 Cannot rename %s: Filter with the name you specified already exists. Specify another filter name.
- 60014 Cannot Rename Filter
- 61000 Undefined Rule
- 61001 Delete All
- 61002 Allow All Activity
- 61003 Block All Activity
- 61004 Learning Mode
- 61005 Allow NetBIOS Traffic
- 61006 Allow ICMP Type 10
- 61007 ICMP Traffic
- 61008 Block NetBIOS Traffic
- 61009 Allow Once
- 61010 Block Once
- 61011 Trusted Zone
- 61012 Established TCP Connection
- 61013 Stealth Mode Block RST
- 61014 NetBIOS Broadcast
- 61015 Receive non-local packets
- 61016 Defining the rule
- 61017 Block Transit Packets
- 61018 Disable Mode
- 61019 Localhost Connection
- 61020 Packet to closed port
- 61021 Reject Connection To Port Opened By System
- 61022 Blocked by Component Control
- 61023 FTP DATA Connection
- 62000 localhost
- 62001 localhost(any)